One Piece: What If Kaido Did Sit-Ups

Chapter 46 Sin Karma

New World, somewhere in the sea.

A huge pirate ship is sailing, with the flag of the Broken Monk Pirates flying on it.

Captain "Monk" Urouge is one of the most evil generation pirates. He was born in Sky Island. He has wings unique to Sky Islanders on his back. He is nearly 4 meters tall and strong. He has a trademark on his face no matter where he is. smile.

The 47-year-old Urouge was the eldest among the Pirates of the Generation of Evil, and the one with the lowest bounty. He usually did not receive much attention.

However, he has also done some amazing things recently. He fought and won against Snag, the former general of the BIG.MOM Pirates, and was deprived of his title of general.

Although Snag is the weakest among the four generals, he still has a bounty of up to 600 million. His strength is as strong as Madara, and Urouge who defeated him also successfully proved himself.

Although he defeated Snag, the exhausted Urouge was later defeated by the arriving general Cracker (Cookie Knight), and was seriously injured and fled to Sky Island to recuperate.

After recovering from his injury, Urouge entered the New World again with great ambition, planning to have another try.

He was reading the latest newspaper that had been distributed. It was reporting on the Egghead incident, and it also mentioned that Jewelry. Bonney, one of the pirates of the Evil Generation, also appeared on that island.

Urouge smiled and said: "Egghead is the island where the genius Vegapunk lives, and it is under the jurisdiction of the government. Why is that woman willing to put herself in danger?"

He still has an impression of Bonney. He had a chance encounter with Bonney on the island during the Sabaody incident two years ago.

After the Summit War, he heard that Bonney was defeated by Blackbeard's group and fell into the hands of the World government. He never heard from her again after that.

And now she appears in Egghead again, apparently having escaped from the government's control.

"She has a very deep connection with World Government, there is no doubt about it!" Urouge is very sure.

At this time, the crew member in charge of sentry shouted loudly: "Seng Zheng, there are a large number of floating corpses of wreckage on the sea ahead!"

Urouge and others walked to the railing and found a large number of wooden boards and dead bodies floating in the sea ahead. Judging from the situation, it was what happened in the past few days.

The wreckage of the ship was made of high-quality materials, and the corpses were all in suits and leather shoes. It was obviously a merchant ship used by upper-class gentry.

They were all too familiar with this situation. They could tell at a glance that it was the work of pirates, who plundered property and then killed people and sank the ship.

Although they are both pirates, they are all monks, but Captain Urouge fights and makes troubles, drinks and eats meat, does everything, and has done some things like robbing cargo ships, otherwise he would be embarrassed to call himself a pirate.

But they always only seek wealth and do not kill.

Seeing this human tragedy, everyone could not help but feel pity. Under the leadership of Captain Urouge, they clasped their hands and chanted sutras together to pray for the souls of the dead and hope that they would reach bliss as soon as possible.

One crew member said: "Since the end of the Wanokuni War, the Beasts Pirates' arrogance has become even more arrogant. I heard that they are now burning, killing and looting everywhere. It is probably them who did this!"

There was a smile on Urouge's face, but he sighed: "One general can make thousands of bones dry up. If the Four Emperors want to achieve hegemony, they will inevitably cause countless bloody storms, and I don't know how many people will be killed innocently!"


The one who attacked the merchant ship was Jack, one of the six flying cells.

He went to sea to rob under Kaido's orders. In order to raise more treasures as quickly as possible, he would rob almost every ship he encountered, no matter who the other party was.

Even passing pirate ships were not spared as long as they were likely to carry property.

Jack, who is violent by nature, has a cruel style and will naturally leave no one alive after a robbery.

Since the Marine headquarters moved from Grand Line to New World, many Marine branch bases have been established in this sea area.

However, in order to avoid premature and meaningless conflicts, the patrolling warships have never entered the sphere of influence of the Four Emperors pirates and only operate in the fringe areas.

In other words, as long as it is not the territory of the Four Emperors, it is now under the jurisdiction of Marine. This will undoubtedly make the living environment worse for other New World pirates.

Jack's wanton behavior finally attracted the attention of the surrounding Marine branches. Although they would not take the initiative to enter the Four Emperors' sphere of influence, they were not afraid of these pirates outside their territory.

Eliminate all evil, this is the tough style of the new Marine Marshal Sakazuki.

Jack was also very unlucky to meet an equally powerful Marine, "Momousagi", one of the Admiral candidates, Kuzono Vice Admiral.

At first, he despised the other party as a prostitute, but after a head-on confrontation, he quickly paid the price for his recklessness and arrogance. A battleship was sunk, half of the property was lost, and more than half of his men were killed or injured.

Jack, who was seriously injured by Zhu Yuan, and his remaining men broke through the warships and escaped.

A few days later, Jack boarded the ship "Mammoth".

Jack, who is in excellent physical condition, has recovered from his injuries to some extent. He is wearing a small amount of bandages and is sitting on the main seat of the deck, discussing the next move with his real fighters.

Sipshead suggested: "Master Jack, although we suffered a loss last time and lost half of our supplies, the remaining treasure is still considerable. I think we should go back to Wanokuni first!"

Jin Lami also nodded and said: "We don't have much supplies, and most of our subordinates are injured. It's really not suitable to fight anymore!"

Jack asked in a deep voice, "Are you scared?"

The two were stunned and denied it repeatedly.

"I just encountered a failure, so I want to retreat!"

Jack stared at the two of them coldly and said, "I really didn't expect that after following me for so long, you still only have this little courage!"

Then, he looked around at the injured and haggard soldiers of the beasts, and said, "And you! Are you all thinking about going back too?"

Everyone was so frightened that they did not dare to look directly at him. A huge battleship with hundreds of people was completely silent.

Jack's style of tactics is also well-known among Beasts Pirates. Not only is he cruel to his enemies, he is also merciless to his subordinates. Even when encountering a powerful enemy that is difficult to withstand, he requires his subordinates to launch a fearless charge.

Needless to say, the result is that the casualty rate of Jack's men has always been high among the beasts.

Even if you know you can't win, you still have to fight. This is Jack's style.

He himself has strong vitality and can escape unscathed every time, but the subordinates who follow him complain endlessly. Even in real battles, casualties often occur, but the surviving old troops are all elites, such as the two Sipsheads. To be able to follow him till now, he has developed excellent skills.

Jack then issued a death order and said: "Before Kaido-sama's founding ceremony is held, don't even think about going back! Anyone who dares to mention another word, just try it!"

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