One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 78: A Dangerous Game

[Twenty-six Days Later]

The Remote Reverie, the first of its kind, had been successfully held and concluded. The World News Agency had released a simple summary of the events that had unfolded in the World Summit:

- Worries regarding the plundered Heavenly Tributes.

- Rampant pirate sieges throughout the Grand Line.

- High mortality rate of Marines in recent years.

- Updating the World Threat Index.

- Changes within the Underworld.

There were many unknown variables in the latest Reverie, leaving people around the world perplexed and worried about the times to come.

Yet many found comfort in these troubled seas, most with ill intent.


[Tomb of Storms, Unso Island]

Fulcrum's brilliant pyramid had caused quite the storm after being unveiled.

Though at the current moment, at the very top, Hell's Peak, a purple flash lit up the room.

Near the white marble floor was a purple imprint, most would see it as a decoration, but now, it had begun warping with energy. 

The flash went off for a good thirty seconds before two humanoid silhouettes were apparent, one male and the other female.

"Your Aether Anchors are even more convenient than I remember," the young man stated.

The almost-entirely cloaked woman shook her head, "Unfortunately, I can't seem to place more than five anchors, no matter how far my fruit progresses."

"Ha, if you could keep bumping that number then I'd get jealous."


The man then scanned the area, breathing in the surroundings.

Huge area with a triangular structure held up with pristine support. Giant windows on all sides of the main seat to view the Empire below while inviting the warmth of the skies. Primarily white, polished and well-kept. 

"I see your taste in décor is still fancy," he casually commented. 

The girl seemed a little embarrassed, "Well, you said to make it fit for a king."

Damien shrugged, "I didn't say it was bad. It simply looks different from what I'd expect from an assassin."

The marble pillars, sleek architecture, and expensive décor were all there. Indeed, fit for a king. 


Aurora then walked to the left side of the room behind the throne, looking out the giant window that overlooked the island. 

"I remodelled the island to be fit for defense against naval attacks. The walls are lined with cannons and watchtowers. Transponder snail jammers litter the roads, blocking enemy chatter when needed."

She pointed at different buildings, introducing them to Damien. 

"After the huge influx of wealth from the Styx Passages, it did get a little turbulent. Many masked attacks hit the shores, hoping to get a hint of how the Sea Kings were controlled—it bore them no fruits."

"From what we could understand, these attacks were either from smaller pirates or ambitious mafias, nothing directly linked to other Emperors."

Damien smirked, hiding a scoff under his breath, "They probably want to test the waters using proxy forces."

Aurora nodded in agreement, "They don't fear the forces of the island, but they fear the one behind the Sea Kings' subservience."

Damien hummed, "They are right to fear."


He then turned to the side, looking at the Main Docks where the entire Sea King depot stood. It was where they came to rest and receive orders, even now a few beasts had left with such orders.

Naturally, all these Beasts were of the lower kind. Damien's Haki and connection to nature allowed him to control the lower-level Sea Kings into his bidding, and they fulfilled it with great desire. 

"It seems that your deputy has put things under control," Damien mentioned, his eyes shining in Observation.

He noted the rather inconspicuous humanoids that moved the goods while keeping a strong watch on the premises.

The guards were essentially robotic—wholly focused on their duty to an unnatural extent.

Aurora walked next to Damien with silent footsteps and followed his gaze.

"His Devil Fruit ability is as you said: powerful in its ability to control the unruly."


The next few moments were silent as the duo gazed at the empire before them.


Damien's ears perked; he glanced to the far back of the chamber and onto the solid steel gates reinforced to hold up against explosives.

"We have company."

As if on cue, dull knocks echoed through.

Three gong-like rumbles to announce their presence, while also patiently waiting for permission to enter.


Aurora waved her hands across her face, materializing her mask and hood.

"Should I allow him in?"

Damien pondered for a second before reaching back onto his Regal Coat and grabbing a magically-appearing hood. He pulled it up and over his head.

Aurora did not ask any further, willing her Aether powers to unlock the gate.

The heavy gates bellowed a dull tune, opening the path for the person outside.

The man outside entered with his head lowered to showcase his subservience; however, what awaited him was an odd sight.

"Uhhh..." The surprise in his eyes was apparent as his gaze fell on the two people standing before the white throne.

Aurora, now Fulcrum, broke the silence.

"This is Ebi, though after gaining his newfound power, he took on the name of 'Nekrós'."

She gestured at the bald man donning the dark clothing. He stood around six feet tall with a bright bald head, donning a brown shirt over a black turtleneck.


Nekros, previously Ebi, came out from his reverie. His eyes bounced from his boss to the person next to her.

"Boss… Big Boss!?"

He looked like a lost pup, unable to distinguish his master.


Nekros took a deep breath and matched the gaze of his boss' boss.

"Umm, I, I apologize for barging in!"

The shaky voice alongside the quivering eyes was more than enough to show the deep-rooted fear in the man's eyes.

"You've worked under Fulcrum for around nine months now. She has relayed your loyalty to the Empire to me, keep up the good work," Damien answered, amused.

Nekrós gulped, swallowing his fear and quickly bowed his head.

"O-Of course!"

A part of Nekrós told him that the man in front of him was also responsible for the Devil Fruit that was given to him, furthering both his admiration, gratitude and fear.


Though at that very moment, the humble assistant recalled what he came here for, "Bosses! It's the Government!" he exclaimed. "They sent agents to negotiate…"

Fulcrum unconsciously looked toward Damien while Nekrós also made an audible gulp.

A while ago, they had thrown the Government's "mercy" back at their faces. With the Reverie now over, the Navy finally had resources available to put stricter measures into place.


Damien whose face was hidden under the hood smirked, having an idea of what was to come.

He turned to Fulcrum and gave her a quick answer, "You're the Underworld Emperor here, do as you wish."

The hooded pirate then took a few steps to the left side, casually leaning on a marble pillar.

"..." Fulcrum heaved a dull exhale. It was obvious to her that this was the final test.

Within seconds, the reticent nature of Aurora was locked away, replaced by the Underworld Emperor who had moulded an Empire in the past eight and a half months.


*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Quiet steps went off as the King of Shipping took her place on the silvery throne. The halls of the Tomb of Storms gave off a brilliant luster, dawning quite the contrast with Fulcrum's dark and mysterious attire.

Nekrós watched it all happen, his eyes brightened as he felt the calm air in the room.

'If things go wrong then the entire island could be destroyed... but I know she can do some impossible things!' the main thought, clenching his fists.

"I'll call for them."

The three waited for a moment until a few rhythmic steps echoed through the halls.

Six figures slowly arrived, oddly enough, they travelled at the same pace, even though there were six of them, the sound of their footsteps made it seem as if it was a single person.

Nekrós moved to the throne's right side, standing in wait as the head agent leading the white-clothed squad gave a curt bow.

"Fulcrum, we meet again."

Though the man subconsciously turned to his left before falling back onto Fulcrum.

"I hope you returned with a more profitable exchange."

The head agent nodded, though instead of answering with words, he did so with his actions—the man gestured to an agent by the side, giving way to a few tools.


It took barely ten seconds before CP-0 had set up a projector and its screen in front of the white throne. To top it off, a large projector snail was placed on a stool facing the screen, and one camera snail toward the throne.

"The Elder will speak to you directly."

The agent then flicked on the snail as it shot out a projection from its eyes.


Nekrós felt a little tense once more, after all, the screen soon became that of a bald, bespeckled old man in a white robe carrying a stern look. 

"I take it that you are the new King of Shipping who appeared out of the blue and brought forth the turbulence in the Underworld."

The man had a calm yet icy voice that was laced with authority.

Fulcrum ignored the man's scorn and replied, "One of the Five Elders—The Warrior God of Finance: Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro."

[Image (in Discord)]


The Elder narrowed his eyes but did not immediately reply.

"Our agents relayed your reluctance to cooperate with the World Government. You took advantage of the Reverie but now it has passed, tell me, what reason do I have to grant you any further mercy considering your ability to manipulate Sea Kings?"

Fulcrum gestured to Nekrós instead of answering the Elder.

The man knew what to do and spoke to his transponder snail, "Kaiser, bring them in."


Nusjuro frowned at their actions while the CP-0 agents stood ready in wait.

*Clink* *Clack*

The atmosphere grew more tense as a pale man walked in, holding heavy chains.

Their rattling was the only sound resounding the area, pulling two dozen men with them. The men were dressed in rags, their faces hollow of emotion.

The single chainkeeper walked on ahead and plopped the prisons in a row before the Elder's snail.


"What is the meaning of this?" Nusjuro thundered.

Fulcrum shrugged, "A few rats under your intelligence agency that we caught snooping around. Though not as stealthy as those of Aigis Zero, they were sent by your Government."

"You should know of my policy on spies."

"You!" the Elder scowled at her impudence, though the next actions took things to a new level.

Kaiser, the man holding the chains, moved. He pointed both his arms out, straining the muscles.

*Shaaa* *Krrr*

Grizzly sounds erupted from the man as his arms buckled and exploded with sharp, white bones, resembling think blades.

Before the agents could respond, the man slashed forth, sending a white spike of bony mass followed by red.

*Splatter* Fresh blood burst out from the two dozen agents in a fountain of crimson glory. The heads slammed onto the pristine floors, dyeing them with a new coat of paint.

"How dare you!"

Nusjuro's voice was laced with anger, reaching the ears of CP-0.

The six men took place—some reached for their weapons while others were wrapped in dense Haki and masterful Rokushiki.


An agent was about to move until a shadow fell on him like a blanket.

He turned back to see a monstrous creature standing before him. The other agents too were alerted as they gazed at the beast before themselves.

It was humanoid, reaching a height eclipsing them all; five meters (16' 5").

The creature donned Egyptian clothing, leaving his brown-coloured upper chest bare. He had pointed ears, with the face of a jackal. 

A staff was held in his left hand with a black ball of energy hovering at its tip.




The crude words bellowed out from the creature as they echoed the halls.

They did not seem to carry any power to the living, yet were compelling commands to the dead.

What followed brought shock to the agents as they saw the dead two dozen people get up with an ominous blue coat of energy.

It did not take long before the Agents were surrounded by their dead colleagues.

"The intel was true," an Aigis Zero agent murmured. "Fulcrum's top deputy got his hands on a rare Zoan Fruit."

"Dog-Dog Fruit – Mythical Model: Anubis."

[Image (in Discord)]


Nekrós, now in his Zoan form, gave a menacing grin. He waved his staff, delivering a commandment to the fallen.

One of them shot ahead, attacking an Agent.


However, it was easily repelled by a swift kick of the white-clothed man.

Though even with a kick that could shatter his spine, the arisen got up without difficulty, rushing at the agent once more.

"They have vast stamina and endurance!"

A brawl broke out as the two dozen arisen, each swarming with blue energy, began an attack and pushed hard onto the six agents.

The continued resilience of the enemies was damning; every time they were thrown back, they would get up without difficulty and rush back once more.


"What an evil power," the Head Agent muttered, raising his right leg.


With a spasm, the leg was wrapped with torrents of air, almost like a sock.


"Tempest Ki-!"


The man's battle-ready demeanour froze midair.

Though his face was hidden behind the mask, the eyes were still visible; some say the eyes were the windows to the soul, and the head agent's eyes were filled with trepidation.

He hesitantly turned his head to the side with a look of dread and saw the hooded figure glaring at him. 

Two red pupils and a crimson mist leaked out from the darkness of the hood. A foreboding feeling eclipsed his instincts; the glare of an apex predator.

[Image (in Discord)]


The brawl continued as the agents were slowly overpowered, forcing Cipher Pol onto the defense.

Nekrós smirked, this time he fuelled in some basic Haki to his staff, causing the black ball at its helm to swirl.

The two dozen arose and gave out a dull growl.


Their blue energy coat changed colour to that of a deep black shade. Their bodies grew faster, stronger and tougher, rejuvenating their spirit.

"Augh!" an agent cried out as he was lifted to the sky.

A white bone blade protruded from his chest, now red in colour. His entire body was held up above by the very attack.

Kaiser, who was now covered in sharp spikes of his own bones, joined in as well. 


It was not long before another agent fell dead, much to the Elder's dismay.

"Enough of this farce."

Fulcrum never broke eye contact with the aged man, finding joy in the old man's anger.

Nusjuro's eyes were sharp enough to cut the air.

"I am all but mere moments away from ordering a Buster Call led by an Admiral to reduce your meager empire to dust and lock you up in Impel Down for the rest of your natural life!"

As if to cement his threat, the old man raised a golden transponder snail to the screen, one with the power to essentially erase any island out of existence.

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner.

The Anubis Fruit here can at most raise the recently-deceased to life but that's all there is, give or take, 5 stars in rating. Hence, a gift from the other Emperors to Fulcrum as mentioned a few chapters ago.

Images are available on Discord alongside other niche details:

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