One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 227: New Task, Attendance and Assassination Attempt

___________ POV Narration ___________

Enel sighed as he slowly got out of bed.

Throughout the day he slept, he could sometimes hear loud banging from an island over, strong winds also swept past his cabin, threatening to uproot it.

It couldn't be helped, Garp was apparently not taking it easy on Dragon.

The Revolutionary Leader had quite a powerful Devil fruit, the Wind Logia.

It was extremely versatile and very powerful. He could create torrents of wind strong enough to even hold Garp at bay.

He was certainly stronger than an old version of Garp... As for the young one?

Well, let's just say things got a bit more difficult for Dragon. Thankfully, Garp decided to take it easy on his son and didn't injure his face too much.

Dragon still needed a bit of medical care after Garp was done with him, but at the very least he wasn't in a critical condition.

Enel thankfully managed to get enough rest to continue doing what he liked most in life... Reading random history books and reports that Larthy and the Revolutionaries left on his desk.

It was mostly reports of what he had already read. The stuff that truly interested him was anything related to that cube Shiki had dragged in.

The Revolutionaries were already studying it day in and day out.

The cube itself seemed to have been built in a rather strange manner, it was unknown what was even used to build it in fact.

It looked like it was made out of gold, but it was a material with hardness at least on par, if not greater than the poneglyphs.

The main problem with it was that it didn't have much going on in terms of writing.

Sure there were some inscriptions on the walls, but it didn't seem like anything special.

By far, the most interesting thing about the Cube was the odd spatial distortion that seemed to be active constantly.

The Cube wasn't small on the outside by any means, but on the inside, it felt at least twice as big.

The revolutionaries even made a few experiments, measuring the inside and concluding that it was indeed much bigger than it had any right to be considering the calculated diameter of the cube from the outside.

The problem was that it was simply impossible to tell what was causing such a strange phenomenon to occur.

The Revolutionary Nerd Squad ended up concluding that it was either the work of some Awakened Devil Fruit that was now permanently affecting the cube...

Or just some weird natural phenomenon that either happened randomly to the cube or the people that had created it used to make such a thing happen.

Regardless, they weren't going to be able to tell the difference unless they had more clues, maybe from the underwater city it was taken from.

Or, it would be more accurate to just call it Atlantis, since it seemed to make the most sense. The design of the cube was really similar to the design of the Ancient Birkans, even the Automata were able to recognize the construct as the handiwork of their old masters.

So it was set in stone, now Enel had one more minor job to do. Simply put, 'Find Atlantis'.

By the time Xebec reached the city, it was reportedly abandoned, but the Emperor would still try to look for any survivors.

Maybe his radar would be able to pick up on some form of life down there.

Finding Atlantis also didn't feel like a difficult task for the Awakened Emperor.

To him, it seemed as easy as entering his awakened form and spreading his observation and radar everywhere around him until he found it.

He planned to do it after going to Big Mom's Tea Party, however. He was planning on training a bit in using his awakening more, as he had a lot of power to control and not as much experience controlling it.

Besides increasing his overall power greatly and increasing his Observation Haki range, Enel still wanted to find out what other abilities his awakening granted him.

His devil fruit was far too versatile for it to have such a simple awakening. The permanent tattoo with the drums that was now on his back was a testament to that.

Awakening still held many secrets, and Enel hoped to discover all of them before the war started.

'Well, Luffy will also have to discover his abilities after awakening, so I do still have some time.'

Before the Emperor even realised, it was already the day of the Tea Party/Wedding. Needless to say, Enel was rather excited to meet some old friends there.

But he was going there while having one main goal in mind...

'Better make sure Luffy doesn't act like an idiot and gets killed by Big Mom...'

And as the Emperor was just starting to make his way towards Whole Cake Island, the Strawhats were already there... And they were ready for business.

And by business, they meant crashing a wedding.

They had a fun time at Punk Hazard, rescuing Momonosuke and Kin'emon taking down and capturing Caesar, which angered the Warlord Buggy, who immediately shrivelled up when hearing it was actually Luffy that had done it.

Communications with Kaido were cut, so Buggy just ended up sweeping it under the rug.

But Big Mom didn't like her 'giant children' project being ended prematurely. An aspect that Enel had somewhat forgotten about.

The children that had been used as lab rats had travelled with the Strawhats and Trafalgar Law's crew all the way to Dressrosa, where they found a nice foster home to look after them.

The Straw Hats had plenty of fun at Dressrosa too. Even managed to run into another Samurai, Kurozumi Kanjuro, who was tagging along with them for now.

Zoro got lost in the sewers, Luffy participated in the Arena for fun, and Chopper and Robin went around on a small shopping spree.

Nami got caught stealing, and Sanji got caught and arrested for behaving inappropriately towards a few ladies, they both had to be rescued by Brook, Franky and Usopp.

Franky just spent most of his time tinkering with the ship.

After leaving Dressrosa, they went directly to Whole Cake Island, Zou, the land of the Mink, was missing in its entirety.

Nami tried to find it by following any directions she could, as she knew that Zou was supposed to be the next stop in their journey.

But even her log pose was pointing her towards While Cake Island, so they had no choice but to proceed without visiting the Mink Race.

It was a bit confusing, even more so after their cook left them halfway through the journey.

Capone came and collected Sanji in an air balloon of all things. The cook decided to go with him out of his own free will, as Bege had absolutely no chance of forcing him to tag along while the entire crew was present.

In the end, much to Zoro's and Luffy's displeasure, the cook said he'd go ahead and see what his family wanted from him.

It was only a matter of a week or two for the Strawhats to arrive there as well. And they were shocked by the news they heard.

They quickly started planning out a way to rescue their friend, only for them to surprisingly receive an... Invitation?

Delivered by none other than Katakuri, the tall Sweet Commander and Big Mom's strongest child, directly to Luffy.

And now? The plan for the straw hats was still in motion, but they now had a cover to be present that day as well.

And so, they made their way up to the Whole Cake Chateau all suited up and ready... For war.

They blended into the crowd for now, waiting for the signal.

But their plans would have to be postponed, as the entire Tea Party was forced to look upwards, towards the skies.

Thunder rang out throughout the Whole Cake Islands, and the skies above turned dark.

Big Mom also looked up alongside her guests, confusion and frustration filling her for a moment.

Linlin's eyes narrowed as she reached for her hat/blade, preparing to slash the clouds away. She didn't want the rain to get in the way of her plans and celebration.

She needed the day to be perfect, she needed allies now, more so than ever before. The Vinsmoke Family was not a group she thought highly of, but she still needed them for the upcoming war.

Same for the Strawhat Group. Even if they ruined one of her projects and were keeping the scientist hostage, she still hoped to be able to negotiate with them and come to form an alliance of sorts.

So she couldn't let the rain interrupt their festivities. As frivolous as they were, Linlin felt they were necessary to set the atmosphere.

So, her hat immediately transformed into a blade with a toothy grin.

"Clouds aren't welcome at my Tea Party!" She shouted as she slashed towards the sky, sending forwards a gigantic flying slash.

Just from its upward momentum, it made some of the people nearby brace and hold onto something.

Luffy even narrowed his eyes as he realised he didn't even know if he would be able to block such an attack. And it was clear that the Emperor had even held back!

But the skies seemed more capable than him in that regard.

"Yahahaha~" A peal of laughter broke through the skies like thunder, many of the guests had to cover their ears in fear as the flying slash seemed to be struck down by countless bolts of lightning, the clouds coming together and becoming angrier.

At that point, Big Mom's eyes widened in fear.

Katakuri walked forward and stood by her side, taking out his trident, but not panicking. It wasn't the first time Enel had visited after all...

"I am really offended Linlin! To think you didn't even think of inviting me over for such a joyous occasion!" Enel's voice sounded out as his shadow was cast over the entire Whole Cake Chateau.

His figure was leisurely lounging on an amalgamation of dark clouds as he looked down upon the world.

The Emperor wore his usual long white coat draped around his shoulders, underneath it he wore a formal deep blue shirt, a pair of black pants, and a pair of white metallic grieves and shin protectors.

A large white and gold staff rested by his side.

"Enel..." "T-The sky king!?" "Long Eears?!?"

At that point, all of the people below were able to recognize him. Fear and pandemonium spread throughout the Tea Party, as many people, including the Vinsmokes, were now thinking of escaping.

After all, an Emperor encroaching on another one's territory unannounced would normally mean only one thing... War.

And a war between Emperors was not something any one of them had any right to be getting involved with.

Luffy and the rest of his crew were having different thoughts though...

'If he's here, then he'll surely help us! Right...?'

Enel turned into a flash of lightning and reformed directly in front of Big Mom, in the middle of the party.

The skies above him immediately dispersed, which seemed to relieve some of the unease in the air.

Enel's gaze met with that of Luffy, and he just nodded with a smile on his face. He did the same for Robin as well.

"So, Big Mom, how come you didn't invite me? Even if we're not fully allies, we are still business partners?"

Hering the Sky King's words, the people attending the Tea Party calmed down visibly.

It suddenly went from possible war to a misunderstanding and/or argument at worst.

"Hmph... To think you'd have the guts to show your face here..." Big Mom huffed in indignation, a reaction that brought a frown to Enel's face.

"Now now, I don't understand the hostility here. We were on good terms just a while back..." Still, the Sky King wasn't discouraged. He was still rather willing to find out what exactly was going on in Big Mom's mind.

And thankfully, she was quite open about things.

"Hmph, we were. Before I found out you were housing a ticking time bomb like that damned Guzman."

"Bomb? That is quite rude of you... I can't say I blame you since I understand why you may be worried.

But you of all people should know Guzman enough to realize that if he wanted revenge, he would've come after you already..."

Enel, although speaking in an understanding tone, still had a mocking scowl on his face. And that was for the simple reason that he knew he was right.

Big Mom also narrowed her eyes and scowled in displeasure, knowing that she couldn't quite refute those words.

"Hmph, regardless. I'd rather not risk it and associate myself with you too much... You even manged to turn one of my sons against me." Big Mom crossed her arms as she turned her sword back into her pirate hat and put it on her head.

"You're talking about Oven? I can sense that you've got him detained... So I guess he's done some unnecessary stuff, huh?" Enel's smile didn't falter one bit as he looked up at the Emperor.

Katakuri couldn't help but look to the side at the mention of Oven, a rather strange gesture on his part, one that the Sky King most definitely noticed.

"Hmph, he tried to rebel against me, protesting my decision to stick with the Beast Pirates for now.

I've put him under home arrest, he'll have enough time to repent there..."

Enel raised an eyebrow at that.

The Big Mom he remembered from the show would have long since killed Oven if he had done such a thing as to rebel against her.

Some of the people at the party that overhear the conversation also seemed to think the same...

'Big Mom has gotten softer, huh?'

Many of them couldn't help but think that she was finally losing her touch. But then again, no one dared to even try and take advantage of that just from the reputation she had built.

At the end of the day, even when the world was in turmoil. One universal truth still applied to those that dwelled in the underbelly of the world...

'Never mess with the Emperors.'

Unfortunately, not everyone seemed to be completely aware of that truth...

As the tense atmosphere was quickly broken by a loud bang, a wall falling apart and a group of people rushing in.

Capone, Caesar and two members of his crew, Vito and Gotti, all holding strange large bazookas entered through that crack in the wall.

"Prepare to die, Big Mom!"

'These fucking idiots...'


Heyaa, hope everyone's doing well. Feeling much better now so I'll try to bring the upload schedule back to what it was supposed to be. My bad for the tardiness lately

Story Shoutout!(if you have any suggestion for a new shoutout lemme know) : The Last Observer

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