One Piece: Overlord Buggy

30 Seconds of Infinity, Part 2

30 massive, 45 foot long hands were looking over Grim, each covered entirely in Armament Haki. He looked like a mosquito that was about to get slapped and squashed to death, and he couldn't move from the sheer amount of energy eminating off of these arms and hands, frozen like a deer in headlights.

How Buggy was able to do such a thing was through a combination of newly understood Ryou and his Logia-like ability to split into sand-sized particles. The Ryou, which was making up the arms, having a constant flow of Haki, acting as a limb, looking like purple flames connecting from the ground to the hands at their wrists. The hands themselves were made up of the same sand-sized particles, taken from his entire legs, the lower half of his torso, and a little of his chest, all formed into hands for this one attack.


"Chop-Chop: Not-The-Buddha Three Thousand Slaps!"

All the hands floating around, connecting to the ground immediately had a spark or electricity show, and in an instant, all of the hands were ready to slap Grim, as they had appeared right in front of him. They were covered in electricity, which sped up the attack speed, and therefore allowing so many of the attack to happen within the span of a second.


In less than half a second, each hand had hit Grim a hundred times. The speed of the hands was so quick that even Grim was barely able to notice just how many times his body was hit.

'What the- what just happened? All of those hands just moved forward with incredible speed, faster than I could even comprehend them!'

Finishing his thought, Grim felt that something was wrong with his body. And before he could even look down, the impact from the hands all affected him at the same time.

All of the energy from that attack transferred into Grim, who was thrown for the third time within a couple seconds, across the island, into a mountain. The mountain itself started to cave in, creating a crater of around 75 feet in radius around Grim. The whole side of the mountain had a dent where Grim was wedged into, and when he had made contact with the mountain itself, he spit out some blood.

'Blood!? I thought they modified my body to not be affected by such an attack! I am supposed to be invincible! I'm starting to think he meant it when saying he has infinite power!'

Buggy appeared in front of Grim, and Grim spoke "You're just borrowing power, aren't you?"


"No, not particularly, I consider it.. a level I will reach in the future."

Buggy immediately started to gather energy from his devil fruit in an orb in front of him. The orb was made up of countless numbers of his 'Blade Of Chop' attack, which glowed blue, all in the size of a soccer ball. The surroundings were covered in the glow from the attack, and it changed, as Armament was imbued into it, washing the surroundings in a constant flux of blue and purple.

"Chop-Chop: Eternal Desintegration."

And he pushed the orb of fluctuating color towards Grim, only for Grim to immediately push himself out of the way, which worked, for a second.

As Grim threw himself out of the crater, blood running down his face and chest, the orb made contact with the ground, and immediately expanded at an increased rate, blowing up to 40 feet in diameter, where Grim was just barely in range. A bright flash followed the expansion, blinding Grim, who was thrown to the ground, holding a hand to cover his eyes.

He knew Buggy had thrown him, or more like punched him, to the ground, as he was in another crater. What he witnessed when his eyes could start to focus was something he had never expected. While his vision was fixing itself, he looked at his own body to find blood flowing down the front of him, and when he tried to lift himself up, he found a piece of himself missing. His left hand, and half of his own forearm were gone.


"So, do you know how it felt to lose an arm now?" Buggy's voice echoed, reaching Grim's ears, which still had a ringing to them from Buggy's last attack.

'Am I.. already this banged up? He only attacked me like.. a couple times, and I'm in this state? Was all my growth over the last three years for nothing?'


"You don't want to answer? Oh well, I still have you to take care of before you run around the world to kill the rest of the crew!"

Grim continued thinking 'No! My growth had done something! I just need to leave the island, find another one, and become even stronger! Yes! That's it!'

He then immediately put his hand to his chest, and spoke "Beam-Beam Beam-Portation!" before turning himself into a beam, and flying away.

He tried, at least. Buggy didn't take this at all, as he split his hand from his wrist, sped it up using all the energy he could, and grew his hand to 8 feet, covering it in Haki, just so he could take hold of the now fleeing Grim. He did catch him, immediately having his hand speed up to Grim, who was in the form of a beam, and holding him tight. That was one thing From had not expected, since the last time he had done this, he was fleeing from someone who became known as the Pirate King.

Being held in one spot, the beam effect on Grim had ended, turning him back into his original form. But the continuous attacks did not stop. Grim, still in Buggy's hand, was thrown for a millisecond, as Buggy's hand shrunk down to normal, and grabbed onto Grim's leg as he was falling back down.


With this new position, Buggy threw Grim with all the could, slamming him into the ground. And then, pulling him up, and throwing him to his other side, directly into the ground again. And repeating this, Buggy threw Grim from one side to the other, all while using his full force, causing slight tremors with each impact into the ground.

Grim had become disoriented during this, as he had started to lose consciousness. His body and augmentations had other plans. On one of Buggy's throws into the ground, the Tesla Coils on Grim's back began to emit electricity, all before lightning shot throughout Grim's body, keeping him conscious. This also invigorated his muscles, causing his entire body to spasm before he held out his arms to cushion the impact with the ground.

From that, a massive cloud of dust and rock erupted from the ground.

'What's Grim doing now? There's gotta be a reason for him to do such a thing.'


Buggy felt a little bit of pain from his hand, and let go, bringing his hand and attaching it back to his body. From the settling dust cloud, massive arcs of lightning could be seen, coming directly off of Grim's back, and they all changed color, as Buggy sensed something change.

'Did he just unlock Armament?'

The dust finally settled enough for Grim to be in full view, some remaining dust still swirling around.

Grim was not in the best of shape, unlike Buggy, he couldn't force wounds to close so they can be fixed later, but Grim did not have that liberty. His left hand and part of his arm were missing, with some red blood staining his green skin a crimson color, the stain reaching from his mouth , running down his chin, down his neck, and reaching his legs, which had caused his pants to become slightly saturated with blood. While his right arm was perfectly fine, his right ankle could not be spoken for, as a hand sheathed in Armament griping it like there was no tomorrow had caused his ankle to crack a little. The most important thing was the blue energy coursing throughout his body, looking like lightning flowing throughout, covering his limbs and his neck, all starting from his back. Lightning was still coming off of his back, as he yelled "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" to the sky, full of pain from the energy coursing throughout his body.

"So, Grim, is there a reason that your body is now.. pulsing with lightning? You were green before, but now you glow blue."

"Heh. You want to know? It's a failsafe for if I ever got hurt to enough of an extent. I never imagined it would have been needed, but they insisted on it."

Grim was breathing heavier and heavier, but his body was moving quicker and quicker, as his heart began to beat quicker, bringing more pain, but more oxygen to think and move quicker.


"Hm. So your body decided you were in a bad state, and that you needed to be reinvigorated to defeat me? Neat." Buggy was standing tall, as tall as five foot could look. He was staring Grim down, hoping to see Grim do something new for possible use in the future.


"Sorry Buggy, while you may have had a boost by gods, but scientists have blessed me with an ability to compete on the same level when badly injured." Grim's breath was ragged, as he lifted his injured arm up, saying "Beam-Beam: 250 Thousand Volt, Thunderstrike Alpha- Armament!"

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