One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 27: The Draft Proposal

Ulquiorra was a master of the poker face. A forced smile from him would only appear terrifying. The aura of dominance that emanated from his very soul, the presence of a Vasto Lorde, would only send chills down anyone's spine.

"This presence..." The Marines in the room felt a sudden drop in temperature. 

"Quite impressive, eh?" Borsalino drawled, a lecherous smirk on his face. 

Sakazuki was about to erupt. Did this newcomer intend to make a show of force right out of the gate? This was Marine Headquarters! The chill was different from Kuzan's Ice-Ice Fruit. It was more akin to being surrounded by malevolent spirits, the palpable aura of a seasoned killer.

"Easy there, son!" Garp intervened, placing a hand on Ian's shoulder, instantly subduing him. It was understandable for a young man to struggle with control. 

"My apologies. I got a bit carried away." Ian directed his words to Garp, though his demonic visage betrayed no hint of gratitude.

"Whew..." Gion sighed in relief. After all, she was the one who brought him here. With several Admiral-level figures present, if a fight were to break out...

Ian would be annihilated in an instant. Even Chaton sensed a formidable opponent. Although he was an Admiral candidate, he felt Ian would likely surpass him in strength within a short period of time. 

"With Moria's defeat, a Warlord position has opened up. We need to find a replacement swiftly to maintain the balance of power between us and the Yonko. Does anyone have any suitable candidates in mind?"

To everyone's surprise, Sengoku made no mention of who 100% defeated Moria or why Ian had been granted the rank of Vice Admiral directly. However, the higher-ranking officers remained silent. 

It was clear they knew the truth. The lower-ranking officers, however, had only heard about Ian's background—a survivor of a pirate attack, imbued with extraordinary powers through some stroke of luck.

Such stories were commonplace at Marine Headquarters.

Therefore, they wouldn't oppose his recruitment. But granting him such a high rank immediately, despite his potential with his Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit and swordsmanship, felt like a slap in the face to those who had dedicated their lives to serving the Marines.

Ian smirked silently. Was this the Wise General's tactic? Applying pressure on him right from the start? Let them think what they wanted. They were all insignificant in his eyes.

If their ranks were still low after years of service, it was either due to laziness or incompetence. They couldn't blame him for his good fortune. He would crush them all if they dared to challenge him.

"Fleet Admiral, Eustass Kid from the South Blue seems like a good candidate. He might be a bit brutal, but compared to the current Warlords, he's practically a saint. And his Magnet-Magnet Fruit allows him to control all metals. His power and potential shouldn't be underestimated..."

Finally, someone broke the silence, unable to contain their suggestion any longer. After all, aside from the Moria incident and the events in the South Blue, the clash between the two strongest Supernova rookies had been a hot topic, second only to the Thriller Bark incident.

The news of Ian's victory over Moria, coupled with the Crocodile and Marine Vice Admiral incident, was even more astonishing.

The other Marines remained neutral, but Gion and Sakazuki glared at the speaker. You're recommending a brutal pirate? Why are you speaking out of turn when others haven't?

Do you think you're clever? Then why is your rank still so low? Those with higher ranks haven't even spoken yet.

"I say we should abolish the Warlord system altogether! Why should we rely on bloodthirsty pirates to enforce our justice? The World Government has gone mad!" Sakazuki roared.

His hatred for pirates was absolute, evident in his unwavering resolve to eliminate them all. It was difficult to imagine what he had experienced in his past to shape such extreme views. No one became so radical without reason.

Gion agreed, though she refrained from mentioning Crocodile's coup attempt or the ancient weapon, Pluton. Those matters were beyond her purview, involving the World Government directly. Pluton...

While it was believed to be lost to history, the blueprints existed in Water 7. Constructing it would be a monumental task.

The Marines would have time to prepare, but innocent lives would undoubtedly be lost. Doflamingo was a prime example. Chaton listened intently, offering occasional nods of agreement.

He was merely trying to appease Gion. Everyone knew of his affections for Gion, and while he generally remained neutral, he agreed that the Warlord system should be abolished. he wouldn't miss this opportunity to curry favor.

"Silence! While I agree that the Warlord system should be abolished, we need their help to maintain order in the world. That's the reality we face."

"This is the justice and duty we uphold as Marines. For the safety of the people, we must even collaborate with villains. Pride is insignificant compared to human life..."

Sengoku delivered a passionate speech, demonstrating his understanding of Dragon and the Revolutionary Army's ideals. After all, he had served in the Marines for a time alongside Garp, witnessing firsthand the corruption and injustice within the World Government. Dragon, with his rare Wind-Wind Fruit, powerful Dragon Claw Fist, advanced Haki, and exceptional combat skills, possessed greater potential than the three Admirals.

He could have become Fleet Admiral if he hadn't abandoned the Marines. He didn't rely excessively on his Devil Fruit powers and maintained a rigorous training regimen.

He would have been a formidable force as a pirate as well, a true emperor of the sea. The World Government sought to suppress such individuals, fearing their potential to challenge their authority.

Balance was their ultimate goal, ensuring their continued dominance. It was a game to them.

They could easily address the current situation by simply dispatching more Marines and deploying their military might.

However, they relied on the World Government for resources and legitimacy, maintaining the façade of protecting the innocent. But who knew if they were responsible for creating the very pirates they claimed to be fighting?

The dragon slayer often becomes the dragon. The demon hunter often becomes the demon. After all, only a monster can defeat a monster.

"Therefore, let's set aside our personal opinions and continue with our recommendations." Sengoku steered the discussion back on track, diverting attention from those who opposed the Warlord system.

However, a prolonged silence followed. Even those who weren't afraid of being targeted didn't want to cross the Admirals. Why stir the pot when they were already opposed to the idea?

"Portgas D. Ace... A Logia-type Devil Fruit user with the Flame-Flame Fruit. His potential is undeniable, and he hasn't committed any heinous acts… What do you think of him?" A cold, chilling voice broke the silence.

All eyes turned towards the source, Ian, clad in his white attire, devoid of a Marine uniform. The other Marines were stunned.

Even the veterans were hesitant to speak, yet this newcomer voiced his opinion? While his potential was undeniable, he needed to survive long enough to realize it. He was facing Admirals!

"Hmm?" Akainu, Kizaru, and Aokiji stared at him in disbelief. A rookie recommending another rookie? And in this tense atmosphere? Garp, however, nodded approvingly at Ian.

He sensed a hint of gratitude in Ian's suggestion. If Ace couldn't be a Marine, then becoming a Warlord to counterbalance the Yonko's power was a suitable alternative. Justice could be served in various ways.

Garp knew Ace was qualified, but as his grandson and a pirate he had raised himself, he couldn't nominate him personally. Dragon was a prime example, a former Marine who had defected.

He had become the leader of the Revolutionary Army. Both Garp and Sengoku understood his motives, but the burden of justice weighed heavily on their shoulders, forcing them to stand on opposing sides. Dragon's past as a Marine remained a secret.

Therefore, witnessing Ace's death at the Paramount War had ignited a murderous rage within Garp. He had wanted to kill Akainu.

Although Ace had chosen his path and Akainu was merely upholding justice, they were both at fault. But Garp was a grandfather, after all.

His anguished cry, "Ace, you fool! Why didn't you listen to me?!" had resonated with countless viewers, but there was nothing he could do.

"Yes, I believe he's a good choice. He hasn't committed any major crimes, and he's even defeated many pirates. The public perception of him is positive. He's practically a chivalrous adventurer who happens to be a pirate..."

This time, it was Tsuru who spoke, clearly wanting to support Garp's cause. Justice could be a heavy burden, and so could the label of "pirate." But if this was the path Ace had chosen, he must have been prepared for the consequences.

In her eyes, both Garp and Zephyr were tragic figures, burdened by their pasts. One had lost his family to pirates, while the other had become a pirate himself.

Surprisingly, no one objected, not even Akainu. He was currently unaware of Ace's true parentage, believing him to be solely Garp's grandson.

Ace's actions, despite his pirate affiliation, were ultimately driven by justice.

Recruiting him as a Warlord was a reasonable proposal.

"Then it's settled. We'll offer Portgas D. Ace the position. Now, who will be responsible for extending the invitation?"

Sengoku glanced around the room. Someone was about to suggest that the person who proposed the idea should handle it, but they reconsidered upon realizing Ian was also a newcomer.

He might be unfamiliar with the procedures and could even be persuaded to join Ace's crew. After all, charismatic individuals like Ace possessed a certain allure. They would lose a valuable asset if that happened.

"I'll go. It's been a while since I've seen my grandson. We can catch up." Garp volunteered.

"Very well. It's in your hands." Sengoku agreed, and no one objected. Firstly, because of Garp's strength and position. Secondly, because of their familial bond. Perhaps he could leverage their relationship to persuade Ace.

After all, young people were often impulsive, drawn to dreams of freedom and adventure, believing the world to be vast and full of possibilities. Only after facing hardship did they realize their naiveté. And when they felt ashamed to return home, a gentle hand from an elder, a comforting "Let's go home," could work wonders.

Considering Ace's actions and potential, even if the Warlord system was abolished, he could become a valuable asset to the Marines. It was a win-win situation.

"Sigh…" Ian shook his head, knowing the outcome. In the original story, it wasn't Garp who extended the Warlord invitation to Ace, and it had inevitably failed.

After all, Ace's bloodline alone, as the son of Gol D. Roger, was enough to tarnish any good intentions. If Garp claimed he was going to simply catch up, then he might genuinely be going to catch up.

Ian's suggestion had served its purpose, earning him Garp's favor. Regardless of the outcome, he had achieved his goal.

Asking Ace to become a Warlord was like asking Itachi Uchiha or Madara Uchiha to become Hokage in the Naruto world.

Both brothers had sacrificed their lives for their younger siblings, and Madara, like Roger, had reached the pinnacle of power.

"Then we're adjourned..." Sengoku was about to conclude the meeting, but Ian spoke up, "I have a proposal that could potentially solve the issue of the Warlord system… A worldwide draft!"

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