One Piece: Talent Copy System!

Chapter 30: The Unfortunate High Priest

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Accompanied by Noir's roar, the surrounding villagers seemed to be enraged as well.

"How dare you insult the high priest! Kill them!"

"Skin them alive! Offer their skins to the High Priest!"

At the mention of the so-called High Priest, the villagers became even more ferocious, brandishing their weapons as they charged forward.

Ace couldn't hold back any longer and charged in, fists raised. Deuce and Skull also drew their flintlocks and began firing, fighting back.

But one figure was moving faster than all of them. Noir, sword at the ready, bent his body and charged into the crowd, reaching the villagers in an instant.

As the villagers looked on in horror, Noir grabbed the hilt of his sword and unleashed a mighty slash!

The famous rapid draw technique of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu!

"Dragon's Nest Flash!" The cold words fell, and Noir's blade quickly unsheathed and disappeared into the air.

Lights and shadows flickered as Noir unleashed dozens of swift slashes in a matter of seconds. Many enemies didn't even realize where the attacks had landed before mortal wounds appeared on their bodies!


Only as the pain spread did the injured react, instantly collapsing in droves!

"So... so powerful!"

Deuce and Skull looked at Noir, who resembled a war god, and stammered in shock.

Ace's eyes sparkled with excitement as he exclaimed, "Noir is indeed strong!"

The villagers, intimidated by Noir's display, hesitated to move forward. At that moment, an old voice suddenly rang out.

"Outsiders! You are courting death!"

Noir looked toward the voice and saw an old man with a sinister expression, white hair, and a beard approaching.

The villagers, overjoyed, made way for the old man, shouting, "The High Priest is here!"

"High Priest, punish them!"

"Burn the outsiders to ashes with heavenly fire!"

Hearing the villagers 'kiss ass' praise, the old man's face showed an arrogant expression. He scornfully addressed Noir and the others, "Boy, if you know what's good for you, surrender and become my food!

Ace, unable to contain himself, cursed, "Bullshit, go suck your milk!"

After cursing, Ace charged forward again. Having been overshadowed by Noir earlier, he was eager for a good fight!

The High Priest's face turned red from the insult, but he didn't dodge Ace's incoming blow. Instead, his eyes showed a trace of contempt!

Indeed, when Ace's fist struck the old man, it felt like a fireball. The high priest's head exploded like fireworks, and Ace's arm went through the flames!

"So hot... what's going on?"

Ace pulled his arm back, stunned by the lack of impact and the heat on his hand.

Under the worshipful gaze of the villagers, the High Priest's head reformed from the flames, revealing a smug old face. He laughed heartily, "Hahaha, boy, do you feel the power of the gods?!"

"A twisted freak who ate a devil fruit really thinks he's a god?"

Noir's calm voice rang out, stopping the high priest's laughter. He glared at Noir angrily, as if someone had revealed his secret.

Though worshipped as a deity by the islanders, the High Priest knew that his formidable power came from a fruit he had eaten years ago!

He wasn't from the island. Originally a pirate with a terrible taste for human flesh, he was abandoned by his crew and fled to this remote island where he had ruled for years.

Noir's words tore away the High Priest's years of facade and self-deception!

Ace slapped his forehead in realization, "A devil fruit? So this guy is like Luffy who ate one of those fruits?"

The High Priest's beard twitched in anger. His hands turned into flames as he shouted, "Both of you, shut up!"

His now fiery arms reached out toward Noir and Ace. However, the speed of the fire pillars was laughable to them. They easily dodged the attacks with light jumps.

Ace sneered, "Old man, your aim sucks!"

Noir rolled his eyes at another who was wasting a good Devil Fruit ability.

The High Priest, seething with rage, turned his entire lower body into fire and charged at them with blazing speed.

Knowing that he couldn't be hit, Ace quickly dodged, allowing the High Priest to change direction toward Noir.

Seeing Noir "distracted," the High Priest smiled inwardly.

You little brat! Prepare to be burned!

To Noir, the High Priest's speed was laughable. When the old man finally approached, Noir leisurely raised his leg high above his head.


Just as the High Priest was about to celebrate, a sharp pain nearly knocked him out.

A foot blackened with Haki stomped on the High Priest's head, driving him into the ground like a nail!


The villagers panicked.

Why didn't the high priest's miraculous fire ability work?!

Ace, impressed and confused, asked, "How could you hit that guy?"

Noir smiled at him, "It's called Haki. I'll teach you later..."

"Really?! That'd be awesome!"

As they chatted, a muffled voice came from under Noir's foot, "Don't get cocky, bastard! I'm not dead yet!"

The High Priest, in a fit of rage, turned into flames and scattered, avoiding Noir's "demonic" foot. He yelled, "You've made me angry, brat!"

Ace tugged at his ear, "He said you made him angry, Noir."

"Oh?" Noir replied casually, "Well, ain't I great?"


Fervent followers of the High Priest, the villagers looked as if they had swallowed dung, while Deuce and Skull stifled their laughter.

The high priest, driven mad by the disrespect, unleashed his fire abilities.

With his hands raised above his head, he channeled fiery streams into his palms, forming a small sun-like fireball.

The orange-red glow intensified, and the hot air blasted everyone present.

The villagers, seeing the High Priest's magnificent fireball, chanted fanatically:

"The High Priest is invincible!"

"The High Priest is invincible!"

The High Priest's face turned purple-red as he pushed himself to the limit, but he still flaunted his power: "Die, you bastards! This is the power of the gods!"

But under the firelight, Ace showed no fear, and Noir picked his nose boredly.

That ability, with all its posing, must be easy to dodge, right?

Ace thought.

Noir had a simpler thought:

This old man took forever to charge up, only to produce a weak imitation of the Great Flame Commandment, Flame Emperor.


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