One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 224: Moon Tribes, Space Travel and Developments

___________ POV Enel___________

The moon was not quite as eventful as I had hoped...

It was truly devoid of life except for the Automata and the Space Pirates.

But even the pirates were odd, they weren't human either. They were also just machines, likely running on orders to mine the moon, sent by some other faction.

If I were to wager a guess, they were likely made at the same time as the Automata when it comes to technological advancement.

It's hard to tell, but I somehow doubt they were made by the same people. The 'Space Pirates' seemed to be busy scavenging other cities on the moon.

They likely only came to the Moon's Birka because of the sound we made while trying to move things onto my giant ship.

I guess it would make sense for there to be more than one tribe of people on the moon. It's a rather large body, and there were plenty of cities around.

From the writings I was able to read till now, it's more or less confirmed that the Moon People were not as unified as one is led to believe.

At first, I thought that they were a civilization that unanimously decided to move to 'Earth' because the Moon is lacking resources.

They built impressive ships and used what little metals they had left to create robots to watch over their ancient cities.

But it would seem that this is not the case at all.

There were dozens of tribes on this Moon, and only a few of them actually even made it to Earth on their ships.

An ancient all-out battlefield is what you could call this barren planet. Instead of unifying and working together, they constantly fought over every single scrap of resources they had.

It had apparently kept going till the point where only two tribes of Moon People ever made it to Earth, the rest had their ships destroyed in space.

At least it now makes a lot more sense why some Moon Tribes were paranoid enough to make an entirely new race to protect their city.

To this day, only the Ancient Birka still stands, the rest of the cities were a dilapidated mess, likely salvaged by the Space Pirates, who I can't even tell what tribe they were created by.

Hell, I don't even know what the Space Pirates were aiming to achieve by scrounging up all of those resources. I wasn't able to find their main base, and they didn't keep much on their ship.

They were probably working on some ancient orders as well, to drain the moon of what resources it had left for their long-dead masters...

Well, it matters not. They were cannon fodder at the end of the day.

They could've proved troublesome to the Automata, but even a Rear Admiral would've been able to wipe them out.

If I want the automata to be useful, I need to look into a good mechanic to help develop them further.

I could try to do it myself, but I don't know if I'll have the time to build them... I might start drawing up some schematics if the journey back to the Sky Archipelago takes too long.

If I was to estimate it, at our current movement speed, it will take us around 2 months to get there.

The size and weight of this ship are certainly a factor, but the biggest factor is the fact that we are only technically able to move thanks to the few Dials I had on me.

I was able to go back home quickly and grab a few more, but even then, we aren't moving that fast, nowhere near as fast as I'd like at the very least.

This might be for the better though, let Luffy wonder a bit more, maybe he can progress a bit on his own.

I'm not worried about him dying too soon. He is pretty strong, and his crew is significantly stronger than it was in the original, especially Robin.

Brook also seemed to have become on par with their 'Monster Trio'. It's somewhat par for the course however, the skeleton was around when Roger was still a Rookie.

So, regardless of who or what they run into, as long as it's not a hostile Emperor, they'll be fine.

As for me? Well, I better continue deciphering these texts...

They are scarily close to Latin from back in my world, a language I am fluent in. But they aren't the same, so I can only make out some words.

Here's hoping they are actually correct as well. Impossible to tell until I am actually able to build full sentences and not just translate separate words.

Well, at least I enjoy this type of work, more so than physical training.

Not that I'll be able to train too much in the vacuum of space. I am not actually able to breathe in there.

Just for me, we created a room with a contained air bubble from the resources we could find. The only way to enter it is through an airlock, so the Automata can visit me without worrying about harming me.

I mean, I wouldn't be too harmed if I was to stay in space for a bit, I could turn to lightning partially and hold my breath. But doing that for a few months doesn't sound possible or pleasant.

Haki doesn't help one breathe in space either,  much like it wouldn't help someone much if they are frozen solid by the coldness of space or thrown into the sun.

So this is really the only way to travel in space. I don't recall how Enel originally did it, but it must've been something similar.

I should get to it... The more I stall the more this will take me. I just hope the others are all doing well...

__________ POV Narration __________

And the others were indeed doing quite well for themselves.

The Sky Archipelago could be arguably called the safest place on earth at that point, it housed most of the strongest people alive, while also being allied with a majority of the rest of them.

Enel's efforts showed in the size and scope of the army he was leading. At the beginning of his journey, no one could have ever guessed that he would grow into such a significant threat.

Certainly not the World Government.

They, much like the rest of the world, also felt Enel's Awakening.

It was certainly concerning, but the future that IMU saw managed to put them at ease.

'Fate is still with us it seems...'

Saint Noda, looked over the rebuilt Holy Land with a cold gaze. They had already moved back, knowing that the trap they had previously set up for Enel was nothing more than a failure.

The fact that he had awakened now meant that such a trap was going to prove useless anyway.

But that didn't matter anymore, they knew that Enel wasn't going to act out before the war started.

IMU predictions never failed them after all.

Although said prediction was a lot cloudier than usual, the dust of confusion that shrouded the Wheel of Fate previously was still not fully lifted.

But they didn't have the time or luxury to wait for the dust to settle. It was going to take at least a few more years, and by IMU's estimation, they only had a year at most.

'But it should be enough for the Seraphs to be completed... We might need to rush Vegapunk a bit just to make sure...' Saint Noda stroked his beard as he tapped his staff on the ground.

He was alone in his office, his colleagues were off organizing their greeting for the upcoming war.

They were going to take no chances, even though fate was on their side. They were dealing with an overwhelming force, one wrong step and they'd get annihilated as well.

'After all, Lord IMU's prediction only confirmed that the God of Thunder will fall first, then Nika will follow swiftly...

If possible, we also need to look into stopping Nika's awakening. But that is going to be easier said than done...'

The Government was well aware of who held the Sun God fruit, they were the ones to change its name to the Gum-Gum Fruit in order to hide the existence of God Fruits in general.

'Monkey D. Luffy...'

A person whose poster IMU had already been stored inside the throne room, one that was already pierced by a few weapons.

Even so, the government had failed repeatedly to catch him, even after he had put his hand on a Celestial Dragon, which warranted capital punishment normally.

It was a wonder how they had failed to catch him so many times, if anything, Fate must've been helping him as well to some extent.

'But it matters not... He is still fated to die alongside the new Thunder God...'

The only worry of the elders now was making sure that the Celestial Dragons were going to survive. More specifically, they cared about themselves.

'We have enough forces to win this war... All that's left is finishing up the preparations...'

However, preparations were being made on both sides.

The Sky Archipelago was getting busier and busier with each day that passed.

The recruits, Koby, Helmeppo, Wyper and even Momonga, were all using their time wisely and training.

Garp had also taken another task upon himself.

After noticing that the Admirals were slacking in their training, Kuzan and Kizaru especially, he immediately started beating some sense into them.

Kizaru did try escaping, but he wasn't able to get too far before getting punched into the ground and cuffed with seastone.

And so began the training of the former Admirals.

Akainu joined them willingly, although he was physically the strongest among the admirals. He found that he was stagnating for far too long.

Fujitora also agreed to join the training but didn't use Sea Stone. Why?

'To accelerate the training, why don't I make gravity 100 times stronger on the island we're training on?'

Oh, one might be able to guess that already, but Garp was all for that idea.

Shiki did complain a bit that the island became heavier to hold up, but it was still doable for him apparently.

Well, they still asked Dragon to gather and compress more clouds underneath it, as the Golden Lion didn't feel like straining himself holding up their training grounds.

Regardless, the arena was set for the Admirals to brush up on their physical strength, armament and observation. The one that needed it most was definitely Kizaru.

Although his devil fruit was strong and extremely destructive, he relied on it too much, which was by all definitions, a liability.

Garp was going to make sure to iron that out of their systems.

And while he was at it, he also asked Shiki to create another training island, where he sent Koby and Helmeppo.

There, he asked Fujitora to only make gravity 10 times stronger, as he didn't want to take things too hard on them.

His training, as usual, was extremely hands-off, so he could easily start training more and more people.

Momonga also ended up joining the Admirals in their training, leaving the recruits with Sengoku. 

They were preparing for a war, after all, they had no time for rest.

And as the Sky Islands were mobilizing, Shiki also managed to finally make his way to the remnants of God Valley.

'God damn that idiot Francisco... Calling me here for some stupid cube vault...' The Golden Lion scowled as he lay on his beach chair above the clouds, on his private mansion island.

Francisco had gone ahead to retrieve John's body, but he was unable to take Xebec's vault with him, as he had no boat to carry something that large on.

He initially wanted to call Enel to get it but decided against it and just told Shiki to pick it up from the bottom of the sea before continuing his journey.

For Shiki, picking up an object submerged in water was a cakewalk as long as he knew its exact location, so he didn't waste any time and just controlled chunks of his island to pull it out of the water.

The cube was heavy, so the Lion had to compress more dirt and rocks into the earthen ropes as he pulled the cube out of the ocean.

He pulled it within his island and just yawned before changing course to his island and heading back above the clouds and towards the Sky Archipelago.

However, his journey would turn out to be a nightmare it seemed... As he had already run out of booze.

'Enel better find this stupid cube useful... Because I already regret coming this far.'

And while Shiki was playing the Aerial Transportation game, the Straw Hat Pirates had already departed from Fishman Island.

Their next destination? Punk Hazard!

The currently barren wasteland that had no use at all! At least not on paper...

It was actually the house of the great scientist Caesar Clown, who was now working diligently under the great Warlord Buggy, a true Emperor of the Underworld.

His main research was now in gigantification, for Charlotte LinLin and fake devil fruits, for the Beast Pirates.

Kaido's Beast Pirates were not in the best of states currently, but they were still buying the Smile Fruits from Buggy, seemingly still wishing to expand their strength.

And the country of Wano was still within their grasp.

Other notable residents on the island were Trafalgar Law, who was there because he wanted to observe the predecessor of Doflamingo, Kinemon, a samurai that Law bisected, and of course... Momonosuke, the successor of the Kozuki Clan and future Shogun of Wano.

Things were bound to get interesting for the Straw Hats...


Hope you liked the chapter! Finally got around to writing and holy shit it took me a while. Anywho, gtg sleep now, buhbye

Story Shoutout!(if you have any suggestion for a new shoutout lemme know) : The Last Observer

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