One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 276: Opposition, Resentment and Chaos

__________ POV Narration __________ 

The combined aura of Enel's strongest lieutenants crushed everything in its path, to the point where even someone on the level of an admiral had fainted.

Of course, Aramaki's fainting was also thanks to the shock he received when seeing all of the figures he respected within the marines on the other side of the war he was fighting.

Kong acted quickly enough to save him, his gigantic furred arm clutching at him whilst trembling as he took a few steps back.

Even when fully transformed in his Yeti form it was difficult for him to get too close. 

But that crushing pressure didn't go unanswered for much longer.

In an instant, 5 monstrous beings jumped in between the vulnerable walls of the Holy Land and the gathering of legendary figures assaulting it.

Their gigantic bodies obstructed everything, and the 5 of them together exuded an aura that seemed to be able to push back against that of Enel's army. 

Lightning of all colours roared and twisted around in the air as the entire world seemed to come to a standstill once more. 

But not for long.

"Ho? That's cute." Francisco smiled as he slowly unsheathed his blade.

Shanks laughed a bit, nodding his head in agreement as he also slightly unsheathed his Gryphon. Mihawk's sharp gaze spoke for itself as he did the same.

The aura that the 3 swordsmen exuded was immediately amplified. And more people from behind the group joined in.

Zoro was further off to the side, but his green eyes also shined in a dangerous light, the pressure he exuded matching that of the other swordsmen in intensity. 

"So the Elders are actually monsters, huh?" A gruff voice spoke up as another surge of powerful conqueror's haki was added to the mix, further pushing against the elders. 

It was released by a shirtless tattooed man wearing formal tribal garb. On his back was a dangerous-looking bone spear. 

It was none other than Wyper, one of Enel's friends and rivals. 

"Not that shocking of a revelation. But with the people gathered here, I think we have a pretty good chance." Another deeper voice quipped in, and a much taller and bulkier figure stepped up. 

A shirtless man wearing a pair of baggy pants, sporting a mechanical arm and leg. His hair was a fiery orange and shaped into a clover.

He was none other than Oven, one of Big Mom's Sweet Commanders, currently arguably the strongest among them.

By his side also stood Katakuri, his trident resting on his shoulder as his muscled body appreciated the breeze made by the powerful clash of conquerors currently breaking out in front of them. 

His gaze held no fear, instead he looked at the monsters in front of him with great expectation. 

'I have been surpassed by both Oven and that Strawhat child... I shall use this opportunity to temper and hone my skill even further...' 

He wasn't the only one thinking like that of course. With the forces they had gathered, the fight against the Elders and the Government's powers was going to be very much winnable.

Especially since Enel's plan worked and they managed to get close enough to destroy all of their pluton cannons the moment the war began. 

But there were still quite a few powerful enemies they had to face aside from the elders.

The God's Knights had 9 figures of note in there, but only one of them joined the Conqureror's clash on the Elder's side, and that was none other than their leader. An old man going by Saint Figarland Garling.

Shanks's eyes narrowed upon seeing the figure of the old man standing alongside the Elders. 

"I'll take care of that one..." He muttered, the people around him nodding in understanding.

It was hard to not notice the uncanny resemblance that the Leader of the God Guards had to Shanks.

The same blood-red hair, similar features. Hell, even their conqueror's haki was somewhat similar, though that was known to not have any ties to genetics. 

But Figarland Garling was not the only other person in the Holy Land with Conqueror's Haki. 

Kong joined into the fray as well, now feeling a bit more confident as he had more people on his side.

He did feel a bit disheartened when seeing Garp and Sengoku on the other side, but he decided not to think about it too much for now. 'I'll try to capture the former marines alive at least... Aramaki, you brat, you better wake up soon!'

Aside from Kong, 7 other figures jumped into the fray. 

'Seraphim, huh?' 

They were not yet grown, still children. But surprisingly they were still able to use conqueror's haki.

"It seems they didn't have time to make clones of me as well in the end..." Francisco smiled as he watched younger versions of his disgraced former captain sitting on the ruined walls of the Holy Land. 

"Vegapunk did mention that the Government was unlikely to be able to set up the facilities to do so in time... Better for us." Shiki spoke with uncharacteristic clarity as he stared at those Seraphims.

Whitebeard didn't say anything, instead, his grip on his Murakumogiri tightened as a brief glint of hatred flashed through his eyes. 

 "That face, even when younger, doesn't bring back any good memories at all..." The old Emperor slowly clenched his fist, preparing for the battle, whilst the Conqueror's Haki he exuded didn't die down one bit. 

"It does for me~" Francisco said with a peal of cheery laughter. 

The clash was now nothing more than a stalemate, although not everyone on Enel's side was all that serious. They were all warming up for the main act after all.

The initial clash ended soon after, with the stalemate continuing as a staring contest.

Garp was the first to step forward, his gaze filled with disdain as he stared at the Elders.

"You know, for all of my reservations and disappointment that the situation has turned to this, one thing I don't mind is finally getting to take out my frustration on you lot..." Garp cracked his knuckles as he stared down the Elders.

"You wish to take out your frustrations? Get in line! I've been dealing with thier annoying requests personally for far longer..." Sengoku also stepped forward, his muscles rippling slightly and gaining a golden glow.

"I also have plenty of resentment to sort out... I guess we're all going to have to do it together then." Akainu huffed a bit, his fist filling with magma as his cigar completely burnt out. 

"They did try to slay all of us... To say we are all itching for revenge would be putting it lightly." Aokiji huffed a bit of steam as his body was slightly covered in ice. 

Fujitora also hummed at that, a purplish aura flowed out of him as the air around the Holy Land grew heavier. He hadn't been that long with the Navy, but it was enough to see how flimsy the justice of the World Government was.

And because of his scepticism, he was clearly not seen as important enough to keep alive, unlike Aramaki who just blindly followed orders. 

"Even before that, we've been putting up with all of their demands, they've always been bothersome~" Kizaru also smiled, his body slightly shining yellow, which reflected into his sunglasses as he craned his neck to the side. 

They all had their own reservations when it came to the World Government. Former Admirals and former Fleet Admirals were all used and thrown away by the Government, the justice they had found themselves dishing out had nothing to do with the safety of the vulnerable.

Zephyr's scowl deepened as he remembered the number of recruits that died under him whilst he was following the higherup's orders, forcing them to go on exceedingly harder missions and putting their lives at risk.

The first one to jump forward was still Garp, his fists pointed at Saint Saturn, who was currently in his Spider Demon form.

"Galaxy Impact!" A gigantic shockwave spread from the former Marine Hero's fist, sending crushing waves towards the Elder. 

Saturn immediately acted, digging all but one of his gigantic legs into the sea floor to resist being thrown away by the powerful shockwave. As the powerful wind gushed past him, he moved his remaining leg, directing his pointed sharp pincer towards Garp's chest.

Sengoku didn't sit still when seeing Saturn trying to skewer his old friend, in an instant he transformed into a golden giant. 

He jumped forward and slapped the gigantic leg away with a palm strike, causing a large golden shockwave of his own which caused what remained of the seas around them to whirl aggressively. 

In an instant, the seas froze over, as Aokiji also joined the fray. Magma fists rained down from the sky through the entire holy land, and light also rained down across the entire battlefield. 

Zephyr jumped to fight Satrun alongside Garp, sending a Rankyaku at the spider's legs, hoping to cut them off while they were still frozen in the ice.

But Saturn's body seemed to be much tougher than any of them could have anticipated. The Elder seemed to be unaffected by those attacks, he merely scowled, and remained unmoving. Whilst more and more figures jumped out of the Holy Land to fight Enel's Lieutenants and Wings. 

Sengoku himself was almost slashed by Saint Figarland, but Shanks moved much quicker to intercept him, thier blades crossing and blasting red lightning in all directions.

"Hmph!" The Red Haired Emperor flexed his hand, pushing the God Knight Captain further into the Holy Land and following suit. 

6 of the 7 Seraphims had jumped to defend Saturn, and they were immediately intercepted by two gigantic flying slashes, both shining with a golden light. 

Shiki immediately broke the sound barrier, flying towards the visages of his old captain, blades drawn and ready for blood. 

"I'll take these fakes on!" He only said that as he used that momentum to also push them further inland, throwing a gigantic boulder their way and passing by one of the elders. 

"We'll assist him... If that idiot gets himself killed this entire operation is doomed..."

Wyper, Oven and Momonga, all moved as the Sweet Commander said that. Shiki was, after all, the only reason why their islands were currently floating, he was someone who couldn't be allowed to die no matter what. 

Saint Mars, in his flying demonic thunderbird form, wasn't about to just let all of them go past just like that... 

But before he could even beat his wings in Shiki's direction he felt the air around him grow even heavier, pulling him towards the ground. At the same time, a gigantic figure appeared right above his head, tail-slapping him away, sending him flying into a side of the Red Line. 

"I had worried this day would never come... But it is time for us to show our true strength!" That deep voice thundered through the skies with intensity as the Revolutionary Army on Enel's islands roared with pride. 

The figure could be described as that of a largely overgrown lizard, the most dangerous kind of course. A 4 legged dragon, with a wingspan large enough to rival that of Saint Mars, scales of a dark green colour. 

It was none other than Garp's own son. Monkey D. Dragon, with his very fitting Devil Fruit. Mythical Zoan, Reptile Model: Storm Dragon. 

A bothersome devil fruit for the World Government, granting its user both overwhelming strength and endurance and control over storm and lightning clouds.

Though it was lacking in versatility when compared to Enel's devil fruit, it was still obscenely powerful, which was one of the reasons why Dragon was one of the most wanted men in the world. 

"The Revolutionary Dragon..." The other Elders reacted immediately, but they were each stopped by other formidable opponents that they could not bear to ignore. 

Saint Shepherd, in his gigantic island eater demonic worm form, wanted to rush to Mars's assistance, but as soon as he dove into the earth he felt his entire body being crushed by tremendous tremors.

He was immediately forced to expel most of his body out of the ground to avoid further injury, and he was faced directly with his opponents...

Whitebeard, Marco, Ace, and... Some rookie pirates from the Strawhats, the cook Sanji and the musician Brook? 

Saint Warcury, in his demonic boar form, was in no position to provide assistance either. Currently being pressed by the strongest members of the Big Mom Pirates, including Big Mom herself. 

Lastly, Saint Nusjuro, half transformed into a skeletal horse, was also forced back, blocking countless flying slashes from Zoro and Mihawk. 

Fights were breaking out all over the place as the war was now in full effect. 

Whilst chaos reigned bellow, the skies far above the Holy Land were somehow even livelier, as the three gods present clashed for the first time directly... 


Hope you liked today's chapter of all-out war! 

Tune in for the next one, where more war will be happening ;)

Story Shoutout: Transcendence: The Versatile Demoness

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