One Shot Anthology (18+ NSFW)

A Friend By Chance (NSFW)

Hey all. Another one shot reupload. I hope you enjoy this edited and (partially) rewritten story of Galt and Lily. Let me know what you think down below! Also, I do want to mention, yes, the relationship develops fast between Lily and Galt. This is intentional. She very much like a canine, after all.

Galt sat back in the chair, staring at the wolfgirl sleeping in his bed. He stroked his beard as he remembered when he'd found her.

He'd set out from his house to find a tree that the forest could spare, but he'd found her instead. She'd been sleeping for two days straight, and he didn't dare share the bed for fear that she may wake up in the night and get scared.

He grunted, "If this goes on much longer, I might have to move her to the couch..."

He stood and walked out to the kitchen, preparing breakfast - just a typical morning for him. Eggs, bacon, ham, some oatmeal, and a stack of pancakes. He sat down for his meal and ate in silence, before rinsing the dishes and setting them to dry. He walked to the cottage door, taking one look back through the bedroom door at the sleeping wolf before grabbing his pack and axe, and set out again. He'd spent yesterday at home caring for her, but as there hadn't been any changes, he decided to head back to work.

After an hour of searching, he found a good tree, set his pack down, and felled it with a few swings before chopping it into manageable pieces and loading it onto his drag-cart to haul into town for sale.

He repeated this a few more times before stopping to buy some food to last a few days. At the market, he saw a mother pulling her kid away from him quickly. The kid dropped his toy and looked about ready to cry.

Galt walked up and knelt, grabbing the toy and holding it out to the child, "Better keep hold of that, bud. Don't want to lose it right?"

"Leave my son be, you behemoth!" the mother hissed at him.

Galt's face switched to a frown as the kid cautiously grabbed the toy before smiling and thanking him, changing the frown around into a kind smile.

"I just didn't want him to lose his toy, miss. I won't bother you further." Galt stood, bringing him back to his full height of nearly eight feet tall. He turned and ducked under the market doors.

The kid wrenched himself away from his mother, ran up, and hugged Galt's leg, "Thank you mister! I was always told you were mean, but you seem nice!"

Galt smiled down at the boy, "I try to help out when I can, kid. Head back to your mom. I think she's worried about you."

The boy released his leg and smiled up, before nodding and running off.

Galt felt his eyes tingling when he turned and left. As he returned home, he thought back to how his life had come to this.

Galt had been born as a hybrid, between a bear-girl and a human man. When he was born, he'd had human and bear ears and the typical poof-ball tail of bear people. Other than that, he'd appeared a normal human - no large teeth as is common in animal people, not thick fur under his hair, the like.

When he was twelve, he'd already outgrown all the other kids of his age in physical size. When he was fifteen, the other children in that village pinned him down outside the town and severed his bear ears and tails, calling him a freak.

The village doctor didn't have the skill to reattach them, so his parents had opted to simply sew up the wounds to prevent infection and halt the bleeding. Because of the scars, he chose to constantly hide them - a raccoon skin cap on his head and he refused to change around others so his tail scar would remain hidden.

He sighed as his cottage came into view. He walked in and put the food away, made some coffee, checked on the wolf-girl, and then sat on the porch to sip his coffee. He desperately wanted to join the village, but his presence out here was barely tolerated. They'd never accept him. It wasn't his fault he was so large. He'd been through multiple other villages - no cities or walled towns would even grant him entry. Part of his bear heritage was what his mother had called an "aura of fright". People were usually afraid of bear people, and him more than usual due to his size. He was never certain if it was truly a magical aura or if it was just that most bear people looked intimidating naturally.

He grunted and finished his coffee in a large swig before he went in to cook dinner - a half lamb roast, potatoes, and carrots cooked into a stew. He threw in a few of the local wild herbs for flavor, then grabbed a book while it simmered.

He sat on the couch and looked through his bedroom door, "You need to wake up soon, young one. The town's people will talk if you're found here unconscious, and I don't fancy the idea of uprooting again."

He sighed as he cracked the book to read until dinner was ready. He dished two bowls, finishing his quickly along with two further refills - the downside to his size was that it required a lot of sustenance. After dinner, he laid back on the couch and kept reading until sleep threatened to make him drop the book, so he marked the page and turned over, pulling his cover around him.


Galt woke to growling. He'd turned onto his back in his sleep, so he turned his head to see the wolf-girl, still naked as when he had found her, down on toes and claws, snarling at him. It was too dark to see clearly, but he could tell by the scent that it was the same girl - she smelled of freshly turned soil and healthy forest undergrowth.

"Hey, young one. It's good to see you awake," he said.

"Cain n-ith, ich bi'ine!!" She said, speaking in the language of the wolves. He knew enough to recognize it, but he only spoke common and broken bear.

He sat up, spooking her, as she leapt back and renewed her snarling, now bringing a claw up threateningly.

"I don't speak wolf, girl. Can you speak common? Or even bear, as unlikely as that would be?"

She seemed to think for a moment, then replied, "I speak common. Little bit..."

"Good. I'd hate to be attacked for a misunderstanding. If you're hungry, there's a bowl of food on the table. Otherwise, I'd like to ask a few questions. And I'll answer any you have."

She stopped her snarling for a moment, "Why..." She seemed to have trouble finding the right words, but eventually settled, "Why me here?!"

"You're here because I brought you. I found you asleep in the forest. Why were you there?"

"No ask! Only answer! You hurt me?" She said, bringing her claws up again.

"No, I didn't," Galt grabbed a match and lit the lantern on the end table, causing her to jump back in fear again, hiding behind the table.

"Who you?!"

"My name is Galt. I would like to help you. There are clothes in the room you woke up in you can wear. In the morning, I'll take you back to town and you can return to your family."

Her eyes dropped as her ears set back on her head, "No family... Alone... Family scared of Lily. Me Lily." As she introduced herself, she looked back up at, the fear in her eyes lessening.

Galt stood, "Mind if I check you over for injuries? When I brought you here, you were alive and you weren't bleeding, so I didn't bother checking."

After a moment of thinking, Lily stood and walked around the table. Galt saw that she was about average height for a wolf adult, just exceptionally rail thin. She spread her arms and legs, giving him free rein to check her over.

Galt walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a cloth that he wet and wrung out. He also grabbed a salve he'd made from local plants which sped healing.

He walked back to her, "I'm going to touch you, alright? Tell me if anything hurts when I get there." Lily nodded, so Galt began his ministrations.

He slowly ran his fingers over her head, through her silver hair, feeling her scalp for bumps or lumps. He ran his fingers over her delicate grey ears, eliciting a slight yelp from her.

"Did that hurt?"

Lily shook her head, "No. Tickles..."

Galt smiled, "Sorry." He moved on, down her neck, feeling and looking over it. He swept her hair to the side and over her shoulder. He ran his hands down her arm, then the other. Other than a greater-than-normal amount of dirt, she seemed healthy.

He moved down to her back and sides where he saw a nasty bruise. "maybe not..." he thought aloud to himself, causing Lily to turn her head to look at him curiously.

He gently touched the bruise, "Does this hurt?"

Lily nodded, "Little..."

He made a mental note and moved on. She had a small butt, even for a wolf - they were known for being petite for animal people, but ferocious hunters and vicious warriors. He felt down her legs, which were as thin as the rest of her.

He moved back up and ran his hands over her tail, "Does anywhere on this hurt?"

Lily shook her head again, "No."

Galt walked back around to her front, "I'll let you check your front. You've got a large bruise on your back, but after a bath, the salve should have that healed by morning."

Lily grabbed his arm, "Lily doesn't know. You check. Please?"

Galt looked into her eyes and saw that she had two different colors - a brown and a blue. She looked like she had the potential to be quite pretty, under all the dirt that caked her.

Galt sighed, "Fine." He did the same check to her front, trying to ignore the nearly flat chest that poked out at him. He mentally kicked himself, 'I need to give a thorough exam. I'd feel terrible if I missed a major problem...'

"Lily, I need to check your breasts and... other areas too. Unless you want to check those."

Lily shook her head, "Lily doesn't know..."

Galt sighed and rubbed his beard again, "Alright..."

He leaned in and took a close look. He noticed that she did indeed have a large bruise there, right under her breast. It looked like she had been chomped on by something large, but perhaps the bite had been padded by something, as there were no puncture wounds - just the bruising.

"You've got a matching bruise here. That should be helped by the salve as well."

She nodded and he moved down her ribs and stomach. She was scrawny - Galt assumed she probably hadn't had a decent meal in years.

He got to her hips and checked both sides before steeling himself and running his hands down the front of her legs, trying to bide a little time.

After that, he took a deep breath and moved back up. He ran his hands over her grey pubic hair and down between her legs, causing her to moan slightly. Luckily he didn't find any injuries there, so he wouldn't have to worry about going back to apply salve.

He stood and cleared her throat, "Your only injury is that bruise. Can I ask a few questions now?"

Lily put a finger to her chin, then said, "No," with a smile. Then she continued, "How you learn heal?"

Galt sat back on the couch, "I learned healing because I've lived out here alone for decades. It's something I needed to know to survive."

Lily smiled at him sweetly, "Lily like you! You good!"

Galt sighed, "You don't even know me."

Lily nodded, "Lily small girl. You big man. You kind. Not hurt Lily. You good!"

Galt chuckled, "Well, I'd never hurt someone who doesn't deserve it. How about you go rinse off - the water on the stove should still be hot. Then dress yourself. Then I have a few questions for you."

Lily nodded, then walked off to do as he'd said.

Galt laid back and brought his hand up in front of his face, speaking quietly, "Why the hell...?"

After a few minutes, she came back now dressed in just the long shirt that he'd placed in the room for her.

"Don't like the pants?"

Lily shook her head, as she reached back and grabbed her tail, "They no fit tail."

Galt chuckled, "Well, I didn't plan a tailor visit. Those were just some extras the market had that looked about your size. Well, all clean?"

Lily nodded excitedly, "Yup!"

Galt stood with a groan, then walked over and grabbed the salve from the table. She lifted the shirt so he could rub some on the bruising, then sat down, "Alright, all good. Head back to bed, and we can figure out what to do in the morning."

Lily sat down next to him, "You have questions?"

Galt looked at her, "Oh, now that I want to go to sleep, I can ask?"

Lily just smiled at him.

"Alright... Well, how'd you end up out there?"

Lily thought for a moment, "I was attacked. Big wolf. Not wolfperson."

Galt stroked his beard again, "If there's a wolf that big around here, we need to be extra careful. I'll head in and inform the village head tomorrow. Next question, how'd you end up naked?"

Lily blushed, "I have no pack. No family. Rarely have clothes. Wolf ripped my furs."

Galt nodded, "Alright... How old are you?"

Lily thought for a long while, "Uh... don't know. Twenty winters..."

Galt laughed, "So you're malnourished. Next question, do you have a hard time speaking common?"

Lily shook her head, then stopped and nodded, then stopped and wobbled her hand in front of her, "Little. Not speak for long time. But learning again fast!" She said excitedly.

Galt laughed, "Well, I've been there. I'm nearly forty-five winters. I didn't speak Common from ages sixteen to twenty-seven. A couple of days with it, and you should be right back, no problem."

Lily smiled, "Lily glad!"

They spent a few more hours talking, getting to know each other, and just generally enjoying each other's company.

Galt realized that she was quite smart, despite her difficulty conveying it at the moment. He also saw that she had a small beauty mark under her left eye that made every expression look far more... expressive. It was tear-shaped, and always made her smiles look like she was crying with happiness and her frowns look like she was crying in sadness.


Eventually, the sun was peaking through the windows, signaling the morning. Galt stood and stretched, his arms nearly brushing the ceiling which brought a laugh from Lily, seeing that he barely fit in his own house. Galt looked down and saw that, in his custom-built house, with furniture he made for himself, for his size, Lily looked like little more than a child.

He shook his head and walked off to the bedroom. He came out holding the pants he'd set aside, poked a hole in the butt, then handed them over, "There's a tail hole. Let's head off to town and get you some decent clothing."

Lily looked excited, her tail swishing happily, "You mean I can go with you?!"

Galt chuckled, "Yes, what else would you do?"

Lily quickly slipped on the pants, falling over as her foot got stuck. She hit the ground and quickly got them on, then stood up, pulling her tail through the hole, then stood there smiling so large Galt thought her face might just split in half, with her eyes sparkling.

"You're not used to going into town, are you?"

Lily shook her head, "I'm not used to town or friends! I've been alone since I was ten winters old."

Galt felt a stab to his heart - how the hell could a pack kick out someone so genuinely eager to just be kind?!

He held his hand out to her, but she just rushed passed him and out the door. He chuckled, "I may be getting up there in years, but maybe having a friend will be a nice change. She doesn't seem to be afraid of me."

Lily turned and looked at him, "Hurry up! You slow!!"

Galt called out, "Maybe you're just too fast!"

Lily came back and grabbed his arm with a "huh-rumph", and an exaggerated pout. Galt grabbed her and lifted her onto his shoulders, making her squeal in delight.

He carried her to town, as they chatted about whatever random topics she thought of.

He set her down outside the village, and she gripped his arm, suddenly looking decidedly more nervous.

"You alright there, Lily?"

"I'm nervous... Humans aren't nice to me..."

Galt smiled at her, "Me neither, but these humans are less mean than most. They'll be willing to let us buy things."

They walked in and went straight for the tailor, who decided to just alter some clothing for her, rather than sew all new dressings for her.

After they decided to head over to grab some breakfast from one of the nearby shops, before sitting in the grass and eating.

Galt smiled at her.

"What? Do I have food on my face?" Lily asked.

Galt shook her head, "Nah. Just thinking that you look more normal here. In my cabin, Everything is sized for me. You look like a child. Here in the village, you look like a short adult."

Lily smiled back, "That's because I am! I'm average height for wolfgirls, but we average shorter than adult human females. But I'm definitely not a kid. It's been ten winters since I was kicked out of my pack. And they kicked me out then because I was ten winters old."

Galt stroked his beard, "can I ask why they kicked you out? If it's too sensitive or painful, then you don't need to."

Lily shook her head, "No, it's fine, Galt. You've helped me and been kind to me. They kicked me out because they viewed me as an omen of evil times ahead. My eyes, you see...?"

She opened her eyes wide for him to see clearly. They were bright and cheerful, but they were indeed two different colors, as he'd seen the prior night.

"Really? I thought the wolves were more tolerant than other species."

Lily nodded, "In some things, yes. They accept the elderly, gay, even disabled and injured. But they view me as a token of misfortune. My parents talked them into allowing me to grow up enough to survive. But when I was ten..." Her eyes grew dark as she lowered them. She took a shuddering breath, "I challenged a pack boy to climb a tree. He fell from halfway up, landing on his back, but he hit his head on a rock. He didn't survive. The shaman said that my misfortune was beginning, so I was exiled."

Galt's mouth dropped open, "But that wasn't your fault! He shouldn't have done something he knew he couldn't handle!"

Lily looked up at him, tears in her eyes, "That's just our culture! That's how we are!"

She stood and ran off. Galt stood and took off after her, but she easily outpaced him. He sighed and went to grab the clothes from the tailor and waited by the village exit for a few hours. When she didn't come back, he walked back to his cottage. He prepared some food for the two of them in the hopes she might return. As the sun kissed the horizon through the trees, bringing long shadows, Galt was just about to give up hope when there was a knock on the door.

He walked over and opened it to see the wolf-girl standing there, her eyes down and her hands grasped in front of her in shame.

"I'm sorry I ran off... You're the only one that's been kind to me in years... I really don't want to lose our friendship..." She explained. Galt smiled at her, then stepped aside without a word.

She smelled the meat cooking and started drooling when she saw the steaming plate on the table.

She ran inside and started eating before Galt even got back to his seat. "Help yourself," he said with a smile.

She looked up at him, swallowed the bite she had in her mouth, then wiped her mouth off. She looked at him sheepishly, "I'm sorry, Galt... I don't mean to seem ungrateful or anything..."

Galt pushed one of his plates over to her, "Like I said, help yourself. And not to worry, you're not the only one misunderstood. But we can discuss that after dinner."

Lily's eyes sparkled at the offer of more food. She smiled and dug in again.

After dinner, they sat back on the couch and Galt lit the fireplace, the chill night air creeping in.

"So... You said you're misunderstood?" She asked him.

Galt took a deep breath, "Yeah. People are afraid of me. It's actually kind of weird that you're not."

Lily smiled, "Well, I was at first. You're nearly twice my size in height, and I woke up in a strange bed, in a strange house, surrounded by strange smells. But only a fool is afraid of someone who helps them!"

Galt chuckled, "unless the one doing the helping only did it for a reward. Don't forget, people of all kinds can be nasty to each other."

Lily grasped her tail and stroked it slowly, "Oh, I know that..."

Galt sighed and stood, then walked in front of her and knelt. He removed his hat to show two long scars running across his head, where no hair had grown. "I'm actually a hybrid human-bearman."

Lily stared in shock, "What happened?"

Galt replaced his cap and stood, then took a deep breath. He walked over to the fire to stoke it. He started explaining when he walked back to the couch, "When I was a kid, I was already a full head taller than other kids my age. A bunch of them pinned me down and cut off my bear ears. The doctor just sewed up the wounds and let them scar over."

He turned his back to Lily and dropped his pants slightly, revealing the scar from where his tail had been, "They did the same to my tail."

He pulled his pants back up and sat down next to her. He took another deep breath, then looked over to see the look of horror on her face.


Galt patted her head, "Calm down. It happened years ago. But that's why I wear this cap. So no one sees the scars."

Lily calmed down slightly, but still had a look of fury on her face, "That's no excuse! Kids or not, it's abhorrent how they treated you! I couldn't imagine if someone removed my ears and tail!"

Galt chuckled, "I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But I make do."

Galt continued, explaining what he went through at that time, with Lily looking more and more disgusted at the bullies actions. He covered from his earliest memory of them simply throwing rocks at him, to them screaming, calling him a freak, and worse as they pressed him from the village.

"And I haven't seen anyone from that village since. Not even my parents, though truthfully I doubt they're still alive."

Lily had tears streaming down her face as she listened. She couldn't bring herself to respond, but she just reached over and cuddled up to him.

Galt looked down at her, "And since then, I've been working wherever however I could. I eventually came to this village, and I've been here for about five years now. The townspeople are afraid of me because bear people always look angry, plus my size doesn't help. But they allow me to live out here, and they're willing to do business at least."

Lily looked up at him, "I'm sorry your life has been so hard..."

Galt smiled, "It has been, but I was older than you were when I was forced out."

Lily laid down, resting her head on his lap, "But I still have my ears..."

Galt just grunted. After a few moments, he heard soft snoring from her.

"Ah, I agree. It's time for bed..." He whispered. He slid out from under her, then gently lifted her into his arms, then carried her to his bed. He laid her down and went to stand, but she reached out her arms and held his hand.

"Mmm don't go... Please Galt..."

Galt smirked, "I don't think it'd be proper for a man of my age to sleep in the same bed as a woman of only twenty."

Lily opened her eyes sleepily, "But I don't want to sleep alone. I spent too long alone..."

Galt sighed and, resigned to his fate, laid down next to her, pulling the covers up around them.

"Thank you..."

She snuggled into his side, and he placed his arm around her. Within minutes, they were both sleeping soundly.


The next morning, Galt was woken by a strange sensation. He looked down to see Lily asleep, her head resting on his chest, her arm draped over his stomach. He realized the sensation was companionship. For the first time in his life, he had a reason to wake up, other than to simply continue living. He laid back and closed his eyes, a contented smile on his face.

Lily stirred, pulling her arm back, under her. After a moment, she propped herself up and smiled sleepily at him, "Morning... Sleep well?"

Galt trailed his hand over her back, reveling in the feeling of the soft flesh against his hand. He was about to respond when it dawned on him - flesh? She was surely clothed, right?

He lifted to covers and looked down to see that she was indeed naked again.

She flashed a sly smile, "I woke up in the middle of the night and stripped. Hope you don't mind, but sleeping in clothes is just so uncomfortable."

Galt grunted, "Whatever makes you feel most at home."

Lily adjusted, rolling over him, lingering between his legs for a moment. As she went to stand up, she let her fingers trail down his crotch before resting her hand on the bed. She stood and walked with an exaggerated wiggle of her ass, waving her tail seductively, trying to attract his attention.

After a few moments, Galt rolled off the bed, and walked outside for his morning leak, since Lily had taken the only toilet.

He walked back in to see Lily, still nude, standing at the stove preparing to cook breakfast.

"You know, you're awake now. You could dress and be just as comfortable, right?" Galt asked, stroking his beard as he made a point of not looking.

Lily walked over, "I could. But then what would you go to such great lengths to avoid looking at?"

Galt tried to inhale, and ended up breathing saliva, causing a coughing fit. When he'd finished, Lily had an amused smirk, "I'm sorry, did I cause that?"

She giggled as her tail wagged as he regained his composure, "Lily, I'm really not sure it's appropriate-"

She stood on her tiptoes and put a finger to his lips, "Shush boy. I may be half your age, But I'm still an adult. Please treat me like one. We've both had a hard life. Who could possibly blame us if we decide to find solace with each other? Or do I have to forcibly remove your pants before you decide to give me what I've so clearly been asking for?"

Galt looked at her with mild shock, "Are you in heat or something?"

Lily turned on her heel, "No. But I don't have money or any real skills. You saved my life and we actually have a lot in common. So forgive me if I want to repay your kindness and... well... Maybe spend the rest of your life giving you what we've both always needed: A companion and friend."

Galt stroked his beard as he thought, "We could be companions and friends with you fully clothed..."

Lily sighed, "I guess I'll have to spell it out..." She walked over and grabbed his collar, pulling his face down to hers, planting a large kiss on his lips, almost hidden by the scruffy beard. When she pulled away, "Galt, I like you. I want you to fuck me. Here, on the table, the couch, the bed, wherever. But I want you."

Galt felt the last of his resolve melt. He lifted her and carried her into the bedroom. He set her softly on the bed, "You're not going to burn anything, are you?"

Lily pulled him down on her, "I was just cutting the food, so it'll be fine. Now focus on the horny wolf-girl literally begging for you."

Galt smiled, "Yes ma'am."

Galt slid down to his knees, trailing his fingers along her bare body. She spread her legs. He saw that she had trimmed up. Her bush, previously wild and unkempt, was now just a neat triangle above her bare slit. She had obviously done more last night than strip. She had planned this all out.

He leaned in and kissed her lower lips. She jumped briefly, "Your beard tickles!"

Galt chuckled and pulled back. He grabbed a leather ribbon from the dresser within his arm's reach and tied his beard down. He leaned back in and stuck his tongue between her folds. She was indeed horny, as she was already very well lubricated. His tongue slid in without any resistance. Lily slid her fingers through his hair, feeling the scars and beyond. She gripped his hair and pulled him further into her hips.

He reached up and grabbed her tail near the base, gently tugging it to the side. Lily yelped playfully in response, before she looked down at him, "I've been ready since this morning! Just whip it out already!"

Galt smiled up at her before he moved up and kissed her, as he unfastened his pants and slid them down to his knees. He clumsily stepped out, then lined himself up with her entrance.

Lily wrapped her legs around his waist as she pulled his shirt off, then set her hands on his shoulders. She used her heels to pull him into her. She gasped in surprise at his size, then winced in pain as he pushed through her hymen. He bottomed out and waited for her to acclimate to the intrusion.

"You were a virgin?"

Lily smiled sheepishly, "I've been alone, remember? Not just most nights, but every night. The few who were interested didn't seem trustworthy. Like all they cared about was that I didn't have a dick. You're different, though. I've only known you a short time, But you're honest. Kind. Sweet."

Galt smiled, "And how can you tell that?"

Lily pulled herself up to him and took a long sniff, "We wolves have very keen noses, y'know. I can smell it. You're a good person, Galt. That's why I was so quick to trust you yesterday. You can move now, by the way."

Galt slowly slid out, then back in, reveling in her tightness. He felt her starting to open up a little more.

Lily gasped as he moved. It still hurt slightly, but the pleasure was so much more intense. She started moaning with the thrusts, inhaling as he pulled out, and exhaling as he pushed in.

As he pushed deeper, Lily raised her head and stared into his eyes, "Don't stop, please, don't stop. This is... amazing!"

Galt leaned in and nuzzled her neck, before softly grazing his teeth over the delicate skin. Lily reached her hands around his back and raked her claws across his skin.

"I'm... ah! I'm almost there, Galt! Just a little - MMM! - more," She said between moans. "You can go faster! Oh gods, you're huge!"

Galt felt his peak quickly rushing up. He sped up, lifting her legs to give him a better angle.

Lily clenched down, preventing him from pulling out. Her tunnel squeezed and rippled, trying to pull him further in. He bottomed out and sowed his seed in her garden.

She opened her eyes and looked into his as she felt his seed spilling into her. Galt saw nothing but admiration and affection in her eyes - He felt his tingling as tears threatened to spill.

Lily reached up and caressed his cheek as she saw him starting to tear up.

Galt leaned down and pulled her into a hug as he wrapped his arms around her, "I'm so glad to have found you, Lily. I didn't know how lonely I was!"

Lily held him as she felt the wetness of his tears run down her shoulder, "Galt... I feel the same way. I wouldn't change this - us - for the world!"

Galt slid out of her, as they both looked down. Galt saw his semen spilling from her, while she saw just how big he really was. He was quickly softening, but she estimated it was still easily ten inches, and at least as big around as her wrist!

Galt's gaze roamed up her body, admiring her tanned skin, and her heaving chest as she tried to catch her breath. He laid down next to her.

Lily sat up and draped her leg over his, and flung her head quick enough to send her hair over him, "Next time, don't make me beg, Galt, or I'll have to punish you."

Galt smiled at her, "Next time?"

Lily leaned in and kissed him again, "Of course, next time. Unless you plan to kick me out."

Galt caressed her head, his hand covering from her chin to her wolf ear lightly, "Never. You can stay as long as you want, beautiful. As long as you don't mind the age gap."

Lily covered his hand with her own, barely covering from his wrist to the base of his fingers, "well, let's see. I'm twenty. You're forty-five. I think our individual suffering and terrible backgrounds overrule a twenty-five-year age gap."

Galt smiled at her, "Agreed."


Galt walked up the pathway leading to the cottage. He'd made a few adjustments in the nearly two years since Lily had come to live with him. He'd crafted more furniture, slightly smaller than the last set. Lily could easily use it now without looking like a child, but it was still large enough that he could use it without crushing it. He'd made a new door that was a little lighter and easier for her to open and close. He'd even gone so far as to put up a fence around the property - with a litter of wolf-bear hybrids on the way, they had both wanted to be sure that there wouldn't be any wandering off.

The townsfolk had reacted predictably to Lily staying with him at first, shock and offers of help to the young girl. Until their wedding just last week, Galt had thought they'd never see a moment of peace with soldiers showing up almost weekly, asking if she needed help. Lily had always adamantly refused, even growing angry when they tried to remove her by force, threatening to rip the commander's face off with her claws if he ever tried to remove her from her house again.

Galt was amused by her high energy and occasionally aggressive attitude. He stopped on the porch of his cottage, looking at the flowers they had planted together, that had just started blooming. He walked inside to see his wife lying in the bedroom, napping. He sat on the couch to wait for her to wake up, leaning his head back as he thought back.

He'd been alone for most of his life. Then a chance encounter in the forest with a sleeping girl had given him all he had ever needed - a companion, a lover, and most importantly... A family.

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