One Punch Man: Take Saitama as his disciple at the beginning

Chapter 288 Three Primary School Students

"You want to compete with the teacher?!"

Shui Long looked a little weird, looking at his sister Shui Hu in front of him with a gloating expression.

"What's wrong?! Isn't it possible?!"

Shui Hu turned his head and raised his eyebrows at the old man beside him.

"Yes, of course! As long as you are not afraid of being hit, you can do whatever you want!"

Shui Long shook his head, with a narrow smile.

I am very much looking forward to this so-called discussion.

"You want to challenge our teacher?!"

Saitama on the side seemed to have heard something big.

He ran forward in a hurry.

His eyes fell on Shuilong's sister, Shuihu.

"Yeah! But what's with that expression on your face?!"

The water tiger nodded.

He seems to have some impression of Saitama in front of him.

I just couldn't remember where I had seen it.

"Nothing, I just want to say, good luck!"

Saitama suppressed a smile and shook his head at Mizutora.

Then he took his junior brother Shui Long and ran aside.

"As a brother, aren't you too kind?! You actually watch your sister being beaten?!"

Saitama lowered his voice and gestured to Suiryu.

"Then the girl wants to challenge the teacher. What can I do?"

Shui Long spread his hands helplessly.

"Hehehe, even though I know your sister will definitely lose, I still decided to support her! I bet she can withstand two punches!"

Saitama thought for a moment.

Made a bold guess.

"Although that girl is a little younger than me, her talent is still better than mine. If I hadn't received the teacher's guidance and boxing skills, I might not be that girl's opponent! Besides, she is my sister after all. I As a brother, you can’t be too embarrassed! I bet that girl can successfully withstand two punches from the teacher!”

After some thought, Shuilong made his decision.

"Genos, what about you?! Tell me quickly, how long do you think your uncle's sister can hold up against the teacher?!"

Saitama waved to Genos beside him.

"After my careful calculations, Master Shuilong's sister is indeed very powerful. Her talent and strength are both at the top level."

Genos carefully collected all the data on the water tiger.

"So strong?! Doesn't that mean you can block several punches if you have a chance?!"

Saitama suddenly regretted it.

Regret making a decision too early.

You should first listen to Genos' analysis before speaking.

This is safer.

"Haha, let me tell you, that Shuihu girl, although she is young, is very talented. Moreover, she is very hardworking in practice, so her strength will definitely not be much worse! In the hands of the teacher, she can It will definitely be no problem if you pass two moves!”

Shui Long looked like he had a winning chance.

He has already won half of this bet.

"Tch, why are you so proud?! Genos hasn't spoken yet, maybe Genos will win in the end?!"

Saitama curled his lips and turned his head to look at Genos beside him.

"How many punches do you think Shuilong's sister can catch?!"

"According to my calculations, there is a 100% chance that Uncle and Sister Water Dragon Master can withstand the first punch when she unleashes her full strength!"

Genos paused and expressed his final conclusion.


Saitama and Suiryu listened to Genos' conclusion.

All were stunned.

"Genos, are you wrong?! Just now, you said that Water Dragon's sister is very powerful. How come the final conclusion has less than a 1% chance?!"

Saitama's eyes widened and he looked up and down at his son Genos.

There is every reason to suspect that some part is broken.

That's why I said this.

"Genos, you just said that my sister is very strong and talented. No matter how you look at it, there is no way that there is only a one percent chance of catching the first punch, right?!"

Shuilong was a little unhappy.

After all, she was talking about his sister.

As an older brother, I still care about it very much.

"Sorry, my statistics just now were indeed wrong! The chance that Master Shuilong's younger sister can catch the first punch from his elder brother is not one in 100, but one in 10,000."

Genos took another look at the final data conclusion.

That's when I discovered it.

in the last line.

Actually it's not 100, but 10,000.

Ten thousand, ten thousand, one ten thousandth? !

Saitama and Suiryu looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths twitched at the same time.

Don't know what to say.

"Uncle Shuilong's sister is indeed very strong and very talented. This is true. If compared with others, she is indeed very good, and can even be said to be very strong. But if the comparison object is her eldest brother, only It can be said that the eldest brother is stronger and more talented.”

Genos immediately explained to his teacher Saitama and his uncle Suiryu.

Is the gap really that big? !

Shuilong's eyes flickered a few times.

Although he knew that the teacher's strength was very terrifying.

So far, he has never seen the teacher's true strength.

But it stands to reason.

Teachers are also human beings.

As long as you are human, you will have limits.

No matter how strong you are, there will be a limit.

The strength of younger sister Shui Hu has been recognized by Teacher Pluto.

It was even enough to establish a sect and start teaching martial arts.

So strong.

Not even one ten thousandth as good as teacher Chen Ming? !

Is it really possible? !

Shui Long had a big question mark in his heart.

"I knew the teacher was very strong! I didn't expect the teacher to be so strong!"

After Saitama passed the initial shock.

Completely accepted.

Originally in his mind.

Teacher Chen Ming is the strongest person in the world.

The others combined are not as strong as the teacher.

Now it's just a better way to prove his point.

"You said, if we come a day early, that senior won't be angry, right?!"

Banggu put his hands behind his back.

Regarding the upcoming meeting with seniors.

It was both anticipation and nervousness.

After all, the agreement was for three days.

As a result, they arrived the next day.

Worried that the senior would be dissatisfied.

"It shouldn't be a problem, right?! For us to come here in such a hurry, doesn't it prove our sincerity?! Maybe senior won't argue with us because we are really sincere."

Pluto took a deep breath, and while comforting Bangu next to him, he also seemed to be comforting himself.

"No matter what, we are already here, so just stay here in a down-to-earth manner!"

Compared with the two.

Bump was relatively calm.

But that's only relatively speaking.

Unseen, Bump's palms were sweating.

Obviously very nervous.

"Teacher, the villa is ahead. I will take you there."

Chen Ming's voice came from outside.

At once attracted everyone's attention.

Especially Banggu, Bangpu, and Pluto, their eyes widened.

Staring straight at this mysterious senior.

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