One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Taki’s Stand Against Grim Part 1

I really had no idea why the island had shook, and once I fully used my Observation in a normal manner, which was limited to an area that was only about a quarter of the island's size around me.

Visualizing the form of how I was seeing using Observation, the sphere-like area grew smaller the farther away from me it was, all while still having a thread of Observation as a direct connection instead of trying to force an ability to see without any connection. I was simply walking alongside Rem, who was keeping her eyes on me while walking, to Rosalina's instruction, all while using Observation to check on Taki, just to make sure.

What I saw was not what I wanted to see.

Taki was fighting Grim, and losing.

She was creating lightning from her own body, and imbuing that into a lot of smaller moons, only about six feet in diameter. She was throwing them at him, but it wasn't able to breach his defense, or attacks.

Grim was simply shooting beams of his own electricity at these moons, forcing Taki to dodge all the time. I could feel my own heartbeat having increased while watching this.

'Grim can make beams of energy, great. I just need to get there quickly before something bad happens!'

"Rem, I need to go, now!"

And without waiting for an answer, I used Soru and Geppo to fly out of the hallway, and once I actually got to the door, I pulled Surya out and sliced without thinking anything besides 'I need to get to Taki.'

The doors that were once in front of me disappeared, flying away from its original spot. I didn't know which state I was in, because the doors flew right off the wall and the wall behind it was in essence, disintegrated into rubble, while everything flew away from me.

I didn't have any time to waste, and had about half the island to traverse to get to where Taki was, so I forced myself to go faster, and disappeared from sight.

'Im coming Taki.'

I couldn't do anything. Once my first attack had been stopped like it was nothing, I was crying, but I steeled myself to stand back up and fight against this person.

Materializing a moon above the ship, I tried to make it go as fast as I could, trying to copy what Buggy had done to make himself go faster. This moon was almost as big as the three that were destroyed, but I was attacking with all I could from the start, making this moon go as fast as I could.


I watched as the moon above me flew at a speed I didn't think could happen, as if I was throwing it, as it went faster than the first three, even with it being the same size as the previous moons.

I watched as this person smirked, and he didn't make a beam I could see this time, but I could hear it. At the same time as my moon being thrown at this guy, he created what I could only think of as a tornado, but I couldn't see it, so it was closer to wind.

Holding his hands out in front of him, this wind attack came out of nowhere, but the strength behind it was incredibly powerful, which I could just tell how strong it was.

'He had another attack!? Does he have a Devil Fruit or just weapons!?'

And then, his new attack was unleashed, immediately coliding with my own attack. It had enough power behind it to completely defeat my own attack, but what it did next shocked me.

It cut my moon into seven pieces, all next to each other spanning the moon itself. The excess energy from it was strong enough that the ground was cut open, and some of it even got to me, but I jumped out of the way of the slicing attacks just in time for it to miss me by a hair.

I grimaced as soon as I landed.


'The ship also has some damage to it. I shouldn't stay here, but I can't do much without being near him, but the ship may get caught in our fight. Maybe I should leave the ship and fight closer to him instead of throwing moons at him, since they haven't worked!'

"Oh, I do want to take you as a hostage, but I never said anything about wether or not a limb or several would be cut off."

The guy smiled a wicked and perverted grin, and another shiver went down my spine to the end of my tail, making my fur stand up on end for a second, until it all settled down a little.

'What was that? Can he just do that like it's nothing? The same as the other attacks he's made?'

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" I said, jumping over the edge of the ship towards land, and just barely staying on the island without falling.

"Oh, you would love to know, right? Well, I'll tell you, but only after I drag that brat Buggy here!"

He wound his right arm back, swinging it down to the ground, cracking the island itself. The cracks spread throughout the ground, all the way to where I had landed, and after the cracking was done, I was trying to not stand on a piece that was separated from the land itself, as I didn't want to become useless by falling into the water.

I was safe for a moment, as the ground stopped cracking, and while I was on slightly unstable ground, I was still able to stand and start to ready another couple moons to attack with, this time, smaller, but I still put as much of my electricity as I could into them.

'Only one needs to hit, and he should be taken down.'

I had started a jump when all of the cracked land started to spike upwards, in spiked pillars, which I tried to dodge. I still had moons ready, and I had them move around the pillars to attack.

But I was too focused on the pillars, and while maneuvering the moons around them to attack, I realized my mistake too late.

The moons were obliterated by the man using multiple beams to defeat the weaving moons that were traversing the field of pillars. Simultaneously, something horrible happened. Two pillars hit me. One in my left arm, the other in my right side.

Thanks to the spikes on the end of the pillars, my arm got pierced, as did my side, and I could tell that both went through my body, spikes pointing out the other side.

My response to his attack was screaming out in pain, yelling to the sky.


I was in too much pain from the attacks landing that I didn't notice the grin of ecstasy the guy had on his face.

While still in pain, I started sweating, and he said "Yes! Scream louder! Maybe Buggy will know to get here quicker! Charrarrarrar!"

While hanging there with my arm and side holding me up, suspended in air, which caused me more pain, I had a possibly terrible idea.

'Maybe I should try something I haven't done before. Bugs mentioned it, but I never got to doing it. Now looks like the perfect time.'

In pain, I raised my arm to face my palm to the sky.

"Oh? Are you going to try something new? Why don't you stop trying and wait for the massacre of both you and Buggy?"

My body was shaking from fear, adrenaline, and pain, and I just barely met his gaze before saying "Nah. You won't have a chance to massacre us."

And as high as I could, a moon appeared just below the clouds.

The guy tilted his head.

"Haven't you already tried this? You know it didn't go well last time, so this time should be no different."

I continued by moving the moon into the clouds, carving a path to the sky.

"*Sigh* It seems as though you haven't learned your lesson. Maybe I should discipline you." He started to walk towards me, knocking pillars over with little issue.

I struggled a little.

'Just a little more-!'

And then the guy arrived in front of me. I was looking towards the sky, and yet, I couldn't see the moon I had created.

"So, how would you like to be punished? Perhaps I should start by.."

He grabbed my arm that was facing towards the sky.

"Breaking your bones?"

And his grip started to tighten, but I had too much adrenaline running through my body to feel the pain, and yet, I could still feel it. I did not let it bother what I was doing.

'Where is my moon?'

I pushed through the pain, and watching the sky, I only saw clouds.

Grim noticed the direction of my face, and looked up as well.

"Is something supposed to be up there, or is there a person you hope can save you? Like a damsel in distress?"

And then, an opening in the clouds formed, making a path for me to directly see my moon, which was lit up by sunlight.

"IT'S TIME TO END THIS!" I yelled out, directly in his face as my body started to transform.

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