One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 208: The Long-Waited Reunion and Friendship

_________ POV Narration _________

'Damn, Robin really wastes no time, huh?'

Needless to say, Nami was impressed. She wasn't one for actually using her body to gain things, she liked tricking people more, but she could still respect Robin's dedication to getting the bag.

One needed to put at least that much effort in if they wanted to get an Emperor's treasures at the end of the day...

Jokes aside, she was rather happy to see Robin had managed to get herself a boyfriend during the two years of separation from the crew. She was only really disappointed that she didn't get to see it happen live.

But at least she got to witness some cute moments between them.

Like Enel pretending to sleep and still listening to her reading, and Robin resting her head on his chest as she essentially used him as an inflatable mattress.

"Ohh~ They're cute together, aren't they?" Franky smiled as he spoke out beside her.

Nami just turned her head towards him and shushed him.

His voice was always loud, and she didn't want to ruin the moment for the cute couple in front of her.

Franky just raised his hands up in defeat and turned around, going back to check the Ship's engine and emergency measures.

The Ship was already coated, all they needed now was for everyone to get there.

And the next crewmate to make it to the ship was, as expected, Brook.

He skipped onto the ship happily, greeting his comrades with a cheerful disposition as he looked over the ship for a few seconds.

"Brook! You look fabulous!" Nami seemed to appreciate his new style.

The skeleton laughed a bit and bowed slightly, looking Nami directly in the eye, despite not having any eyes of their own.

"Yohoho, thank you, young lady! May I have your pant-"

He, unfortunately, got rudely interrupted by a kick to the skull, quite literally.

"Shut it!" Nami just huffed and puffed, turning around and leaving the perverted Skeleton's presence.

"Oh, that's so cruel Miss Nami... I'm sure that kick broke my nose... Not that I have any~ Yohoho" Brook rearranged his hat and laughed a bit as he tapped his cane into the ground.

"Hahaha! You haven't changed a bit, Brook!" Usopp immediately ran to the Skeleton's side and crossed his arms, showcasing the muscles gained through his training.

Brook laughed a bit more with his long-nosed companion before finally turning his head towards Robin, who tore her gaze away from the book in order to wave at him with a smile.

"Hoh, seems Miss Robin has made a lot of progress, even went ahead and got a boyfriend." The Skeleton could tell that Robin was stronger than before, likely even stronger than him.

But he didn't dwell on it much, he was a musician first at the end of the day.

"We're just friends," Robin stated with a calm smile on her face, to which Enel also nodded. This seemed to surprise Nami quite a bit, as she had already pegged them as too close to not be a couple...

Brook didn't seem to call them out on their 'closeness' instead he just laughed and joked a bit.

"Yohoho, being able to use an Emperor as a lawn chair is quite impressive in my books regardless!"

"Impressive indeed... Let it be known that there hasn't really been anyone else able to use me in such a way." The Emperor opened up one eye and looked towards the skeleton with a toothy smile.

Robin's tanned skin seemed to blush for a split second before she recovered and smiled mischievously.

"Oh really? So I guess you could say I am your first..." Robin covered her mouth as she openly teased the emperor.

"Huh? Cheeky now are we?" Enel just smiled at her, not quite expecting her to tease him in front of her crew.

'I guess she doesn't care if we appear to be close... Well, as Brook pointed out, she's using me as a chair... So the cat's out of the bag already.'

"Yohohoho~ What an interesting dynamic! Didn't think I would see this type of scene when coming here... Not that I have any eyes to see it..." Brook took off his hat and joked around a bit more.

"You don't need eyes to see how cute they look together! Isn't that right, Franky?!" Nami to the side seemed the most excited about the prospect, seemingly wanting to act as a wing-woman for Robin.

Franky, who was only half listening to their conversation while checking a few things on a screen, only nodded with a blank expression.

"Yeah, SUPER cute..."

"Hey now, be more excited!" Nami didn't seem pleased by his lack of involvement.

The cyborg just shrugged his large shoulders and ignored the Navigator.

"Yohohoho, I guess now I can no longer ask Miss Robin for her panties... Such a shame." Brook looked towards the ground in contemplation while pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.

"Well, you shouldn't ask anyone that ever..." Nami grumbled under her breath as she turned her head to the side, only to notice two more figures approaching the ship.


"Shut the fuck up, shitty cook! You're grating to the ears!"

It was none other than Sanji and Zoro, who were dashing towards the ship while arguing like children, just as Nami remembered them...

Well, they both looked a bit older and more developed. Zoro also seemed to have gained a few more scars somehow, but they were mostly the same in temperament...

"Shut it moss head! If it wasn't for me you'd still be lost in the mangrove fields!"

"Hah!? Who's lost exactly?! I got to Sabaody before you!"


Nami listened to them argue, and only one question was on her mind... The same question that was on the mind of all their crewmembers currently...

'How the hell did Zoro even reach Sabaody?!?'

"Zoro was helped by another pirate, in case anyone's confused..."

Perfectly reading the 'room', Enel spoke out randomly before whistling a bit.

"Yeah, that makes more sense now..." Usopp said as he rubbed his chin.

It was at that moment that the two heavy hitters of the straw hat pirates jumped onto the deck.

Whatever argument they had seemed to be over now, as they all greeted their comrades with smiles on their faces... Well, they tried to...

Sanji's face seemed to fall flat immediately when seeing Robin and Enel...

The Emperor just whistled for a bit, turning his head to the side. While the cook of the crew looked as if a gloomy cloud had appeared above his head.

"R-robin... Chan..." He clutched at his heart dramatically, he had gotten so emotional in fact that there was no blood even coming out of his nose!

"Y-you!" Sanji's gaze was then fixated on the Emperor who was still sitting there, casually.

"What did you do to my R-" Sanji was interrupted by Nami's fist, the one enforcer of law and order within the crew.

The orange-haired girl smacked him directly in the mouth before he could even finish his sentence...

Sanji was about to continue speaking before he finally got a good look at Nami and it all came back to him... Maybe it was also not helped by the Navigator's fist... But blood gushed out of his nostrils.

Enel just sighed and closed his eyes at the scene.

'I really hoped that was a gag...'

"Sorry about our Cook, he's got a habit of embarrassing himself..." Zoro stepped up in front of Enel's gaze.

The Emperor nodded, chuckling a bit and making it clear that he had no issue with a joke or two.

After that, the swordsman got a good look at Enel... A really good look.

Their gazes met, and the green-haired pirate was quickly overwhelmed by a strange sense of pressure.

'... I need to at least test him... To see how far I can go against the world's best...'

Zoro clenched his fist as his hand reached for his blade.

"Nothing personal..." The swordsman's gaze turned serious as he gripped his white-hilted blade tightly.

Nami was still preoccupied with Sanji, so she didn't get to stop him in time either...

With a swift movement, his blade was already unsheathed and swinging down at the relaxing emperor.

Enel just chuckled, one of his earlobes shot up like lighting, turning black and blocking the blade with ease. A small shockwave passed across the deck.

Robin, who was still in Enel's lap, had noticed his strike but didn't flinch one bit. 

It wasn't that she didn't trust Zoro's strength... She just knew already. Unlike Zoro, she didn't need a test to know it.

She understood how great the rift between an Emperor and a regular pirate was.

Enel's reaction was a bit different, as his earlobe trembled a bit under the strain of Zoro's katana.

'He's certainly strong... Not like he was going all out here... But he's got a long way... I think he's a bit weaker than Oven right now...'

The Emperor was able to accurately judge Zoro's strength. He wasn't by any means weak, but he wasn't as strong as Enel had expected either.

Zoro himself seemed insulted, being blocked by a finger was bad, but being blocked by an earlobe was straight-up humiliating.

The fact that Robin also didn't seem to be worried in any way also spoke volumes to him, of the trust she had in the Emperor's strength.

For a second, he contemplated actually using haki to try and see how he fared against the emperor properly... But he didn't get to.

"The hell are you doing, you stupid moss head!" Nami immediately perked up. Her fists of justice quickly rained down upon the flabbergasted swordsman.

Enel sighed as he watched the scene with a wry smile.

Robin didn't even seem to be bothered by it, instead, she continued reading while leaning on Enel. Savouring whatever moments of basking in his warmth she had left.

'Let's hope Luffy's improved more...'

The Emperor's gaze then turned to Sabaody, a field in the distance...

On it appeared the figure of a young man. He had a large backpack, filled with food. He was wearing an unbuttoned red shirt, short blue jeans and sandals.

He was also wearing a white cloak, seemingly trying to be low-key as he also covered the straw hat he wore on his head.

The young man had a large smile on his face as he noticed his own ship in the distance, as well as the lively atmosphere that was on it.

"Shishishi... We're finally back..." Luffy muttered as he then dashed towards the ship with renewed energy.

"EVERYONE! I'M BACK!" His energized shout made all of the Straw Hats turn towards him.

"Luffy!" The entire crew seemed to shout in unison, Robin also looked away from her book and looked towards her captain with a smile as she mouthed his name.

"Zoro, Sanji, everyone's already here?!" Luffy stepped on the ship and immediately started looking around with an excited gaze.

Usopp jumped on him almost immediately, the two starting to gush over Franky's new 'cool' appearance. 'SUPER cool' by his own admission.

"Well... Chopper's missing..." Nami seemed to suddenly remember their group doctor.

"Maybe he hasn't made it yet?" Sanji asked, his arms crossed and nose still somewhat bloody.

"Oh, Chopper?"

Luffy also seemed to finally remember something, before he turned around, dropped his large backpack to the ground and started riling through it, throwing a lot of uneaten and half-eaten food behind him in a frantic manner.

Before he finally pulled out a dizzy-looking humanoid reindeer...


Everyone was essentially flabbergasted, Enel had already felt Chopper inside but decided not to question it.

'I was paying attention to the island... But I missed a few minutes while bantering with the Straw Hats... I can't tell how Chopper ended up in Luffy's bag in a matter of 2-3 minutes...

I'm not even going to question it...'

Eventually, Luffy's gaze also reached Enel...

"Long ears?!"

The Emperor just sighed.

'Here we go...'


Hope you enjoyed today's chapter!

Anyhow, sorry for the lack of upload yesterday, had a harder time with work. Manage to squeeze one out today at least ;)

Story Shoutout!: Who Says All Saints Need to be Good?

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