One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 85: Ian vs Golden Lion Shiki! Trying to Escape!

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The earth and sea trembled, a vast expanse nearly a hundred miles across. Then, as if seized by a colossal, invisible hand, a section of the ocean ripped free from its depths and soared skyward.

This was the power of "Golden Lion" Shiki, the legendary pirate who once rivaled Gol D. Roger himself.

Such a massive volume of water ascending into the air was a sight most would never witness in their lifetime. Within its churning depths, fish and shrimp of all sizes were visible, even monstrous fish spanning hundreds of meters. Yet, compared to the colossal ice island they were attached to, these creatures appeared minuscule. The roar of displaced water was deafening.

As the ocean surged upward, the sea below churned and frothed. The violent upheaval created a maelstrom that dragged several warships anchored nearby into its grasp, most sinking beneath the waves.

All eyes stared upwards in awe at the colossal mass of water blotting out the sky.

The earth, too, quaked and shuddered, affected by the Float-Float Fruit's power.

It was a scene of apocalyptic proportions, a display of power that defied nature itself.

Suddenly, four colossal lion heads, sculpted from earth and seawater, rose hundreds of meters into the air, roaring defiantly as they converged, threatening to crush everything in their path.

These monstrous constructs, born from Shiki's power, surrounded Sengoku, Garp, and the other Marines, poised to strike. But just as the lion heads were about to close in, a cold voice cut through the air. The earth and water stilled, frozen mid-motion.

“Meigō!” (Dark Hound)

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Blazing torrents of magma, shaped like hounds, erupted in all directions, smashing against Shiki's "Lion's Majesty," shattering the earthen constructs and sending debris raining down.

An aura of pure destructive force radiated from Akainu, warping the air and sending shivers down the spines of those nearby.

“Shiki, that bastard…” Sengoku, trapped within another earthen lion, drew a deep breath, his fury barely contained. His massive Buddha form glowed as he unleashed a powerful shockwave. The lion head before him cracked and crumbled, the fissures spreading rapidly until the entire construct disintegrated.

Gravity Blade: Fierce Tiger!” Fujitora, too, joined the fray, unleashing a gravity-enhanced tiger-shaped attack that tore through another of Shiki’s creations.

“Haha! A parting gift for you old geezers! We'll meet again, and next time, I'll tear down Marine Headquarters!” Shiki’s laughter echoed through the air. When they looked up, he was already gone, sailing away on a cloud. With Fujitora, his natural counter, and two other formidable Marines present, staying would mean another stint in Impel Down. And this time, he had no legs left to sacrifice for his escape.

In the original timeline, Shiki, defeated by a pre-Haki Luffy, had suffered a somewhat unfair defeat. Even without his legs, which he had severed to escape Impel Down, his Float-Float Fruit powers hadn’t diminished significantly.

In the world of One Piece, strength was closely tied to active combat. Long periods of inactivity led to a rapid decline in power. Haki, too, required constant training to maintain its potency.

Both Shiki and Gecko Moria were prime examples of this. In his prime, Moria had rampaged through the Grand Line, entering the New World and even clashing with the Beasts Pirates in Wano, a battle that shook the nation.

But after his defeat, he had lost his ambition, retreating to the Florian Triangle and wallowing in self-pity. Twenty years had passed, and he had become the weakest of the Warlords, his strength, Haki, and overall abilities severely diminished, even losing to the rookie Straw Hat Pirates.

Shiki's story was similar. After escaping Impel Down, he had secluded himself on his floating island for twenty years, neglecting his training and avoiding any form of combat. His Haki and swordsmanship had deteriorated, leading to his eventual defeat at the hands of Luffy, a pre-Haki rookie, becoming a stain on his legendary status.

Therefore, Ian felt no fear towards the current Shiki. As Sengoku, Garp, and Akainu seethed with frustration, he recited his Resurrección incantation.

Though they possessed Geppo, Shiki’s Float-Float Fruit granted him superior mobility. They couldn’t catch him.


A surge of spiritual pressure erupted, black rain falling from the sky, a far more terrifying sight than even Conqueror’s Haki. After all, a Hollow’s power resided within its soul.

Fujitora, who had just unleashed his gravity powers, was stunned by this sudden display of power. This kid… was even more formidable than he had initially thought.

“You think you can just show off and leave? Not a chance!”

Ian’s white jacket extended to his feet, his helmet transformed into a full, menacing mask, and black wings sprouted from his back, carrying him skyward in pursuit of Shiki, his speed amplified by the demonic transformation.

“Wait, you Kid! That’s a legendary pirate! Even weakened, he’s still Admiral-level!” Garp and Sengoku’s warnings were cut short as Ian vanished into the distance.

“...” Akainu, his body radiating heat and volcanic smoke, Had his exceptional talent blinded him to his own limitations? He possessed the potential to surpass them all, but only if he survived.

“Don’t worry. I’ll assist Vice Admiral Ian. Even if he’s outmatched, he should be able to hold out until I arrive. Together, we might be able to capture that old lion.”

Fujitora spoke calmly, drawing his shikomizue slightly, the air growing heavy with gravitational force as he slowly ascended into the sky.

“Thank you.” Sengoku, now back in his human form, nodded gratefully.

Though his clash with Akainu had been interrupted, they had successfully defended against Shiki’s attack. If that massive meteorite had landed, even they would have sustained injuries. Shiki’s Admiral-level strength was undeniable.

Even if Fujitora couldn’t defeat Shiki, he could ensure Ian’s safe return. A sense of unease settled over Sengoku. After the incidents with Moria, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Rayleigh, and now Shiki, a storm was brewing, a sense of impending chaos.

The world seemed poised on the brink of upheaval. He needed to consolidate the Marines’ strength, to protect what they could.

“Zanpa!” (Decapitating Wave)

Hum! Shiki, fleeing through the air, suddenly swung his right leg, the blade of his sword. one of O Wazamono, flashing, deflecting a black energy slash aimed at him. The clash reverberated through the air, a powerful shockwave expanding outwards.

Shiki took a puff of his cigar, a plume of smoke curling upwards. He turned to face Ian, his appearance drastically altered. Though they had never met, he instantly recognized him as the "Black-Winged Devil," a Marine Vice Admiral.

Shiki grinned, his voice raspy as he spoke, “I’ve heard tales of your exploits… Join me, Black-Winged Devil!”

He extended his left hand, clenching it into a fist. “You possess the talent. In time, you’ll surpass even the Yonko. With my forces, we can overthrow the World Government and rule this world!”

Shiki’s words hung in the air, a heavy silence descending upon the scene. Though a Marine, Ian had defied orders, hunting down pirates relentlessly, yet sparing Rayleigh. To Shiki, it was a clear sign of his true nature.

He was merely using the Marines as a means to an end, his heart just as ruthless and bloodthirsty as any pirate. A Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit user, perhaps?

Ian was taken aback. Had he inadvertently triggered this encounter? He met Shiki’s gaze, his expression calm as he replied,

“I refuse.”

“……” Shiki’s face contorted in disbelief. He tilted his head back slightly, asking, “Don’t you desire to rule this world?”

“I have no interest in ruling.” Ian’s voice remained steady. For now, conquest held no appeal. Perhaps, in the future, he might entertain the notion of becoming an emperor or a king. But his current pursuit of power was driven by a desire for self-preservation, to protect himself from the world’s chaos.

Shiki’s face darkened. He slowly unclenched his fist, his gaze fixed on Ian, a shadow of anger crossing his features. “Just like Garp and Roger… I can’t understand you people.”

He raised his chin slightly, his eyes narrowing. “But surely, you haven’t fallen so low as to become a dog of the Marines and World Government? They’re not the benevolent force they pretend to be. Be careful not to become their next victim.”

Ian chuckled softly, drawing his sword and stepping forward. He levitated into the air, rising to Shiki’s level, hovering before him. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m just interested in testing my swordsmanship. My clashes with Mihawk and Rayleigh were… unsatisfying.”

Though Shiki was past his prime, he still possessed Admiral-level strength. His swordsmanship couldn’t be underestimated. He would serve as a suitable opponent for Ian to hone his skills.

“Besides, wouldn’t you like to see some old friends in Impel Down? They’ve missed you after all these years.”

“Don’t be so presumptuous, you damned Kid!” Shiki’s eyes flickered. “You’ve defeated three Warlords and fought Mihawk and Rayleigh to a draw. Do you really believe you’re invincible?”

Shiki hovered in the air, looking down at Ian with a mixture of disdain and contempt. A terrifying killing intent radiated from him, transforming the surrounding air into a chilling, oppressive force.

However, Shiki’s aura washed over Ian without effect. The entire world seemed enveloped in his killing intent, yet Ian remained unfazed, a beacon of calm amidst the storm.

“Shiki, you’ve grown senile. You’re nothing but a toothless, aging lion, clinging to your delusional dreams of conquest. A Pathetic Loser. What right do you have to judge me? And why would I need your approval?” Ian’s words were sharp and precise, each syllable a hammer blow against Shiki’s fragile ego.

He had ruthlessly exposed Shiki’s self-deception, shattering his pride. Twenty years of isolation had warped his perception of reality.

He had spent so long entertaining the fantasies of conquest with weak pirates in the Four Blues and the first half of the Grand Line that he had forgotten the true horrors of the New World, a realm teeming with monsters.

He had forgotten the true power of the Yonko, the Emperors who ruled the New World. Whitebeard, a man he had once rivaled.

Big Mom and Kaido, once youngsters in his eyes, had become monsters that even he had to respect. Ian’s words had shattered his illusions, forcing him to confront the harsh reality of his diminished power.

Silence descended upon the scene for three long seconds. Shiki, jolted from his delusions, erupted in fury, his teeth gnashing.

“You… damned… Marine!!”

Initially, Shiki had paid little attention to Ian. Even his victories over three Warlords had been dismissed as insignificant. In his eyes, everyone besides Whitebeard was a child.

It was only after Ian’s clashes with Mihawk and Rayleigh that he had finally taken notice. He had emerged from his self-imposed exile, his plans nearing completion.

He had intended to make a grand entrance, to send a message to the Marines. But his bravado had been cut short by Fujitora’s gravity powers, forcing him to retreat.

Shiki glared at Ian, his voice cold and menacing. “It seems you’re eager to die here. You conceited Kid! Even Garp and Sengoku wouldn’t speak to me like that!”

A chilling aura emanated from Shiki as he lunged forward. Having lost his legs in Impel Down, he now used his two swords as prosthetics.

He unleashed two swift slashes, sending a cross-shaped wave of green sword energy hurtling towards Ian, the air tearing around it.

“Flashy, but weak… Is this all you’ve got?”

Ian, hovering effortlessly on his black wings, sneered, his dual-wielded swords flashing. A brilliant black slash erupted from his blades, intercepting Shiki’s attack.

The black slash tore through the green cross-shaped attack, obliterating it completely.

Shiki’s aura intensified, his gaze fixed on Ian, who had effortlessly countered his attack.

“You blocked my slash? Fine. But that’s nothing to boast about. Die!”

Shiki, surprised by the power of Ian’s attack, finally discarded his conceit, his expression hardening.

Boom! He kicked off with his sword-leg, unleashing a massive golden slash…


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