One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 73: The Dark King Rayleigh

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Staring at the seemingly unassuming man before them, scruffy, clad in a yellow shirt, hair and beard a mix of black and white, and possessing a build more akin to an average middle-aged man than a legendary pirate, Ian, Fujitora, and the Dark King Rayleigh found themselves in a silent standoff.

Ian's demonic green eyes, even in their surprised state, radiated an icy coldness. Rayleigh's gaze was sharp, like the edge of a blade. Fujitora's, meanwhile, were blank white orbs, unsettling in their emptiness.

Three apex swordsmen, two possessing Conqueror's Haki and one wielding the power of gravity, created an atmosphere thick with tension.

Rayleigh wished the earth would swallow him whole. He'd run into someone he knew, and the other was the infamous Black Devil Vice Admiral, a face impossible to mistake.

“Is that the Black Devil Vice Admiral? The one who defeated two Warlords and fought Mihawk to a draw? They say he’s not even nineteen yet!”

Someone in the crowd shouted Ian’s name, and the onlookers erupted into chaos. Many fled in terror, while others, drenched in cold sweat, stared nervously at the young Vice Admiral. Among them were several pirates.

Standing beside Ian, Fujitora turned his sightless eyes towards Rayleigh. He recognized the middle-aged man. Silvers Rayleigh, the Dark King, former first mate of the Roger Pirates, the Pirate King's right hand, a man who had once conquered the Grand Line and stood at the pinnacle of piracy.

He had met Rayleigh briefly over two decades ago, on a small island where the Roger Pirates had made a short stop before achieving their legendary status. Rayleigh had even imparted some swordsmanship and gambling techniques to him.

Though pirates, they possessed a stronger sense of justice than most Marines. It was their influence that had shaped Fujitora’s own unique sense of justice, unbound by the rigid dogma of the Marines.

After Roger’s execution, the crew had scattered, vanishing into the vastness of the sea. He had only learned of Rayleigh’s whereabouts by chance, through a newspaper article.

He had discovered that the legendary Dark King, like Crocus, had chosen to reside at one of the Grand Line’s entry points, Sabaody Archipelago, watching the unfolding of the Great Pirate Era sparked by Roger’s sacrifice. He wondered how far the new generation of pirates would go. It was a fascinating prospect.

“Is that… Issho? What happened to his eyes?” Rayleigh thought, recognizing Fujitora. Something must have happened. Indeed, on his own journey of justice…

Fujitora had witnessed countless injustices and misfortunes, deeming the world too tainted for his eyes. He had blinded himself, honing his Observation Haki to perceive the true nature of people’s souls.

The crowd had only recognized Ian, failing to identify the Dark King and Fujitora. Fujitora preferred anonymity, his good deeds performed in secret, avoiding widespread recognition.

While Rayleigh’s name, as the Pirate King’s right hand, resonated far more than Ian’s in the world of piracy, his unassuming appearance and casual demeanor allowed him to blend in with the crowd.

Dressed in simple clothes, unshaven, and relaxed, he was easily overlooked in the bustling tavern. Ian, however, was a different story.

News of his exploits had spread like wildfire in recent months. Though only three incidents, they had caused quite a stir.

His name was known throughout the first half of the Grand Line, even reaching the New World. Even those who hadn't read the news had likely heard rumors of his feats.

But most importantly, Ian was easily recognizable. Unlike Rayleigh, who could blend seamlessly into a crowd, Ian's white attire, black-sleeved Vice Admiral coat, tear marks, green eyes, and unique mythical Zoan transformation made him stand out.

Even without his reputation, he would have been the center of attention. There was no way to conceal his identity. “That… that man is…”

“Vice Admiral Ian, what are you doing here…?” The lead Marine, recognizing Ian, approached and questioned him. Ian hadn’t informed Sengoku of his visit to Sabaody, passing through Marine outposts without stopping.

Naturally, they hadn’t received any notification of his arrival. He had been using his advanced soul-sensing and Observation Haki to track down Fujitora, searching region by region. The lead Marine was a Commodore.

After all, Sabaody Archipelago was a crucial location, requiring a strong presence to maintain order among the numerous pirates who gathered there. The Commodore’s eyes held a mixture of respect and apprehension.

Strength reigned supreme in this world. Power commanded respect, while weakness invited contempt.

Ian’s meteoric rise had outpaced even the Admirals and Sengoku. Only Garp, the hero who had chased Roger across the globe, could compare. His future was limitless.

“We received reports of a disturbance. Someone refused to pay their gambling debts and started a brawl. We also apprehended an elderly man who was trying to gamble without any money.”

“That’s right, we caused the disturbance. This is my new recruit, a Warlord candidate to replace Crocodile. And you can release the old man. He’s…”

At that moment, the Commodore, finally understanding the implications of Ian’s words, turned to look at the unassuming old man in astonishment.

“Silvers Rayleigh? The Dark King? Roger’s first mate… and you…” The Commodore was stunned. Rayleigh was a legendary figure, and as far as he knew…

The Roger Pirates had been executed alongside their captain. Yet, here he was, alive and well, right under the Marines’ noses, on Sabaody Archipelago, so close to Headquarters.

He couldn’t believe it. Was this man truly the Dark King? But judging by Ian’s demeanor, it seemed to be true.

And standing before him were two of the Marines’ most promising figures, a rising star and a Warlord candidate. This was an unprecedented gathering of representatives from the three great powers: the Marines, the pirates, and the Warlords.

“Keep it quiet. He’s just an old man trying to enjoy his retirement. Don’t mention his name. It’ll only cause trouble…”

Ian cautioned. He had no desire to disrupt Rayleigh’s peaceful life. He wasn’t ready to confront a legend of Rayleigh’s caliber, a figure whose strength rivaled that of a Yonko. He was still some distance from reaching Mihawk's level.

Rayleigh, unfazed, stood there with a relaxed smile, his expression betraying no hint of concern. Their hushed conversation…

…didn’t escape his or Fujitora’s enhanced hearing. This Vice Admiral was quite considerate. If his identity were revealed, he would have to leave with Shakky, and life would become considerably less interesting. He wouldn’t be able to observe the antics of the new generation of pirates as they challenged the New World, only to return in defeat.

Peace and quiet were his priority. He couldn’t be bothered with constant challenges from pirates or pursuit by the Marines. His bounty was still quite substantial.

“How about a drink, Vice Admiral Ian, and Fujitora-san?” Rayleigh was released on the spot, the Commodore personally removing his handcuffs. He wouldn't extend such an invitation to just any Marine, but these two were different.

Rayleigh had been observing Ian since his victory over Moria. He had recognized Ian’s unpredictable nature, his tendency to act on impulse, driven by his own unique sense of justice.

He was a man who despised evil, unbound by any particular faction. Though a Marine, he wouldn’t hesitate to challenge even the World Government if he deemed it necessary.

“Do you have any good liquor?”

Ian didn’t refuse, a faint smile playing on his lips. He had initially intended to question Rayleigh about certain matters.

Things like the One Piece, the Void Century… As someone who had conquered the Grand Line and reached Laugh Tale, Rayleigh undoubtedly possessed valuable knowledge.

But as his own power grew, his thirst for knowledge had waned. He preferred to uncover the truth himself. Besides, such information wouldn’t be of much use unless it directly benefited him.

“Of course!” Rayleigh led Ian and Fujitora away, the scene resembling a Vice Admiral escorting an elderly man and a disabled person.

Who would have guessed that this trio possessed the power to topple entire nations? As they walked, Fujitora seemed unfazed by the surroundings, having been here before. Ian, however, observed the sights with genuine interest.

Rayleigh and Shakky sensed a youthful innocence in the young Vice Admiral. He must have endured much hardship to reach his current level of power. Yet, that didn’t seem to be the case. He had risen through the ranks with astonishing speed, his path paved with victories.

On Earth, however, his life had been a different story. Despair and hardship had driven him to this world, leading him to question whether this was all a dream, a dying man’s fantasy. It was all too perfect, too good to be true.

Meanwhile, the Commodore entered the gambling den and addressed the unconscious manager. “You idiot! You nearly got me killed This is your own fault. You thought you could act with impunity because you had some backing?”

The Commodore cursed, his respectful demeanor replaced by anger and frustration. Collusion between Marines and pirates was a common occurrence, This wasn’t the first time such a thing had happened. Unfortunately, this time, they had encountered individuals far beyond their ability to control. Ian was aware of this corruption.

He despised such behavior, but this wasn’t the time or place to address it. He would deal with it later, showing no mercy when the opportunity arose.

A short while later, inside Shakky’s Rip-off Bar in Grove 13 of Sabaody Archipelago, Ian approached the bar with a smile and addressed the owner. “Whiskey, on the rocks, please.”

“Coming right up.” Shakky replied with a smile. She looked remarkably young, like Momousagi.

“Hmm…” Rayleigh sat at a table, swirling the amber liquid in his glass before taking a sip.

He turned to Ian and Fujitora with a smile. “I didn’t expect to encounter both of you today. It’s a pleasure, Vice Admiral Ian and Fujitora-san.”

Hearing Rayleigh’s words, Ian accepted the glass from Shakky and looked at both Rayleigh and Fujitora with a smile.

Shakky, the bar owner, remained unfazed, her expression unchanging as she lit a cigarette. She observed Ian with a hint of curiosity.

“I thought you were here to arrest us. I almost ditched Rayleigh and ran. But I see you know Fujitora-san. It seems you have your own sense of justice.” Shakky remarked.

“Well… it seems I’ve caused you some trouble.” Ian took a sip of his whiskey and gestured towards the panicked crowd fleeing the bar.

They hadn't recognized Rayleigh, but they had identified him within seconds. His presence was impossible to ignore. He couldn't go anywhere without causing a commotion. No one dared to stop him.

They were afraid of being killed. This wasn't Impel Down, but it was close enough.

“Don’t worry about it. One customer like you is worth a hundred ordinary ones. You’re quite the spectacle.”

Rayleigh poured himself another drink and looked at Ian, his eyes twinkling. “Haha! I can’t believe Buggy became a Warlord. He was so timid back in our sailing days. And Shanks is a Yonko now!”

“They were just apprentice crew members when we parted ways. Now they’re all major players in this world. But why did Shanks go back to East Blue?”

“Could it be that he still hasn’t recovered from Roger’s death? He’s quite sentimental.”

“……” Ian was speechless. He wanted to tell Rayleigh that he was overthinking things..

But he decided against it. Rayleigh sounded like a proud parent talking about his children. “And Moria and Crocodile… those two losers who failed to become kings are plotting something big.”

“Nico Robin… the survivor of Ohara’s Tree of Knowledge…” A thoughtful expression crossed Rayleigh’s face as he looked down at his drink.

“Ohara was destroyed because they could decipher the poneglyphs, the forbidden texts that hold the history of the Void Century, the one hundred years erased from the world’s records.”

Robin, the survivor of Ohara, didn’t know the true history. Her sole motivation was to find all the poneglyphs and uncover the truth.

Rayleigh looked at Ian. “If you’re asking about the Void Century, or even the One Piece… yes, we know the entire history. We know all the secrets.”

Ian and Fujitora’s bodies tensed, the revelation sending shockwaves through their minds.

Suddenly, the secrets they had sought for so long were within their grasp. But they quickly regained their composure.

“We refuse.” They replied in unison, smiles on their faces.

They echoed Luffy’s words, fearing that knowing the truth would rob their journey of its meaning. They preferred to uncover the mysteries themselves.

Fujitora and Ian, however, simply ignored the offer…


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Word Count [2180]


To Be Continued..


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