One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 267: Marine’s Perspective and Destination

__________ POV Narration __________ 

Enel yawned as the voices around his table continued arguing and bickering like children.

'I guess that, at some point in our lives, we do all revert to being children...'

Big Mom continued to throw random jabs at the Marines, seemingly enjoying their reactions. Akainu was especially livid as he considered Big Mom scum, but he couldn't harm her as they were currently allies.

Enel looked at the two of them with a rather conflicted gaze.

Akainu was not going to be an extremist when it came to his Justice. It was Absolute Justice at the end of the day.

His hate for pirates like Big Mom ran deeper than anything in the world. The only difference was that he now saw the difference between pirates like Big Mom and the Strawhats.

It was a combination of Enel and Aokiji's influence on him, as well as the fact that he was no longer blind to the many flaws of the World Government.

The Magma User was still very much inclined to slay any pirates, but he now understood that some people got the title of pirate just because the World Government couldn't control them.

It was a rather disheartening discovery for Akainu. Finding out that his fists had been pointed at the wrong people so many times. 

After all, Ohara was not the only example of the World Government harming others.

Akainu and the Marines had gone along and allowed the World Nobles and Government to do a lot of despicable things.

From assisting in enslaving and killing off entire races to committing mass murder on their behalf on multiple occasions.

The marines in general, the admirals and Fleet Admirals specifically, were more than complicit to those crimes.

This fact was among the things that enabled Akainu to work together with Pirates. 

It was a stray thought that happened upon his head at some point. In fact, it happened upon the heads of most of the marines present at Enel's round table. 

'How have we been better than pirates all these years?'

If anything, pirates like Whitebeard had done a lot more good in the world than someone like Akainu and Kizaru. 

It was sickening, now that they had this new perspective they couldn't help but see the arbitrary and downright evil ways of the government. 

They were never fighting for justice, no they were just working constantly for the World Government's interest, to maintain and expand its power whenever needed.

The Marines were nothing more than a tool. And Akain was mad at that realization.

Sengoku however, always knew that. He had never had a doubt in his mind that the Marines were nothing more than tools. 

But there was no other choice for him. He knew of no power that could stand up to the World Government, so for so many years, he tried his best to climb to the top of the Marines.

When he was younger, he hoped that he'd bring about change in the world. But he ended up becoming nothing more than another cog in the machine.

Working with the World Government's best interests in mind if only just to preserve his own position and life. He had fallen into a trap that had swallowed up many before him.

In a sense, Garp was smarter than Sengoku in that regard. Instead of trying to make changes through the World government, he just did his own thing.

Refusing to work directly under them as an Admiral, and going off to start his own organization within the Marines that worked outside of the Government's view for the most part.

Unfortunately not much was left of said organization currently. Garp had no way of knowing how they had ended up, but not all of its members had come in with the Neo Marines, so it was safe to assume they were either dead or no longer allies. 

Things were looking up however, at the very least they had built up a force large enough to reform the Marines after the war. 

Garp had also managed to train up Koby and Helmeppo into capable marines, future leaders even. 

But that future hinged on the results of the upcoming war, so it was easier said than done. 

'It's only a matter of time before we reach Egghead... I wonder if Vegapunk has finished those Seraphs...' Enel pondered for a moment, his mind clear as the atmosphere around him continued to rage on. 

Shiki, Francisco, Whitebeard and Big Mom seemed to have formed a clique of their own, seemingly just like back in the old days.

Mihawk and Shanks seemed to be conversing more with Dragon and his Revolutionaries. 

Mihawk had already proposed a duel to Francisco, but it was set to happen after a few days, giving Mihawk some time to get accustomed to his new surroundings.

At least that was the excuse Enel gave the two swordsmen to stop them from going for each other's throats moments after they met.

Francisco was loyal and disciplined, so he understood that his Captain didn't want them to cause too much damage by fighting.

Mihawk was a bit miffed, as he was eager to prove himself against someone from an older generation. 

The two of them had already studied each other, and at the very least they were able to tell that their understanding of the sword was reaching a similar level.

When it came to haki however, it seemed that Mihawk fell a bit short. Not by much, but from Enel's observation, it was enough for the stronger between the two to be decided in the Lightning Emperor's eye. 

"Enel, have you been in contact with Vegapunk at all lately? I've been meaning to ask, as this has been bothering me for a while now..." Dragon approached the Sky King with a rather concerned and questioning look.

"I have not been able to reach him as of late, no..." The Emperor just shook his head, immediately dashing the Revolutionary Leader's hopes.

"Well, I doubt anything bad could ever happen to that man... He is after all the smartest in the entire world, I'm sure he can look after himself." Sengoku, who seemed to have overheard their conversation, decided to join in.

"I would tend to agree... But it seems that fate had other plans..." Enel immediately stood up, he felt something finally reaching the limit of his radar far into the distance.

Before anyone at the table could ask him what he meant by his words, he vanished, turning into a spark and flowing through the clouds, reappearing far into the distance and right above the structure he had felt.

Egghead. Or rather, what remained of it. 

It was similar to a cracked shell, with the naked eye, Enel could deduce that more than half the island had been erased. 

'It wasn't like this before...' Enel had activated his awakened state for training around two or three weeks back. And Egghead appeared normal. 

But now there was almost nothing left of the previously sprawling and technologically advanced city. 

"No sign of life... Well, this is quite... Concerning."

In an instant, Enel's heartbeat thundered and his eyes lit up and sparked with lightning.

The tattoo on his back shined through his white coat, and the wheel of drums manifested behind him.

His senses spread out far and wide, his mind bombarded with countless streams of consciousness, new information too digest.

It all would have been way too overwhelming, but his awakened state allowed hm to think at inconceivable speeds, allowing him to study that information carefully.

After a few seconds, with his radar spreading far and wide, he smiled.

'The Strawhats seem to be just fine... And it seems that the Vegapunks are with them. Seems Vegapunk managed to transfer most of his brain on the Strawhat Ship at least.'

But Enel couldn't help but notice something rather important. 

York, Vegapunk's Greed. was missing. And the Seraphims were also missing. 

There was no trace of any remains within Egghead. Not a whisper of a soul there.

'Well then, this complicates things a bit. At least the Strawhats and Vegapunks are safe for the most part... Better let the others know about this as well.' 


Heyoo, hope you liked today's chapter! Bit shorter, but this is all I could do for now as I wanna go sleep. I really gotta start trying to write this stuff earlier in the day

Story Shoutout: Transcendence: The Versatile Demoness

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