One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 229: Queen of Sweets and King of Skies

__________ POV Narration __________

Enel covered the escape of the straw hats as they fled for the mirror dimension, he sighed as he stretched a bit.

Caesar was forced to drop Brulee, as some of her siblings broke the mirror he was carrying and rescued her.

He turned into gas and proceeded to escape, taking advantage of the fact that the attention of most people was still on Enel.

Looking around, there were quite a lot of people surrounding the Emperor now, they seemed to be keeping somewhat of a safe distance.

Katakuri could be seen, heavily sweating as he concentrated to see into the future and predict Enel's next move.

In his mind played a lot of scenarios, as Enel played around with him for a bit.

The Sweet Commander was about to warn his mother and the others that their chances of doing any damage to the Sky King were very low, and their chances of defeating him were almost zero.

But his mother spoke out before he could, surprising even him.

"Katakuri... Go after the straw hats... NOW!" Her anger could clearly be heard in her voice, her eyes shone a dim red as she looked at Enel with hate.

"I should've eaten your soul when I had the chance..." She muttered as the blade in her hand now shone black.

"Well, you didn't. So here we are..." Enel just shook his head as he considered stopping Katakuri from following the Straw Hats, but he also understood that facing Katakuri was likely something that Luffy needed to do in order to grow stronger.

So he decided to just let the Sweet Commander go and focus on the people he now had to fight.

Big Mom seemed to get further irritated by his words, the veins on her forehead twitching a bit as the people around them started to reconsider their involvement in that situation.

'Are we really going to try and get involved in a fight between Emperors?!'

The Germas/Vinsmoke Family especially were somewhat panicked at the way the situation had developed. They just hoped to get the chance to back out of the fight and retreat...

This was especially true for Reiju, who didn't like the situation at all in general.

From beginning to end, she had been against forcing her little brother to marry into an Emperor's family.

Especially in the family of someone with Big Mom's reputation.

Even if she was said to be more lenient as of late, she was still a mad woman with a jaded past. Essentially nothing more than a ticking time bomb.

They quickly started rethinking their game plan, but Enel decided to do them a favour before they found a way to excuse themselves.

Well, in truth, the first one to make a move was one of Big Mom's daughters, sending a poisonous small needle towards the Emperor.

The needle passed through him harmlessly as he tilted his head in confusion. He stared at the people all around him before sighing.

"There's a bit too much fodder for my liking around here... You people can't even stand straight."

In an instant, pressure fell upon the backs of everyone in the room, Big Mom included.

All but her were brought to their knees, the ones that were too weak all passed out in an instant as the entire world seemed to gain a bluish hue.

The entire island trembled and the skies shook in anger as the Emperor's Will exerted itself upon the people around him.

The Emperor's eyes shined as he laughed at their efforts to withstand the pressure.

Eventually, Judge, alongside the rest of the Vinsmoke family, were all sent flying.

There was not one person left standing in the vicinity of the emperor, all of them were pushed away by an invisible overwhelming force.

All but one person... Big Mom dug her blade into the ground as her pink dress fluttered in the wind.

The Empress reacted quickly after that, preventing her weakest subjects from keeling over dead.

Her will immediately fought back, clashing with Enel's as the world around them slowed down.

Red Lightning clashed with blue, as their gazes met, Enel's was filled with cold and callous boredom, while Big Mom's burned with fury.

The Sky King tapped his staff on the ground, an action that broke the stalemate completely as Big Mom's blade turned black and rushed to cut the Emperor in two.

Enel's staff immediately turned into a black Naginata, before he also slashed out to meet Big Mom head-on.

The ones that were still able to keep their consciousness weren't even able to track their movements.

The two of them clashed once more, this time in a more physical manner.

Their blades bent against each other as their wills broke through the world once more, the clouds departing in the middle, forming a rift as the two of them struggled against each other.

Enel's upward slash ended up losing, his body still weaker than that of Big Mom, but he had managed to divert a lot of force from her attack, completely changing its trajectory and making it strike into the ground by his side.

At that moment, the entire Whole Cake Chateau trembled, before crumbling all together.

The walls and buildings around them collapsed, and the floor underneath them gave way as both of the Emperors turned into blurs.

Enel turned into a flash of blue light as he immediately reformed into the skies above, floating leisurely in place in a laying down position with his back to the sky as he watched Big Mom's castle crumble like a cookie.

His naginata turned into a pair of gauntlets as he observed the situation below with great interest.

The first thing his senses paid attention to was Linlin, who was in the process of freefalling for a few meters.

She only fell a few meters as a huge black cloud formed underneath her feet, supporting her weight as she took flight towards the sky, following the Emperor with an angry scowl on her face.

As she approached the Emperor, a huge sun also appeared by her side.

Zeus and Prometheus, now both of them were at their mother's side as they prepared to battle an Emperor together.

Meanwhile, Big Mom's children who were still awake all scrambled to drag their siblings away from the madness, with the Vinsmoke family deciding to assist them before ultimately retreating...

Well, at least that was the plan.

Just as they all landed and the Vinsmokes helped catch some of them, they got surrounded by the ones still awake.

Namely, Cracker, Perospero and Smoothie, alongside a few others that were still awake.

"This entire mess happened because of the crew your son joined, Judge!" Perospero spat out with hatred as his candy cane pointed to the sky for a few seconds.

"We had nothing to do with this! How were we supposed to know that another Emperor would show up?!" Vinsmoke Judge returned his hatred as he felt pure indignation at the unfairness of the situation.

"Well, it matters not... We'll make sure to take good care of your remaining forces when you're gone!" Cracker cackled madly as his biscuit soldiers formed all around the Germa.

They also worked to drag the unconscious siblings away and out of the crumbling castle.

Judge snorted when realising that they were set up.

'I guess they were planning to deal with us anyway? Regardless the situation doesn't look good at all...'

And the situation was looking bad from the skies too, but Enel was unsure if helping them was a good idea or not.

They weren't exactly allies, and they were unlikely to become allies.

'Whatever, they'll survive if they're strong enough, I'll just deal with Big Mom.'

The Empress rushed at him with vigour as she slashed her blade at Enel and the black clouds under his control.

The Emperor just raised an eyebrow when faced with that flying slash, he immediately turned into lightning and reappeared behind Big Mom, something that she seemed prepared for.

"Prometheus!" She shouted as the sun behind her grew bigger, engulfing Enel in fire as Big Mom turned around and swung her blade towards him while he was 'blinded'.

But she didn't feel her blade connect at all, her Future Sight worked overtime as she predicted his next move, she moved her hand to block a kick to the side of her head.

Although blocked, the Kick still made her lose her footing and almost sent her flying back to the ground.

Thankfully Zeus reacted in time and managed to help her regain her balance.

While Zeus was focused on keeping her afloat, she focused on tracing Enel's flight path and interpreting it.

With a sickening smile, she swung her blade once more, this time knowing she'd hit the Emperor, it was impossible for her to even miss!

The Emperor appeared in front of her blade at just the right time, and Big Mom's smile didn't lessen one bit as she looked at his eyes widening in shock.

Her smile lessened significantly when she felt her blade pass through... Nothing?

"MAMA WATCH OUT!" Prometheus and Zeus both warned her, but it was too late, she already felt a shoe pressing directly on her back.

In that instant, she took flight, not because of Zeus or Prometheus, but because Enel's kick pushed her a few hundred meters away.

She was freefalling towards the ground at that moment, and she immediately called for Zeus, who scampered over to her while Prometheus was struggling to hold the Emperor's attention.

"My fire isn't having any effect, Mama!" The ball of fire spoke in a panicked tone as it sent blasts of fire towards the Sky King, who just yawned at the efforts.

Linlin scowled as Zeus caught her, she immediately looked back to the sky, her eyes turning red in anger.

"You're still playing with me?!?"

That kick Enel had given her was nothing more than a joke in her opinion, leaving a shoe imprint on her back and dress while not taking things all that seriously at all.

"Of course I am!" Enel just shrugged at her words.

Why would he go out of his way to take things seriously? He was way out of her league anyway.

'Well... This may be a good moment to use my Awakening in battle... I do have to try hard in order to not kill her...'

The only reason Enel even worried about Big Mom's life was because he didn't want to completely burn all bridges with Oven.

Although their friendship was strong, the Sweet Commander still valued his family a lot.

"I'll make you regret that..." Big Mom muttered, her words breaking the Sky King out of his musings as he was also forced to dodge another flying slash.

Enel dodged flying slashes simultaneously as he looked at her laughing sword, it was named Napoleon if the Emperor remembered correctly...

Regardless, it seemed a bit annoying.

His eyebrows scrounged up as he dodged a few more flying slashes, eventually arriving underneath Big Mom.

It was at that point that she smiled and spread out her arms.

"God of Lightning Tenjin!" In that instant, Zeus exploded with black lightning right underneath him, heading directly for Enel.

The Emperor seemed genuinely insulted that she would waste her energy like that, covering lightning, his element, in haki to try and use it against him... It was genuinely laughable.

Before the lightning even reached him, he turned to electromagnetic waves and just reformed above her again.

"Ok, that was embarrassing to even attempt, Linlin..." The Sky King crossed his arms as he stared at the Empress, who just gave him a cheeky smile.

"Didin't hurt to try!" She shouted before she swung his blade towards him again.

But this time the Emperor didn't dodge, instead, he pointed to the clouds above him with a smile.

A huge lightning pillar fell down and completely destroyed the sword slash, Big Mom's eyes widened as she noticed that the Sky was a lot darker than usual.

"Mamaragan!(Heavy Thunder!) I'll show you what Lightning should look like, Big Mom!" The Sky King shouted as the entire island underneath him was bombarded by pillars of lightning, littering it with holes.

Big Mom herself used her Future sight to do her best and dodge the pillars, but she was eventually hit as well.

It wasn't a head-on collision, she used her blade to redirect it from what the Sky King could sense, so it didn't do that much damage.

Zeus also seemed to absorb the lightning, which in turn made him stronger... But that really couldn't matter less to Enel, who stopped his bombardment at some point.

He avoided hitting any of the people below, but he wreaked havoc on the entire island with that attack.

It was around that point that Big Mom decided to do something about the clouds, and she immediately pulled off a move that Enel hadn't expected at all.

She sent a few flying slashes towards him to keep him occupied, she jumped on Prometheus, using him as footing while she commanded Zeus to fly to the skies.

Enel raised an eyebrow when seeing that, he easily dodged the flying slashes and sent a few lightning bolts towards Big Mom, which bounced off rather easily as she coated her entire body in armament.

At that moment, he heard a rumbling from the skies, he turned his gaze back to see... A gigantic pair of eyes staring at him?

"Good boy Zeus! MaMaMaMa~" Big Mom laughed out loud as she looked at her Special Homie, part of her own soul, take over the skies above their heads.

Enel also seemed impressed, he failed to remember if Big Mom was capable of such a thing in the original, but it was surprising nonetheless.

"What was the point of that though? I hope you're not planning to attack me with lightning again..." Enel smiled mockingly when he saw how proud Big Mom was.

He had a few ideas of what plans she was cooking up.

"Oh, don't worry your little head about that! Zeus! Keep your lightning under control! Don't give him any more fuel!" Big Mom's eyes narrowed as her eyes sparkled red once more.

'About what I expected...'

Enel smiled as her plan became clear.

She had essentially cut him off from his clouds by making Zeus absorb them.

Because he was a living being, the lightning he wielded was also sentient, which meant that he couldn't control it, the same way he couldn't control the lightning on Raijin Island.

"Let's see how you dance now, Enel!" Big Mom cackled madly as she prepared for 'Round 2'.

Enel just smiled calmly at her words, his eyes closing as he sighed internally.

'I guess I should start taking things seriously now too...'


Hope you liked the chapter!

Yea. I hope no one's expecting Big Mom to somehow clutch this out. 

Story Shoutout! Thanks to the_onez3 for the recommendation: The Final Desperation

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