One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 206: Arrival and The Sabaody Situation

_________ POV Narration_________

Robin was the first to wake up.

She was a bit disappointed in herself for falling asleep twice during their journey...

She had resolved herself to stand awake and take advantage of whatever time she had left with Enel, but it seemed that tiredness had taken over at some point...

'Not everyone has his endurance, I guess...'

Still, Robin somehow found waking up in his lap to be quite relaxing. The warmth he radiated was extremely comforting throughout every cold night they flew through.

Even now, as they rested in the shade of a tree, she found warmth by leaning on him.

But at the same time, she also felt a bit of regret. That warmth was something she would end up missing for a long time.

'... It can't really be helped. At least I get to enjoy this for a day or two... It's probably going to take a bit before everyone gathers on this island...'

Enel's always sailed the skies faster than any ship could.

The only arguably better mode of transportation was Kuma's Devil Fruit.

The man had volunteered to send Robin to Sabaody, but she rejected him. She was in no real rush and wanted to spend some time with Enel.

Kuma was still someone she feared a bit as well, despite understanding that he had saved her and the Straw Hats at Sabaody.

He had done it specifically to scare them at the end of the day.

He instilled a feeling of helplessness and anguish into them that only someone of his level could, while at the same time making sure to not actually harm any of them.

While Robin was thankful for that, that didn't mean she wasn't in the least affected by the way he did it. She didn't hate him or anything, she was just a bit uneasy around him.

It worked out in the end, as travelling with Enel turned out to be a rather worthwhile bonding experience for her and the Sky King.

'Luffy should've grown stronger as well... I wonder how he compares to Enel now...'

Robin ended up sighing at that thought.

'Enel is an emperor at the end of the day... I doubt Luffy has grown strong enough to face someone like him in two short years...

Maybe he's strong enough to fight Oven? Even that would be great progress...'

Robin stopped for a second and started thinking about her own progress.

'... I wonder if Zoro and Sanji are still stronger than me... I trained hard over the past few years to grow stronger, I also had great teachers... But they surely tried just as hard as I did...'

There were many questions popping up in Robin's mind, she was curious about the way her crewmates had developed.

She knew that the New World was chaotic now, so they had to be prepared for anything. They needed to be much stronger to overcome what stood in front of them.

"Seems someone's awake..." Robin's thought process was broken off by a bored voice.

The archaeologist looked up, her gaze meeting that of the Emperor, who looked at her with a warm smile on his face.

"Yeah... I am not one to lie to you... So I'll admit that I am a bit anxious about the future..." Robin decided to just open up to the Sky King.

After all, if there was anyone that had earned her trust throughout the two years she had spent away from her crew, then that person was Enel.

"... I can get that... There's a bit too much chaos in the New World for a group of Newbies to sail it...

But I think you will be fine. You're strong, your crewmates are bound to have gotten much stronger too."

Enel just stretched for a few seconds, while Robin just nodded and slowly got up, almost reluctantly.

"... You're right, I'm just anxious over nothing." The woman just shook her head and sighed.

"No, I'd say it's good for you to be cautious about your upcoming journey. Even when prepared, a lot of things can happen.

But don't let it get to your head. You all managed to make it to this point already, I'm sure you'll manage in the future as well."

Enel slowly got off his chair as he spoke, standing tall as he looked down at Robin with the same calm smile he had before.

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll manage... I wonder how the others are doing... Do you sense any of them on the island?" Robin looked up at Enel with a small smile, changing the subject without much issue.

She was obviously still a bit anxious, but there was no use dwelling on it. She appreciated Enel's attempt at calming her down, and it did work to some extent.

"I can sense a few of them..." Enel's forehead seemed to wrinkle as he turned his head and gazed in a random direction.

"Hmm? Is something bad happening?"

"Brook is currently playing music at a concert rallying the rebels...

Nami is stealing from some government agents...

Ussop and Franky are just tinkering with some random stuff on the Thousand Sunny.

And Chopper seems to be tending to some revolutionaries in an underground bunker..."

"..." Robin just stared at Enel as he spouted off the location and situation of several straw hats whiteout even blinking for a second.

"As always, your sensory powers are absurd..." Robin just rubbed the bridge of her nose while looking off into the distance, the same direction Enel was looking.

She hadn't managed to develop Observation Haki herself, but she knew how it worked and how it was supposed to work.

There was no real instance of a person being able to observe everything on an entire island at once besides Enel.

The Emperor just shrugged at Robin's statement. His eyes narrowed for a second.

"Seems that your little cat thief got caught in the act..."

Robin seemed to freeze for a second, her eyes also narrowing as she turned her head back to Enel.

"Is she safe?! Can you go help her?!" The Archeologist immediately asked the emperor in front of her for help, almost as if on instinct.

"Hmm, she's in Area #32, somewhat near a large Ferris wheel that's currently somewhat on fire.

She seems to be running around that area, they are giving chase...

I can't really help her thoguh, revealing myself here might bring some unwanted attention to this island before your crew even becomes properly reunited..."

Enel shrugged as he grabbed Robin's hand and stepped on his ship heavily, causing it to bend and morph, as it compressed into a pair of boots.

Robin's belongings, as well as the books and provisions they had all fell onto the large branch that the ship had been resting on.

"I'll go help her!" Robin immediately clenched her fist and started running off towards Nami's reported location.

Enel just sighed and looked at her departing back. She hadn't even bothered to take her backpack with her.

With a lazy shake of the head, he turned his head to the sky and breathed out a small stream of steam.

"Things are about to get a bit stormy today..."

As Enel slowly lay down on the tree branch, the situation on the orange-haired cat burglar's side was not getting any better.


I should've known better than to steal from these stupid agents!

They must've been baiting out criminals and thieves by letting out decoy jewellery on random corners of the street.'

Nami had already heard that the Government was looking for any 'valid' reason to execute 'rebels' these days, but she assumed that it wouldn't get to the point of setting traps for mere thieves...

As she ran through the narrow pathways and alleyways of the area she was in, two masked agents in black suits trailed right behind her, clearly able to track her down effortlessly.

"Stop the futile struggle, Cat Buglar... You should have remained far away from this island after you pirates last visited it..."

They were letting her run off for so long in hopes that she would lead them to more Straw Hats. A bit of taunting also went a long way in situations like these, helping psyche out the pursued person.

"We've received information that you pirates would come back here... Seems it was worth the wait to rid the world of a group like yours!"

The other agent was a lot more straightforward about his intentions, further trying to strike fear and panic into the pirate/thief they were currently toying with.

But Nami wasn't going to be able to run away forever.

She didn't know the streets quite well, and she inevitably ended up face-to-face with what she had feared most... The brick wall of a building.

Her expression seemed to fill with panic for a few seconds before she took a deep sigh and turned around.

She wore a pair of tight blue jeans and a bikini top, her long orange hair seemed to also work to bring out more of her womanly features.

She clutched at her filled purse and grabbed parts of her clima tact silently as she smiled innocently towards the two agents.

"C'mon, boys... There's really no reason to do this... How about we come to some kind of understanding?"

Her innocent face gave off an extremely seductive undertone, as she tried to further distract the agents.

Unfortunately for her, it didn't work quite well.

"Hmph..." The agent closest to her took out two special kukri knives, they were smaller and more curved than usual, looking more like boomerangs.

The agent in question immediately started spinning them in his hands. His fingers moved at rapid speeds as the knives turned into a blur.

They spun at high speeds, starting to look more like disks.

Without making any sound besides the cutting of wind, the agent flung both knives towards Nami, who shrieked and immediately assembled her weather-manipulative weapon.

The knives flew at high speeds, faster than bullets, Nami only managed to dodge them by rolling to the side and sliding with her shoulder into a wall.

As she was doing so, she started spinning part of her weapon behind her back, her face and forehead filling with sweat as the knives both became embedded into the wall she had run into, all the way to the hilt.

"Don't make this any more difficult than it has to be... All of you straw hats will be dealt with regardless..." The other agent seemed to shake his head in disappointment at the Cat Burglar's futile resistance.

The knife-throwing agent seemed to just chuckle a bit as he took out two more knives looking exactly the same.

"We should probably stop playing around here... I'd like to get back to base with good news as soon as possible..." The other agent raised his hand, stopping his companion from playing around any longer, before stepping forward himself.

He raised his leg up, his heel pointing to the sky, and emotionlessly worded out.

"Here's hoping your kind stops popping out in this world..."

The agent was about to let his leg fall down, sending a Rankyaku towards the cat burglar, only to realize that he couldn't quite move his leg...

His eyes widened as he now clearly felt three womanly arms sticking out of his back and holding onto his leg.

"Shit, the hell?!" The knife-thrower beside him seemed to be in a similar pickle, arms growing out of his back and holding all of his limbs in place.


A woman's voice sounded out from behind them, and immediately, the agents felt their own bodies being bent with overwhelming force, their limbs twisted and deformed as they both screamed in pain.

Nami smiled widely as she immediately recognized Robin's devil fruit ability.

She clearly saw the figure of her saviour as the agents fell to the ground, limbs broken and bent unnaturally.

"ROBIN!" Her voice sounded as happy as could be.

"Nami!" Robin herself was very glad to see her crewmate and friend.

"Thank you for the save there! Things were pretty bad, heheheh~" Nami laughed a bit and scratched the back of her head as she stuck out her tongue innocently.

Robin just sighed as she shook her head.

"Seems you had things pretty much in order..." The archaeologist looked up with a smile.

A large black cloud had gathered a few meters above the heads of the agents, and it was prepared to strike down on the agents at any moment.

They were clearly clouds from Nami's staff, Enel's clouds were a lot more violent, and he would've struck down the agents long before she had gotten there if he was to actually get involved.

'Seems like Nami has grown stronger too... Although I don't think she would've been able to take them down with just that...'

"Hehe~ We'll never know, I guess! Better not to know in fact! Let's get the hell out of here~!" Nami smiled and ran towards Robin, grabbing her by the wrist as the two of them started running away from the scene of the crime.

Atop one of the buildings nearby, a large figure seemed to have spotted them...

"Targets Spotted... Cat Burglar Nami, Devil's Child Ni- "

A robotic voice came out of its humanoid throat as it started moving towards the fleeing pirates...

It didn't even manage to finish its sentence and only took one step forwards before a lightning bolt fell on its head with a large thud.


A freak storm immediately started as thunder shook the skies.

The body of the Pacifista crashed through the building underneath it and into the ground, before exploding and being done for good.

The skies above the Sabaody Archipelago had become a lot darker in the span of a few minutes...


Hope you liked the chapter!

The mc won't be showing up at Sabaody, yep :))

I'll make some changes to the Straw Hats btw, I plan to make some stronger

I won't give any spoilers tho 

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