One Piece: The Long Road

Chapter 422

Vol 7 Chapter 128: Ending

Chapter 128 Ending Twenty years ago, Roger the pirate king who was in the limelight turned himself in. He was later called by the navy to be arrested and brought to justice and executed a grand public execution. It attracted a lot of young people to come to watch the execution. It was that day that gave this legendary man a gorgeous stage. When his life came to an end, he used a few words to influence many people present, and also ushered in a new era.

After the official opening of the era of the Great Pirates, the situation of the members of the Roger Pirates was not optimistic. Facing the high-intensity siege and suppression operation by the Navy, most of the old people on the ship chose to hide, just like Rayleigh and Spoon Medicine, only the little ones who joined later. Young still carries his dream and continues to go to sea.

And the only remaining navy is also in this position. Some people will hide, and there will also be a few people who continue to break the waves at sea for their own ideas. Smog and Dusqi couldn’t dispel the confusion in their hearts, nor could they determine the milestones in the future, so when Dusqui proposed to return to Rogge Town, Smog agreed without hesitation.

It will take some time for the future world to evolve. Whether the righteous people will emerge in large numbers, or whether the thugs who burn, kill and loot will occupy the majority, no one knows. All I can do before that is to protect the pure land… protect the town of Rogge where I was born, and protect the small island where I met him.

After making the decision, Smog immediately came to Kuzan and said simply and bluntly that he was going back to Rogue Town.

After hearing Smog’s similar request, Kuzan couldn’t help but look helpless, looked at Smog, and spread his hands with a wry smile: “I’m not your boss, so you don’t need to ask for my opinion.”

Smog was stunned for a while, then nodded immediately, thinking of the countless lives lost in the sea not long ago, and the uncertainty of the future, his cast iron face showed a tired color for the first time, and asked Kuzan: “You What do you plan to do?”

Kuzan slowly put away his wry smile, glanced at the three black words on the newspaper out of the corner of his eyes, saying that he was unwilling is definitely false, because he also has justice in his heart, if the future becomes a world where villains run rampant…

He touched his head and said lightly: “I suddenly agree with Simon’s actions all the time, and I have no plans at present. If you see one, kill the other, how about you?”

Smog was silent for a moment, and then said solemnly: “I need a little time.”

In the fog where you can’t see your fingers, you can only see a vast expanse of white. Even if you have a good sense of direction, it is useless here, you can only slam around like a headless fly.

These mists are perfectly blended with the seawater immediately after they are generated from the bottom of the sea, and then slowly separate from the seawater as they rise, until they are completely separated from the seawater when they float to the surface, forming a dense fog that is now too dense to see ahead. fog.

Therefore, not only the surface of the sea, but also the bottom of the sea is a world of fog, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the sea of fog. And this fog is the last level of the final island. Without the guidance of the recording pointer, no one can find the last island, and only rely on the innate ability of the sea kings-the particularity of the senses.

But even with the guidance of the recording pointer, it is difficult to cross the sea of fog, because there is a group of vicious sea beasts that can see the fog in the fog. Facing this group of sea beasts, the only remaining king-level sea kings are difficult to match, let alone in the sea. Humans sailing without vision. If it weren’t for the natural majesty of the king-class sea king class, this group of sea beasts would definitely devour Luffy’s group at the first time. It can be said that this is an insurmountable level.

Under the drag of the king-level sea kings, Luffy and his group approached the destination calmly, which is an island that no one has set foot on again for more than 20 years!

“It’s almost there!” Suddenly, Chopper suppressed his voice and shouted excitedly, he heard the subconscious self-talk of the sea king.

Hearing Chopper’s words, everyone on the deck was shocked. They were also interested in the legendary big secret treasure, but they were not greedy at all. They just wanted to know what the big secret treasure left by One Piece was. When the destination is near, they even start to imagine.

Treasure, power, knowledge, etc… all kinds of things that exist in the imagination paint a magnificent picture in their minds.

Big secret treasure! Countless people are eager to pursue, obviously it will not be a simple thing.

In their imaginations, they didn’t know that there were two people hanging behind them. Although Long couldn’t see the front clearly, he could rely on the wind generated by Luffy and his group to find the direction.

During the voyage, Simon was also replying all the time. If the injury was not too serious, it would not have taken that long.

In fact, the last thunderstorm was not driven by the dragon, it was a natural force, so when the dragon shot to rescue Simon, he was not very sure of saving it. There is absolutely no chance of surviving.

Thanks to that kind of attack, when Simon was on the verge of death, he absorbed the power that was not overflowing and used it for himself. It could be said that it was a blessing in disguise.

At first, the dragon was surprised by the sudden increase in Simon’s power, but when he saw that Simon’s arm would burst as long as he attacked, he understood that the sudden increase in power did not come from Simon himself. Although he didn’t know the reason, he lost it. The heart of attention.

And now he doesn’t know that Simon began to absorb those powers in the process of recovering his injury. If he knew, I’m afraid that the idea of a long-term relationship would be thrown directly to Jiuxiao.

It is foreseeable that when Simon wakes up after recovering from his injury, his strength will increase by more than half, just like the strength that can kill the Sea King with one punch, and there is no side effect.

In the fog, the Qianyang sailed calmly for more than an hour in the towing of the king-class sea kings. It had been a near miss all the way, and finally saw a little light leaking from the end of the field of vision. It was sunlight, which also indicated that The end of the journey.

After breaking through the fog, there is sunshine, just like the name of Qianyang, yearning for sunshine, and finally came to the end.

With the excitement of Luffy and his group, after several hours of sailing, the Qianyang finally broke out of the fog, and the sun bathed down. It seemed that the previous haze was washed away at this moment. , Luffy cheered first, as if to pay homage to the past in this way.

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the people also cheered excitedly, because the end of the journey is just around the corner, and how many people can’t reach the end, they did it… The feeling of joy in the cells of the whole body is just upholding the dream. Okay, it feels like a dream is finally achieved.

They were incoherent with excitement, as were Hancock and others who were accompanying them.

Although it is only a small ordinary island, it is extraordinary, because it is at the end of the world, because it symbolizes an insurmountable peak, a peak that countless people are racing to bend to.

It is such an ordinary island where an unknown big secret treasure is placed, and what this big secret treasure is, will soon be unveiled.

“Go!” Shanks looked at the island with a smile.

Luffy couldn’t contain his excitement, nodded heavily, then came to Shanks, solemnly took off the straw hat on his head, Shanks looked at him, and a picture suddenly appeared in front of him.

When he set sail, the child couldn’t help crying, and he vowed loudly to find a group of friends who were even better than his friends, so he knew the situation in the new world and had an urge to put the inheritance of the straw hat on a child. on the head.

He made a big bet, and in the end he won!

Shanks didn’t take the straw hat, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth…

Luffy glanced at the straw hat in his hand, and he also had a smile on his face, like a flower blooming in full bloom.

The people on the deck watched this scene quietly, their hearts swayed, as if an important ceremony was about to be held in front of them.

At this time, Shanks looked at Luffy’s smiling face from the heart, and his heart was shocked, and he suddenly realized… It turned out that Luffy was the one who truly inherited the captain’s will…

How many people go to sea for the ethereal big secret treasure, how many people put their lives to the sea just for the unknown big secret treasure, how many people can keep the same in the blood and wind and rain all the way, and show the one who first went to sea. Excited smiley face.

Even he can’t do it…

When the big secret treasure is in front of him, he can only feel a little excited because his heart has been tempered to be as hard as iron, because the pursuit of the heart has been slowly worn away in the intrigue, and in countless battles Going negative, everyone becomes only pursuing results in the process of enjoying, only Luffy… enjoys it from beginning to end.

If Pluto Rayleigh was present at the moment, he would be the one with the most say. As the person who met Roger for the first time, he had seen Roger’s initial smiling face, and the smiling face of Roger when he decided to turn himself in. It was exactly the same smiling face, without any decoration, just like Luffy now, so if it is He, then he can rightfully say: Like! But different people!

“Here.” After a while, Luffy handed Shanks the straw hat.

Shanks lowered his head and stared at the increasingly old but well-protected straw hat. The unspeakable emotion was like a slowly gushing spring, slowly flowing through his heart. He smiled and said, “This is yours.”

Luffy was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and put the straw hat back on his head.

“It’s not just mine…”

When Shanks heard this, his smile grew even stronger.

On the clouds, the dragon and the awakened Simon also saw Luffy’s smiling face.

Dragon may not be so impactful, but Simon is different, because that smile is engraved in his memory, but that smile is unique, the one he saw when he first met in Rogge Town.

So Simon was silent…

At this moment, he understands a lot and understands a lot, so he also knows what to do. At this time, the things that should have been understood in front of the execution platform at the beginning have been covered up by the cruel reality.

I can’t help but admit that not all pirates are evil…

When the belief he had always held was overthrown by himself, Simon felt very calm, and this simple calm was a very comfortable enjoyment for him. Because of the fight all the way, this kind of peace has become an extravagant hope.

Long glanced at Simon, who looked calm, and then drove his ability to the top of the island. At this time, Luffy and his party also set foot on the island.

This is an almost medium-sized small island. There is a conspicuous mountain on the island, and there are dense woods on both sides of the mountain. Strangely, the whole island is covered with plants, and a strip of more than five meters extends from the front of the mountain. The broad road is barren.

The road stretches all the way to the shallows, like a guiding light, like a red carpet, welcoming someone in the future.

Luffy walked ahead, took the lead on this road, strode out towards the big secret treasure, followed by a group of people, walked along the red carpet-like road, and strode towards the location of the big secret treasure.

On the cloud, Long suddenly pulled out a video worm from his arms, and Simon was taken aback.

“Have you been to this island before?” Simon frowned.

Long shook his head in denial: “No.”

“Then you…” Simon’s brows furrowed even deeper, and he couldn’t understand what the dragon wanted to do at all. The image bug is a tool that connects the screen synchronously. Records, so Simon has reason to believe that the image bug in the hands of the dragon may be connected to screens all over the world.

Because of what the dragon said before…

Pirates all pursue the big secret treasure. If the big secret treasure is found, there will be no more motivation, and the era of the big pirate will naturally come to an end.

If it was before, Simon was not surprised by Long’s actions, but the historical text on the island is not ordinary. It records some facts that the Navy does not want to be seen. These unknown facts may not be good for the Revolutionary Army. influences.

Long seemed to see Simon’s doubts, smiled, did not say it explicitly, but said indifferently: “The truth is on the surface, just for those who want to know, for those who want to see, that’s all.”

Simon said coldly: “You are full of confidence.”

The dragon’s face was still flat, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Simon hates the expression of dragons very much, so he doesn’t want to go deep into this issue himself, his brows suddenly stretch, he will be puzzled at first, but he will not pay attention to it. At this moment, he doesn’t hate the world, he doesn’t hate dragons, he doesn’t hate everything, he just wants Carve a promise on a stele, and sit back and see how the world goes.

So he didn’t care, he just took advantage of this to ask a question: “Why save me?”

Regarding the jumping nature of the topic, Long had no discomfort, and quickly replied: “Because of one person.”

Simon paused for a while and didn’t ask who that person was. The one who saved him was a dragon. One reason was enough.

At this time, Luffy and his party had already crossed the road and came to the front of the mountain.

There is a hole dug out right under the mountain. Because there is no one to come and go all the year round, the open hole has a cold air, which can cause small pimples when it blows on the skin. The dark hole seems to want to choose someone And devour.

Looking at the darkness in the cave, Frankie smiled slyly, then stepped out of the crowd and posed, raised his hands, and shouted, “Frankie is super flame!”

Pfft, I saw a small palm stretched out from the huge fist, and a tiny flame burst out from the palm of the small palm.



Except for the idiot trio’s screams of gold stars, the rest of the people felt that the wind blowing from the hole was even more chilling. However, no matter how small the flame is, it is still a fire. After entering the hole with a weak light, they found that the space inside was very spacious. It was like hollowing out the whole mountain, and the torches passing by on the inner wall gave everyone great convenience. .

Urging Franky to light the torches in the cave, despite the vicissitudes of life, the row of torches could still burn, illuminating the entire cave in an instant.

No one paid attention to the special nature of the torch, because everyone was stunned to see the things in the cave under the light of the fire.

The hole is divided into three areas, or three types of items occupy one area each.

On the left is the treasure revealed by the firelight, piled up to the height of a hill, and each piece of gold jewelry was covered with a thick layer of dust, causing it to remain dim under the firelight, but this did not hinder Nami’s excitement. , After seeing the treasure at a glance, she ignored the dust on it and rushed into Baoshan.

Except for Sanji Shi, who was crazy with red eyes, everyone else had black lines.

There are indeed many treasures, and their value is inestimable, but the people present didn’t care except Nami, but looked at other things.

In the middle of the cave is a large stele embedded in the wall, on which there are various characters. Seeing this, Robin couldn’t help but ran to the stone tablet excitedly. She didn’t read the words on the stone tablet, but stroked the stone tablet and felt the coolness in her palm, which confirmed her first guess. She murmured, “It’s the historical text…”

Not to mention Robin’s excitement, Shanks and the others were also moved, and everything they saw could give them a shock, so that after seeing the stone tablet, they couldn’t look away for a long time.

I didn’t rush to ask the meaning of the historical text, but gave Robin some time to interpret it.

Afterwards, Luffy looked to the area on the right, and then he saw a one-meter-high fruit tree, the fruit tree was very strange, the trunk was very thin, but the branches grew like a peacock.

But none of these attracted Luffy, only a shaky fruit on a branch attracted him!

That’s… burnt fruit.

“Is it the fruit tree of the devil fruit?!” Beckman could not help but be surprised when he saw the strange tree that was only over one meter high and the bright fruits hanging on the branches.

At this time, in addition to Robin, who was immersed in history, even Nami’s eyes were attracted by the fruit tree.

What is the concept of more than 20 Devil Fruits? It can create more than 20 powerhouses at the fastest speed without paying any price. The market value of each fruit is between 100 million and 200 million, not to mention the rare fruits of the natural system.

Dark fruit, shaking fruit, burning fruit and other powerful fruit are among them.

Shanks looked at the devil fruit tree, and even he couldn’t help breathing quickly. If individual forces had mastered so many devil fruits, then they could create an elite army in the shortest time, and could play a great role in the current situation. important role.

“It turns out that the devil fruit flows out from here.” While everyone was shocked, Beckman had already started to observe the fruit tree from a close distance. After seeing the small pool under the fruit tree, he suddenly realized, and then he reached out and dipped a little in the pool. He tasted the water with the tip of his tongue, and his face showed a clear color.

water is salty…

His eyes followed the two water channels extending from the pool, and he soon saw the doorway. The two water channels connected to both sides of the pool to form a loop. Obviously, the two water channels flowed in from the sea outside the island. When it matures and falls into the water, it will be sent out of the island by the ever-circulating water flow and flow into the sea, and then it will be acquired by those who are destined.

“These Devil Fruits… Almost all of them have been seen in previous wars.” Beckman knew about each fruit, so he could basically call the fruit on the tree.

Some of the people who once possessed these fruit abilities were enemies, and some were partners who fought side by side. Looking at the fruits on the tree, Beckman couldn’t help but think of the partners who died not long ago, and felt quite sad. , in the absence of external interference, will bear fruit on the tree again.

Not only him, but Marko stared at the shaking fruit and diamond fruit on the tree, and his tears were already pouring down.

The so-called seeing things and thinking people is so painful, even if you don’t want to remember, but that thing can evoke memories, and it will pass in front of your eyes together with the picture.

It was an irresistible pain. The only remaining Marco felt this pain at the moment, because he was the only one left in the Whitebeard Pirates…

In contrast to some people’s thoughts of seeing things and people, Sanjishi suddenly shouted excitedly, Zoro glanced at the dancing Sanjishi and scolded an idiot rudely. However, Sanji did not argue with Zoro at this time, but hurried to the fruit tree, looking at a fruit on the tree obsessively.

“Yes, this must be an invisible fruit!”

After confirming that the fruit in front of him was the invisible fruit of his dreams, Sanji couldn’t help showing a happy look on his face. Zoro and the others immediately understood when they heard the words, and they all cursed inwardly.

Luffy also came over. He had noticed the burning fruit before, and he was not polite at all when it came to what he wanted. He simply reached out and picked the burning fruit. Coincidentally, the burning fruit was invisible. Next to the fruit, Luffy moved slightly because of excitement, and accidentally dialed the invisible fruit, causing the ripe invisible fruit to fall from the branch.

The invisible fruit fell into the water in a free fall, and only heard a thud. The fruit sank and floated in the water, and then was driven by the water, and it only took a moment to flow out of the small hole along the water.

When Sanji saw this, his eyes widened suddenly, his whole body seemed to be petrified, and he didn’t move, and Luffy didn’t seem to realize that he had done a big thing, just looked straight at the burning fruit in his hand, and his eyes showed joy color.

Ace’s fruit is very important to him. He didn’t expect to encounter it here. It is simply the greatest gift to him.

“Luffy! You bastard!” Sanji roared, tearfully grabbing Luffy’s clothes and shaking it vigorously, “Do you know how much I want to get the Invisible Fruit? Is it the fruit of dreams? You are actually, unexpectedly!”

“What are you doing?” Luffy, who didn’t realize that he had done a bad thing at all, looked at him suspiciously.

Looking at this kind of gaze, Sanji’s heart seemed to be punched again, and his angry face shrank. This kind of puzzled expression was simply invincible!

Regardless of the farce here, after the initial shock, the rest of the people also adapted to the existence of the devil fruit tree, but their attention was attracted by the historical text in the middle.

At the same time, Simon and Dragon were welcomed outside the cave, and through the image bug, live broadcasts around the world were connected again.

So, I noticed that the world that was connected to the live broadcast was boiling…

When Simon and Long came out of the cave, everyone except Robin was shocked and looked at the entrance of the cave. At this time, Simon and Long happened to walk in.

After seeing who was coming, Shanks’ pupils shrank sharply, and his expression changed: “Dragon! And… Simon!” The tone of the word Simon was full of inconceivable.

“Also, still alive!” Usopp opened his mouth wide in shock.

Everyone present was horrified when they saw Simon’s appearance. A person who thought he had died suddenly appeared in front of them, and everyone would be shocked. In addition, Simon walked with the dragon. This kind of unimaginable thing happened. After that, the heartbeats of Usopp and other people who were less able to bear were already faster.

“Wealth, history, strength, and…” Long entered the cave, glanced at all things into his eyes, and said the representativeness of the three areas lightly and calmly. Finally, his eyes turned to the bottom corner of the history text. On an inconspicuous stone platform.

Everyone couldn’t help but follow his gaze, only to find that there was a bundle of scrolls on the stone platform.

Long stared at the scroll, and suddenly there was a hint of frenzy from the bottom of his eyes, “Interesting.”

Everyone didn’t know what the scroll was, but when they saw a frantic dragon in their eyes, they couldn’t help but shudder.

Perhaps, the scroll was unusual. Frankie, who was closer to the scroll, decisively picked up the scroll. Long saw it and didn’t care, but raised the image worm to take a panoramic view of the scene in the cave, forming a picture that spread all over the world. .

It seems to be preaching: This is the big secret treasure that countless people dream of!

In fact, the things in the cave really deserve the title of the Great Secret Treasure.

Those who advocate wealth see treasure, those who advocate power see Devil Fruit, and only a few people see the text of history. This is the big secret treasure, and it has what everyone wants.

At this time, endless desires quietly breed in every corner of the world.

“What’s your purpose!” Shanks glanced at the image bug, then stared at the dragon coldly, and made a defensive gesture, so did the others, even though the dragon was Luffy’s father, but at the moment, the two sides seemed to be just stranger.

Luffy has almost no memory of this cheap dad, and Dragon wants to promote the prosperous dynasty with his own hands rather than his family.

“Don’t be nervous, I just want to expose the truth to the world. As for these treasures and devil fruits…” Long smiled lightly, and didn’t say any more, but looked at the historical text.

Simon, however, ignored the vigilant Shanks and others, and walked towards Robin calmly, to be precise, towards the historical text.

Seeing this, Zoro drew his sword out of the sheath coldly, but he did not attack immediately, because he could not feel any malice or hostility in Simon, so he had no reason to shoot, even though his blood was boiling at the moment.

The same is true for the rest, Ren Simon went to the historical text.

The treasures high on the mountain, the devil fruit that symbolizes power, and the unknown scroll, seem to Simon to be less eye-catching than the historical text on the mountain wall.

Everyone just watched him walk towards Robin, but they didn’t do anything, and the scene in front of them suddenly became weird.

Also at this moment, Robin breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that she had finished reading all the ancient texts. After returning to the reality from the world in the text, she suddenly saw a person standing beside her. After seeing that it was Simon, She took a few steps back in surprise.

At that moment, she was really startled, and when she looked back, she saw that her friends were all looking at her. Rao was mature and steady, and she began to feel overwhelmed.

Simon tilted his head slightly, glanced at ten lines, and swept through rows of words of different shapes, none of which he knew, let alone found half of the words Hitler engraved.

“Is there three words Frank on the stone wall?” Simon could only ask Robin helplessly.

Looking at no one, this is simply a portrayal of Simon at the moment, ignoring the tense atmosphere in the cave and the people in the cave.

“Yes.” Robin was mature and calm, and quickly calmed down. She didn’t feel Simon’s hostility, so she was a little relieved, and even felt a little joy when she saw Simon’s appearance. She could perceive this trace of joy herself, and she knew that it was an emotion that stemmed from guilt.

Although she survived by betraying countless people in the first 20 years, the betrayals were all wicked people, so she never felt guilty. Only in Alabasta, she was born for her behavior for the first time. guilt.

Simon’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he said a little excitedly: “Tell me where I am.”

Robin nodded, perhaps out of guilt, and his slender index finger immediately pointed to the first line of words on the left. The font of that line was not like the font in the world today, it was independent, and it came suddenly when a line was half-written.

Simon stared at the line of words quietly, even if he didn’t know the meaning of the words, he could see how unwilling the last word was.

That last word is only half written…

What an incredible thing, people and things from thousands of years or even more long ago, through a line of characters recorded on a stone wall, spread out a picture scroll in front of the eyes of modern people.

“That’s the meaning of history…” Simon couldn’t help but muttered to himself because of the intuitive feeling. If there was no Hitler in the epee, he wouldn’t be here, and he couldn’t feel it for himself.

Although Robin didn’t understand Simon’s sudden emotion, he resonated. After nodding lightly, he also looked at the historical text in front of him.

“Can you tell me what that line of words means?” After a while, Simon thought of something important.

Robin did not refuse, and read out the meaning of the line with a solemn expression: “I came to the end of the world, even if I die, I will leave my name here, I am… I’m sorry, the last few words are almost my name, I have no trace, so I can’t decipher the words.”

She can only roughly decipher the meaning of the words through her own understanding, and cannot fully translate the original words. After all, it is thousands of years or even more old words, and I am afraid that Robin is the only person in the world who can decipher the general meaning.

“It doesn’t matter, because I know those words.” Simon nodded lightly, ignoring Robin’s surprised look, and whispered to the stone wall: “Frank Hitler, this is your name, and I will always remember that the owner of this name is The first person to set foot on the end will always remember your help to me.”

The voice was so soft that only Robin could hear it. At this moment, just because she heard it, her charming and moving face was full of surprise.

How does a person who has disappeared in the long river of history connect with the person now?

No matter how surprised Robin was, Simon ignored him and asked, “Can you write Frank Hitler in that font?”

Robin suppressed his surprise, shook his head and said, “I can only interpret it.”

In other words, it can’t be done.

Unable to write in the same font, Simon sighed regretfully. Suddenly, he changed his mind and thought that it would be good to write in the current text, so that no one would know Hitler’s existence.

When his eyes lit up, Simon did what he thought of, stretched out his domineering index finger wrapped in armed color and continued to write after the line: He was the first person to set foot on the end of the world, and his name was Frank Hitler.

One stroke at a time, slow but powerful, engraved one word after another on the so-called indelible historical text.

Robin watched from the side, covering his mouth, his eyes full of disbelief.

Not to mention Robin, so did the rest, including the dragon.

Those who can engrave words on the text of history are all powerful people in the world. This message may not be clear to many people, but there is no doubt that the ability to engrave words on the text of history already reflects the sharpness of this person.

You must know that the original world government took great pains to destroy the historical text, but in the end it could only fail, but now Simon can engrave words on it, that is to say, Simon has the power that the entire world government cannot do.

The inside of the cave suddenly became quiet, except for the harsh sound produced by Simon Yingou’s iron painting.

After a few minutes, Simon wrote the last word and completed his promise to Hitler. So far, he has no meaning to stay here.

After thanking Robin, who was still in shock, Simon simply turned around and walked towards the entrance of the hole, without even looking at Luffy.

Watching Simon come in, and watching Simon go out, the casual attitude was irritating, but it gave birth to an unspeakable momentum out of thin air.

Can’t export, can’t keep! Even Sauron was unable to speak bluntly with his sword.

“Wait.” Others couldn’t keep him, but Long had a reason to keep Simon.

He had this idea after seeing Devil Fruits and Treasures. No matter whether it is treasure or devil fruit, it is not what he needs, and it is also difficult to obtain. If that is the case, then destroy it.

When Simon engraved words on the historical text, Long was shocked and confirmed his thoughts.

Simon stopped, after all, his life was saved by the dragon, and he turned his head to look at the dragon, expressionless.

Longdao: “Treasures and devil fruits need to be destroyed, including that tree.”

Simon said calmly: “Give me a reason.”

Long smiled lightly: “That is the root of desire, attracting countless people.”

Just one sentence explains a lot, the most important of which is: if the root of this desire is not removed, then the era of the great pirate will not end. It is simple and intuitive, and Simon cannot but agree.

“I’ll wait until what you said becomes a reality.” Simon turned back and walked into the cave, before the treasure high on the hill.

“You want to do…” How Nami, who has privately regarded these treasures as her own, will let Simon destroy the treasures, and just wanted to stop Simon, but only halfway through the words, Simon has already punched the treasures domineeringly.

There was not much movement, but the treasure turned into powder in the blink of an eye.

Nami was stunned, but it wasn’t over yet. Simon waved his palm again, and the wind alone shook the gold powder into a more granular existence. Treasures turned into nothingness.

Watching the treasure turn into nothingness with her own eyes, Nami lost a few souls and souls.

Simon’s reckless behavior made Hancock very unhappy. Although she was very grateful that Simon killed all the Tianlong people, she was arrogant and could not stand Simon’s defiant attitude.

Just when she was about to teach Simon a lesson, Luffy shouted, “Hancock.”

Hancock immediately blushed, and the idea of teaching Simon was also forgotten.

After stopping Hancock, Luffy kept silent and had no intention to stop Simon’s actions.

But even if Luffy wanted to stop it, Simon would still destroy the Devil Fruit regardless of the cost. If no one stopped it, it would naturally save some effort.

Seeing that Luffy didn’t stop him, the rest of the people were also silent, watching Simon destroy the devil fruit tree and more than 20 fruits with the same method.


“Damn, how can you do this!”

“Treasure of Lao Tzu, Devil Fruit of Lao Tzu!”

At the same time, after seeing this scene through the live broadcast, people all over the world scolded Simon one after another. What’s more, they ignored Simon’s reputation for murder and murdered Simon. It seems that at this moment, all the desires that were born have turned into hostility, and all of them are thrown on Simon.

What a terrifying thing, but even if Simon knew that his actions would have such an impact, he would still insist on doing it, because the world that exists in the imagination is very important!

In addition to the transparent fruits that flowed out of the overseas, only the burning fruits in Luffy’s hands remained in the cave, and the rest of the destroyed Devil Fruits will grow back, but I don’t know.

Simon glanced flatly at the Devil Fruit in Luffy’s hand, paused, and turned to leave. At this time, no one made a sound to hold back, including Zoro…

Frowning his brows and staring at Simon’s back, Zoro gritted his teeth, and then silently returned the knife to the sheath.

Seeing Simon destroying the treasure and the devil fruit tree, the corners of the dragon’s mouth swayed with a slight arc of satisfaction. He was very clear about the impact of doing this under the live broadcast, but it didn’t matter after the incident.

After Simon left, the dragon did not turn off the image bug. At this moment, people all over the world were in a commotion. In just ten minutes, the number of deaths around the world reached an unprecedented height.

Because rage cannot be eliminated, so the wicked kill their anger!


a month later.

The events related to the island of the end were in a frenzy. On the contrary, the fall of the world government and the fall of the navy had reduced the impact to zero, and things worthy of attention came out one by one, and the world that had not yet stabilized was quite caught off guard.

Not to mention the big secret treasure, the strong rise of the revolutionary army has caused many forces that were secretly planning to cause troubles to die, and those who started to do evil without scruples when the government fell were killed within a few days. This phenomenon has continued for a month. , so that those high-profile villains began to know how to keep a low profile.

Although the revolutionary army has risen strongly, it cannot cover everything. The four seas and the first half of the great waterway have been brought into the management of the revolutionary army, but the new world is still difficult to start, because the people in the new world are generally high in combat power, and they want to bring the new world into the new world. It takes a long time to be included in the management, but in the case of no strong enemy, all you need to consider is to speed up.

These messages were familiar to the ears, but Simon didn’t know much about it, because after leaving that day, he went in a random direction and wanted to rely on his own memory to return to the first island in this world – Sibe Island

Flying and stopping all the way, stopping on many islands, it took more than 20 days to leave the great waterway to come to the four seas, and then it took another ten years to find Xibei Island.

The dazed journey with no sense of direction along the way did not give Simon the slightest sense of irritability, but made him enjoy the journey.

It has been more than three years since the last time I set foot on Xibe Island, but the beaches and trees on the island have not changed.

Simon once again set foot on this island that bears deep memories, and he was able to face it calmly. He stood on the beach and closed his eyes, then spread his arms and made a gesture of embracing the sky. There were a few people in the distance who were about to eat. The little child who ran out to play inexplicably looked at the strange Simon.

“Let’s go and see Uncle Kunke and Sibby first, and then go to see Old Smoking Gun and Dusky.” Simon opened his eyes, smiled slightly, and bounced up in place, stepping on the air toward the cliff to the east. go.

In a few breaths, Simon came to the cliff.

The two tombs on the edge of the cliff face the sea, silently watching the rising tide and ebb of the sun. This is the case every day. The surrounding of the tombs is very clean, and it is obvious that someone comes to clean it from time to time.

Simon looked at the tomb quietly and said softly: “Uncle Kunke, Xiaoxi, I came here in a hurry this time, and I didn’t bring anything to see you, but I have plenty of time now, and I will make up for it tomorrow.”

After whispering to himself, he sat quietly in the middle of the two tombs, staring blankly at the setting sun that was about to fall.

It sat like this all day and night.

The sun rose, the dew in the early morning condensed droplets of water on his shoulders, and the mist drifted, unable to hide the gradually bright sunlight.


A slight sound of footsteps came from behind, causing Simon who was in a daze to wake up. With the domineering look of what he saw, he directly sensed that it was Hede.

“Huh?” Simon didn’t get up immediately, but Hod walked up the cliff and found a person sitting next to the tomb, and immediately screamed in surprise.

“Grandpa Holder.” Simon got up excitedly, pursed his lips, and turned to look at Holder.

Years are like knives. He De, who was quite healthy a few years ago, is now in his old age. Wrinkles cover all parts of his body. The only thing that doesn’t look old is his legs that can walk steadily. .

“You are… Simon!” Looking at the vaguely familiar Simon in front of him, He De’s cloudy eyes suddenly lit up, and he said tremblingly: “I’m still worried that I won’t be able to wait for the day you come back, and now… hehe.”

He De laughed, with a look of relief, suddenly, as if he suddenly thought of something, he said with a smile: “Now I should call you Xiaoli.”

Simon took a deep breath of the morning, then nodded heavily.



Back to Xibei Village again, back to the house that still stood, Simon spent the most comfortable days in this long period of time.

At the end of the day, just chatting with the villagers who had reunited after a long time made him feel extremely satisfied. This kind of day lasted for a week, and the arrival of a person broke the tranquility.

This man is Sabo.

In the living room, Simon looked blankly at Sabo, who was sitting across from him, and said coldly, “What are you doing here?”

Sabo was not annoyed by Simon’s attitude. After a slight smile, he looked around and said with a smile, “This is a good place to keep healthy.”

Simon’s face suddenly turned cold, his eyes were like knives, and he scratched Sabo fiercely, as if he would rise up and kill him in the next second.

The stabbing eyes made Sabo’s smile difficult to maintain. After a pause, he also went straight to the subject.

“I’m here to bring you some news. The leader said that you can choose not to listen.”

Simon nodded and said lightly: “Say.”

Sabo frowned, but said faithfully: “The first news, Luffy got the title of One Piece.” Speaking of which, he glanced at Simon’s expression, found that the latter was very calm, and continued: “The first The second news is that there are still some pirates in the new world who have not been suppressed. There are no people who claim to be pirates in the four seas and the first half of the great waterway. The third news is that the United Nations was officially established and was abolished on the first day of its establishment. aristocracy.”

After a pause, Sabo said: “Fourth news, Lilith and Liliu have found their respective goals and are living well now. Also, Dasqi is currently in Rogge Town, above.”

Hearing the fourth news, Simon’s expression changed a little, and he said lightly: “I will verify the news, you can go.”

Sabo was secretly annoyed when he heard the words, but it was not easy to attack. He could only obediently get up and walk towards the door. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped.

“Don’t you want to know what happened that day after you left?”

Simon silently looked at Sabo’s back and said indifferently, “I have no interest in this.”

“That’s a pity.” Sabo shook his head helplessly, and left a sentence after walking out of the house, “Luffy has done a great thing no worse than you!”

Half an hour after Sabo left, UU read www. Simon, who had been sitting in the living room, whispered to himself, “Really…”


Three days later, in a knife shop on West Street, Rogge Town.

“Lieutenant General Smog, can you please not smoke here? This will drive away the guests!” Da Siqi felt helpless when she saw the smoke in the store like a fire. The store has been open for more than a month, but Half a knife was not sold, but a guest took a knife for maintenance, but Smog said in a plain tone that the knife was of poor quality, so angry that the guest slammed out the door.

“When calling your name, don’t add the word lieutenant general.” Smogg put on a casual shirt, lay on a sofa, and smoked a cigarette leisurely.

“I can’t change my mouth for a while.” Dasqi stuck out her little tongue, and suddenly jumped up like a furious lion, “Don’t change the subject!”

Smog scratched his head and secretly said: This girl is getting more and more difficult to deal with.

ding ding…

At this moment, a crisp bell sounded from the door, and Dasqi smiled almost like a conditioned reflex: “Welcome.”

“Yo, it seems that you have become a lot smarter, and you can find out that Old Smoking Gun is changing the subject so quickly.” A person stood at the door with a faint smile.

Dusqi stared blankly at the person standing at the door, unable to say a word, just looked at it like this, unable to look away.

There was a smile on the corner of Smog’s mouth lying on the sofa. As early as when Simon came to the door, he noticed the breath.

“Now, do you still have any reason to hesitate?” I thought to myself, the smile on the corner of my mouth became more and more intense.


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