One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 8: A Clash of Titans

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[A/N] - With Your Blessings, 2/3/4 Even 5 Chapters Daily!


The auction house groaned under the weight of a colossal fist, a grotesque monument of plundered weapons, as it descended from the sky with earth-shattering force.

Reacting with lightning speed, Ian's right index finger erupted in a blinding emerald light, unleashing a devastating Cero Oscuras. The massive beam, several meters thick, tore through the air, a defiant emerald streak against the encroaching darkness, hurtling towards the incoming fist.

A deafening roar ripped through the ravaged auction house, followed by an unnerving silence, a void punctuated only by the fading white afterglow of the clash. Eyes stung and vision blurred as the colossal metal fist, once a symbol of Kid's raw power, crumbled and disintegrated under the overwhelming force of Ian's attack.

A mushroom cloud of white energy billowed into the night sky above the island, illuminating the darkness and casting an ominous glow visible even to distant ships navigating the treacherous waters.

"What the hell was that...?"

Several kilometers away, a large marine warship sliced through the inky blackness. Standing at the forefront of the cannon-laden deck was a striking figure in a pink Marine Vice Admiral coat, matching top, and black shorts. A spider tattoo adorned her long, slender leg, and a katana, the renowned Kitetsu, rested in her sash.

Her identity was unmistakable: Vice Admiral Gion, the "Pink Rabbit," a woman whispered to possess the potential to ascend to the rank of Admiral. While not yet officially recognized as a candidate, she was undoubtedly one of the strongest Vice Admirals, alongside the formidable Chaton, and a master swordswoman in her own right.

"Vice Admiral Gion, the island ahead is swarming with over a dozen pirate crews. There's been a major disturbance. Eustass Kid is likely among them," a Marine reported, echoing Smoker's relentless pursuit of Luffy. In the South Blue, the notorious Eustass Kid, with his rapidly rising bounty, had become Gion's primary target.

"I'll investigate," she declared, launching herself into the air with Geppo. Her movements were a study in controlled power, like a hawk soaring effortlessly on the wind.

The Marines on board remained unconcerned. Gion and Chaton were one of the strongest Vice Admirals, more than capable of handling a dozen pirate crews with bounties in the tens of millions, especially in the relatively weak South Blue. At a certain level of strength, numbers became irrelevant. She could easily overwhelm them, even if they were a dozen pirates with bounties exceeding 100 million, as long as none possessed the power of a Vice Admiral or Commander. Admirals and Yonko could practically stroll through such opposition unscathed.

"Damn... He's a freaking monster!"

Kid, vision finally clearing after being knocked back by the force of the clash, stared at Ian. His white attire and demonic appearance stood in stark contrast to the carnage surrounding them.

Glancing around, he noticed the remaining pirates seizing the opportunity to flee. However, their escape felt inconsequential. They were insignificant compared to the hundreds of corpses littering the auction house floor. Kid hadn't expected Ian to retain such monstrous power after slaughtering so many, without showing even a hint of fatigue.

He was right. While reaping lives, Ian had also been absorbing their souls, replenishing his energy expenditure. Otherwise, the hundreds of souls would have been enough to boost his fusion rate to 27-28%.

Killer didn't dare attempt a sneak attack. The memory of Ian effortlessly cleaving through multiple opponents with a single, devastating sword strike was etched into his mind. This man was far more likely to conquer the Grand Line than they were. He was already nearing the level of a master swordsman.

"What's that?" The three of them turned towards the coast, where a pink figure descended from the sky, a marine warship emerging from the darkness behind her. They knew trouble was approaching, trouble in the form of the relentless Pink Rabbit.

"Damn it! It's that Pink Rabbit Vice Admiral! We gotta go, Killer!" Kid roared, recognizing his pursuer.

This woman, despite her deceptive beauty, possessed a ruthless heart and an unwavering determination to bring pirates to justice. Even with his increased power, he was still no match for her. The gap between them felt insurmountable. He had narrowly escaped her clutches on several occasions.

While arrogant and reckless, Kid wasn't foolish. He knew when to retreat.

"Want to run? Leave an arm behind!" Ian shouted, intrigued by the opportunity. After all, he was destined to lose an arm in his future confrontation with Shanks. Taking it now wouldn't change the inevitable outcome.

He used Sonido to close the distance between himself and the fleeing Kid Pirates, but he was still a few meters away. Channeling his spiritual pressure into his blade, he unleashed another green, crescent-shaped energy wave.

"Damn it!" Kid cursed, desperately attempting to gather weapons for defense, but it was too late.

Was he truly about to lose an arm? Fear gripped him as the energy wave drew closer.


Another energy wave, identical to his own, collided with his attack, the clashing forces creating a metallic screech despite their intangible nature.

A pink figure, graceful and poised, hovered in the air. Vice Admiral Gion had arrived.

"Pink Rabbit..." Kid muttered, both he and Ian bewildered by her intervention. She had been pursuing him relentlessly, yet now she had saved him. Had their previous encounters, their battles of will, somehow forged a strange bond between them?

But even with her beauty and undeniable strength, Kid's ambition burned brightly within him. He would conquer the Four Emperors and the Marines, rule the seas, and become the Pirate King.

Therefore, he chose to flee while he had the chance.

Ian, currently weaker than Gion, watched as his attack was effortlessly dispelled. The residual energy crashed into the ground, leaving a massive gouge in the earth, a testament to her power.

This… was the power of an Admiral candidate.

"Vice Admiral Gion, impressive. Your reputation as a powerful and skilled Marine precedes you." Ian stated, acknowledging her strength.

"Flattery will get you nowhere!" Gion scoffed, her cheeks flushing despite her age. Even she couldn't resist the subtle acknowledgement in Ian's words.

She observed him closely. A partial white, horned skull helmet adorned the left side of his head, distinct tear marks beneath his pale green eyes, his skin deathly pale. He wore a high-collared, long-sleeved jacket with a white front and black trim, now reduced to tattered strips of cloth by the battle, revealing his well-defined physique. While not as muscular as some Marines, his build was toned and aesthetically pleasing.

He wore white hakama pants secured with a black sash, a beautifully crafted katana with a small floral design tucked into his sash, and black socks with white shoes.

"A Devil Fruit user? I wonder if it's Zoan or Paramecia. And he wields a katana comparable to one crafted by the 50 Meito. His swordsmanship must be quite impressive."

As a Marine Vice Admiral, Gion was knowledgeable about Devil Fruits and their transformative abilities. She could tell that his powers were either Paramecia or Zoan, as Logia fruits were extremely rare.

Any Devil Fruit, when properly developed, had the potential to grant Admiral-level power.

She also assessed his swordsmanship based on his movements and the quality of his katana. Its sharpness and resilience were evident.

Indeed, his Devil Fruit powers and physical abilities complemented his swordsmanship, making him a formidable opponent.

"Impressive. He's a talented individual." A thought crossed Gion's mind. Perhaps she could recruit him.

Whether his Devil Fruit was Zoan or Paramecia, his physical abilities were exceptional, making him an ideal candidate for Haki and hand-to-hand combat training. Coupled with his impressive swordsmanship, he possessed the potential to reach her level of strength.

"I'm curious. As a Marine Vice Admiral, why did you let a pirate escape...?" Ian inquired, his voice laced with genuine curiosity.

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