One Piece: Rise of the World Tree

Chapter 01

When I opened my eyes the first thing I noticed was that I was in the middle of a forest... naked. Well... atleast there isn't anyone to see me like this... I hope. Last thing I remember was my game crashing before my avatar finish loading, guess I made it, gave me quite the scare there, since I was a beta tester of the first full drive virtual reality game ever made. Better check my dimmentional storage to see if there is anything that can cover my nether regions atleast.

"Menu" I said in a low voice as to not draw unwanted attention. Interesting there is only a fruit inside my storage. Better inspected really quick since they promised a starter pack for all beta testers. After clicking on top of the fruit another small window appeared.

'Appraisal of mysterious fruit completed successfully.'

I clicked the fruit before reading the name so that I could see a description of it and it appeared on another small window.

'The Tree Tree Fruit: model Dryad is a  Mythical Zoan type Devil Fruit that allows the one who eats this fruit to harness the power of a Dryad. As a dryad the user will be able to consume, create, foster, absorbs, reshape, mix and control any plant or wood. The user will be able to recreate any vegetable, fruit, herb, spice, roots, tree, bushes and flowers that the user consumes.'

Wait a minute... Devil Fruit? Wasn't this suposed to be a generic vrmmojrpg game with a typical fantasy settings and cliches? Why am I in the world of One Piece then and with a freaking Mythical Zoan type devil fruit to get me started. Wait a minute, were is the log out button. There is no settings or options either... guess that weird glitch teleported me into the world of One Piece... with the character that I design to play that Tales of Scrolls Online.

Better eat that fruit before another glitch happens and I'm warpped into another fantasy settings... That golden peach shaped fruit tasted just as bad as the anime makes it out to be, but I don't feel... guess the pain was so much that I fainted. Another small window popped in front of my vision saying some congratulations, apparently now I can see my whole status. Better check that now then look at the other Items I got. "Menu" I said in a low voice, then I checked the Status tab.

'Status Check:

Name: unknown*

Health Points 250/250
Stamina Points 250/250
Ability Points 250/250

STR: 15 VIT: 15
DEX: 15 END:15
AGI: 15 MEN: 15
CHA: 15

Devil Fruit: Tree Tree Fruit; model Dryad


  • Dryad Form: transform partially or completely into the Mythical Dryad. Empowers your wood based attacks and uses the wood from the strongest tree the user has fused with.
  • Floral Bloom: re-creates a plant that was previously consumed by the user. 
  • Floral Growth: accelerate the speed at which a plant grows and matures.
  • Floral Fusion: fuses with trees for shelter and recovery or to permanently strengthen the user's wood based abilities.
  • Floral Control: manipulates the plants surrounding the user.
  • Floral Seedling: mixes the different genes of any plant the user has consumed and creates a seed.
  • Giant Wood Pillar: the user summons a square wooden pillar from the ground. The user must be standing on soil and can choose the direction that they grow.
  • Small Wood Pillar: the user summons a round thin wood pillar than can grow from either the soil the user is standing on or the wooden parts of the user and can choose the direction that they grow.
  • Wood Barrier: the user builds a wall made of wood pillars. It can be reinforced and repaired by using more wood.
  • Wood Carving: the user can sculpt anything out of wood. The wood can be summoned if standing on soil or reused if the user is directly touching any wooden source.
  • Photosynthesis: the user will get additional energy from the sun. Improves recovery speed in sunny areas and increases the power of plant-based attacks.

Haki: none'

I didn't know that devil fruit user had so many skills... Well Luffy has way more than me so I guess it's natural to have a lot of skills. Well lets check the new Items that the system has given me after congratulating me for completing a hidden quest. The first is a mysterious golden seed... Clicking it a small window popped up in front of me.

'Treasure Tree Adam seed: the seed of a Treasure Tree Adam a tree whose wood is said to withstand almost any attack, treasured by many for its durabillity. Required 1,000 years to mature and 5,000 years to grow it's own heart wood. The heart wood is a special portion near the center of the tree that allows the tree to rebuild it self, even if it is cut down, as long as a single root remains. The older the tree the more durable and valuable it becomes.'

Wow... Guess I know what tree I'm fusing with to increase my powers and my physical body. Maybe I have to use my Floral Growth to make it grow faster. I don't think I can live for 1,000 years let alone 5,000... Lets check the others to see if there is an item I can use inmidiately... There is another devil fruit maybe, I click on the mysterious fruit.

'Goddess Rainbow Fruit: a fruit provided by the Goddess of Aventures.  Can only be eaten by devil fruit users, if ingested by anyone else it grants some small status boost. Grants the skill Colorful Body. Colorful Body increases all status and unlocks the potential of the user.'

What... theres gotta be a mistake somewhere I don't remember there being other fruits inside of the One Piece universe. Besides this looks like another devil fruit, but a rainbow hue outside of it instead of a solid color... It kind of looks like the premium coin you have to buy for freemium One Piece game I used to play. Is this what happens if you eat one of those fruits intead of buying random pirate packs... Wait I don't think those fruits can be eaten... Well a free skill is good, I guess I'll eat it now then, hope it taste better than the Wood Wood Fruit that taste like paper... It taste really good, like oh my go... 

I wake up and the sky is getting darker. Checking my status again... All my stats went up by 10 points except my Charisma which got a 25 points and my health, stamina and ability points went up by 100. Guess that is what the skill does... Wait did I also grow larger, my chest feels heavier, my thighs are thicker and I feel taller... 

My body was kind of avarage before since Tales of Scrolls was meant to be an action game with little fan service, atleast the face and hair options were great so my character looked really cute. But now I'm a bombshell of a woman, my butt is also really plump too, typical One Piece style waist and hips. I wanted to be a loli in ToS since the sexy options were kind of limited. 

Don't remember my hair being green... actually I don't remember how I used to look like outside of my game avatar nor do I remember anyone for that matter... was this also thanks to Rainbow Goddess fruit too. Well lets focus then, I still have my anime knowledge and don't remember my real life, guess my priority should be surviving in this world... were exacly in this world am I.

Also need some clothes... Lets keep looking at the other items I got, a mystery bottle and a map... Seriously no clothes of any kind... not even some panties. Clicking them a small window appeared for both items.

'Awesome Water Bottle: contains 10 litters of purified water that can be used for drinking, gardening, cooking and cleaning. Refills it self at mid night. The max capacity can be increased by having more members join the owner of this water bottle.'

'Awesome Sea Chart: displays the surrounding 10km area around the user. It is always points north and the owner of the map will always appear in the middle. The display area can be increased by having more members join the owner of this map.'

This is really awesome, to bad there aren't any clothes to wear. Maybe I should drink some water to cool my head a little... After taking a sip of the Awesome Water Bottle, I can say that this water taste great. Don't know if it's because I was a plant girl... plant lady now, but this water is gonna be my key to survive in this world, since water is really important to plants. I don't think I have to worry about food now that I think about it, though some plants do eat other creatures to survive.

Maybe I can bloom some leaves to cover my body a little bit... Maybe I can craft a robe or something using leaves... Need some panties first... And some bras now that I look at my twin sisters, can't leave them hanging in the open. After eating som large leaves and tree sap, I can now recreate them by blooming them over my body. After what felt like hours I finally manage to make some nice removable panties to cover my nethers and a leave robe to cover my twins, had to reinforce the top section to support the weight of my chest. I wanted to make some pants but the robes kind of covers my panties. This are temporary until I can get to town. 

Wait I can bloom anything I have eaten before, a side from the devil fruit I believe, the rainbow fruit can be bloomed but I lack the energy points for that... Lets see, how about something simple like an apple, after a few seconds an apple started growing from my hand. This devil fruit is great for survival with the the water bottle and this food making ability I can survive long enough until I can get to a town at least. Taking a bite out of the apple doesn't hurt me at least so this is free food I guess. Taste sweet and it's really juicy, I can probably sell some succulent fruits to get some money and live in a town I guess.

Taking the map I look for the closest town, and I guess there is on really close guess I am lucky or what. If I hurry I guess I can get there before sun rise. The city of Baterilla, guess I am in the south blue. Not much is know about the south blue since the main story line is in the east blue guess I have to make it to the Grand Line before I can take advantage of the knowledge I have about the anime. Well guess I need to hurry, I don't wanna spend my first day in thr woods alone... even if I'm a plant gi... Plant Lady.

Even thought I have been running in a full sprint I don't get tired, and also the speed I am currently traveling at is insane I feel as fast as car. After an hour of running I stop for a drink and man can I drink, at first I though that 10 litters of water was a to much, but I'm glad I got this gift so early. After resting my muscles for a bit I resume my sprint to Baterilla. The only thing that was mentioned about this City is that Ace was born here and his mom lived here before she died giving birth to him, kind of sad though. I wonder if those event have yet to pass... don't know the current date.

While running I try to bloom other fruits and vegetables and to my surprise they all tasted really good. After another hour, I had to take another break to drink more water and keep trying new fruits and vegetables. They don't consume that much Ability Points so I guess it's ok, also the speed in which I can bloom fruits and vegetables is increasing so I guess it doubles as training. After stretching I continued on.

After a couple more hours I made it to the gates of Baterilla. And to no ones surprise, their doors are closed. Get I can wait a little, the sun should be up any minute now. Better drink more water and keep training my food making skill, and tasting new fruits and vegetables, maybe I can make some roots too like some carrots and potatoes. After a couples of tries, I can't bloom them on my hands like the fruits and vegetables that grow above ground but if I place my hand on the soil I can bloom a carrot out of it.

After I get some cooking supplies I might be able to cook some good stuff from my mysterious previous life. Like a stew of some curry. I also have infinite water so I'm set for life, just need some friends and a place to live, maybe I can live in a boat so that I can reach the Grand Line to start my adventure. Alright I'll be a pirate I guess since being a marine is lame and the revolutionaries are always at war against the goverment. Although to be fair most of the different points of view in the anime are through the eyes of pirates.

After waiting a bit the sun started rising and the doors to the city are being opened, nice. Wonder were my new adventure will lead me and how many friends and enemies I will make.

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