One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 55: Aokiji

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The Devil Fruit tree within Ian's body had swelled to about two meters tall. A new branch had sprouted, bearing a dull, mud-colored fruit that had solidified – the Sand-Sand Fruit. Beneath it, on a lower branch, hung the Kilo-Kilo Fruit

Crocodile's capture was complete. The man’s twisting and legendary life had reached its end. The Alabasta incident, the attempted coup to seize the ancient weapon Pluton, had involved a far greater number of people than even the Marineford War

Hundreds of thousands had been drawn into the rebellion, resulting in countless casualties. If Ian had been present during the conflict, perhaps he could have intervened. 

However, manipulating the course of the war to suit his needs felt morally reprehensible. Besides, due to the Straw Hat Pirates' involvement, the actual death toll wasn't that high. At this point, even a 1% increase in Ian's fusion rate required thousands of souls. 

He needed to target either powerful individuals who could stand against armies, or strong Devil Fruit users. 

Based on the current timeline, Princess Vivi might not have even infiltrated Baroque Works yet. Only two or three months had passed since Momousagi’s chance encounter with Crocodile's plan. He might not have even assembled his full team of officers. 

As expected, Ian’s fusion rate increased to 46%. Crocodile, as he'd suspected, possessed both Armament and Observation Haki, although not particularly potent. 

Still, he was stronger than Moria, capable of single-handedly challenging an entire nation. Absorbing the souls from Whisky Peak had boosted Ian’s fusion rate to 45%. Now, having reached a saturation point, he had finally leveled up. The strength of a soul and the raw power it provided were not always directly proportional. 

Crocodile’s ability to plunge Alabasta into chaos had been due largely to the power of the Sand-Sand Fruit. 

Totto Land, Big Mom's territory, was now at the top of Ian’s list. Next were Wano Country, ruled by Kaido, and Dressrosa, under Doflamingo’s control. Both locations were involved in the production and use of artificial Zoan-type Devil Fruits.

Doflamingo supplied Kaido with SMILEs, artificial Devil Fruits, fueling his ambition to create the strongest Zoan-type crew in the world. However, the technology was imperfect, riddled with flaws.

The success rate for gaining an ability from a SMILE was a one in ten. The rest suffered debilitating side effects. 

Regardless of success or failure, the users lost the ability to swim. Those who failed also lost the ability to express any emotion other than laughter. 

Hence the name “SMILE.”

In Kaido’s Beasts Pirates, the combatants were divided into three categories: Gifters, those who had successfully gained a Zoan ability from a SMILE; Pleasures, those who failed and were left with only a perpetual grin; and Waiters, those who had yet to consume a SMILE.

Those unfortunate Pleasures, locked in an eternal state of forced laughter, their lives a cruel mockery of joy – a truly tragic fate.

In Ebisu Town, people starved to death daily, their families weeping in sorrow. Their grief annoyed Kurozumi Orochi, the shogun of Wano.

To silence their cries, he had mixed the waste products of SMILE production into the leftover food from the Flower Capital, sending it to Ebisu Town. Even though the residents eventually discovered the truth, their hunger overwhelmed their reason.

They were left with nothing but hollow smiles.

Komurasaki’s loyal attendant, Toko, was also from Ebisu Town.

Her father was Shimotsuki Yasuie, a former daimyo who had served the Kozuki Family twenty years ago. When his identity was exposed, he was executed. Toko could only laugh through her tears, unable to express any other emotion. The same fate had befallen the entire town.

Ebisu Town was a microcosm of the suffering endured by the people of Wano under Kaido and Orochi’s tyranny. Countless others were trapped in this cycle of misery. These two locations, and their leaders – Kurozumi Orochi and Doflamingo – were at the top of Ian's list.

Though both had inherited their positions through their lineage – one renouncing the privilege of a Celestial Dragon, the other seizing the shogunate through treacherous means – their actions were utterly reprehensible. 

Fate was a fickle mistress. Some were born to rule, while others were destined for a life of hardship. It was a reality filled with despair and suffering. But once a path was chosen, one had to bear the consequences.

Caesar Clown, a former colleague of Vegapunk, had developed the SMILE technology, manipulating the Lineage Factor within Devil Fruits. It was unknown whether they contained even a fraction of a Devil’s soul, but the sheer quantity made it worth investigating. 

Meanwhile, Tashigi and the giant dog had finished their battle with Mr. 1. The dog, now towering over them, had taken a humanoid stance and delivered a crushing blow. Its defenses were formidable, even giving Zoro, who had faced countless battles, a run for his money.

Tashigi’s battle with Mr. 1 had taken place in Alabasta, where Zoro had developed his ability to cut steel by understanding the concept of “breathing” within all things. He had further honed his skills during the Enies Lobby arc to save Robin. His strength had increased twofold. Mr. 1’s slashes merely left shallow wounds on the dog’s tough hide.

Disoriented and dazed, Mr. 1 was left vulnerable to Tashigi’s attack. Utilizing her Clear-Clear Fruit powers, she mirrored Ian’s tactics against Gecko Moria, creating the illusion of movement with Soru, but ultimately striking from the front.

Mr. 1 staggered back, a deep gash appearing on his chest. While Tashigi still struggled to cut through steel, she could easily slice through even the toughest stone.

The dog’s strength was comparable to that of a weak Vice Admiral, while Tashigi was close to Rear Admiral level.

Together, defeating a pirate with a bounty under 100 million was a simple task. Ian, observing the scene, wasted no time.

He activated his Soul Absorption, devouring both Mr. 1’s soul and the soul of his Devil Fruit. Another fruit, the Dice-Dice Fruit, appeared on the tree within his mind.

He wondered how he could obtain a Logia-type Devil Fruit, perhaps the Wind-Wind Fruit, to complement his collection. Dragon, though a revolutionary leader, wasn’t inherently evil. Could he simply steal it from him?

Perhaps Big Mom’s Soul-Soul Fruit could create entities like Prometheus and Zeus, but with control over wind and water. He could name them Poseidon and Odin, the gods of the sea and the sky, respectively.

Prometheus and Zeus represented fire and lightning, powerful deities in their own right.

Next came the task of looting the two pirate ships. As expected, the crew had abandoned ship, fleeing for their lives. Witnessing their captain’s defeat had instilled a healthy dose of fear, and staying behind would have been a foolish gamble.

They had taken only valuables, leaving behind a substantial amount of cargo. Among the loot was a large quantity of weapons and “Dance Powder,” exactly what Crocodile needed for his plan.

Dance Powder, also known as “Rain-Calling Powder,” was a green powder that had been invented long ago in a drought-stricken nation. It produced a mist that created artificial rain. The name originated from the people’s joyous dances celebrating the arrival of rain.

However, its use had devastating consequences for neighboring nations downwind, leading to severe droughts and ultimately, war. The World Government had banned its production and possession.

Crocodile had used Dance Powder to plunge Alabasta into a three-year drought, blaming King Cobra for the disaster.

The people, unaware of the truth, had rebelled against the king, leading to a devastating civil war. Crocodile, meanwhile, remained a revered hero, manipulating events from the shadows, seeking to acquire the ancient weapon Pluton.

Ian had no use for these items. He instructed Tashigi to contact the nearest Marine base to collect the contraband, and they continued their journey towards Twin Cape.

“Vice Admiral - Black Demon, are you sure this is alright?” The Marine officer who arrived expressed his unease.

He was aware of the secrets surrounding Impel Down, and this incident, the defeat of a Warlord like Crocodile, whose Sand-Sand Fruit was a formidable Logia-type, alongside two of his officers wielding powerful Paramecia-type fruits, was a major development.

“I’ll take responsibility for everything.” Ian simply stated, departing with Tashigi.

With a 46% fusion rate and eight Devil Fruits within his body, he could instantly consume them all, boosting his power to 50%.

At that level, he would be an Admiral-level threat, a force worth 2-3 billion berries. Besides, defeating Crocodile, Mr. 1, and Diamante wasn’t an impossible feat.

Sending Momousagi or Chaton, both Vice Admirals bordering on Admiral strength, or a few more Vice Admirals, would have been enough to handle the situation. Crocodile’s weakness to water was a major vulnerability. If Luffy, with a 30 million berry bounty, could defeat him with his blood, then it wasn’t surprising that Ian, a Vice Admiral, could achieve the same feat.

If necessary, he could simply be dispatched again in the future. If it could happen once, it could happen again.

But “Vice Admiral - Black Demon”? What kind of ridiculous title was that? He was the “Black-Winged Demon!” Could they at least refrain from abbreviating his grand title? Tashigi, standing beside him, struggled to suppress a giggle.

Ian glared at her, and she immediately fell silent. The giant dog beside them barked in agreement, seemingly approving of the new moniker.

He then proceeded to contact Marine Headquarters using a Transponder Snail, right in front of the bewildered Marine officer.

In a spacious office somewhere in Marine Headquarters, the person who answered the call wasn’t Sengoku, but Admiral Aokiji.

He was lounging in the Fleet Admiral’s chair, a newspaper covering his face as he napped, snoring loudly. The ringing of the Transponder Snail startled him awake.

He sat up with a jolt, about to unleash a torrent of annoyance at the caller, but then realized that anyone who could contact the Fleet Admiral directly had to be at least a Rear Admiral.

There must be an important reason for the call. He begrudgingly answered the Transponder Snail, his voice laced with impatience. “Hello? This is Kuzan. Sengoku-san is in Mary Geoise for a report. You can report to me.”

“Aokiji? It’s Ian.” Hearing Aokiji’s voice on the other end surprised Ian, but he maintained his composure.

He almost chuckled. This was turning out to be quite the gathering of important figures.

Aokiji’s fatigue vanished instantly upon hearing Ian’s name. He sat up straight, his interest piqued. After confirming Robin’s safety, he had heard about Ian.

A kindred spirit, a man who marched to the beat of his own drum. Ian had spent a month at Headquarters, familiarizing himself with the environment, then disappeared to Jaya Island to eliminate pirates. He had been gone for so long that they had feared he had defected and joined the pirates. Thankfully, he had maintained contact, reporting his progress, although his choice of targets was entirely his own.

“Ian, huh? I’ve heard rumors about Momousagi’s promising recruit. But you’ve earned quite a reputation in the Marines, haven’t you? Ignoring orders, disliked by Akainu… just like me. Recklessness isn’t a trait befitting a Vice Admiral, you know. It won’t do you any favors in the future.”

As the saying went, the enemy of your enemy was your friend. Besides, with a Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit and impressive swordsmanship, Ian was a potential Admiral candidate, someone worth befriending.

“Admiral Aokiji, I’ve heard about you as well. I’ve been eager to meet you.” Ian chuckled, engaging in playful banter. “Arara… While fostering connections is important, work takes priority. What did you want to report?”

“Nothing much. Crocodile is dead.”


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To Be Continued..


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