One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 285: Sun and Lightning, Damage and Fate

__________ POV Narration ___________

Minutes before the divine act witnessed by the people below, the Gods were once again stuck in a sort of stalemate.

Enel and Luffy were both sure to have done a lot of damage to IMU, but for some reason, it felt like they were still far from ending him.

Enel had overcharged Luffy with lightning and allowed him to punch down into IMU's gigantic body with a gigantic fist of his own. 

Within that combination, they had also mixed in both of their Conqueror's haki, coating Luffy's fist in both of their wills.

It worked like a charm, dispersing the water once more. But it still started gathering again.

This time, tendril rushed towards the two of them before IMU's body had even reformed, further frustrating the two young gods.

"Luffy... I think it's impossible for us to not damage the world at this rate." Enel scowled as the wheel on his back continued to turn endlessly.

Truth be told, he was starting to become quite winded, the battle having stretched a lot more than they had expected.

Luffy seemed to still have more gas in the tank per se, but he was also somewhat injured and slowly becoming worn down.

But one thing was true for both gods... Neither of them had used their devil fruits' destructive capabilities to their fullest extent. 

It wasn't that they were going easy on IMU, they were still going all out and concentrating their powers on him... But they were making somewhat of an active effort not to do irreparable damage to the world itself.

Such was the burden of those who wielded godly power in the name of good. 

But it was about time the two of them truly stopped caring for such things. 

'If we continue like this, we'll just wear ourselves out... Time to use 'that' part of my awakened state.' 

Just before IMU's tentacles could reach Enel this time, he simply pointed one of his fingers towards them.

In an instant, the very space around them started vibrating, overcharged with electromagnetic waves released by the Lightning God.

In an instant, the air itself sparked, and Raijin's incarnation immediately started controlling the atmosphere around him, just as Luffy's hands stretched out. 

In front of Enel's finger appeared a spark, a congealed blob of lightning forming and shaping into a ball of pure plasma.

The water from the tentacles that were just now attacking the two gods immediately turned into ionized gas.

Enel's concentration immediately spilt apart the Hydrogen and Oxygen molecules within it, splitting the gas in two whilst Luffy continued to reach his hands out into the vast sea of stars above them. 

IMU didn't seem to be aware of what Enel was preparing, but he seemed to be keen on wanting to stop Luffy. But his tentacles couldn't get anywhere close to Luffy with Enel right by his side.

Even the red light that his many eyes tried to fire towards the two gods was useless, reflected by the wheel on Enel's back almost as if on instinct. 

 Luffy grunted, his long outstretched hands finally reaching their target... The sun. 

In an instant, he pulled, his reality-bending abilities leading to him being able to tear two chunks out of the otherwise unbreakable sun.

The rubbery chunks were immediately getting pulled closer and closer to the earth, something that just about everyone had noticed.

But what had gone unnoticed was Enel's more subtle move... 

With a final, dramatic gesture, the small blob of pure plasma at the top of his finger flew off. 

Directly into the concentrated pockets of hydrogen and oxygen that Enel had meticulously created.

By the time a spark appeared, it was already too late for IMU to do anything. 

The resulting explosion was beyond deafening, a flash of white-hot energy rippled through IMU's body in a series of explosive chain reactions.

And from those small sparks, the full effect took place, the explosion expanding greatly, leading to Enel pulling Luffy aside and fleeing as his move continued to expand more and more, almost reaching the ground many kilometres below.

The pieces of Sun that Luffy had dragged down were also slingshotted into the mix, adding more plasma to what was now likely the largest Hydrogen Bomb known to mankind. 

The mix of elements formed something that could only be called a true miniature sun. The heat radiating off of it gave burns to many of the people below, and many of Enel's islands had to pull back due to it as well. 

But the heat was not even the worst of it. 

The shockwave that stretched out after the sun had reached its full size was felt throughout the world, and everyone within the Holy Land was pushed further apart, the islands that Enel's Army had arrived on were all pushed away and further into the sea. 

Indeed. Enel had turned IMU's entire gigantic body into a hydrogen bomb. 

He was by no means a thermonuclear physicist. Not even close. But he knew the basic concept of how such a bomb would work. 

It was only a matter of experimenting with the right quantities of hydrogen and oxygen, trying countless combinations of atoms within countless clouds of steam, before lighting all of them up with incredibly pure plasma formed straight out of his drum wheel. 

He had performed all of that in seconds, all of those calculations and considerations. It was all thanks to his obscenely enhanced mind and observation haki.

His perception had slowed down time itself for him to be able to accomplish such a divine feat, but it left him with a big headache nonetheless.

"God I've always hated chemistry..." Enel muttered whilst holding his forehead, veins currently popping out on it visibly. 

"ShiShiShi~ I know right? Almost as bad as math! Regardless, that was sure to cook him a bit, right?"Luffy smiled, before gazing down at his burnt hands, before clenching them tightly. 

"I think we turned him into soup properly... What I don't know is if he had any tricks up his sleeve that would help him survive such a thing." The Lightning God looked at the gigantic explosion with a rather grim expression.

Something, in his heart... Still told him that it wasn't enough. That the annoying nuisance would somehow survive.

After all. If IMU was so easy to keel over dead... How had the 3 gods before them lost in such a way?

Well, lost was a strong word. They had actually killed IMU plenty. Destiny was just against them. 

The miniature sun eventually fell fully onto the Red Line underneath them. Those who had been unfortunate enough to stand below it as the explosion had gone off had fled. 

Still, Enel could feel that their reckless move had endangered many of their own people. Not that it could be helped.

They were all informed that, if things were to go down, Enel and Luffy would have no choice but to go all out. 

They knew the risks, the type of monstrous battle that would occur. They had heard the many tales and had seen just the casual power of someone like Enel.

It was fair to say that none had expected to ever see such destructive power in their entire lives. 

The Miniature Sun had already done irreparable damage to the world, raising the sea level significantly.

The damage would have been even worse for Enel's army had Aokiji not acted quickly, using his Devil Fruit powers constantly to keep refreezing the seas and even stretching out to the islands closest to the bomb. 

Many would have died if not for his interference. 

But it couldn't be helped. IMU was not moving from above the holy land. If Luffy and Enel tried to bait him away, he'd just swoop down and kill all of their allies in quick succession. 

When the Bomb finally died down, silence stretched out for quite a while. Enel slowly closed and opened his tired eyes, the brightness of the Miniature Sun likely having taken its toll on the vision of many present there. 

He smiled for a moment when the silence stretched a bit, he could feel victory creeping in.

But just as he was about to look at Luffy and celebrate, the feeling was instantly squashed, as his senses picked something else up.

From the steam created by the constantly freezing and boiling seas, clouds formed. A lot of them. And those clouds seemed to immediately condense, forming the silhouette of an incomplete person. 

At that moment, Enel finally understood the frustration of his predecessor...

'Is fate stacked against us as well?' 


Hey there! Hope you liked the chapter!

Sorry again for the extra wait, me being in vacation is certainly a factor, but I also wanted the most recent chapter(on Patre_on where at chapter 300 already) to turn out well, as it is the end of the war basically.

There are 2-3 chapters left maybe, just speaking about what is to happen after the war, but this story is near its completion ;)

Story Shoutout: Transcendence: The Versatile Demoness

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