One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 222: Party, Alliance, Future and Departure

_________ POV Narration _________

The rest of the party was also quite joyful. Neptune and his family didn't bother with dealing with Vander Decken for now, they decided to keep entertaining their guests, especially Enel.

As one would imagine, they were extremely grateful to Enel for his help. There wasn't much they could do to thank him, however.

They still did their best, especially Shirhahoshi, who was happy enough to hug him close to her chest.

He did have to slither out of that one, as it was a bit like being suffocated between two gigantic pillows. Needless to say, the Emperor wasn't quite into it.

Dancing with Robin was, however, very much enjoyable.

It was difficult more so for Robin due to their height advantage, but she still hugged close to his waist for a bit, although she did use her devil fruit to completely wrap her arms around his waist.

Their time together was a tad short-lived, as Enel still had some things to clear up with the Neptune Family.

So after a few more hours, the Emperor ended up asking to talk with the King privately.

Robin seemed a bit disappointed, but she was mature enough to understand that Enel was a busy man.

It wasn't like they were in a relationship officially or anything either, and he was already nice by dancing with her for quite some time.

Nami didn't seem to think that way however, she seemed rather pissed that he left. But she had at least managed to snap a picture or two of Enel and Robin dancing, which she was sure to add to an album at the very least.

Enel didn't really think nor care all that much about it however, he was instead thinking about the Neptune Family's situation.

He and the King sat in an empty room to the side, the door behind them was closed, and Enel made sure no one was listening in on them.

"What is the matter, Enel?" Neptune was a bit confused as to why the Sky King had decided to pull him aside.

"Well, it's a matter of privacy, as we are to discuss information that is not public... Nor should it ever be." Neptune merely nodded when hearing Enel's serious tone, realizing it was an important matter.

Enel's next words did put him on edge though...

"This is about Poseidon or Shirahoshi."

The atmosphere became cold as soon as those words left the Emperor's mouth. The King of the sea immediately became more guarded, his gigantic eyes narrowing slightly as he crossed his arms.

He was about to open his mouth and pretend to not know what Enel was talking about, and possibly change the subject, but Enel didn't plan on letting him even attempt that.

"Look, I know you wish for your daughter to be safe. I don't plan on using her powers, but I am here to give you a fair warning and to ask for your support."

The Emperor's words seemed to have somewhat calmed down the Sea King.

Neptune sighed as he stroked his beard. By this point, he trusted Enel fully, but speaking about his daughter's powers always made him uncomfortable.

But he knew Enel wasn't lying to him about not wanting to use Shirahoshi's power at least. If Enel wanted something like that, there wouldn't have been anything Neptune could do to resist it.

"How did you find out about Shirahoshi?" That was still one of his main concerns.

"It was on a poneglyph in my homeland. Don't worry, the information isn't currently accessible to people that would use it for nefarious reasons."

The Emperor was rather straightforward about it. He remembered that Shirahoshi's identity as an Ancient Weapon was written down on the Poneglyph found in Shandora.

Enel and the Shandians had somewhat restricted access to that side of the Golden City for all of Enel's expansive army.

Only a few people learned the truth about Poseidon, namely the leaders of the army. So the information was in safe hands.

Neptune nodded at Enel's answer, calming himself further as he sighed once more.

"And what exactly do you need our support with, if it doesn't include Shirahoshi's in-born ability? Is this related to the war?"

Enel raised an eyebrow at the large merman's words. Neptune himself seemed to have noticed that gesture, which amused him quite a bit.

"Hoh hoh hoh~ Enel, everyone in the New World that is interested in this matter realized that a war is on the horizon...

By now I am sure most have already chosen their side as well. But it doesn't matter, if you win they will all bend to you."

Neptune gave Enel a wide smile as he spoke casually to the emperor.

He spoke as if the situation was already obvious, which made Enel feel a bit stupid.

He had just assumed the Kings and rulers would've been a bit less informed because of the lacklustre communication.

But the lack of communication itself was likely the largest confirmation. Neptune did specify that he was only speaking for the Kings in the New World, but it was safe to assume many had already figured things out by themselves.

It was a bit concerning to think that so many people had already chosen their side. But at the same time, Neptune's words did also make sense.

'All we have to do is win, and the royal families would support us...'

He was completely right. The royal families weren't going to be involved in the war directly, but they would be involved afterwards.

Keeping the world unified was quite important. The last thing that the world needed was for kingdoms to actually start fighting each other for territory.

So as soon as the current World Government fell, a new type of system would be put in place to rule the world.

One which every royal family needed to be part of and agree to unless they had some other agenda.

'We'll have to deal with that after the war, huh... Well, let's not put the horse before the cart. We'll figure things out when we win.'

After shaking his head, the Emperor looked up once more at the King with a serious gaze.

"And what stance has the Ryugu Kingdom taken, King Neptune?"

"... Well, considering that Whitebeard is also on your side... There is not much choice.

Besides, there is an ancient promise to be fulfilled... As much as I want to, our Fishman Island cannot stay neutral, nor can we be on the Government's Side."

Enel nodded at Neptune's words, somewhat expecting them already.

He had expected Neptune to want to keep his family and kingdom safe first and foremost, he was unlikely to openly show his support of Enel's cause before they won the war.

But the Fishman Island's connection to Whitebeard, as well as that promise he didn't know much about, seemed to have swayed the King's decision.

It was within the Emperor's expectations. So he just nodded with a smile, thanking the King for his support.

But there was only one more question on his mind...

"Would you mind telling me what the promise was?"

Neptune seemed to have been expecting that question as well, as he crossed his arms and looked to the side.

A large open window stared far into the distance, where a colossal ship lay beached on the sandy floor of the ocean.

"It was a promise that Poseidon made to Joyboy, all those years ago. On the day of the inevitable war, she would use her voice to carry them over to the battlefield.

A send-off if you will. It is a treasured promise for our Royal Family, and the Ship is still there waiting."

Enel nodded, appreciating the explanation as he also looked at the Noah.

"Well, it won't be waiting for much longer. Joyboy's awakening is the last piece of the puzzle... I will make sure that happens sooner rather than later."

Neptune nodded, smiling underneath his thick orange beard. He didn't want his daughter to get involved in the war, but the promise forbade him from stopping her.

All he could do was help her grow and prepare for that final day.

Enel closed his eyes as he felt the position of everyone on the island, he smiled as he felt the many people of the island going about their days.

"... I can understand the want to protect those under you, Neptune. I thank you for your support. I promise that we will not let you and your people down."

Enel then turned around and started walking towards the window.

"I'm guessing you are leaving, right?" Neptune said as he looked at the door they had come in from. The party was still ongoing, and his meaning was clear.

"I will be taking my leave. I'll visit one last person in your Kingdom, then take my leave. It's been a pleasure, King Neptune, thank you for the hospitality." Enel took a slight bow, showing the Merman some respect, which the King returned with a bow of his own.

Then the Emperor disappeared, leaving the King alone.

'... I hope you will be the one to bring us that golden age that was promised all those years ago...'

Neptune sighed, and turned towards the large door, returning to the party. He still had guests to entertain after all.

And while he was doing that, Enel visited the only other person he had an interest in on that Island.

He had somewhat forgotten about her, but remembered when feeling her on his radar.

The owner of Mermaid Cafe, and resident divinator of Fishman Island, Madame Shyarly.

Enel knew where to look for her, so he decided to pay her a visit in that very moment. Unsurprisingly, the shark-like mermaid was already waiting for him.

She looked about the same as Enel remembered her.

A rather large shark-finned mermaid with shark-like blue eyes and a rather gothic style of makeup and dress.

She wore a hooded purple blouse that was only buttoned in the middle and had a belly-chain around her waist.

She was currently looking at the Emperor unsurprisingly as she smoked from her pipe.

She had already expected him to arrive, as she had seen the future of the island, and she had seen him appear in her visions.

Now she got to see him, and she would get to look into his future as well.

After a few seconds of staring into his eyes, her own widened, she gulped slightly as she saw his future.

Brief visions of carnage and war, brief visions of legends untold.

A history written in the dark trying to escape into the light, all spearheaded by one man, one that forged his own fate... The broad strokes she saw painted a rather grand future.

But the ending... The ending she didn't like.

"You... You are not going to survive." Her tone sounded panicked as she delivered the news to the best of her ability.

Enel's eyes widened as he looked at her with quite a bit of shock. There was no need for an introduction it seemed, she jumped straight to the bad news.

"Can you give me a few more details?" Enel hoped to get a bit more than that from her. He was well aware of the risks, he didn't think he was invincible even after his awakening.

"W-well, your heart will stop. It's rather vague. But I can't see more from that point on..." Shyarly deep blue eyes looked at Enel with pity, but also a bit of fear.

She was, after all, telling an emperor of his death. Even if she knew that he was not a bad man, she still felt nervous about it.

"I understand... Thank you, Madame Shyarly..." Surprisingly, the Emperor thanked her, nodded to her with a relaxed smile and simply left, vanishing into thin air.

Shyarly was left there, looking at an empty spot with a concerned gaze, before she looked down at her own lap.

'... Maybe he can still overcome it? I mean, he did forge his own destiny, did he not?'

It was a pretty thought, but Sharley still clung to hope. Hope that his mission would succeed and that he would be there to see the sunrise into a new world.

A Free World.

But for now? The Emperor only had thoughts and concerns.

He didn't waste any time leaving Fishman Island after that, his visit with Shyarly ended in the worst way he could have imagined.

But he didn't lose hope. He was strong, he would find a way to survive.

'No need to worry about that now... Even if I worry, the war can only be delayed for so long... I still have my duties.'

And so, the Emperor was Moon-bound.

Off to find the remnants of an old civilisation. The ancestors of the Shandians...


Hope you liked the chapter!

Tried to write it up today and finally managed to overcome the lazy Sunday! Tho I technically finished this on Monday since it's like goddam 3am

Story Shoutout!(if you have any suggestion for a new shoutout lemme know) : The Last Observer 

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