One Piece: The Long Road

Chapter 369

Vol 7 Chapter 77: Set Sail And Combat Partners

The climate change in the new world tends to be more extreme than the first half of the great waterway. For example, the temperature at this time is rising and falling, like a desert with a scorching sun, so hot that even the air is not completely distorted.

In the early morning, I could still feel a little coolness and mist, but I didn’t want to see the scorching sun that hung overhead at noon. Bianquan was full of hot yo-heh, and when he looked up, there were dozens of naked and strong men at the port who were busy unloading and unloading goods.

Boxes of rectangular wooden boxes were unloaded from several ships, thinking that they were daily necessities transported from outside the island to the Black Earth Island. Among these ships, only one medium-sized three sailboat did not unload the supplies, but there were dozens of them. The individual was carrying out the box from the warehouse and loaded it onto the three sailboats. Obviously, the three sailboats were the ships that Long had prepared for him.

Simon walked to the edge of the port and carefully observed the three sailboats in front of him. Judging from the degree of old and new, they were still 70% new and medium in size. Any kind of cannon.

“Transportation ship?” Simon felt a little speechless when he looked at the medium-sized three sailboats in front of him. In fact, it didn’t matter what type of boat he was going to take. Shouldn’t a transport ship be dispatched, too?

In the dangerous new world, a ship without long-range weapons is a target to be slaughtered. To use such a ship to intervene in a local war that has already occurred is simply to push people into a fire pit.

Simon doesn’t care about this. After all, Yuebu has the ability to restore fruits, and his mobility is not comparable to ordinary natural fruits. In case of danger, he can abandon the ship at any time, but what about the people on the ship?

Simon couldn’t figure out what the dragon was thinking, so he didn’t think about it. He just stood by the side and waited quietly. Only the dozens of strong men in the port were busy looking after the front and the back, and he didn’t see the dragon and the so-called helper.

After waiting for a while, it seemed that there were enough supplies on the three sailboats. The original dozens of men did not take out the wooden boxes from the warehouse, but got on the three sailboats one by one, as if they did not see a living person beside the three sailboats. .

The dozen or so men did not rest after getting on the boat, but started to clean the deck and mast, as if preparing to set sail.

Simon stood on the edge of the port, watching this scene with cold eyes, scolding the dragon in his heart, thinking that noon has passed, and he has not even seen a figure. Maybe he heard Simon’s abuse in his heart, the two figures have never been. time on the trail.

The distorted air made the two figures look slightly blurry. Simon immediately noticed the approaching person and turned his head to look, his expression was icy, no surprise. One of the figures was a dragon, while the other figure had a bit of aura. Familiar, but Simon couldn’t think of who it was.

It didn’t take long for two figures to emerge from the distorted air from far to near. They were a man and a woman. The man was wearing a set of green ordinary civilian clothes. Who else was it if it wasn’t a dragon? The other woman surprised Simon a little.

“It’s her?” After seeing the woman’s face clearly, Simon’s face was a little ugly.

This woman was Fiona, who had previously impressed Simon very badly. Unexpectedly, under the scorching sun, this woman was still dressed in that cool dress.

“It looks like it’s ready.” Long walked to the three sailboats, as if he didn’t see Simon’s unsightly expression on his face, he raised his head slightly and glanced at the anchor that was slowly being retracted on the boat, and then spread his palms flat to meet Fei. Ona, showed a faint smile to Simon: “Introduce to you, she is the one who is on the mission with you, Fiona.”

“It’s you slut!?” Long’s voice just fell, and after Fiona, who was looking left and right, looked at Simon, a new hatred or something came to her heart, and she couldn’t help but burst out foul language, and then, she almost He jumped up and shouted at Long: “Hey, Uncle Long, you are too unkind, just send me a dangerous mission, and arrange me and this **** together, this is not Are you sending me to death? I absolutely disagree!”

Long was stunned when he heard it, and didn’t care about Fiona’s foul language and objections, but raised his eyebrows and said to Simon in surprise: “Why, you two know each other?”

Simon’s face was black, and he wanted to slash the unreasonable woman in front of him with a sword. He glanced at Fiona coldly, and said coldly: “Yesterday, this woman inexplicably blocked my way, and I taught me a little lesson, I can’t talk about it. know.”

“Have you taught me a little?” Fiona raised her eyebrows in anger, Qian Qianyu pointed at Simon and said angrily: “There is a way to draw it down, let’s test it!”

“Are you sure?” Simon sneered, his eyes full of mockery.

Yesterday it was Fiona who caught her by surprise, otherwise it would be a matter of seconds to kill her.

“Bitch, my mother said no.” Fiona was wearing a cute dress, but she still rolled up her sleeves, her big eyes were cold, but there was a hint of cunning in the depths.

Speaking of the competition, it was just a scene. Fiona knew that she could not match Simon, but at this time there was a dragon on the side. She knew very well that this competition was impossible, so she refused to compromise on the scene, and even wanted more. It was fun to scold a few times.

Simon didn’t expect this, but when Fiona was serious, he immediately smiled coldly, and pulled out Ularos behind him without saying a word, with a fierce face, wanting to teach the other party a profound lesson.

This slightly excessive performance was also because the **** after mouthfuls succeeded in provoking his anger.

How could the dragon make the two future partners quarrel, and categorically shouted: “Enough.”

“Hey.” Simon turned his head away and hung Uraros back on his back, and Fiona also put away the fierceness on her face at the right time, with a look of grievance, as if she had just been bullied by her husband. The average little daughter-in-law looked at Simon with scorn.

I don’t know when, the sturdy man who was cleaning on the deck of the three sailboats has come to the railing, a look of watching the fun.

Long looked at the two of them lightly for a moment, then glanced at the men who were leaning against the railing. With a little anger, he asked in a deep voice, “What festival do you two have? Tell me.”

Before Simon could speak, Fiona’s bright and heavy makeup face suddenly showed a deeper grievance, and she took the lead in shouting: “I accidentally saw this **** on the road yesterday… uh, this person, with He said hello, but ignored me, so I just wanted to teach him a small lesson, but I didn’t expect him to want to kill me.”

After finishing speaking, Fiona sobbed softly, with a similar appearance.

After seeing this black-and-white narrative, Simon’s mouth twitched slightly, and he lacked even the intention to speak.

As the leader of the revolutionary army, Long is familiar with the character and character of every cadre. How can he not know the little Jiujiu in Fiona’s heart, but in order to clear the grudges between the two, the procedures that should be said and done still have to be walked. Immediately he looked at Simon and asked, “Is there such a thing?”

As long as Simon said nothing, Long wanted to expose this matter. In his opinion, it was not a trivial matter, but it was obvious that he did not know the psychology of women holding grudges. Even if Simon compromised, he had already How could Fiona, who hated Simon, compromise?

Without answering the dragon’s question, Simon said indifferently: “I said that I don’t need to be burdened, I alone are enough for this task, and I don’t need any ships, and it is enough for me to perform the follow-up tasks. .”

Long’s brows suddenly tightened, and he shook his head and said, “The chances of failure of the follow-up missions are high because of you alone. Since you have had contact yesterday, then you must know Fiona’s abilities. If the two of you cooperate, there will be few rivals. .”

I have to say that what the dragon said is indeed very reasonable. Simon has also seen Fiona’s ability. In addition to the invincible Uraros in his hands, in the case of surprises, maybe even the red-haired Shanks can use a sword. Kill, however, is also a stealth bomb.

How could he not sense this inexplicable and unreasonable woman’s hatred for him.

“Her ability is really good.” Simon admits that it is a matter of fact.

Long was slightly overjoyed and said with a smile, “That’s the decision.”

But I don’t want Simon to say coldly: “The ability is good, but I still don’t agree.

Long was not angry at this, but asked indifferently: “Give a reasonable reason.”

Fiona opened her cherry mouth and was about to express her opinion, but when she saw Long glaring at her, she couldn’t help but shut her mouth consciously. Usually it’s okay to make small troubles, but she can see clearly and measure the key points. He has a good grasp of it, so Long has always allowed this little pepper to play tricks.

“I don’t want to be injured suddenly in the back during the battle.” Simon’s face was extremely serious.

Long glanced at Fiona, who bowed his head slightly, and said lightly: “She will be a little bit shy, but she is not ambiguous in business affairs, and her ability is very suitable to cooperate with you, no matter what, I still hope you think carefully about it. .”

Fiona, who was standing next to him, was taken aback. Unexpectedly, Uncle Long gave in. No matter how strong Red Eye was, it was not necessary to do so. At this time, she finally realized that in the eyes of the dragon, Simon is very important, or in other words, the task that Simon is going to perform is very important.

Simon didn’t feel the slightest bit about Long’s concession. He was about to reject it directly, but he heard Fiona suddenly say: “Everyone in the revolutionary army puts their mission first, even if they sacrifice their lives for it. Regardless, how could the mission fail because of personal grievances?”

Fiona slowly raised her head, her face was expressionless, but her tone was extremely serious.

It was the first time Simon saw Fiona like this, and the very bad impression changed a little, and he didn’t say anything when he got to his throat.

In fact, he also attaches great importance to Fiona’s ability. If the two cooperate, the completion rate of the task will indeed increase greatly, but because of the poor impression of this want him and this kind of A woman’s cooperation, and even handing over her back, is always the hurdle in her heart.

Long was very satisfied with Fiona’s current affairs and said, “Don’t doubt the idea of the revolutionary army. For them, including me, the mission is the most important, so you can rest assured.”

After a moment of silence, Simon was still moved by Fiona’s ability to control, nodded and said, “Yes, but…” He glanced at Fiona coldly, “If you let me hear her being rude again, don’t blame me. polite.”

After speaking, without looking at Fiona’s almost uncontrollable ugly face, she jumped on the spot and directly set foot on the three sailboats.

“Bitch!” Watching Simon leap onto the boat, Fiona couldn’t help but scolded in a low voice.

When Long heard his brow wrinkled again, he shouted, “It’s time to change your temperament, or you will suffer a loss one day.”

“Yes, yes, Uncle Long is very right.” Fiona pouted and said perfunctorily.

Long shook his head, raised his head slightly and stared at the three sailboats in front of him, and said lightly: “Get on the boat. It is up to you to explain to Simon about this mission.”

“Understood.” Speaking of the mission, Fiona calmed down and said sternly.


Fiona nodded and jumped in place. Her graceful body was like a flying bird, lightly stepping on the railing of the three sailboats.

Just as she stepped on the railing, the sail on the mast fell instantly, as if it had been prepared for a long time, and without stopping for a while, the three sailboats moved slowly and were driven by the wind towards the distance.

The speed of the three sailboats was getting faster and faster, and soon they sailed out of the kilometer. Long stood at the port and stared at the three sailboats that were far away, and muttered to himself: “Then let’s start… How can this terrifying wave turn over? What does it look like?”

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