One Piece: The Long Road

Chapter 47

Vol 2 Chapter 5: 1 Year Later


Dusky ran forward and said, “Hey, do you know where the naval base is?”

“I don’t know.” Simon didn’t stop, and still walked forward on his own.

“Then where are you going?” Dusky caught up with Simon and walked side by side with the latter.

Simon tilted his head slightly, looked at the young girl who was a little out of breath, and said lightly, “I don’t know.” After speaking, he kept looking at Dasqi.

“Is it so difficult to say what I ask others to ask?” Looking at Simon’s plain eyes, Dusky couldn’t help but sigh and said helplessly, “Come with me.”

After saying that, he walked straight forward.

“It’s not difficult, just don’t want to.” Simon looked at the beautiful back walking forward, his steps were not slow, and suddenly whispered.

So began Simon’s first day in the Navy.


one year later.

Time flies by like a white horse, a year is not long or short, but without Simon’s attention, a year has passed…

Over the past year, Simon’s training intensity has been unusual. With his Devil Fruit ability, he used it for training, except for meal time and a few hours of sleep. The high-intensity training made the navy in Rogge Town Base stunned, and also Once set off a wave of training.

It’s just that without anyone’s guidance, a year of hard training only enhances the quality of the body. The overall strength has not increased much, but the actual combat experience has increased significantly. Whenever a pirate is attacked. The news, Simon rushed to the front line immediately, and only one person killed all the incoming pirates, leaving Smog and the navy basically nothing to do, and the combat experience also increased.

It’s just that the pirates who died under his hands were not well-known characters, they were all trash fish, and his strength was slowly rising.

Over the past year, Simon has completed the repelling of the pirates by himself, which has led to his reputation in Rogue Town gradually increasing. Whether it is a navy or a resident, when he sees Simon, his face will show a conditioned look of fear.

The reason that made them so scared was Simon’s cold blood. The pirates who came to Rogge Town, without exception, were all killed with one blow. No matter how the pirates pleaded, Simon simply ignored them, his expression was icy and his eyes blinked. He swiped his sword without blinking. After each battle, the place where the battle was fought could be said to be a hell. At this time, the role of the navy stationed in Rogue Town was manifested, cleaning the battlefield.

It’s just, no matter what kind of eyes others look at Simon, he doesn’t care, every day is three points and one line.

No one ever knew what he was thinking in his heart. In front of outsiders, he would always have an icy cold look that refused to let others go thousands of miles away.

Regardless of his strength in any aspect, Simon has not improved too much. After a year of hard training, only the improvement of physical fitness has been achieved. If there is a teacher to teach, with Simon’s desperate momentum, it is estimated that his strength will be better than A speed that ordinary people can’t believe.

It’s just that no such person exists.

Over the past year, the navies at the base have become more and more afraid to approach Simon, and Simon, who has a very poor interpersonal relationship, will not take the initiative to contact others. As a result, after a year, he has no idea what the navies in the base are called. Name, but he didn’t care. Except for Colonel Small and the off-line Dasqi, almost no navy was willing to approach him every day.

Although Simon’s relationship with the navy is extremely poor, he has a good relationship with Smoker and Dusky.

When other navies dared not approach Simon, only the off-line Dasqi was an exception.

Every time Dusky couldn’t perceive the irony in Simon’s words, the latter sighed deeply in his heart every time, this off-line idiot woman…

But also because of this, gradually, Simon did not resist Dasqi, and the relationship between the two has increased significantly since the first day they met.

As for Smaller’s eyes, Simon is simply an excellent subordinate. For a year, he didn’t have to do anything at all. Every day, he piled small stones in the office bored. Occasionally chatting with Simon, the only thing that allowed him It’s a pity that every time I ask Simon to smoke, the latter always turns his head away with a face of resistance, and always complains that it’s enough to have an old smoker in Rogue Town, I don’t want to be a small one. , At first, this title made Smog very angry, but as the number of times increased, he could only reluctantly accept this title.


The sun is shining, and the Rogue Town Square is crowded with people. It is very lively. All kinds of food vendors are located here. When the weather is good, most of the residents of Rogue Town choose to come to the square to play, so that it is very lively every day.

It’s just that in this crowded square, there is a large vacuum zone. On that place, there is a ten-meter-high execution platform. In front of the execution platform is a young man with a heavy sword on his back.

When the pedestrians who came and went saw this young man, they all dodged with a look of fear, resulting in a large vacuum zone in this extremely crowded square.

And this young man is Simon a year later.

Looking up at the towering death row, Simon didn’t care about the fearful gazes around him. For a year, he had long been used to such gazes.

“It’s not enough…” Simon stretched out his hand and touched the shelf that was already covered with rust, and his thoughts were entangled.

Simon is really dissatisfied with the increase in his strength over the past year. Whether it is physical skills or sword skills, he is simply a layman. The only thing he can do is the ability to reach a new level of devil fruit.

Every once in a while, Simon would come to the execution stand in the square and stay in a daze all day. In the eyes of the residents of Rogue Town, he was simply a weirdo.

Remember…that night, you raised your arms and shouted loudly to send pirates from all over the world to the death row.

Simon’s hand on the steel frame of the death sentence suddenly exerted strength, tightly holding the rusted frame, and said solemnly: “All those who died under the nameless epee are some trash fish, with my current strength, I want to be alone. It’s not enough to go to the great fairway… I’m too weak now…”

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