One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 10: The Fleet Admiral, Sengoku

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"Vice Admiral Gion, is this individual hostile?" A middle-aged Marine, clearly the officer in charge, addressed Gion, his gaze fixed on Ian with suspicion.

"At ease. He's not an enemy. See that carnage? He's responsible. I'm considering recruiting him."

The Marine's jaw slackened in disbelief. Blood painted the ground in a macabre canvas, and Ian's appearance – pale skin, piercing green eyes – was undeniably unnerving.

He seemed like an outsider, a force of nature barely contained. Recruit him? Would the higher-ups even entertain the notion?

While a handful of the pirates, maybe a dozen or so, had bounties ranging from 10 to 30 million berries, they were dwarfed by the sheer number of fallen pirates. This man was a walking arsenal, a one-man army!

"You're still green. See to it that this mess is cleaned up." Gion offered no further explanation. These were Marines from a South Blue branch, and she intended to bring Ian directly to headquarters.

Elaboration was unnecessary. Most Marines at headquarters possessed at least a rudimentary understanding of Observation Haki and Armament Haki. In the annals of Marine history, Fujitora, blinded by his own unwavering ideals, had chosen to shut out the harsh realities of the world.

But his Observation Haki had reached its zenith, allowing him to perceive the very essence of a person's soul. During the Dressrosa incident, when everyone advised him against intervening in Luffy's battle against Doflamingo, he regretted his self-imposed blindness for the first time.

"Let's go." Ian didn't hesitate, turning towards the warship. Gion, after a moment of contemplation, followed suit. Had she made her decision?

"Ensure this incident is handled discreetly. Report that the Marines achieved a decisive victory," Gion instructed her subordinates, her expression brooking no argument.

"Understood, ma'am." The Marines responded in unison.

"I'm not trying to claim your victory. If you wish, the Marines can compensate you with a bounty or exchange it for merit points, which can be used to acquire items not readily available to the public. Even the spoils of war are yours to claim…" Gion explained as they walked.

"I understand. You're looking out for me, concerned that I'll attract unwanted attention from stronger pirates."

Ian recognized her intentions. His current level of power, while formidable, was still insufficient, and the absorbed souls were his most valuable asset. Besides, Gion had mentioned compensation and merit points.

He couldn't refuse. Abandoning him here would be a death sentence. He was certain this wasn't the first time such a situation had unfolded. As for the rescued civilians, he wouldn't concern himself with their fate.

The Marines would handle their resettlement. Gion walked beside him, her curiosity piqued. "Tell me about your Devil Fruit abilities. Understanding our comrades' strengths is crucial for effective teamwork."

"Zoan-type, Mythical Zoan, demonic form. Enhanced speed, attack power, and physical abilities, plus I can fire green energy blasts." Ian kept his explanation vague, omitting the crucial detail of absorbing souls to amplify his power.

While the world of One Piece did have individuals with soul-based abilities, like Big Mom and Brook, revealing such a secret wasn't a critical misstep. Ultimately, strength spoke louder than words.

But a few cards were best kept close to his chest.

"I see. That explains the manner in which some of the pirates were killed. It's reminiscent of Admiral Kizaru's Pika Pika no Mi, which grants enhanced physical abilities and the power to fire light beams."

"I'm hardly in his league. Logia types are incredibly rare, capable of transforming into their respective elements."

"True. But a Mythical Zoan, when fully mastered, can rival a Logia in power. Their rarity is comparable. As for myself, as you've witnessed, I excel in swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat."

Ian glanced at Gion, his mind racing. He had a suspicion about her future codename. Her prowess in swordsmanship and hand-to-hand combat was undeniable, reminiscent of a rabbit's agility and ferocity. Coupled with her attire, the connection was clear. However, she hadn't adopted the moniker yet. The Marines still referred to her as Vice Admiral Gion.

Night fell, casting a blanket of darkness over the sea. The warship sliced through the moonlit waters, guided by the stars above. A small gathering was held on deck.

No alcohol was served. Marines were renowned for their discipline, and indulging in such frivolities on the open sea was a recipe for disaster.

They were celebrating the annihilation of over a dozen pirate crews, a victory that would bring a temporary respite to the South Blue. Ian didn't bother changing out of his tattered white clothes, simply rinsing them briefly before donning them once more.

There were no tailors aboard the warship, only standard-issue Marine uniforms. He would need to find new attire once they reached the next port.

He remained in his fused state with the Ulquiorra template, having fully acclimated to its power.

While maintaining this form consumed spiritual pressure, his recovery rate had increased significantly, and the range of his Soul Absorption and soul-sensing abilities had expanded. He could passively absorb residual souls from the ocean and surrounding environment, further accelerating his fusion rate.

He believed that at a certain threshold of power, this form would become his permanent state, an intrinsic part of his being, requiring no conscious effort to maintain.

Gion was initially surprised by his ability to maintain this transformed state indefinitely, but she quickly adapted. The sea was a realm of endless possibilities, where the extraordinary was commonplace. She shrugged off her initial shock.

"Hey, is that Sengoku?"

In the privacy of her quarters, Gion spoke into a Den Den Mushi, a snail-shaped transponder. On the other end, a black-haired figure wearing a Marine cap adorned with a seagull came into view. It was Sengoku, the wise and formidable Fleet Admiral, known as the "Buddha."

She had just finished bathing, her damp hair cascading over her shoulders, her pink attire emitting a faint, pleasant fragrance.

Ian, considering Gion's age and the fact that Tokikake was another Admiral candidate, shook his head inwardly.

She was a bit too mature for his taste, even if her beauty remained undeniable. She exuded a maternal aura, not romantic.

"Beep… Gion? What is it?"

The Den Den Mushi's ringing ceased, and Sengoku's voice boomed from the transponder.

"Well, you see, I was pursuing Kid, and..." She recounted her encounter with Ian, leaving no detail unsaid. Sengoku listened intently, remaining silent for a moment after she finished.

"I see. He does appear to be a formidable individual. You've handled the situation well. I approve." Sengoku gave his assent to her proposal.

After all, tales of individuals wronged by pirates and empowered to seek revenge were a recurring theme in the world of One Piece.

As long as he focused his wrath on villainous pirates, it was acceptable. He was likely a troubled soul, and the Marines could offer him a path to redemption. As for the possibility of him being an undercover agent… That seemed improbable. The Four Emperors wouldn't bother with such trivial schemes. Smaller pirate crews lacked the resources and cunning for such an operation. Only individuals like Doflamingo and Crocodile, powerful but not overwhelmingly dominant, resorted to such tactics.

"He's currently in your custody?" Sengoku inquired. Ian knew the conversation was approaching a critical juncture. Gion replied, "Yes, Fleet Admiral."

"Excellent. Please relay this message to him… Regarding this matter, I have two options for him… "

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