One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 244: Results of Training, Bath Time and Call to Action

_________ POV Narration _________ 

Enel huffed, his breath shooting out like a small wave of concentrated steam as he stood shirtless in front of a large rock.

Around him was a field filled with debris, broken structures and trees.

He stood there shirtless, his yukata was folded neatly and placed onto one of the larger rocks, with his fox mask resting right on top of it.

Enel inhaled deeply, before exhaling once more. He pressed his right palm onto the rock in front of him. 

His palm left a deep imprint in front of the rock before a blue aura covered the Sky King's entire arm.

In an instant, haki was projected forward, right in the centre of that rock.

Without any struggle, the boulder cracked and splintered, pieces of it flying in all directions, adding to the debris that was already scattered throughout the field. 

'Finally... I've gained some mastery over it...' 

Enel smiled widely as he finally successfully performed an advanced application of Armament Haki.

Internal Destruction was one of the ways that Luffy had used originally to damage Kaido during their long battle in the original.

Enel could feel that Luffy had gained mastery over Internal Destruction before him and that he had already broken out of prison alongside all other relevant members.

He seemed to have recognized Francisco and helped him escape as well.

With his newfound power, Luffy was surely going to try and take on Kaido again... But this time, Internal Destruction, even Conqueror's Coating, wasn't going to be enough to cut it against Kaido.

'This time, Luffy won't be fighting him alone, however.' 

Enel smiled as he shook his fist and went over to a small pond, which rested on the side, a bit further away from his training area.

The Emperor stripped down and slid into the water, it was only up to his belly button while he was sitting down, so there was no danger of him drowning in it.

As soon as he stepped in, the emperor heated up the water and controlled it into becoming something more akin to a jacuzzi. 

The Emperor released a deep sigh as he smiled and closed his eyes.

"Lazing around, are we?" 

A female voice echoed throughout the field near him.

Enel pried one of his eyes open and smiled.

His eye caught sight of a woman with black flowing hair wearing a purple kimono in white and purple square patterns. Her eyes were a cerulean blue, and her smile was intoxicating.

"Robin, awfully bold of you to be interrupting my bath time..." The Empeor's smile didn't lessen one bit as the water around his chiselled muscles continued to bubble. 

 It was none other than Nico Robin, the archaeologist of the Straw Hat crew.

She seemed to be eyeing him up quite a bit, but his privates were well hidden in a layer of bubbles and mist, so she was mainly just looking at his abdomen and arms.

"You know I can't help but check up on you after that scare you gave all of us..." Robin smiled a bit as she started slowly taking off her Kimono, much to Enel's shock. 

The Emperor immediately closed his eyes, providing the Archeologist with some privacy out of respect.

They hadn't gotten that far after all, they were well aware of each other's intentions, and had been essentially living together during Enel's training, but they hadn't gotten much farther than just cuddling at night. 

It seemed Robin wasn't the shy sort, however... Not that Enel needed any reminder of that. He had been very passive throughout their relationship as he wasn't in the proper mind space for a relationship.

Hell, he didn't even have the assurance that he'd be able to awaken and put up a proper fight in the war.

Now? He was even confident he would win it with a bit more preparation... So maybe it was finally time to let loose a bit. 

 He felt that Robin had removed all of her clothes in a cheeky manner, and before the archaeologist could even check if Enel had looked at her, one of his earlobes shot out of the water and wrapped around her waist.

She immediately yelped in surprise as she was pulled into the small pool with absolutely 0 resistance. 

Water splashed up high as she landed with her face directly into the Emperor's rocky chest, her own cushioned chest pressing into his torso.

To the Emperor's surprise, the woman actually blushed.

'Oh, how the tables turn...' The king smiled as he patted the woman's head and continued relaxing.

"B-bold indeed..." Robin tried to keep up her previous act, but she was clearly still recovering.

It seemed that Enel had been passive for so long that his taking action in any way came out of left field for her. 

 "What can I say? I am still a man with needs..." The Emperor smiled, and Robin seemed to be all for it too.

She could feel her cushioned ass sitting on something... And she knew that it wasn't a leg, although some people could've mistaken it for one. 

'Seriously... I'm going to be having some trouble in the future, aren't I?' 

It seemed that Enel was overall bigger than the average human in all aspects, not just height. 

But Robin didn't comment on that directly, instead she just sighed and snuggled closer to him breathing a sigh of relief into his chest.

"I'm glad that you're here..." That was all she said as she remembered the scene of molten gold raining from the sky.

Back then, she had truly believed that something bad had happened. She had seen the massive form of Kaido clashing with Enel.

She had felt Kaido's power and was horrified to feel that Enel had actually lost.

She was in a period of shock for a few minutes, which was why she had failed to stop her captain from charging Kaido as well. 

Hell, she could barely keep her own bearings. How exactly could he even begin to stop Luffy? 

Enel's back was the biggest she had ever seen before. To her, he was a pillar of strength, the glue that held together the strongest army in the world.

He was the instrument that would help bring peace to the world... But he was also the man that she had ended up loving. 

It couldn't be helped. Prolonged exposure to him and his antics, during training, research and travel, led to her developing feelings for him. 

She previously didn't even think that it was possible to develop such feelings, but life proved her wrong.

And Enel was the man she loved. 

And seeing not only the world's light of hope being possibly snuffed out but also the man she loved dying, was too much for the Archeologist momentarily.

It took a good few minutes for her to regain her composure. She could only bite her lips and hope for the best.

Luffy being captured was also not helping her mental state. But she was still resolved to survive and help her crew.

What completely calmed her down, however, was around a week later, when Enel just so happened to walk into her.

Now, he may have framed it as a coincidence at the time, but Robin was more than aware of the Emperor's abilities. 

He had likely felt her being distressed and decided to pay her a visit. Honestly, Robin was just upset that he hadn't visited earlier. 

And from that point on, Robin stuck to the Emperor almost as if she had been glued to him.

And to her delight, Enel didn't object one bit. Even inviting her to live with him while training.

The Emperor also kept her up to date on her crewmates and helped them if they got into too much trouble. 

That was about the gist of their current arrangement. 

Now, they were simply relaxing in a shallow pool of water, with Robin almost dozing off due to how comfortable she was.

The two of them stayed like that for a good while, neither in a rush to get up.

In the meantime, Enel was also multitasking. Doing things like, stopping a wrongful execution and helping out a few villages by getting rid of some Beast Pirates.

A rainless storm raged above the island of Wano, and by that point, Enel truly didn't care whether or not Kaido realised he was still there.

Even if Kaido was strong, he would still be taken down. Whether it was going to be due to everyone's combined efforts, or Enel alone after they failed... That would remain to be seen. 

But Enel couldn't help but blink a few times, as he realised it was close to time for the Red Scabbards to set off for Onigashima, as they were already all gathered in one place.

'I guess it's time to call out to everyone...' 

Enel heaved a sigh as he tensed up a bit, before relaxing even more, causing the half-asleep Robin to slide down a bit before he caught her with one arm.

'Better not let her get submerged too much in the water...'

Although the water was technically always moving since they were in a Jacuzzi, Enel didn't want to take any chances and let Robin get momentarily weakened by it.

It wasn't like he was forming a river in that small pond. He was just making the water hot and bubbling. 

Robin was still a Devil Fruit user, and if she were to get submerged all the way to her neck, then she'd still experience what any Devil Fruit user experienced in water.

 "Did something happen?" Robin seemed a bit dizzy as she was about to get up, but Enel surprised her by standing up first and picking her up in the process.

"Nothing really, it's just that we ought to get ready. Seems that things are moving along and I have to contact everyone from my side as well..." 

Enel smiled as he held her up to his chest with one arm while collecting their clothes with the other. 

Robin did blush a bit, but she managed to recover instantly this time around.

"I guess the fun's over, huh?" She was back to her usual self it seemed. She even sounded disappointed. "Does that mean you have to leave to contact everyone today? I doubt it'll take long with your speed, but still..." 

Her question made the Emperor raise his eyebrow.

"Why would I bother going to contact all of them one by one? I can just call out to them, whisper in their ears." Enel yawned a bit as he walked towards the small cave that he had dug out.

The inside was decorated properly, with a large table and two large chairs, one bigger than the other. 

There was also a stone bed, with an assortment of green leaves on it. It looked moderately comfortable. 

Enel gently placed Robin on the bed and slowly started getting dressed.

Robin lay there for a few seconds before she sighed and got up, following his lead and also getting dressed. She did ask a few questions in the meantime though.

Things like "And since when can you whisper in people's ears?" and "Next time you place me on the bed like that you better do the opposite of getting dressed, you hear me?" 

Enel responded to the first one with a proper explanation, and to the second one with a playful hum.

His explanation of his power was rather simple too.

He reminded her of how he was always able to listen in on conversations with the help of his Observation Haki and Devil Fruit.

He could essentially hear everyone's voices within those waves. 

After awakening and training his fruit as well in the past few weeks, he realised that he could also do the opposite of listening... 

Yep, the Emperor had devised a way to project his voice through Electromagnetic Waves. And it wasn't even difficult or anything. Rather, it was just as effortless as it was for him to listen in on conversations. 

He could essentially project his voice throughout all of Wano directly to the people that he wanted whenever he wanted. 

And after he and Robin both got dressed, he slowly coughed a few times in his closed fist and opened his mouth.

"Hey everyone, this is Enel... Come meet me in the Kibi region, close to Onotawa Peak... You have exactly two days." 

He didn't even bother leaving his home, he just projected his voice through Electromagnetic waves right near the people he wanted to hear it...

And all that was to wait.

"I hope you aren't planning on just standing there and waiting... Right?" Robin asked, a smile rising to her lips as soon as she realised she still had two days with Enel.

"Well... I guess we can certainly try to 'train' a bit in the meantime..." The Emperor just grinned at Robin. 


Hope you liked the chapter!

Finally managed to write this one out. Took me a bit due to a severe lack of inspiration tbh.

Also, guess who got injured at the gym again :))) Yea, my back hurts like shit after some deadlifts, I wanna die now, but I'll go to sleep instead and hope it gets better.

Story Shoutout : Hell Difficulty Tutorial

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