One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 34: A Legendary Scene Unfolds

After several days of flight, Ian and Tashigi finally arrived at Jaya Island. They had reveled in the feeling of soaring freely through the sky, gazing down upon the world below, where islands appeared no larger than a handspan.

At full speed, they could traverse the distance in under two days. After all, both Jaya and Skypiea were located in the first half of the Grand Line, while Marine Headquarters lay at its center. Among the seven sea routes leading to the Grand Line, there lay the Florian Triangle, home to Gecko Moria's Thriller Bark.

Although Enel had only ruled Skypiea for three years, his mastery of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit likely hadn't reached the level seen in the original story. Still, it was one of the most powerful Logia-type Devil Fruits, capable of overwhelming nearly any opponent, except for the anomaly of Blackbeard's Dark-Dark Fruit, which negated all Devil Fruit powers.

Even Enel's ultimate transformation, the "200 Million Volt Amaru" form, was likely far from its peak, probably not even exceeding 100 million volts.

During their journey, they had stopped at various islands, seeking out graveyards and absorbing the lingering souls of the deceased. While he possessed Moria's Shadow-Shadow Fruit, Ian had no desire to create an army of zombies, except perhaps as a temporary measure during combat.

After visiting several islands and encountering frequent pirate battles at sea, which yielded just as many souls as the islands themselves, his fusion rate had recovered to 38%. The remaining 2% could likely be obtained on Skypiea, or he could simply engage in a massacre of pirates on Jaya, drawn by the allure of the legendary city of gold.

Rumors of Skypiea and its riches had attracted a large number of pirates. Bellamy, the Hyena, with his Spring-Spring Fruit, was likely not a captain yet, merely a subordinate. As if on cue, Tashigi pulled out a stack of wanted posters and addressed Ian.

"Jaya Island currently harbors over a dozen small pirate crews, each with their own captain and territory. Their bounties range from 30 to 40 million berries. They're a disorganized bunch, easily manipulated with a bit of strategy."

They were currently on the opposite side of Jaya, the region where Montblanc Cricket, a descendant of Montblanc Noland, resided alongside the ape brothers, Masira and Shoujou, leaders of the Saruyama Alliance. In the original story, Luffy had quickly befriended them, leading the Straw Hat Pirates to joke about their shared primate origins.

"No need for elaborate plans. We've already dealt with a few crews, and the rest will likely come looking for us tonight." Ian dismissed her suggestion with a wave of his hand.

Initially, Tashigi had wanted to question why they weren't utilizing a Marine warship to eliminate over a dozen pirate crews.

Even for a Marine Vice Admiral capable of taking down pirates with bounties exceeding hundreds of millions, it seemed excessively reckless.

She had to admit, she still harbored doubts about Ian's victory over Gecko Moria, suspecting that Vice Admiral Momousagi had orchestrated the outcome.

However, if she knew that Ian was also responsible for Momousagi's impressive feat of defeating over a dozen pirate crews, her attitude would have been drastically different. This current situation mirrored those previous encounters. After all, Ian hadn't even reacted to the mocking remarks of his fellow Vice Admirals.

Even the most patient individual had their limits, let alone a powerful warrior. Her doubts had finally been dispelled earlier that day when they witnessed the ape brothers, Masira and Shoujou, being besieged by three pirate crews. The Saruyama Alliance, a union of the Masira Pirates and the Shoujou Pirates, had originally been formed to assist Montblanc Cricket in salvaging treasure from the ocean floor, later aiding Luffy in reinforcing the Going Merry for their journey to Skypiea.

Naturally, other pirate crews sought to steal their hard-earned rewards. However, Ian had intervened, effortlessly dispatching the attackers with swift sword strikes and devastating Cero blasts, destroying their ships and eliminating their captains.

She finally understood that Ian wasn't seeking unnecessary conflict. But if trouble came knocking, he would respond with decisive force, without hesitation or remorse.

"Thank you, Marine-san, for saving my brothers. Drink up!" Cricket, Masira, and Shoujou raised their tankards in gratitude towards Ian and Tashigi.

Tashigi politely declined. As a Marine and a woman of strong principles, strict discipline and personal ethics prevented her from indulging, except under exceptional circumstances.

"Cheers!" Ian replied, raising his tankard and draining it in a single gulp. In the world of One Piece, aside from clashes of strength, shared drinks were a symbol of camaraderie, a bond forged between men.

However, he utilized his potent spiritual pressure to negate the intoxicating effects, maintaining his focus for the task ahead. In Cricket's eyes, he appeared to be a true master of alcohol, seemingly impervious to its effects. Wasn't alcohol forbidden for Marines? How could this man drink so much without a hint of intoxication?

"Marine-san, you're a true drinker!" Cricket exclaimed, refilling Ian's tankard with a slight twinge of pain. That single gulp had consumed half a barrel of his precious stock.

His reserves were dwindling, but this man had saved his brothers' lives. He had even questioned why Ian, a Marine, would come to their aid. After all, pirates and Marines were sworn enemies.

Masira and Shoujou had also believed their doom was imminent, trapped between their fellow pirates, the hungry wolves, and the Marines, the ferocious tigers, led by a Vice Admiral no less.

They weren't the only ones surprised. The pirate captains had been swiftly dispatched, their ships destroyed with single strokes of Ian's blade. His strength was undeniable, capable of handling pirates with bounties exceeding hundreds of millions. But Ian had simply stated,

"There are good pirates and bad Marines. I won't tolerate evil, regardless of their affiliation. Nor will I stand by and watch a good pirate be killed."

His words had resonated with them, as well as with Tashigi. It seemed her superior officer adhered to his own code of conduct, unbound by the rigid lines drawn between factions.

Unwittingly, he had further captivated the heart of the naive, impressionable young woman.

"Does the City of Gold truly exist?" Cricket finally broke the silence, his voice heavy with years of searching and doubt.

Montblanc Cricket, the leader of the Saruyama Alliance, a descendant of Montblanc Noland, his diamond-shaped face bearing the scars of countless dives in search of the legendary city, seeking to clear his ancestor's name. He would later assist Luffy in reaching Skypiea. A man who refused to bow to fate, a testament to unwavering determination.

Cricket bore the burden of his ancestor's legacy, branded as a liar for claiming the existence of Skypiea and the City of Gold. He had dedicated his life to proving the truth, fighting against the tides of destiny. Masira and Shoujou, the ape brothers.

Masira, the captain of the Masira Pirates, looked exactly as his name implied, though he was human. He would feign shock whenever someone underestimated him. He would later assist the Straw Hat Pirates in modifying the Going Merry. His bounty stood at 36 million berries. Shoujou, his brother, with a bounty of 23 million berries.

Both brothers resembled apes in appearance, possessing incredible lung capacity and earth-shattering roars, their monstrous strength capable of felling even Sea Kings with a single punch: the "Gorilla Fist."

Like Absalom, they were neither Mink nor Zoan-type Devil Fruit users.

Absalom had achieved his monstrous appearance through surgical modifications, while the ape brothers were the result of atavism, a throwback to their primal ancestry. There were theories that humans had evolved from primates. Perhaps Minks and Fishmen were simply branches of the evolutionary tree that had retained their animalistic traits, possessing superior strength and resilience compared to humans.

However, humans possessed a unique potential that surpassed them all.

"It exists, Cricket-san. And it's not the only one of its kind." Tashigi replied.

Cricket had posed the question to them, Marines, the world's dominant power, believing they might possess knowledge hidden from ordinary individuals.

"Indeed. The reason you haven't found it after decades of searching is because it's not in the sea… but up there." Ian pointed towards the blue sky, dotted with white clouds and bathed in sunlight.

"Really?" Cricket, Masira, and Shoujou were stunned. This confirmed that Cricket's ancestor hadn't lied. The City of Gold on Jaya was real.

For Cricket, it wasn't about the gold itself, but rather the vindication of his ancestor's name. He and his family had been ridiculed and ostracized for generations, labeled as descendants of a liar. He yearned to prove the truth, to restore his family's honor.

"This region experiences frequent Knock Up Streams, doesn't it?" Ian inquired. Cricket was confused. "What does that have to do with the City of Gold?"

"Because those streams are the path to Skypiea. Half of Jaya was propelled thousands of meters into the sky by those very streams." Tashigi, the knowledgeable scholar, explained.

"That's… unbelievable!" Cricket and the ape brothers exclaimed. They had assumed it was a natural phenomenon, a mere quirk of the sea. But the reality was far more astounding. A force capable of launching an entire island into the sky?

"In the Grand Line and the New World, there are several floating islands. Some are created through Devil Fruit abilities, like Shiki's Golden Lion Pirates. Others are artificial, like Weatheria…"

"There's even Fishman Island, ten thousand meters below the surface, and Totto Land, created from sweets… In those places, powerful individuals can destroy entire islands with their own strength…"

Skypiea and Jaya were once a single island, containing remnants of the Void Century, a period of history erased from the world's records. Stone tablets, similar to the ones found in Alabasta, held clues to the ancient weapons: Pluton and Poseidon. As for Uranus, Doflamingo possessed some knowledge, but its whereabouts remained a mystery, likely controlled by the Celestial Dragons.

On Skypiea, a magnificent city stood, the very place where the poneglyphs had been discovered, its streets paved with gold and its buildings adorned with precious jewels. When half of Jaya was launched into the sky, a portion of its treasures had scattered across the remaining landmass.

The most valuable treasure was the Golden Belfry, a massive bell beneath which lay a poneglyph. Legend had it that the bell's sound was incredibly beautiful, guiding Montblanc Noland to the island. When Jaya ascended, its sound reached Skypiea, where the inhabitants mistook it for the voice of God.

400 years ago, in 1122, Montblanc Noland and his crew had stumbled upon Jaya while seeking shelter from a storm. They encountered the Shandia, a tribe ravaged by a deadly tree fever, and ended their practice of human sacrifice. Noland even befriended Calgara, the tribe's strongest warrior.

However, in the process of curing the tree fever, Noland had cut down the Shandia's sacred tree, a symbol of their faith and tradition. Misunderstanding his actions, Calgara banished Noland and his crew from the island. Later, learning the truth from Mousse, Calgara deeply regretted his hasty decision, unable to bid his friend farewell.

From that day forward, the Shandia on Jaya rang their golden bell every day, hoping to guide their beloved friend, Noland, back to their island.

Upon returning to his homeland, Noland claimed to have discovered the City of Gold, Shandora. However, when he led the king back to Jaya, the island had split in two, and the City of Gold had vanished. Noland was executed for deceiving the king, but he never denied the existence of Shandora, even in his final moments.

Upper Yard, once part of Jaya, was revered as sacred ground by the Skypieans, as it was the only island in the sky with fertile soil.

The Shandia, descendants of Jaya's original inhabitants, waged a 400-year war against the Skypieans, seeking to reclaim their homeland and ring their golden bell once more…

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