One Piece: Ulquiorra Template

Chapter 87: Shocking Revelations

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In the first half of the Grand Line, numerous islands of varying sizes dotted the sky, a vast archipelago suspended above the clouds. The largest of these islands housed a massive fleet, dozens of colossal pirate ships moored in its harbor.

Each ship proudly flew the skull and crossbones, the unmistakable mark of the Golden Lion Pirates.

When news reports first mentioned a massive pirate fleet sailing through the sky, many pirate captains dismissed it as exaggeration, a boastful embellishment designed to inflate the Golden Lion Pirates’ reputation.

However, witnessing the spectacle firsthand, they were struck with awe and disbelief. The reports were true. A colossal armada of pirate ships, defying gravity, sailing through the heavens. This was the power of Shiki, the Golden Lion?

A legendary pirate, indeed.

At the heart of the largest island stood a magnificent palace, a structure fit for royalty.

Numerous pirates stood guard outside, maintaining a solemn and vigilant watch. Inside, a lively meeting was underway.

Cherry blossom trees lined the perimeter, their delicate petals carried by the wind into the palace, creating a picturesque scene, complemented by melodious music and the graceful movements of beautiful dancers, spoils of Shiki’s conquests.

However, the guards appeared bored and restless. There was little need for vigilance. In over a decade, no one had ever managed to infiltrate their floating fortress. Their presence was merely for show. After all, their island constantly shifted position in the sky, making it virtually impossible to locate.

Within the lavishly decorated main hall on the top floor, a mahogany chair sat at the head of a long table. To its left and right, twenty to thirty pirates knelt in respectful silence.

Most of these kneeling figures wore captain’s hats, leaders of pirate crews who had submitted to Shiki’s overwhelming power and joined his ranks. Within the palace,

Indigo, the Golden Lion Pirates’ doctor and combatant, Shiki's right-hand man, cackled. For twenty years, he and Shiki had been researching and developing IQ, a potent drug capable of enhancing the combat abilities of the island’s exotic creatures.

“My research is nearing completion. Soon, the world will witness the true terror of pirates!” He declared, seated below Shiki’s empty throne.

His voice dripped with menace, and he grinned at the assembled pirates, raising a large tankard of sake. “To our success, let us drink!”

“Cheers!” The pirates roared in unison, their voices echoing through the hall.

“After today, our fleet will swell to twenty thousand strong. With such force, no one in these seas can oppose us. We will show the Marines and the World Government the true meaning of fear! The world will be our stage!”

“Yeah!” The pirate captains raised their tankards, echoing his words, their voices filled with excitement and anticipation.

Suddenly, one of the captains addressed Indigo. “Vice-Captain, when will Captain Shiki grace us with his presence? We long to witness the majesty of a legendary pirate.”

Indigo paused, his tankard halfway to his lips. He raised an eyebrow at the captain. “The captain is currently paying a visit to Marine Headquarters. Consider it a commemorative gesture for our return to the seas. I’m sure we’ll be reading about the destruction of Marine Headquarters in the news soon enough.”

The captain’s eyes lit up. “As expected of a legendary pirate! He’s using Marine Headquarters as a sounding bell for his return. Only Captain Shiki would dare such a feat! That’s why we follow him!”

The other pirates erupted in cheers, their voices filled with admiration and excitement. Just as they were about to raise their tankards once more, a deafening roar shook the entire island. BOOM!

The ground trembled violently, sending sake sloshing from their tankards. But no one cared about spilled drinks. They all scrambled to their feet, their faces etched with shock and confusion.

The floating islands surrounding them came to a sudden halt, and then, along with their own island, began to plummet towards the sea below. The pirates were helpless, their bodies plummeting along with their falling fortress.

“The islands… they’re falling!”

Someone spoke, their voice barely a whisper, their eyes wide with disbelief. The falling islands could only mean one thing.

These islands were suspended in the sky by the power of the Float-Float Fruit. If they were falling, it meant that the power had been neutralized. In other words…

Shiki, the Golden Lion… had been defeated.

One of the legendary pirates of the previous era, the first and only man to ever escape Impel Down, had fallen.

The shattered islands crashed into the sea, creating a monstrous tsunami that radiated outwards in all directions, its destructive power unimaginable.

“This… this can’t be! Captain Shiki…” Indigo’s face was a mask of disbelief. But the falling islands confirmed the devastating truth.

Shiki, the Golden Lion, was dead. The countless islands he had gathered lost their buoyancy, succumbing to gravity’s pull and plummeting into the ocean.

The devastation spanned nearly a hundred kilometers. Escape was impossible. It was a scene of apocalyptic proportions.

Passing pirates witnessed the cataclysmic event, their initial shock quickly replaced by a frantic scramble for survival. They turned their ships and fled, even those at a distance were caught in the monstrous waves, their vessels tossed about like toys.

Despite their desperate attempts to escape, their gazes were drawn back to the horrifying spectacle, the chain of islands crashing into the sea, unleashing waves that seemed to engulf the world. It was as if the very oceans were boiling.

A crushing pressure descended, making it difficult to breathe. The air itself seemed to crackle with energy.

“Is… is this a dream?”

“Why are the islands falling from the sky? And what are those monstrous creatures?” Some pirates still muttered in disbelief, their minds struggling to comprehend the events unfolding before them. It wasn’t until the islands were almost upon them that

They snapped out of their stupor, their faces contorted in terror. Among the falling debris were countless grotesque creatures, their bodies as large as Sea Kings, their forms a bizarre amalgamation of different animal parts, as if stitched together by some deranged scientist.

They were the products of Indigo’s research, the monstrous creations he had intended to unleash upon the world. However, falling from thousands of meters in the sky, only someone with Kaido’s monstrous resilience could survive such a fall. Even he had caused immense devastation upon landing, destroying half an island. For these creatures, it was like taking a direct hit from Whitebeard’s Quake-Quake Fruit.

After a brief struggle, they all perished, their bodies crushed beyond recognition.

“We’re… we’re doomed!!”

“Run! Run for your lives!!”

Panic gripped the pirates on the sea below. They unleashed their Devil Fruit powers, desperately trying to propel their ships away from the impending disaster.

As the horrified pirates watched, the islands finally crashed into the sea, unleashing a cataclysm that seemed to tear the heavens asunder.

The sheer scale of the devastation defied description. It felt as if the islands hadn’t merely fallen into the sea, but had crashed into their very souls, leaving an indelible mark on their minds.

The monstrous waves that erupted seemed to engulf their hearts, even those observing from a distance felt a tremor in their souls, their minds reeling from the shock.

If viewed from space, it would have appeared as pebbles falling into a vast blue ocean, creating ripples that spread outwards.

But from their perspective, on the surface of the sea, it was an apocalyptic event, a world-ending catastrophe.

The waves radiated outwards, their destructive power beyond comprehension. Even the strongest pirates were helpless against such a force.

As the waves subsided, the sea gradually calmed, and the pirates finally began to breathe again, their bodies trembling with relief.

But their eyes still held the lingering shock and terror of what they had witnessed. Even now, they couldn’t comprehend how those islands had appeared in the sky, or how they had fallen so suddenly. It was a power beyond human comprehension, a force of nature, a cataclysmic disaster.

They would never forget this day.


Days later, when the news of the event reached Ian, he had only one thought: what a waste.

Even if he had raced to the scene, those souls would have already dissipated. Fortunately, he had reaped a far greater reward from Shiki and Impel Down.

Meanwhile, in the opulent palace of Dressrosa, surrounded by luxurious gardens and a sparkling pool,

one of the top executives of the Donquixote Family lounged by the water. Monet, the Snow Woman, reclined on a chaise lounge.

“Young Master should be back by now. I can’t reach him on the Den Den Mushi. I wonder what’s happened.”

Aokiji and Akainu had not yet clashed for the position of Fleet Admiral, so Punk Hazard remained untouched. Law was still in the West Blue, not yet a Warlord.

Monet hadn’t been assigned to Caesar Clown as a spy. She hadn’t been transformed into a harpy. Caesar was currently confined to a factory in Dressrosa, researching artificial Devil Fruits for animals. They hadn’t even met.

Trebol, resembling a sentient blob of mucus, slithered across the ground. “based on the time, Doffy should be back soon. Do you think something happened?”

Pica, the imposing figure with the high-pitched voice, folded his arms across his chest. “There’s no way Doffy would be harmed. He’s destined for greatness. That’s why we follow him.”

Trebol waved his scepter, a lecherous grin on his face. “But… But that’s Sabaody Archipelago, near Marine Headquarters. Do you think he was intercepted by a Marine Admiral?”

His words planted a seed of doubt in their minds. However, considering Doflamingo’s status as a Warlord and a former Celestial Dragon, even if he were apprehended, it would likely be brushed off as a sparring match, unless he had harmed Ian.

The executives waited patiently for Doflamingo’s return. However, as time stretched on, their unease grew.

“According to the plan, Doffy should be back by now, barring any unforeseen circumstances.” They had even considered the possibility of luring Ian to Dressrosa and overwhelming him with their combined forces if they couldn't kill him quickly.

That was the price for harming their family. Was the rumor of his draw with Mihawk true? Due to the short timeframe, the news of his clash with Rayleigh hadn't spread yet. Perhaps they had underestimated him.

His growth rate was terrifying.

He might even challenge the Yonko in the New World soon. Based on their calculations, even if that were the case, Doflamingo should have returned by now.

Just then,

A voice, chilling and unexpected, sent shivers down their spines.

“Are you waiting for Doflamingo?” Golden light coalesced behind them, and Borsalino, Admiral Kizaru, stepped into view, his signature yellow suit and sly grin unmistakable. His voice, laced with mockery, sent a wave of terror through them.

Their bodies stiffened, and they slowly turned to face the Admiral, their eyes wide with shock and disbelief.

“Admiral Kizaru, what are you doing here?” Trebol and the other executives stammered, their faces pale with fear. A Marine Admiral, the highest fighting force of Marine Headquarters, standing before them in Dressrosa?

“Where’s Doffy?” Pica demanded, a terrifying thought forming in his mind.

Kizaru’s grin widened. “Doflamingo? You’ll see him soon enough. I didn’t expect him to attack a Marine Vice Admiral at Sabaody Archipelago. He’s not afraid of losing his Warlord title or being captured, is he?”

“Of course, what’s even more surprising is that he was captured by Ian, without any help. The Kid even fought Rayleigh, ending in a draw, just like his fight with Mihawk. That newcomer's growth rate is Ridiculous!”

“Perhaps in a few months, with his impressive record, he will qualify for the Admiral position…”


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