One Piece: The Long Road

Chapter 420

Vol 7 Chapter 126:

Chapter 126 The people present are all powerful people who have been famous for a long time. How can the fear always affect me, so I quickly suppress a little bit of fear to prevent it from germinating in the subsequent battles. force.

But it is undeniable that Simon in front of him is very strong, so strong that he can kill them with one punch at any time, so that everyone is focused on guarding against Simon’s unintentional killing move.

Not to mention the vigilant atmosphere in Simon’s sight, Luo in the distance stared at Simon, who was full of majestic aura, his face was gloomy, thinking of the strength and speed that Simon had just revealed, his teeth suddenly clenched, With so much force, blood even oozes from the gums.

He didn’t want to admit it, but he was clearly aware of the gap at this moment. The gap could make the ultimate move he had prepared for a long time a display, and it could also make him feel abruptly turned down.


It was a failed Vegapunk experiment at first, and then it was used by Caesar to continue the research. Finally, the finished product was successfully tested, and it was sold by Duflamingo in large quantities. With SAD, it made a lot of money, but this is just a name. It’s just a disguise on the face. In this world where power dominates, money may be useful, but to some extent, it’s just a few pieces of paper. The real purpose is to release SAD, so that the major forces can use SAD to create a lot of artificial devil fruit capable people, and then they can easily kill them with SAD, thereby weakening the energy of the major forces, this is Duflamingo. The planted bomb, if it weren’t for Simon’s intervention, maybe everything would go well.

Even if this step is bad, SAD still has the function of stripping.

And Luo’s capture of SAD is naturally a huge ambition, and he has also applied SAD to actual combat, successfully stripping off the ability of the yellow monkey, such a result is amazing. Therefore, as long as there is SAD, the devil fruit ability person will not be his enemy of unity. If it was not for the purpose of verifying that the loss of the ability is temporary or permanent, then the yellow monkey will die when the ability is deprived.

Luo is confident that as long as SAD is in hand, even Simon can kill him with one strike, but now… at a speed that cannot be captured, the power to kill the kings and sea kings with one punch, the two are combined, even if he has the ability of SAD and the fruit of surgery , nor is Simon a one-in-one enemy.

“…” Luo stared at Simon and couldn’t help falling into a lasting silence. Then he made a difficult decision, that is, to retreat and give up the qualification to compete for the big secret treasure. He was more decisive than anyone when he found out that something was wrong.

Glancing at Kidd, who was a thousand meters away, he immediately looked back at the dozen or so companions who remained: “Let’s go.”

Just a word, but it is difficult for many people to do. Behind him, the surviving crew members are stunned. For some reason, when they heard the captain’s order, everyone was relieved. Soon, under Luo’s command, the ships of the Heart Pirates began to withdraw from the battlefield. Everyone did not notice this scene. Only Crocodile noticed Luo’s departure, but even if Crocodile saw it, he could only let it go. He left, because facing Luo with SAD, he had absolutely no chance of winning.

The war can be said to have ended, and now it is just an individual battle. No matter what the final result is, the Heart Pirates who have left the battlefield may not be the final winner, but they are definitely not the losers.

Watching Luo take the boat away, Crocodile resisted the thought of taking action and waited patiently for Yale to bring good news. In his opinion, the people from Ismog’s boat can’t stop Yarley at all. In fact, it is the same. If there is no Kuzan’s intervention, then the result is that Smog and his party were killed, and Yarley took the The warship came to him, and the two took the opportunity to sail into the mist-shrouded sea to find the final island!

He didn’t know, so he missed the only chance, and now, he doesn’t know that he has become a loser.

The waves were gradually surging. Simon stood on the wooden board with his bare hands, but his body did not move at all, like a rooted pine, and even the wind and waves did not move a bit. He just stood like this, but no one dared to attack the first time, and his eyes swept over all the pirates coldly. At this time, although he had the peak power in his dreams, he didn’t know why he couldn’t raise it.

Along the way, there are countless dead souls under the sword, killing, killing, still killing, until the hands are stained with blood, there will be no emotion, whether it is numb or tired.

Suddenly, Simon wanted to turn around and leave like Kuzan, find a quiet place to lie down and take a deep sleep, but he couldn’t do it.

If he turned and left now, how should the countless dead souls buried in this sea area rest in their eyes?


The wind roared past, and the heavy cloud seemed to be pressed into the sea, and it seemed to be brewing an unprecedented torrential rain!

Waiting quietly for a while, Simon suppressed the inexplicable emotions of the commotion, and was about to take action to deal with Marco of the Whitebeard Pirates. Just as he was about to start, a burst of laughter suddenly came from behind, a crowd of people Unexpected people attacked Simon at this time.

The man who laughed wildly was Kidd!

Everyone present was careful to guard against Simon, but they did not want Kidd to not only fail to guard, but instead attack Simon.

Kidd stood on a weird boat made of weapons, guns, and wood. He took advantage of the wind and waves to break through the waves at Simon’s back. The arm was already hitting Simon’s back along the wind, and the huge fist flashed with cold light, but it was the cold light from the tips of many swords.

At this moment, the wind was harsh!

Even if Kidd didn’t let out a savage laughter, Simon could sense Kidd’s attack for the first time. Kidd, who is a supernova, has become very strong now, but he is no longer in the same class as he is now.

Turn around, punch!

Terrible strength poured out from Simon’s fist, not afraid of the sharp sword flashing in the cold light, and directly hit the punch from Kidd.


The sea water within 100 meters around rushed into the sky, like a hundred springs rushing, Kidd seemed to be hit by a giant’s fist, and the whole person flew out, and the capable fist with a diameter of about two meters directly turned into powder. , The arm wrapped in it was also smashed into minced meat by the giant force. In just a few breaths, Kidd, who had passed out of a coma, slammed into the surging sea with a thud, obviously unable to survive.

On the other hand, Simon was stuck in the air at the moment, the wooden board under his feet was shattered in the collision just now, and he could only use the moon step to stay in the air without a place to stand.

Kidd’s active attack didn’t even take a minute to fall into the sea, but it gave Shanks and his group an intuitive spiritual shock. Even a big pirate who was alone dared to dispatch even when he knew the difference in strength was far away. Attack, so how shameful are they to take a defensive stance?

No regrets though!

If you don’t uphold this belief, why can you stay in this sea area?

If you don’t uphold this belief, is it worth going to the group of dead partners?

Not to mention Shanks and others, even Crocodile is also in hesitation at the moment. He is a careerist, he is only interested in interests, and he will not think about things without interests, let alone act. But Kidd’s indomitable momentum stirred a string hidden deep in his heart.

“In the end…is it the young and vigorous people who can ‘survive’?” Crocodile, who was elementalized in mid-air, stared at the place where Kidd fell into the sea, his face gloomy, and then his eyes turned to Simon’s back. , a cold look suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He has settled in the desert for a long time, but he is very sensitive to rainy weather. Although the dark clouds above his head have been rolling without rain, he can clearly feel that the brewing majestic rain is about to fall.

This is extremely unfavorable to him, and it is also this unfavorable factor that makes him firm in the idea of making a move.

“Sand wrap!”

Crocodile’s element turned into a maddened sand in the sky, and it seemed to be swept by a wind, turning into a tornado and attacking Simon’s back.

At the same time, except for Luffy and Robin, the others also launched the strongest attack on Simon. At this moment, they have put their lives aside, even if Simon picks one of them to kill them in seconds, it doesn’t matter.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not, that the simultaneous attack also shrouded Sengoku and Sengoku was seriously injured, and Kiwi lost the ability to move at the speed of light, and the two faced this futile attack. , his face changed greatly, and he could only watch the attack approaching.

That Qifa’s attack has a wide range and amazing power, but for Simon at the moment, it’s just child’s play, but within the scope of the attack, Kizaru and Warring States are also among them.

Simon gritted his teeth suddenly, and rushed towards Kizaru and Sengoku without thinking, grabbing the back collars of the two with one hand, and then slammed them towards the distant island.


The two were startled at first, and before they could think about it, they were already thrown in the direction of the island by Simon. After doing all this, it was too late for Simon to avoid this overwhelming attack.

“That’s it… I’m tired.”

With apology to Hitler, Simon watched the colorful terrorist attack approaching. There were slashes, capable attacks, water cannons, and various colors, but they couldn’t reflect the slightest light in those blood-red eyes.

Those eyes, as if they could only hold blood red, the color like blood, also seemed to be a sin that could not be erased.

Crocodile’s sand tornado arrived first, drowning Simon’s body, and then the attack from Shanks and others blasted away the sandstorm, engulfing Simon in it, and a dazzling light burst out in an instant.

At the same time, a loud bang sounded out of thin air, and under everyone’s astonished gaze, a thunder pillar fell from the cloud and hit Simon straight.

In the light of thunder that cannot be seen directly, no one can see clearly what happened, only the non-stop tinnitus is Welcome readers to read, the latest, fastest and most popular serial works are all in mobile phone users please go to read.

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