One Piece: What If Kaido Did Sit-Ups

Chapter 19 Choice (Part 1)

The capital of flowers, the execution site.

The warriors and people of Wanokuni were in tears at this moment.

Yamato sat on the ground with a look of collapse and despair.

Their last hope was gone.

On the execution platform, Kaido took a sip of wine and asked calmly: "Is this the end? How long did he hold on?"

Jhin looked at the pocket watch in his hand and said, "15 minutes and 58 seconds!"

Kaido was startled, then shook his head and said with a sneer: "It's true that a tiger father has a dog son! That the legendary samurai actually has such a useless son, it is simply a shame and a great shame!"

At this time, Yamato on the ground suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red with tears, and he stared at Kaido and cursed: "Shut up, you devil! You are not worthy of judging them!"

"Oh haha, I'm just stating an objective fact!" Kaido smiled instead of getting angry.

"Then, let's send these warriors to meet their family masters! In this way, the Kozuki clan will disappear completely, and there will only be Beasts Pirates in this land!"

After Kaido gave the order, he stood up and left with the wine gourd in hand, seemingly no longer interested in what happened next.

The two big posters and Fei Liubao who had just watched a good show also left the scene one after another with satisfaction. No one cared about the execution of the warriors.

Kinemon, Hyogoro and others were all despairing at this moment and ignored the guns pointed at them.

At this time, the red sheath warriors all stared at Kaido's figure and cursed viciously: "Kaido, even if we turn into ghosts, we will never let you go!"

Kaido stopped for a moment and glanced at them coldly.

"As long as you dare to come back, I will make your souls fly away and never be reincarnated!"

"Execution!" Zhen Da gave the order.

Gunshots rang out and blood splattered.


Flower City, in a certain hotel.

A one-armed man covered in bandages was lying in the room, with two maids taking good care of him.

He is one of the most evil generation pirates, the former captain of the Hawkins Pirates, and now the real fighter of the Beasts Pirates, "Magician" Basil Hawkins, with a bounty of 320 million Baileys.

In the Onigashima War, he chose to fight for the Beasts Pirates. In the battle with Kira of the Kid Pirates, his left arm was cut off and he was severely injured. He was now being admitted to this hotel to recuperate.

Hawkins, who had been in a coma for many days, suddenly woke up, sat up, and immediately frightened the two maids and ran away.

"Didn't he die? It seems that I have become the darling of fate for once!" Hawkins held his forehead with his only right hand.

At this time, a noisy long-handed man came in doing a funny dance.

"Ah, bah, bah, you've finally woken up, Hawkins! Don't keep thinking about death. People have to live well and be nourished when they come to this world!"

This strange-looking man is also one of the most evil generation of pirates. He is the former captain of the Radio Pirates and now the intelligence specialist of the Beasts Pirates, "Sea Ming" Scurachman Apu, with a bounty of 350 million Baileys.

Hawkins looked at him coldly and said, "Apu, I thought you had escaped from Wanokuni!"

Apu smiled and said: "That's what I planned, but in the end I was caught by Kaido! I thought I was dead, but he thought I was still valuable and finally gave me another chance!"

Many people despised Apu for his adaptability in the Onigashima War, but Kaido believed that he was a good fighter, and had a good relationship with the violent and brutal barbarians, so he could effectively command and manage them. Decided to give him one last chance.

"I witnessed the final battle with my own eyes. Kaido's power is beyond our reach. Needless to say, the fate of those three idiots. Anyway, I gave up completely!"

"Jin has taken away both of our life cards. He said that as long as we dare to run away, he will kill us with his own hands even if he chases us to the ends of the earth! Alas, it seems that the two of us can only depend on each other in this country!" Apu picked up the phone in the house. A bright red apple, eaten without ceremony.

Hawkins said calmly: "I never planned to betray again, don't confuse me with you!"

Apu, who has always been shameless, was not angry and said with a smile: "In short, after the establishment of this new country, we will all be reused! Don't worry!"

Hawkins, who fell into his trademark silence, suddenly heard the noise and screams on the street outside the house, and asked: "Isn't the war over? What's this sound of fighting?"

Apu replied calmly: "It is the Beasts Pirates who are exterminating Orochi's family and remnants. Governor Kaido has ordered that all the memories of the Kozuki family and the Kurozumi family be completely wiped out in this land. The Kozuki family has all been wiped out in the Flower Capital today. Executed, now only the Kurozumi family is left!"

"Ah, bah, bah, bah, those idiots have been wreaking havoc in Wanokuni with the big snake for twenty years, and now they can't escape. Things are really changing!"


Underground prison.

The disheartened Yamato was dragged into the prison and locked up again. No matter how Zoro, Sanji and others asked about the situation, she remained silent.

At this time, Kaido walked in with heavy steps carrying his iconic wine gourd, accompanied by two large signboards, Jhin and Quinn.

Zoro was completely awake at this time, staring at the other party coldly and asking: "Hey, hairy gorilla, how are Kin'emon and the others doing now?"

Kaido just kept drinking and ignored, but the two major disasters accompanying him couldn't bear it anymore.

Jhin looked at him with murderous intent growing in his eyes.

Quinn cursed even more arrogantly: "The defeated general still dares to be so arrogant, do you know who you are talking to! Boss Kaido is the strongest pirate in the world!"

Zoro sneered: "So what? Answer my question quickly!"

Sanji looked at the two Quinns and said with a half-smile, "I don't know who will be the defeated general!"

This time, the expressions of the two big signboards became even more ugly. They were about to explode, but Kaido raised his hand to stop them.

I saw him looking at the two Zoro carefully, and said seriously: "Pirate hunter, Blackfoot, can defeat my right-hand man, I recognize your strength! So I came here personally to recruit you to join me, as long as you click now Boss, I can satisfy any request!”

Everyone was silent for a while, but Zoro grinned and said calmly: "Then please give our people back, and then get out of this country with your tail between your legs!"

Almost at the same time, Jhin and Quinn both attacked him, but were stopped by Kaido.

He still didn't get angry, but said slowly: "That's such a pity!"

"Then let's start deciding on the list of survivors!"

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