One Piece World Reviewer

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

"What are you doing?" A majestic voice sounded at the gate of the temple hall.

Jiang Bo and Cornis looked down, and saw a group of guards entering the hall with spears and swords in their hands. Several priest-like people surrounded an old man who had a bird on his shoulder.

"Who are you? Why did you trespass on the temple? And you did such a disrespectful thing?" A fat priest reprimanded Jiang Bo and Konis.

Conis's face turned pale with fright, knowing that if she was caught, she would be severely punished.

"Hello, my name is Jiang Bo, from Qinghai, and I am an illegal intruder." Jiang Bo didn't feel anything at all, so don't think that loud voices can scare him.

He probed condescendingly, and a group of guards with dozens of powers generally surrounded several priests and so-called gods with only one or two hundred powers, posing no threat to him at all.

"Illegal trespasser? People from Qinghai? Do you know that you made a big mistake? People from Qinghai! If you blaspheme the gods, you will be sentenced to death and a huge fine." The fat priest didn't realize the gap between him and Jiang Bo, and the words in his mouth remained is high above.

"Huge fines? I don't like it! I came to the god Ganfur today, you have no right to talk to me!" Jiang Bo ignored him, and controlled the cloud to slowly descend in front of the god Ganfur. Silk was left in the sky by him.

"Bold, how dare you call God's name directly, come and take it for me!" Several priests and guards were furious, brandishing their weapons and stabbing at Jiang Bo.

Jiang Bo was calm and relaxed, he didn't feel the weapons coming from him.

Conis covered her mouth tightly, watching the guards and priests stab Jiang Bo with their weapons with a pale face.

"How is it possible?" The weapons of several priests and soldiers passed by, as if they had hit the clouds, and Jiang Bo looked at the soldiers and priests with a smile.

"In your mouth, I should be a person who has been favored by God. Is this how you treat God's favored person?"

"The Blessed One of the Gods?" The god Gamfur on the side frowned.

Regardless of the weapon inserted into Jiang Bo's body, a part of it turned into a cloud of thunder, and a weak electric current was directly transmitted to the guards and priests through the weapon, and the guards fell down tremblingly.

"That's enough, Qinghai people, what do you want to do?" God Ganfur said at this time, he frowned and looked at Jiang Bo.

"I'm mainly looking for you today. I'm here with enough sincerity. I want you to promise me one condition, that's all. Make a friend by the way."

Jiang Bo turned around and looked at the god Ganfur who was no longer calm. The magical ability he revealed just now shocked Ganfur.

"Is this what you mean by sincerity?" Gamfur asked Jiang Bo, pointing to the twitching soldiers lying on the ground.

"Don't be so excited, God. I have only one purpose here today, and that is, I want to take away one of your reserve maids to be my companion, and I am willing to pay the price." Jiang Bo pointed at Cornis above his head and said to Ganfur Said.

"Take away my preparatory maid? Can you give me a reason? What price are you willing to pay? You have to know that you owe us one billion Ikes for illegal entry, and the blasphemy will cost ten times more. " Shen Ganfur was very strange about Jiang Bo's arrival.

"I took her away because I was optimistic about her. She is a person with dreams, and she cannot be bound to a small empty island. As for the price and fine, I wonder if one fruit of God is enough?" Jiang Bo looked at Gan Fu Er said seriously.

As long as Ganfur disagreed with Jiang Bo, he was even willing to rob people directly.

"The fruit of the gods? Is it really the fruit of the gods? As long as you are willing to pay the price of a fruit of the gods, you will always be a distinguished guest of the island of the gods."

What Jiang Bo said completely stunned Ganfur. A fruit of the gods is simply too important to the island of the gods. He is willing to change even a priest, let alone a maid.

"Then it's a deal, here you go."

Stretching out his hand, he threw the brown spiral-shaped Mama fruit towards Ganfur.

Ganfur quickly caught it, and held it carefully in his hand, exactly the same as the one recorded in the legend, with tears in his eyes.

Jiang Bo was not interested in watching an old man cry there, so he put down Conis and walked out with Conis who was beaming. The guards did not dare to stop him.

"Remember, my name is Jiang Bo, and I'm a friend of your God's Island!" After walking for a long distance without looking back, Jiang Bo's voice woke Ganfur up in excitement.

Ganfur wanted to ask to stay, but Jiang Bo had already flown away with Conis.

"Fortunately, I earned a piece of God's Fruit, and with the God's Fruit, I can completely solve the hidden dangers of the Sandian people!" Ganfur felt his ambition was aroused again at this moment.

Feeling a movement in his hand, he looked back at the fruit of God in his hand.

I saw my own bird lying on my arm and eating the fruit of God with relish.

"No!" Shen Ganful was shocked, but it was too late, most of the fruit was gone, and two lines of tears were left again.

Jiang Bo didn't know that after he left, Pierre, the bird of the god Ganfort, ate the Mama fruit. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

At this time, he was telling Konis's parents about the matter with Konis.

Cornice's parents said that as long as the god Gamfor agreed to the matter, they would support it.

It was very simple, Jiang Bo went to find another priest and told the matter to Conis's parents, who resolutely let him go.

Jiang Bo felt that this world is so good, if his original world, his girls and other men left, his parents would probably fight you desperately.

Jiang Bo ruthlessly refused the priest's request that he wanted another fruit of the gods. He was joking, and he came to ask for it even after paying the rewards. What does eating the bird have to do with me.

After sending off the priest, Jiang Bo officially told the elated Conis that she would be a trainee crew member of the Fallen Angel Pirates from today onwards, and he would take her to Qinghai for an adventure after solving the Sky Island issue by himself.

Jiang Bo also gave Conis the light and fluttering fruit that he just got. The dream of Sky Islanders is to fly.

Afterwards, the two flew in the direction of Bika, and Jiang Bo instructed Conis to use her devil fruit ability to fly.

At this time, it was already dark in Bika, a slum.

"That monster came out to fish again, hurry up, let's go over and scare the fish away, and starve that monster to death!" A group of children with wings on their backs said the most vicious words in their mouths.

The voice of the words reached Ainilu's ears far away, and Ainilu walked towards the White Sea holding a spear expressionlessly. He had heard these words countless times over the years.

The reason why he comes to hunt fish to eat at night is because hunting him during the day will be hindered by more people.

When he was a child, his parents couldn't resist the rumors outside and abandoned him by the White Sea.

For so many years of tenacious survival, hunting alone, studying alone, and practicing alone, he has long been used to being alone, and has long been used to the dislike and contempt for him from outside, although what he hates most is loneliness.

He swore in his heart that as long as one day his strength is strong enough, he will destroy this place, this place that he doesn't want to remember.

Except for the good friend Urki who fell into the sea of ​​clouds a few years ago and never came back.

After working all afternoon, he finally caught a small fish under the interference of a group of brats. Enilu was a little happy, at least he caught a fish today, so he doesn't have to be hungry today.

But when he was excited alone, a group of young people came towards him.

Enil showed a vigilant expression, "What do you want to do?"

The leading young man was very strong, and he kicked Anilu in the stomach with one kick. The others rushed forward and knocked Anilu down and beat him inhumanely. After a while, Anilu was lying on the white seaside, unable to move. A small fish he caught was also thrown into the White Sea amidst the ridicule of a group of people.

"What are you doing? Of course it's to fight monsters! If a monster suddenly appears in our race, he won't be happy if he doesn't kill him."

The headed burly young man sneered loudly, looking at Ainil as if he was looking at a pitiful creature. In the past many years, he has been the head of bullying Ainil.

Anilu clenched his fists tightly, clenched his teeth, and his gums were about to bleed.

Seeing Enilu's appearance, the burly young man became more and more disgusted.

"Throwing him down, it is a shame for Bika to live in Bika with a deformity." Suddenly, the strong young man made a decision.

"But, boss, if you are found out doing this, you will be sentenced." A younger brother whispered to the burly young man.

"Hmph, if we don't say who knows we did it? What's more, does anyone in this world really care about this deformed child?"

Unable to move, Enilu clenched his fists, his nails dug into his flesh, all thoughts were lost, he knew that today might be the day of his death.

"It's like Urki who came to him a few years ago. We threw him down in broad daylight and no one knows about it. Besides, it's dark now." Hearing this sentence suddenly, Ai couldn't move. Nilu let out a beast-like roar.

"It's you! It's you! You pushed my friend! I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh? I accidentally slipped the tongue. It's okay. No one will know after you die." The strong young man didn't care. "Quick, throw him down."

Just when a group of people were about to lift up Anilu and throw him in Baihai, Jiang Bo made a move.

He had been watching for a long time, and suddenly he found himself pitying Anilu.

He felt that it would be unfair to Enel to criticize Enel if he hadn't experienced everything that Enil had experienced.

Many people have a critical attitude towards Enel in the original book. Jiang Bo wants to break the necks of those people. No one knows the pain of Enel. Why should he criticize him?

At the same time, he also understood that it was not that simple to untie Enilu's knot.


(End of this chapter)

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