One Piece: Overlord Buggy

The Most Interesting Parts of A Month 2

Having the ability to split apart was a great thing. If I had two hands, that is. Because, while I had gotten a little bit of a process of nailing down, it was a learning curve, and I was only able to do one thing at a time, slowing my progress down drastically.

'This.. this absolutely sucks. It's great that I have something to remember what I've vowed to do, but why did I have to do it before I had to build something?'

Yes, I was currently building the ship. Taking the pieces from other ships was somewhat easy, because I could take what I needed, and then leave the rest of the ship to it's own fate, doing whatever was going to happen to it. The issue was building, though. I didn't particularly need two hands, and while it was quicker to tear down, it was terribly slow to build back up. I was still trying to build using one hand, trying to make even slow progress, and was lost in thought.

'Why did I have to lose an arm? Why couldn't it have been a leg, or maybe, I dunno, just a little piece of me? Now I have to deal with some repurcussions of not having an arm. I mean, Shanks loses an arm, and he seemed to be fine while not having one! Let's see, even Tandkyo was able to do something! He turned his arm in... to.... A... weapon... That's it!'

I jumped, leaving everything and startling Rosalina, who I knew watched me run away, then she shrugged and turned back to work, completely ignoring me, who was now heading at a high speed to The One.

Slamming open the door to Taki's room, I immediately headed to my not-a-safe and opened it, looking directly at the prototypes for his arm.


Without any explanation, I grabbed them and left, not even realizing Taki was up and about, or that she was about to follow me.

I had followed my observation to where Grim's corpse was stored, and when I entered the room, I immediately, using Observation, cut his body apart, and grabbed the tesla coils that he had on his back, some of the electric veins, and his fire breathing tech. I then tossed everything aside, and then picking all of it up just barely, and left the now mangled corpse of Grim.

I was wandering the fortress, thinking I had enough to work on my new, hopefully short project, until I found a thing I had not seen before. It was a manequin made of metal, laying on the ground in the recently destroyed art room, without any person watching over it. What most peaked my interest was the fact that it had a fully functioning mechanical system, which I had used Observation on as well, finding this one fully intact, with the technology that could control the arm and the rest of the body.

'Something else perfect.'

And I was barely able to drag the whole manequin, still holding everything in my arm.

I had gathered everything, and put it all on the conference table, spread out.

'Now.. how do I put all of this together?'

And Taki came wandering into the room.

"Um.. bugs? What're you doing?"

"I'm trying to figure out how all of this stuff can fit into an arm."

"But.. you broke Grim's body? To take pieces from it?"

I looked at Taki, and she was wearing a face of concern.

"Don't worry about it Taki. Grim was a terrible person, one who killed for fun, it may not seem like a thing for me to do, and I shouldn't exactly be the one to cast full judgement over him, but I want to think that it's retribution for everyone he's hurt. As for why, he modified his own body with these things, and I am suppressing all emotion towards him, so I was able to take these things with little to no issue. It was gruesome, and I kind of regret it, but I can't fix it, so I'm going to continue. I realized a little bit before, while fighting him, that I could die, and I don't want to do that, especially if my own vows have not been completed. So, using what I can, I am going to create a weapon, and while it may work like an arm, it will very much be a weapon with multiple purposes."

"I-im sorry I doubted you.. you want to help me, and will go so far to do it..."

"Nope, it's fine, you don't have to be sorry Taki, I shouldn't have done it in the first place, but I did it anyway, so I should be the one that's sorry, even if he deserved it."

I looked at Taki after all this time of staring at the pieces and parts on the table, and saw Taki just looking at me, and then the stuff on the table.

"Well, if you're good enough to wander around, you should be able to do your training, right? It's your spirit, so it shouldn't be as hurt as your own body. Why don't you come sit down and work on it? Stay with me, and know you will be able to do anything while I'm around." I smiled at her, hoping for a reaction.

Taki let a small smile escape, which I noticed, and then she sat down in the tallest-backed chair, and started to train her Haki, occasionally checking if I had done anything, which didn't go unnoticed.

And for a couple hours, I had barely done anything, as the things in front of me were taken apart, and I just sat, staring, until Rosalina wondered in, finding all of the stuff taken apart, even the weird mechanical manequin.

"Buggy? What are you doing with the Prototype.. and a couple pieces of other things?"

"I'm busy trying to get a bunch of stuff into an arm. I want to consider it a weapon rather than a replacement for my arm. You may consider it breaking my vow, but I do not. So, therefore, I am going to have a quote, unquote, arm that is a weapon."

"Is this why you ran away from your ship earlier?"

"Yes, now, I.. have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Can someone, maybe you, help me with it? I didn't take any type of class or learn from some crazy scientist about this stuff, so I need help from a legitimate engineer-scientist-person."

I turned to her, and saw her walk over, and grab the arm of the manequin.

"This, right here, is the prototype. It was created as a weapon, but only one person would know more about it, that being Djane. I'm sorry I could not help more."

"It's fine, Rosa, you do have something helpful too. So, can I get you to have Djane build the ultimate arm then? You do still need your ship, but I want something to even act as an arm, otherwise you may end up fixing two ships instead of one, making this whole thing slower."

And with that, and a request for a little other thing, it was left up to Djane, which left free time for me, Taki, Rosalina, and even Rem. It wasn't even two days before I was presented with something that was very similar to an arm, and yet had that hint of Tandkyo, being that the arm looked ready to kill someone.

It was about the size of my left arm, and I could tell it was packed full of technology, even with it's smooth exterior, and barely exposed joints. I looked over it to find the coils integrated into the exterior panels of the arm, of which excited me for the rest. The flame breath was integrated how I had remembered Tandkyo's final attack against myself, which had an exhaust port at the elbow, which I was giddy about, alongside other things.

Another thing was the one extra thing I had asked for, the ability to grow in length and size with me, which he delivered.

I circled around it, looking at everything that it could do, and found that even the ability to assimilate other pieces into it from Tandkyo's prototypes was kept, with a palm that could move apart and grow in size.

Impressed, I spoke "Djane, while I may have been a bit angry that you were the one to create.. you know.."

He nodded, slightly dejected, but still listening.

"But now, with this craftsmanship, you have created a weapon worthy of my arm. It is indeed going to help me along in my journey, and your own included."

He raised his head, realizing my praise to his workmanship was odd, and then just ignored it, not showing his happiness and yet depressing mood, which I could barely tell using my observation.

"Now, I want to see how it fits, can you guys put it on, or is it just able to go on me?"

Djane just unwrapped the still bandaged stub of my arm, and put the arm to my body. It just went perfectly against my stub, until I felt a stabbing pain right on the stub. It was in one burst, but I realized what had happened: to use the arm, it had to connect to my own remaining muscle tissue and nerves, so the pain was needles to attach to such parts of my body, which I endured, as it was in one burst, which was easy to look past.

I was standing, and I ended up looking at my new arm, which was being strapped onto my body, and I thought of moving a finger, only for such a thing to happen. I decided to move the whole arm, and reached to pat Taki on the head.

I could feel using a weapon.

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