One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Rem’s Rollercoaster of Life

Watching Rosin's soul fly away, I then pulled my blade out and sheathed it, and finally decided to do something about my neck, as I was starting to lose some ability to move. Looking down at the now headless body of Rosin, I moved over to it, and ripped a sleeve of his off.

'You will not be needing this anymore. I need to hurry up, otherwise something may happen to Taki and Rem!'

Letting go for just a second, I used the sleeve, and wrapped it around my neck. I knew it was not the best think I could do, but I still had some people to protect, and less time to help them.

I had it tied tight around my neck, and while it was very painful, it was better than holding my hand over the two holes.

Looking over the bodies around me, I shook my head, thinking 'You guys were my family, it is sad that you did not just go out into the world, it would have been fun with you guys.' And with my one sided gear, my sheathed blade, and my newly aquired rifle, I started to run for a couple minutes, realizing that my body was starting to slow down more than I thought, I was breathing in a mix of blood and air, and parts of my own body were seizing up.


I started dragging my own body, moving towards our castle, and forcing myself to move. Eventually, during my forced walking, the blood coming out of my neck was more than I could handle, and every part of my body was starting to lose function. At first, it was non-essential organs, and then it grew to entire sets of muscles and even limbs. One of my eyes stopped working, but I was still pushing.

I had only made it a couple hundred feet, and almost no progress had been done. I had dropped my new rifle, and the weight of my gear and blade had taken it's toll by dragging me down to the ground. Eventually, my whole body had given up, and I fell face first into the ground.

'I cannot believe it. I will not be able to save them, after I forced myself to take care of the rest of them, I still have two of them left, I do not understand why my body is now giving up!'

I tried to move my arm, and failed.

'I cannot even feel my body anymore, what is happening? Was this wound in my neck that bad that I would die from it? I know that it is a hole, but it should have blown my neck apart, killing me instantly, so why is blood loss the reason I die?'

My remaining opened eye watched, looking towards the direction of the castle, thinking one thing.

'Could I do something now?'

And my heart stopped beating.

I was finally in the one place I could count on to hide, the front of the castle, my art room! This room was at the front of the castle so I could be as far away as I could from the others, and yet, I hadn't used it in many years because of what had happened.

I had slammed the door open, and as soon as I was fully in the room, I set the fox down, and then immediately closed the door, pushing as much furniture as I could, piling it all in the way of the door, in hopes that it would slow down my two persuers.

I was sweating while moving everything, and thought 'There's no way this would do anything to slow them down! So why am I doing it?'

I grabbed smaller tables, and just threw them into the ever-growing pile of stuff, and just started to frantically grab at anything that I could pile up.

The dust I was kicking up from moving around was not helping me, as I started coughing, but still pushed on with even trying to block the door.

And then, I grabbed something off the floor that was covered in dust and dirt. Picking it up, I realized what it was, an art piece I had done, cut into pieces, the canvas ruined, and the frame chopped into splinters.

Looking at it made me realize 'I can't dream here.' dropping my arms to my sides, still holding some pieces of the painting, it was what I thought of when looking at our family many years ago.

My eyes started to water, as I looked up to see light coming in from the high windows near the roof, and knew that this box I had, that was my art room, was a prison. I looked around to find multiple tables, many shelves and plenty of spots to sit, only to see the dark room engulfing all of it, wether or not it was in the pile.

'Ro.. please help me.' and I started to break down. Dropping to my knees, I dropped the pieces of random canvas in my hands, and tears fell down my face.

'I.. I can't.. more of my art will be destroyed, all because.. I helped.. who was willing to help me. Ro's my only REAL family, and she can't do anything to Grim!'

Finally letting myself go, I started to rub the tears from my eyes, and started to shake.

'I can't believe that friend of Ro's is gonna be killed! And then Ro too! I-I-I just can't! And when Rosin's done with that, both he and Grim will destroy this place and all my dreams! And I'll be forced to do whatever they say, at all times while sailing!'

Still shaking, I had stopped crying, but it was very evident that I had. Turning to look behind me, I siffled, and saw the fox on the ground, and the pile of furniture and stuff in front of the door.

'No! I have to believe Ro will come here! She always does! I can't just not do anything and wait for the worst thing to happen! I have to prevent them from doing anything else, and hope Ro comes out on top!'

Wiping my eyes again, I then stood up, wobbled a little, and threw my painting onto the pile before running and grabbing more objects. Before I actually put anything else on, I looked at the ripped and destroyed painting one more time.

'They were never my family, only you, Ro, are. Djane, I hope you return and fix this!'

And I threw more stuff onto the now mountain of stuff.

The fox was put near the back of the room, and I decided to move a bunch of stuff around so I could hide under some stuff, and made multiple tables like that, with enough room for me and the fox to fit. I just barely was able to get the ten tables set like that before I heard the doorknob jiggle and creak a little.

Following those sounds, I flew under a table with the fox, and hid us, hoping Rosalina would get to me before anything happened.

I heard the doorknob jiggle again, before everything went quiet.

I could hear myself breathing heavily, trying to calm myself down and keep quiet. I could also hear the fox breathing, not as loud as myself, but I couldn't compare when one wasn't awake.

It was pitch quiet, I couldn't even hear anything from the other side of the door, or any footsteps moving about, so I could only guess that they were standing outside the blocked door, trying to scare me, and it worked.

My heart was beating so fast that I started to feel extremely hot under a table. The fox was laying down beside me on the ground, and I was heating up the small enclosed space we were in like a fire.

A loud boom sounded, echoing around the room, causing me to cover my ears, and the fox's ears to lower. It sounded like an explosion, so I decided to check between a tiny slit between boxes and the table to find a massive dust cloud appeared, and the furniture I had stacked was scattered and turned into miscellaneous pieces of wood.

Coming from where the door was, there was a light, and I could see two figures moving around, from almost underneath the light to all the way in my art room.

'Why did I chose here? Did I really think it was safe here? They are superhuman! They have bodies BUILT to destroy! They were prototype weapons for Grim, so why are they using them on me!? Am I really a nuisance to them?'

"OH REM!" Echoed through the room and off the high ceiling.

"Oh, come now, older brother, you would expect her to just answer? It would have been more appropriate to say 'Younger sister! Come out to play with us!' instead of that!"

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