One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 219: The Underwater Island, Noah and Prince

__________ POV Narration__________

Enel had plenty of reasons to visit Fishman Island.

For one, he needed to make sure that Poseidon was safe, and that he had the Fishman Kingdom's support in the upcoming war.

The more governments agreed to their cause, the easier it would be to instate a new government after the fall of the current one.

Until now, Enel was confident that he could convince most of them.

The World Government had done an outstanding job of turning the entire world against them already at the end of the day.

Currently, Fishman Island was under Whitebeard's protection, so they were very likely to side with them, but having a formal talk with their royalty felt appropriate to the Sky King.

While on his trip, he also had the chance of surveying the Straw Hats a bit more. He needed to better judge their strengths and weaknesses while deciding on his ways of awakening Luffy.

For a second, Enel even considered having Katakuri and Big Mom do it. But he had a somewhat friendly relationship with them, so he didn't really want them to die...

Oven was also returning to his family from what the Emperor had gathered, so there were plenty of chances for him to clash with the straw hats.

'Well, it's hard to tell if the Straw Hats will even go against the Big Mom pirates in the same way...

Didn't Big Mom start targeting them and going for the arranged marriage because Luffy disrespected her?'

Enel's memories of the original show were starting to grow a bit foggy. It had been quite a bit of time, and he hadn't paid too much attention to the Fishman Island arc.

He did remember that Big Mom was the one providing protection on Fishman Island after Whitebeard's death. But that wasn't happening anymore.

'It's unlikely that they'll come in contact at all...'

Enel could only rub his chin as he sat on a cloud right above where Fishman Island was supposed to be.

The island itself was at the very bottom of the sea, reaching it with an uncoated ship was considered quite difficult, well, it was considered impossible for those that weren't fishmen.

It was the Fishmen that had built houses at the very bottom of the sea after all. If they couldn't reach it, then no one would've really been able to.

'But I should also be able to reach it...'

Enel had plenty of methods of reaching it.

For one, he could ionize as much water as he needed to make a perfect bubble around him and travel to the bottom of the sea.

But there was the problem of water pressure in that case. Unless he made the bubble around him spin really fast, then the pressure would burst it open quite quickly.

The material used for coating a ship was specially made to withstand that pressure, but the water itself was not that great for protection.

His second method appeared to be the easiest to achieve for now.

Enel's plan was to just cover his entire body in a thick ball of lighting and allow himself to fall.

Any water around him would just evaporate and he would essentially freefall to the bottom of the sea with ease.

Observation Haki was a bit dulled underwater, but Enel could still sense things perfectly thanks to his Devil Fruit's Radar, which he could use effortlessly now after undergoing both Garp's Training and an Awakening.

He still needed to concentrate to keep it up, but he could at least do it without worrying about tiring himself out.

His radar worked well enough, to the point where he could feel both Vander Decken and the Flying Dutchman.

But most importantly, he could also still feel Noah, the ship of promise, still resting on the bed of the sea in pristine condition.

He always thought it a shame that the ship was damaged during Luffy's fight with the other Fishman whom he didn't deem important enough to remember the name of.

The Noah was a ship of great historic importance, it was the ship that only Poseidon could properly sail.

Vander Decken was able to essentially fling it towards Shirahoshi thanks to the nature of his Devil Fruit, which was rather powerful.

But the ship could otherwise not really sail without the Ancient Sea Kings pulling it. And they would only move at the call of Poseidon.

They had done that in the show, stopping the ship and carrying it away... After Luffy almost destroyed it.

Enel scowled as he remembered more and more details about the ruined Noah. It was also the biggest ship Enel had ever 'seen'. About as big as Fishman Island itself.

There was also the 'promise' that the fishmen had with Joyboy/Nika, which turned the Noah into the 'Ship of Promise'.

Enel hadn't been able to find anything about it on the Poneglyphs he had stolen alongside the Revolutionaries.

'I guess I'll have to ask King Neptune about it...'

In the end, just smiled and stood up on the cloud.

'No use mulling over it now though... Better get to work. I don't have all eternity.'

Enel then simply stepped off the cloud, plummeting towards the seas with that same smile plastered on his face.

Just a few meters before he hit the sea, his entire body sparked, lighting his surroundings as he exuded enough heat to turn a regular human into charcoal in seconds.

Enel never touched the water, instead, he continued freefalling, exuding lighting and evaporating all of the water around him as he made his way to the bottom of the sea.

The sea around him boiled and bubbles rose up.

He formed a small whirlpool above him as he went down, the sea worked steadily to repair the wounds that the emperor had made.

Enel simply closed his eyes and allowed himself to fall further.

He felt the world around him still, his observation haki was a bit stunted, but it still spread out quite far. His training with seastone had paid off to some extent.

His radar also pulsed out, at the rate of his heartbeat. A steady rhythm that gave him a proper view of any and all objects that might've gotten in the way of his fall.

There were plenty, but he didn't bother stopping. Instead, he turned into lighting completely, melting through the obstacles with ease as he accelerated more and more.

And eventually, he hit the bottom of the sea like a thunderbolt. The bed of the sea underneath him trembled as he continued to evaporate the water around his body.

The Emperor didn't just sit there, instead, he first headed for Fishman Island, whistling as he did so.

He didn't want to harm the bubble around the island and endanger its people, so he headed for the main entrance instead.

Some patrols of Fishman Soldiers did spot him, but they didn't seem to be too keen on stopping the man that was radiating enough heat to turn the water around him into a boiling soup.

They kept their distance and observed Enel's shining figure with wariness while one of them ran off, likely to report the situation to the Royal family.

Enel finally turned off his Lightning Coating as he finally stepped onto the dry shores of the island. He took a deep breath and smiled.

'I always hated holding my breath... Thankfully this island is very 'outsider' friendly.'

"Stop right there and state your identity and business!"

'Well, at least its habitat is accepting of outsiders...'

I was already surrounded by fishmen from the moment I stepped onto the shore.

They all pointed tridents at me. But only the one in the middle spoke up.

He was certainly larger than the rest, by quite a bit.

In fact, he was an enormous, muscular shark merman, with a wide chest and large arms. He had a long face, framed by wavy fair blue hair flowing down to his shoulders, a sharp and pointy nose, and a dot of some sort printed on the middle of his forehead.

He wore a dark garment around his waist, held up by an extremely long sash.

He also donned a light blue long band, which passed over his shoulders, drawing a circle around the back of his neck, very similar to the band that appeared on Zoan awakenings.

'If I remember correctly... He's one of the princes, right?'

Enel scratched his chin as he morphed his gauntlets into a long staff, starting the fishmen around him as their hands trembled on their tridents.

Whispers about them dealing with a devil fruit user of unknown origin were already spreading around.

"You know, it's much more polite to introduce yourself first before asking for another's name..." Enel smiled at the prince, his friendly tone and attitude helped a lot in lessening the strained atmosphere.

The blue-haired prince gulped a bit, as his eyes slowly widened in realization.

He immediately waved his palm, commanding his man to stand down and stop pointing their weapons at the 'intruder'.

"My name is Fukaboshi, First Prince of Neptune Family... Apologies for the poor reception, we were not expecting to receive an Emperor at this time..."

Fukaboshi bowed respectfully, treating Enel as if he would have a member of Royalty coming to visit their island.

"It's fine Prince Fukaboshi, I came unannounced at what seems to be a rather turbulent time..." Enel nodded to the prince. Nodding his head in greeting as well.

The Emperor then looked at the guards around him, his eyes still friendly as he noticed their wariness.

But their faces also seemed to morph in recognition. After that, their gazes only exuded... Admiration?

Fukaboshi was also strangely welcoming. The prince didn't have that high of an opinion in regards to pirates from what the Sky King could remember. 

But surprisingly, or rather unsurprisingly, Enel was someone the entire Fishman Island respected greatly.

He had done them a great service inadvertently when he saved Whitebeard at Marineford. And they had never forgotten it.

Whitebeard was a great friend and ally of Fishman Island, their benefactor in a sense, the one to provide them with safety in the dangerous seas of the New World.

Enel became their benefactor as well by helping Whitebeard.

"The timing is indeed quite strange... Just earlier we had another group of pirates visiting us, we thought you were an intruder." The Prince apologized once more as his shoulders seemed to slump slightly.

"That is quite fine, don't worry about it. I came here mainly to speak to your father and Poseidon."

At that sentence, the First Prince looked a bit confused, scratching his head before nodding.

"I can lead you to my father, of course! I am not aware of Poseidon however..."

"Very well then! I will follow you towards the castle. I hope we are arriving at a good time."

'I guess the princes weren't told about Poseidon...'

The Emperor and the prince made their way towards the palace quite quickly. They didn't speak much along the way, but Enel noticed the gazes he received on while walking on the streets.

Many seemed to recognize and admire him. It was odd to him, but he eventually did realize why that was.

'Right, saving Whitebeard... A decision that keeps paying off for me even to this day...'

The Emperor and the Prince then took a cart to the palace after passing through a good part of the underwater city.

'I guess it's time to meet the king... The Straw Hats seem to also be at the castle... Doesn't that mean the weird Fishman will attack soon? Oh well, it doesn't matter...'


Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry for the silence lately, wasn't able to spend much time on the computer at all the past few days/weekend included.

Had a bit of trouble and work to do, so I couldn't write at all(or have much fun) At least I managed to write today :))

Story Shoutout!(if you have any suggestion for a new shoutout lemme know) : The Last Observer 

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