One Piece World Reviewer

Chapter 22 The Island Filled with Thunderclouds

Chapter 22 The Island Filled with Thunderclouds

The first ray of sunlight in the morning passed through the window of the captain's cabin and shone on Jiang Bo's face. He rubbed his eyes and woke up.

"Captain, there is an island in front of our route, and we will arrive in half an hour by visual inspection, but I feel that the island is uninhabited, should we dock, 咻~" A voice rang outside the door.

"It's okay, let's sail there first, I'll go and have a look." Jiang Bo stood up from the bed, and a piece of martial arts uniform beside the bed was automatically put on him as he stood up. This is the armor of God. Automatically change clothes styles.What Jiang Bo likes to wear most are white suits and martial arts uniforms.

Walking to the deck, Jiang Bo jumped into the air, slowly dissipated in the air and turned into a milky white cloud, slowly drifting towards the island.

When he got closer, Jiang Bo realized why he said that there might be no one living on this island, and the thunderclouds enveloped the entire island, and the rumbling thunder fell down like money.

This is a ring-shaped island that is high on all sides and low in the middle. Jiang Bo suspects that the shape of this island must have been struck by lightning.However, above an island, there is a cloud of thunder clouds that only thunder but not rain, Jiang Bo is very strange.

Jiang Bo had no interest in stopping the boat when he encountered an island without people, but the thundercloud above this island attracted Jiang Bo's attention.

He is Yunyun fruit. The so-called thundercloud, rain cloud, ice cloud, and stratocumulus cloud are just a kind of cloud form to Jiang Bo. Logically speaking, Jiang Bo can develop it, but after staying in Fishman Island for several years, he discovered that I don't seem to be able to independently develop a cloud in this state.

Jiang Bo guessed that the fishman island has been sunny for several years, and there is no rainy day, so there will be no thunderclouds. If he wants to develop the form of thunderclouds, he must at least have thunderclouds in order to understand the mystery of thunderclouds.

This place is the first island to go to sea, I didn't expect to give myself such a surprise.As Jiang Bo went deeper, Jiang Bo's cloud and air mass gradually merged into the thundercloud.

Within a few minutes, Jiang Bo found that the huge thundercloud on the entire island had merged with him.

He seems to be able to control this thundercloud to do everything. Did all the scenery in the thundercloud also appear in Jiang Bo's mind? He found that the formation of thunderclouds is the continuous movement of water vapor under the change of cold and heat, and the friction with the air Friction with impurities in the air produces a large amount of electrical energy.

Feeling the movement state of the water molecules in the cloud, feeling the continuous release of thunder in the cloud, Jiang Bo geared up.

"Then try it, this feeling is so wonderful." Jiang Bo was ecstatic in his heart. He controlled the cloud with the most electricity.
The water molecules gathered together and chopped down fiercely.

But all of this was too simple. The thunder controlled by his mind exploded in an instant disobediently, blasting a big hole in the cloud where Jiang Bo was hiding. At the same time, Jiang Bo's fusion state was destroyed. Forced out.

A cloud of scattered clouds slowly formed Jiang Bo's appearance beside him. Jiang Bo's face was ashen, with smoke coming from the corner of his mouth, and lightning flashing from his body. He smiled bitterly, "It's really not that simple, but this is just what I want. The power is really great, but it takes too much energy to control the charged water vapor, and it takes even more energy after being blown up. It seems that I have to stay on this island for a while, maybe I can study it after being hacked. .”

"Hey, what is that? It seems to be a village. Are there still humans living on such an island? Go back and call them first, and go to the island together."

Jiang Bo grabbed a large ball of water vapor and turned it into a water ball under his control, washed his face and floated back to his boat.He didn't want to be laughed at by a few people.

Looking at the thunder that often fell beside him, Xiao Ba expressed that it was very dangerous, he was afraid, he wanted to go home.

But looking at the captain who was constantly being struck by lightning floating above himself and others, and Aaron who was standing not far from him holding a large sawtooth knife and constantly attracting lightning to strike him, I couldn't hold back the amused feeling in my heart.

"Pfft hahahahahahahahaha! Captain, Aaron, you two are really reliable. You dare to come up to this kind of island. Fortunately, you are here, hahaha!"

"Hahaha!" "Hahaha!" As Xiaoba couldn't hold back, Cro Obi and the others couldn't hold back either, and burst out laughing.

"No, there is no other pirate group in this world who dares to go to this island except our pirate group. We are really good." Jiang Bo's face was full of smiles.

"Shut up all of you, I really believed in your evil to come to this island with you, and you want me to strike you with lightning, do you have the heart?" Aaron was furious instantly, is brother a lightning rod?Didn't you see that brother's hair was standing on end? Didn't you see that his skin was almost scorched?ah?

"Hard heart" "Hahahaha!" "Hahahahaha!"

Aaron's heart stopped.

"Oh, it seems that we are about to reach that village?" A lazy voice rang out from the crowd, and Jiang Bo floated high and looked far away.

"Great, let's go, there must be a lightning protection device in that village!" Aaron took the lead, not the last, and ran forward.

A bolt of thunder landed at Weili's feet, "Hey Aaron, do your job well."

The village is surrounded by square iron fences, which are deeply inserted into the ground, as if they want to guide lightning into the ground.There are many iron chains connected around the fence, and the other end of the iron chain is connected to a very high lightning protection tower in the center of the village.

The gate of the village was open and no one was guarding it. Jiang Bo could see busy people inside from the village entrance, but there were only old people and women.

No villager could have imagined that someone would walk in from outside the village unharmed. When they saw Jiang Bo floating in the sky and Aaron and the murlocs on the ground holding a big knife, they panicked.

"Help, come quickly, there are monsters at the entrance of the village!"

"There are monsters invading at the entrance of the village. They hold butcher knives and fly."

Soon there was panic in the village.

There is a black line on Jiang Bo's head. My brother hasn't spoken yet. Why is he a monster? It must be Aaron and the others who are so weird and frightened. It must be!

"Hey, hello, we are not bad people, we just passed by this place and came to take a look." Jiang Bo fell from the sky and said to the people in the village, Aaron also put away his weapon.

Jiang Bo's words didn't have much effect, and everyone in the village ran away and hid within a few breaths.

Jiang Bo is so angry, I am an innocent and beautiful boy standing here without saying anything that you all ran away, is it not to give face.

"Everyone comes out, and we find all those who are hiding and kill them all."

Jiang Bo's expression was ferocious, and his voice was loud, spreading across half of the village. It was villagers who came out of the village vigilantly, and some children and women were frightened and cried.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in our village?" This is the oldest man walking out from the crowd, his body bent.

This reminded Jiang Bo of his teacher, Master Jenny, and the ferocious expression on his face disappeared immediately.

"Hello, we are travelers from other sea areas. Our ship lost its way in this sea area. When we saw an island, we came to the island. We have no malicious intentions. They are murlocs, not bad people. Don't worry."

Jiang Bo's gentle voice sounded, this time it still played a big role, at least the crying women and children stopped crying and looked up at Jiang Bo curiously.

"Is what you said true? If you are really travelers, I will tell you everything I know. If you have evil intentions, I would rather knock down the lightning tower and die with you, and be submerged under the thundercloud together." The old man said. The voice came, and the attitude was very firm.

"Don't worry, we're just asking for directions and won't hurt other people here," Jiang Bo assured.

(End of this chapter)

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