One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 5: Auction House! A Bold Gamble!

[A/N] - Don't Forget to leave a [Review] – Your Voice Matters!!!

[A/N] - With Your Blessings, 2/3/4 Even 5 Chapters Daily!


"That's right, and I hear they're planning to challenge the Grand Line after this island!"

"Haha… Youthful conceit. They've barely gained some strength and their heads are already swelling. Let's see if they're still laughing when they crawl back here in defeat!"

The pirates erupted in boisterous laughter, mocking Kid's ambition. Among them were many who had tasted defeat, both in the Grand Line and the New World.

Those vast seas were teeming with powerful individuals, promising both opportunity and immense danger.

However, they kept their voices low. Even now, Kid was not someone they could easily challenge.

"That guy… He must be the newcomer who just arrived on the island. No one knows his name."

A figure with a partial horned skull helmet, pale green eyes with distinct tear marks, and deathly pale skin slowly approached the auction house. He wore a high-collared, long-sleeved jacket with a white front and black trim, white hakama pants secured with a black sash, an intricate yet unidentified katana tucked into his sash, and black socks with white shoes.

It was Ian, his appearance transformed by the Ulquiorra template.

"Don't provoke him. We don't know his name or bounty, but he's definitely more dangerous than Kid." A pirate warned, his voice laced with apprehension.

While Kid could easily defeat many pirates on the island, he lacked Ian's swift and ruthless efficiency. Moreover, Ian remained calm and composed despite his immense power, unlike Kid's volatile conceit.

This cold-blooded ruthlessness was far more terrifying than Kid's brutality. He was not someone to be trifled with.

Little did they know, Ian had come for their lives. Avoiding him was not an option.

After four days of observation and piecing together the memories of his former host, Ian had ascertained the current timeline in the world of One Piece.

Two years remained before Luffy's departure, while Ace had already set sail. The Kid Pirates consisted only of Kid and Killer, and they were still lingering in the South Blue, preparing to challenge the Grand Line.

Judging by their current demeanor, they were likely to suffer a humiliating defeat. They were too conceited and reckless.

Unlike their portrayal in the original story, where they encountered Admiral Kizaru and wisely chose to retreat, their current conceit would likely lead to their downfall.

"Welcome, everyone, to our pirate's feast! Here, you can acquire information, women, slaves… even renowned swords and Devil Fruits. But first, you must offer something of greater value. There's no such thing as a free lunch!"

The auction house consisted of a circular seating area surrounding a central platform spanning several dozen meters. However, these seats were reserved for pirate captains and their crews.

Ordinary pirates without crews were relegated to the upper balconies, while Kid brazenly occupied a seat directly behind a pirate captain, his feet propped up on the man's chair.

The captain was about to erupt in anger, but upon turning to face the menacing Kid Pirates, he silently swallowed his rage.

He would bide his time and seek revenge later. After all, strength dictated the hierarchy in this world.

Ian remained on the upper balcony, observing the proceedings from a distance. His reserved demeanor, however, did not equate to timidity.

"Now, for our first auction item! What could it be? A few slaves…" A gray-haired, bespectacled middle-aged man announced, his voice brimming with excitement.

He wasted no time with pleasantries, understanding that these savage pirates were not interested in sentimental appeals.

A cage containing several individuals was brought onto the platform. There were muscular men and attractive women, all bound by heavy shackles, their bodies trembling, their eyes devoid of hope.

Their fate was sealed, a bleak future of endless torment and suffering.

"Pirates…" Ian's grip tightened on the hilt of his katana, his heart filled with righteous fury.

While he relied on absorbing souls to increase his power, those souls were merely remnants of energy, devoid of their former memories and personalities.

He did not condone senseless killing. However, the pirates surrounding him displayed nothing but avarice and lust in their eyes. They were not noble adventurers like Luffy and his crew. They were nothing more than beasts.

"So be it… At least I won't have to hold back. I can unleash my full power without reservation." Ian declared.

Laws were meant for those with a conscience. For heartless beasts, only death awaited.

"Next up, we have a Zoan-type Devil Fruit! As for its specific abilities, you'll have to rely on luck and guesswork!"

A plate bearing a fruit-shaped object, black with swirling patterns, was presented to the crowd.

Devil Fruits were categorized into three types: Zoan, Paramecia, and Logia. Their appearance often provided clues to their nature. Zoan and Paramecia fruits were typically round or oval-shaped, with additional features hinting at their abilities.

Paramecia fruits resembled ordinary fruits with distinct colors and patterns.

However, determining the exact nature of their powers was a gamble. They could be powerful Ancient Zoan or Mythical Zoan fruits, or relatively weaker common types.

But this was not always the case. The true strength of a Devil Fruit depended on the user's abilities. For example, Doflamingo's String-String Fruit and Ivankov's Hormone-Hormone Fruit could manipulate strings and hormones, respectively, to devastating effect. In the hands of ordinary individuals, they would likely be relegated to tailoring and medical applications.

Similarly, Katakuri's Mochi-Mochi Fruit and Luffy's Gum-Gum Fruit possessed immense potential, far exceeding their initial appearances.

Even Buggy's Chop-Chop Fruit and Foxy's Slow-Slow Fruit, while seemingly underwhelming, could be incredibly powerful when awakened and utilized effectively.

The true measure of a Devil Fruit's strength lay in the user's ingenuity and mastery.

"Crack…" As expected, a skeptical pirate captain, driven by greed, spent his entire fortune of over 100 million berries to purchase the Devil Fruit.

After all, a single raid could easily replenish their coffers.

His clothes ripped as his hands transformed into claws, his skin covered in green scales. His body grew larger and more muscular, a long, spiked tail protruding from his backside. He had become a lizard, having consumed the Lizard-Lizard Fruit, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit.

Roar! While not an Ancient Zoan or Mythical Zoan, it was still a formidable power. He opened his maw, filled with sharp fangs, and roared at the surrounding pirates.

"Shut up, you're annoying!" Kid barked, activating his Magnet-Magnet Fruit powers, sending several swords and other metal objects flying towards the lizardman.

Clang! However, the projectiles merely bounced harmlessly off his tough scales, creating a shower of sparks.

"Haha! It seems I've gained more than just strength! My speed and defense have increased as well!" The pirate captain taunted Kid, reveling in his newfound power.

"So, die!"

He charged towards Kid, leaping over the crowd with astonishing speed.

"Idiot." Kid sneered, summoning a massive chunk of metal from the ceiling. It crashed down upon the lizardman, who was still airborne and unable to change direction, crushing him and several unfortunate bystanders beneath its weight.

"Captain!" His crewmates cried out in alarm, rushing to clear the debris and retrieve their unconscious leader. They had spent their entire fortune on the Devil Fruit. Losing their captain would be disastrous.

"Kid…" They glared at Kid with hatred, but his defiant and conceited expression silenced them.

In this world, strength spoke louder than words.

"Zoan-type Devil Fruit users are indeed resilient…" Ian was also surprised by the lizardman's durability. He had merely been knocked unconscious by the impact.

Logia users were intangible, Paramecia users could manipulate their surroundings, and Zoan users possessed incredible physical strength and recovery abilities. The rumors were true.

Time passed, and the auction continued. Devil Fruits were rare commodities, akin to opening loot boxes in a video game, their value determined by chance.

Several weapons were sold, but none were renowned blades. Even a sword crafted by one of the "The 50 Skillful Grade Blades" was only worth a million berries, while a Meito could fetch tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

However, they were even rarer than Devil Fruits, as they required skilled blacksmiths and compatible swordsmen, limiting their availability and potential.

Devil Fruits, on the other hand, offered the chance to acquire incredibly powerful abilities that anyone could utilize.

"Our next item is a map and a Vivre Card. While not as practical as a Devil Fruit or a renowned sword, its value is far greater… because it belongs to one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!"

"The Vivre Card and a map to Thriller Bark, the island of Gecko Moria! It was obtained from one of his subordinates!"

"…" Silence descended upon the auction house.

This was the edge of the South Blue, bordering the first half of the Grand Line. They were not ignorant of the dangers that lay ahead. Many had challenged the Grand Line and failed.

Gecko Moria was a formidable pirate who had challenged Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, in the New World. While he had been defeated, he had managed to escape with his life.

That was over a decade ago, and both Moria and Kaido had grown even stronger since then.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea were powerful pirates chosen by the World Government to maintain balance between the Marines and the Four Emperors. They were granted the right to plunder and pillage with impunity.

The pirates in this auction house had failed to conquer even the Grand Line. Challenging Gecko Moria would be suicide. Aside from his immense strength, Thriller Bark, his island-sized ship, was home to hundreds, if not thousands, of zombie soldiers.

The Florian Triangle, where Thriller Bark resided, claimed over 100 ships each year. With a Vivre Card and a map leading directly to Moria's doorstep, purchasing this item was akin to signing one's own death warrant.

"Are you kidding me? Who would bring something like this to an auction in the South Blue? Maybe someone in the Grand Line would be interested, but here…"

"Haha…" The auction house erupted in laughter. Even if they could afford it, what use would it be in the South Blue?

"A Warlord of the Sea? Interesting. We're heading to the Grand Line, so encountering them is inevitable. This might come in handy."

Time passed, and no one placed a bid. It wasn't a matter of affordability, but rather practicality.

Even if they purchased the item, they would either have to seek out Moria or wait for him to come to them. Vivre Cards emitted a signal that could be tracked, leading the Warlord directly to their doorstep. Were they eager to have their heads collected?

Eustass Kid, his impulsive nature getting the better of him, was about to raise his hand and place a bid.

"Kid…" Killer, his more cautious brother, could only watch in dismay as his conceited captain made a foolish decision.

"I'll take it…" Suddenly, a voice echoed through the auction house. Heads turned to identify the fool who was willingly walking towards his death.

It was Ian, descending from the balcony, his pale figure clad in white, a horned skull helmet obscuring his features.

"Interesting. It's that guy." Kid, who was about to unleash his fury, paused upon seeing Ian. He decided to observe and see what the newcomer was planning.

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