One Shot Anthology (18+ NSFW)

Lily’s Dilemma (NSFW)

Lily's Dilemma has finally been edited. Honestly, from the original run, this one had the most impact on me. It was one that I had debated on posting or just keeping for myself. In the end, I am glad I did. I hope you all still like it as much as you did before.


Toki was walking through town in a mild haze. He'd just returned from his most recent quest - slaying goblins was fun and all, but it was so exhausting. Such weak creatures, but there were always so...fucking...many...

He was pulled from his thoughts momentarily as he saw something that made him wonder if his brain was playing tricks on him. He looked to his right and saw that he was indeed seeing correctly. There, sitting under an awning, was a small elven woman. She had golden blonde hair that cascaded like silk over her shoulders, she had faint freckles that barely stood out in the dim moonlight, and blue eyes that glowed as she used her night sight to read. But that's not what stood out to Toki. She was sitting there completely in the nude, book in her hand as she rested back on her other hand, her legs spread giving him a flawless view of her hidden treasure between those silky-smooth-looking legs.

He glanced around to see if he was the only one who saw this, but there wasn't anyone else on the street at this late hour. He saw a sign above her that had "FUCK ME" written on it in graffiti. Toki chuckled at the implication.

He walked up, his hand on his belt, "So, is that offer open for anyone?"

She looked up at him, her glowing blue eyes locking onto his, "I'm sorry... what?"

"That offer," he gestured to the sign above her, "Is it open to anyone? Or...?"

She got up and stepped into the street to see. Her eyes dropped and her face turned beat red, "No... I didn't write that... My brother is twisted in his sense of humor... I'm sorry for the confusion..."

Toki looked at her and had an idea. He reached out and grabbed her wrists, holding them above her head and pinning her to the wall. He leaned in and inhaled deeply by her neck. He could feel her shaking, he could smell the fear she suddenly exuded.

"You should be more careful, elf. You never know who might come along and not bother asking... The sign aside, your nudity is the real problem here..." he said quietly, letting his threat hang in the air.

She clenched her eyes shut, then opened them and stared into his. Toki huffed and released her. She slumped to the ground, unsure of how to feel.

She looked up at Toki, and he looked down at her. "Try to be dressed when sitting under a sign like that. I'd hate to think someone less reputable could walk by and act without thought for you."

He turned to walk away. She sat there thinking back over what he'd said. Toki continued on his way to the guild to hand in the quest, then retired to his room.


The next day, Toki was at the town gate, speaking with the guard. He heard someone call out, "HEY!! MISTER ADVENTURER!!" He turned to see the elf from the previous night running up to him.

"Oh, it's you. What did you want?" he asked. "I'm a little busy if you don't mind. Some trolls need slaying."

She perked up her ears, "Then I'll come with! I wanted to talk to you about something, but it might be awkward around the guards here."

Toki sighed, "No, you're staying here. I'm one of the only adventurers in the nation who can handle trolls solo. I won't be responsible for an irresponsible elf being killed."

She smiled at him, "In that case, I'm traveling in a parallel direction at a similar rate of speed, and talking to myself. Can't help it if you listen in and hold a similar conversation with yourself."

Toki looked at her, "Why are you elves always so damned annoying?"

"I'm not an elf. I'm only half. But I will admit I take after my father... That aside, I'm annoying you because it's fun!"

Toki sighed, then left the gate, "Stay."

As he walked he heard something behind him. He looked back and saw the elf - sorry, half-elf - standing there, the same large, bright smile on her face.

"WHAT?!" he shouted.

The smile dropped from her face, "Wow... Rude much? I just wanted your name, adventurer. But I suppose I could call you Mr. Rude..."

Toki sighed, "My name is Toki. Now go back."

She smiled, "Toki... I like that. It's strange. Exotic..."

"Look... It's elvish. I'm a half-elf. It means 'courage' in elvish. Happy? Go. Home."

"I'm Lily! It's kinda weird that you're not named after a plant. All elves are, and most half-elves as well," She said.

He sighed again, heavier this time, "My father chose the name... He was human... Now, please... Go... Home... It's dangerous for civilians to be outside town without an escort."

She beamed at him, "But I have an escort. You."

Toki felt his anger welling up. He spun on her and roared, "I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING ESCORT! GO HOME! NOW!! AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!"

Lily stood in shock, her mouth hanging open. Toki saw tears beginning to well in her eyes. He felt a slight pang of guilt, then decided it was for her own good.

She stuttered, "I-I-I just wanted to be friends..." The shock faded, leaving fear in its place. She turned and ran off towards town.

Toki grunted and continued on his way to his quest, speaking to himself, "Serves her right. I'm sure she can make that short trip back alone."


Two weeks after the troll quest, Toki was limping on his way to the bar, looking far more ragged than he had been previously. He heard rapid footsteps and turned to see Lily with a large smile on her face.

"Hiya, Toki!" she said.

She looked down and saw that he was favoring his left leg. "Oh my god, are you alright? What happened?!"

Toki grunted, "You happened... My leg got eaten by those trolls two weeks ago. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to go drown myself at the bar..."

Lily looked up at him, "How did I cause this?! You need to acknowledge you're still mortal, regardless of how strong you may be."

Toki glared at her with seething hatred. He hissed through his teeth, "If you hadn't followed me from the gate, I wouldn't have been worried about you getting home safely. I wouldn't have been distracted, and they wouldn't have gotten my leg..."

Lily frowned, "I still don't see how that's my fault. You're still just a mortal. We make mistakes."

Toki took a deep breath to calm himself, before he replied, "I've slain hundreds of trolls... The most at once was seven. It's difficult, but doable. Three should've been a cakewalk... I'm forty and I've been adventuring with my parents since I could walk. I started solo when I was fifteen."

Lily smiled, "OH! I'm sixteen! We have a bit in common!"

Toki snarled, "Just leave me the fuck alone! Please?! You're so fucking annoying!"

Lily frowned and started walking away, "Fine... I'm always around if you need to talk. You can't always handle everything alone."

Toki ignored her last comment and continued on his route, using the guard rail of the raised pathway to help him along. He entered the bar and had a nice discussion with the barkeep about his outburst until he ended up passing out. The barkeep called for someone to help him home.

The next morning, Toki woke up in his room. He looked over and saw Lily sitting in the chair, watching him.

"Good morning, sunshine!" she said, her usual cheer back in her voice.

Toki groaned and pulled his blanket up before turning onto his side to face away from her.

"Come on, you can't hide from the world! It's time to get up and start the day!"

Toki growled, "Don't you get it! My life is over! The only thing I've ever known and loved is gone!"

Lily frowned, "Your leg?"

He rolled over and sat up to glare at her before raising his voice, "NO! My fucking JOB! I can't adventure with only one goddamned leg!"

She smiled at him, "So find something else to do!"

Toki felt himself shaking with anger, "WHAT?! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?! I'VE BEEN ADVENTURING SINCE I WAS NINE! IT'S LITERALLY THE ONLY THING I'VE EVER KNOWN HOW TO BE!" He felt tears streaming down his cheeks as he calmed himself slightly.

"Lily, I love going out and slaying evil! Helping people, saving innocents! THAT'S my life! Not this... This... This fucking hell!"

Lily tried to speak, but Toki held up his hand, "Stop. Let me finish. I don't need you. Or anyone else! I've got enough gold to last until I eventually die of alcohol poisoning, so that's my plan!"

Lily broke in, "Don't tell me to stay silent! And you can't do everything alone! Your life doesn't have to be over! You're only forty! That's young for a half-elf! You have time to learn a new trade! Be a baker or a smith! Hell, come learn from my parents, they're cooks! They own a restaurant and everything!"

Toki tried to stand but fell back onto the bed. He sat up and said, "My parents were bakers! I killed them because I was an idiot who couldn't turn dough to save my life! I lit our bakery on fire, and they both died in it! I lied earlier, alright?!"

Lily gasped and held her hand over her mouth. She stood and reached out to comfort him.


Lily stared in shock as he roared his racist slur at her. Toki could almost hear her thoughts, 'sure, her ears were closer to her elvish roots than his were, but it's not like his were entirely rounded.'

Lily felt tears streaming down her face as she ran from the room.

Toki stared after in shock, his mouth hanging open. 'How could I... Why did I say that...?'

He wiped his tears away and stood slowly. He walked to his dresser to count his coins. He had ninety gold and twelve silver. Not nearly enough. He'd heard a rumor a while ago about a dwarf artificer in the mountains that could make magically animated artificial limbs, but those rumors said it cost nearly a thousand gold for one. He set his jaw and decided he needed to speak with this dwarf.


Two weeks later, Toki and a group of three adventurers sat mounted by the guard gatehouse. Lily walked up behind them.

"Toki... Please, don't be angry, but... I wanted to say I'm glad you're getting back out there. I want to join you to make sure you come back safely..." she said, none of her usual cheer present.

Toki and his group turned to look at her. Toki wanted to be angry that she had ignored his words, but all he felt was guilt for what he had said. He looked at her in silence.

"Toki, aren't you going to respond to the girl?" The female adventurer said, adjusting her staff.

"I have nothing to say to her Naidyah. If we say no, she's just going to sneak out and follow us anyhow. If we allow her, she'll never shut up. Maybe by ignoring her, she'll do what she should and pretend she never met me."

Naidyah looked at Lily with a 'sorry kid' look on her face, then turned back to where her companion, Sparn was speaking with the gate guard.

After a few moments, Lily spoke up, "Toki, you can't just ignore me! If you do, I'll climb up on that horse and ride right behind you the whole way there!"

Toki turned towards her, holding his dagger up, "Didn't I make you a promise last time, knife-ear?!"

Lily took a deep breath and composed herself, then bundled her hair behind her, showing her ears off, "If that's what it'll take for you let me come with you, then so be it!"

Toki growled and sheathed his dagger, then turned back to the gate ahead of them. Lily walked up and tried to scramble onto Toki's horse.

The horse spooked and jumped forward, sending Lily sprawling on the ground. She had accidentally grabbed Toki's cloak, pulling him with her. As the semi-mobile man struggled to find his footing, he felt his rage bubbling up again.



He hobbled over to his horse and climbed back into the saddle. He rode up and passed the gate guard who was too stunned to make a move. Sparn followed him. Naidyah and the other looked back at Lily briefly before moving up with their companions.

Naidyah rode beside Toki, "You shouldn't have said that you know... She's on her knees, sobbing. She really likes you and all you can do is berate and abuse her."

Toki glared at Naidyah before tapping his sword scabbard on his false leg with a hollow *clang*, "She deserves it. She cost me my fucking leg and my job! And how many people have died since then because I wasn't there to slay the monsters that killed them? How many of you silver ranks risked your lives on quests I should've solo'd?"

Naidyah glared right back, "SHE didn't take your leg, trolls did, and you damn well know it, Ass. You went in unprepared because your mind was elsewhere. YOU fucked up, not her. I just can't understand what she sees in you, asshole."

She rode off to the front beside Sparn.


A month later, Naidyah and Sparn rode through the gate, their third companion slumped over in his saddle with multiple shoddy arrows sticking out from his back. The whole sight was grisly, with blood and dirt covering all three. Lily had been walking by on her way to her parents' restaurant when she saw them coming in.

She raced over to greet them. As she neared, she saw the dead body and a distinct lack of Toki. She cautiously walked up to Sparn, "Where is Toki...?"

The dwarf in armor just looked down at her and sent shivers down her spine with two simple words, "I'm sorry..."

She felt her world starting to break as images ran through her mind of him lying dead in a ditch somewhere.

Naidyah spoke up, "Sparn, stop it! Can't you see the poor girl is stressed enough!" She dismounted and walked over, pulling Lily into a hug.

"It's alright, little one. He's alive, if that's your worry. What Sparn meant to say," She glared at the dwarf, "Is that Toki stayed with the artificer. He needed time to acclimate to an artificial limb. But he did say that he had a surprise for you on your birthday. When is that?"

Lily looked up at her with hope in her eyes, "It's... a few months out. I met him on my sixteenth. So I suppose that means I've still got a while to go..."

Naidyah smiled at her, "There you go, have some hope, little one. He'll be back before you know it."

Lily smiled at her, then looked between Sparn and Naidyah, "Can I ask a huge favor of you two? I want to be useful to him, so maybe he'll accept me. Can you two teach me how to fight? I want to learn martial and magical combat!"

The adventurers looked at each other before they both looked at their dead companion. Sparn spoke first, "Well, a spot recently opened on the team. Welcome to the Academy. Population, You. Good luck. Please don't die..."

Lily couldn't help but laugh at the two of them.


It's been a year since Toki and Lily met, and her birthday is tomorrow. Lily hasn't stopped pacing by the gate since early that morning. Naidyah walked up, "You're going to burn a hole through the ground."

Lily looked over to her, "Oh, I know... I shouldn't be so anxious... I just haven't seen him in so long, but I'm just so excited now. I want to show him how strong I've become!"

Naidyah sat down on a bench nearby and gestured for her to come over. Lily walked over and sat down.

"So... Why do you like him so much? He's been such a dick to you."

Lily looked at the ground, her face heating up, "well... I know he doesn't mean it. He was kind, and sort of sweet the night I met him. I was celebrating my birthday last year, sitting out in the moonlight, naked and reading. My idiot brother wrote a sign above my head that said 'fuck me'. Most people would've taken that as enough of an invitation, but Toki... well, he didn't. He went out of his way to look like a bad guy without actually hurting me. He could've, but I felt safe with him when he did that. He pinned my wrists to a wall and threatened to rape me, but... well, he just simply didn't. He said I was lucky that he wasn't the type to do that, and I guess I really was."

She had a slight smile on her face as she thought back over every interaction she'd had with Toki before she continued, "It started with me just wanting to help him to pay him back for teaching me such a valuable lesson, but, well... I grew to like him over time. When he's not being rude to dissuade me from doing something stupid, he's sweet. I've seen him offering his food to starving children while his stomach growled after the shops closed for the night. I've seen him take quests for free because the people needing help couldn't afford to pay a reward. Hell, I've even seen him literally take the shirt from his back to help others. He sacrifices so much of himself for others... I want to be the one to be there for him when he needs it."

Naidyah looked at her, "I know he can be charitable, but I'd never say he's sweet. He's... tolerable at best. And it sounds like he's very toxic to you."

Lily looked at her with a smile, "Perhaps. But like I said, he doesn't mean it. He's only lost his temper once with me, and that was when he was drunk. Every other time I can see him carefully calculating every word he says."

"So you're saying he's a carefully planned dick...?"

Lily shook her head, "Not quite. I'm saying he's not a dick, but he carefully plans when he seems like one for maximum effect. He plays the role of a bad guy while secretly being a good guy, so he can make sure people stay safe. When he feeds kids after hours, if no one else is around, he just hands it to them. If someone else is nearby, he throws the food, like it's rotted, but it's perfectly edible. When he takes a free quest, he grumbles about 'taking what he wants as payment,' but he never takes more than a single wooden mug or one stalk of wheat. Something practically meaningless. He acts like a bad guy so that those people he helps can learn a hard lesson and hopefully not need help again."

Naidyah thought back for a moment, considering her interactions with Toki. "You're right... Come to think of it, I've seen him punch a traveling merchant, and an arrow missed the guy. I thought it was a coincidence, but... Maybe Toki did it on purpose...? There's been so many... There's no way they were all coincidences..."

Lily smiled at her, "See? He's sweet, but he doesn't want anyone to know it."

Naidyah frowned, "Now I feel bad for what I said to him after he yelled at you last time... Come to think of it, you likely would've died. Our last student did..."

Lily chuckled, "Yeah, I was stupid. Both times I've tried to accompany him, I most probably would've died. Or possibly even cause the loss of his life as well. His being a dick is the only reason I'm still around for him to be a dick to. And call it toxic, or whatever, but... Well, I really like him. That's all I care about right now..."

Lily and Naidyah sat there chatting for a few more minutes before deciding to get some magical studying done while they waited. That night and the following day passed without any word from Toki.


Six months later, Lily was standing at the gate, talking with one of the guards. She had gotten to know most of the guards, and a lot of the adventurers, from her time by the gate speaking to them. She also had a standing request with the guild and guard house to keep an eye out for Toki. She glanced out into the distance and saw a rider approaching. For a brief moment, her heart swelled with hope until she realized it was Sparn, and he was alone. He rode through the gate.

"Hey, Sparn. No signs of him?"

"Nah, not this time, I'm afraid," He replied to her question.

"Yeah, Naidyah said she didn't see him either."

Sparn scratched his beard, "I would be willing to go check the artificer's house, but I don't think I'd make it back. The only one who could make it completely unscathed would be Toki. You know he attained a guild rank of Gold 1 when he was just sixteen? He's the only one to ever manage that."

Lily looked up at the dwarf, "Yeah, they told me at the guild. They also said he was the only Gold 3 in the country, and one of four Gold 3's in the world."

Sparn nodded, "He's not an easy one to kill, Kid. Keep your hopes up. I'm sure something is holding him up."

Lily shook her head, "No, Sparn. If he were alive, he'd have sent word. I'm sure of it. I... I just want his body back so I can offer him a proper burial. I've made peace with that," She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Sparn looked at her, "I understand, kid. We all want what we can't have. It's why I gave up on getting back into the Arena myself."

"Wait! You're saying you gave up on being a fighter?"

Sparn smiled, "I didn't give up, I retired. I'm too old to risk my health anymore. The Arena is a dangerous place, and the pay isn't worth the price it costs to play. I'm sixty, ancient for a dwarf that hasn't settled down yet. And I'm still only a Silver 4. But that's why I focus my efforts on helping those in need. Like training you."

Lily smiled sadly, "Thank you, Sparn. Thank you so much for everything you've taught me. I look forward to our next training session tomorrow. Have a good rest after your quest."

Sparn turned and rode off towards the barn. Lily looked out over the road through the gate, willing and hoping to see Toki appear on the horizon. But she knew in her heart that it wasn't going to happen.


Six months later, on her eighteenth birthday, she woke up early to prepare for her exam. She was up to test for her Silver 1 rank today. She strapped on her sword, and prepared to head outside. She tied her hair up in her classic pigtails - a style she'd kept since the last time Toki saw her. It had started with the idea that her ears would be visible to him, but now it was more or less just a habit she didn't want to break.

She stopped on her way out the door to look in the mirror. She closed her eyes and pictured his face.

"I miss you, Toki..." She said to herself before she opened her eyes and reached for the door handle. There was a loud commotion at the gatehouse. She pulled the door open and raced out, meeting up with Sparn and Naidyah on the way. As they neared the crowd that had gathered, she saw a rider on a horse. She stopped in her tracks, her mouth hanging open and tears rolling freely down her cheeks.

Toki looked over the crowd, looking for the one person he wanted to see. He saw Sparn and Naidyah standing nearby, staring at him in surprise. Then he saw her - Lily, standing still, staring at him like she saw a ghost.

He dismounted and pushed through the crowd. Lily started running up to him. He knelt and held his arms out. She got up to him, drew back her hand, and brought it full force across his face.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" She screamed. "First, you leave me sitting here sobbing, then you disappear for two fucking years, then you break your word that you'd be back on my birthday, and finally you come back and hold your arms out like nothing ever fucking happened?! I absolutely hate you!" She said, sobbing as she collapsed into his arms, still saying "I hate you" over and over between her sobs as he gently caressed her back.

After a long moment of silence aside from her sobs, Toki spoke, "I'm sorry, Lily. You didn't deserve any of that. Or anything I've ever done or said to you. I was trying to keep you safe, and I know that you being so infatuated with me would only be hazardous to your health. But now... I'm willing to take that risk if you are. I hear you've been training, so maybe you can defend yourself now."

Lily pulled back and looked up into his eyes, before she shook her head, "No, you're not off the hook that easy. What the hell happened to keep you away for so fucking long?"

Toki looked away, "Well... The artificer said he was willing to give me a leg, for a cost. I explained I didn't have any money but would be willing to pay any other cost. He said that I could work it off for him. In the process of doing that, My arm got damaged, so he had to replace that as well, which added another year to my sentence. Which is why I've been gone so long. I'm sorry for that, Lily."

She looked carefully at him. It didn't seem like he was hurt at all, "Are you certain two of your limbs are fake?"

Toki smiled at her, "Yes. I'll show you in private later. But wow, you've grown taller, huh?"

Lily smiled her customary bright smile at him, stained though it was by her tears, "Uh-huh! A lot's changed!"

"So, do you forgive me? For leaving, For being a dick to you, and for missing your birthday last year?"

Lily nodded, "Yeah, but why couldn't you send a letter or something?"

Toki chuckled, "Rules he set out. No contact with the outside world, unless they come there to visit. It's a long, hazardous journey. Having a courier go that way would make the cost of a letter unbearable."

Lily nodded, "I understand. I'm sorry I slapped you."

Toki leaned in, "I deserved it, and so much more. Hit me as often as you feel like, alright?"

Lily laughed and softly patted her hand against his cheek, "There, ya jerk!"

Toki growled playfully and chased her as she started running. He caught her and lifted her into his arms, "I'm hungry. Should we grab some food, then head back to my room?"

Lily's eyes brightened at the suggestion, "You mean...?"

Toki just smiled in response as they got some food and went to the guild to rent a new room, as his room had long since been reassigned.


Inside the room, Lily sat on the bed, fidgeting nervously with the end of one of her twintails. Toki sat down in the chair opposite her, "Everything okay?"

Lily nodded, "Well... I'm eighteen today... I've been looking forward to having sex with you since we met, when you threatened to rape me but didn't, to teach me that lesson - which definitely sank in, by the way. I haven't sat naked under any 'fuck me' signs since," She winked at him as she rambled.

"But now that it's here... I don't know... I'm nervous... What if it's not all I've built it up to be in my mind?" She finished.

Toki sighed and walked over to her, "Here's the deal... We don't have to have sex. I'm fine with cuddling. Anything more, anything at all, is just a bonus.

Lily's expression changed to one of horror, "Absolutely not! No way in hell am I going to go another night without feeling you inside me! I want it, I'm just nervous... I've dreamt of this so much that... well, I don't want to be a disappointment to you..."

Toki thought for a moment, then pushed her to the bed, pinning her arms above her head with one hand, "If you're nervous, how about I take the lead?"

Lily breathed heavily as she remembered the same feeling of warmth and comfort radiating from him two years ago, the first time she saw him. She smiled and nodded without a word.

Toki stood up, "Remove your clothing." Lily quickly stripped, arching her back off the bed. Toki smiled at her, and she returned it, feeling more confident about her body. Toki removed his shirt, exposing his body. He was just as she'd remembered - muscular, chiseled, and perfectly tanned.

Her eyes, however, were drawn to the metallic arm connected to his shoulder. It matched almost perfectly, save for the color. While his skin was tanned, his arm was the golden color of straw.

He turned away as he stripped his pants, giving her a view of his backside. It was less muscled than his front, but still impressively sculpted. Lily blushed a little and smiled to herself. She realized that his left leg was much the same as his arm - equally matched to his right leg, but straw-colored as well. Both limbs looked to be metal overlapping metal, bent and twisted to look like ripcord muscles under skin.

Toki turned around and climbed onto the bed, kneeling between her legs. He leaned down to kiss her. It wasn't an aggressive kiss like she expected. It was slow and sensual like she'd dreamt of for so long. As their lips met, she felt her heart fluttering with excitement. She reached up and stroked her hand through his hair, pulling his lips down to her neck, kissing and nipping.

Toki broke the kiss, "Someone's feeling more confident," He said with a chuckle as he straddled her.

Lily smiled, "Well, I'm getting a few ideas of my own..." She grabbed his hips and rolled them over, so she was on top. She knelt by the side of the bed between his legs.

"I know my boobs aren't the biggest, but I want to try something," She said. She cupped her breasts and surrounded his member between them. She started stroking her breasts along the entire length. A little precum leaked out, so she licked the tip on one downstroke, causing it to twitch.

Toki groaned, "Gods damn it, Lily, that feels so good..."

Lily smiled and slid up to the tip, then pushed forward. His cock was nestled between her breasts as she pushed it towards his stomach, and kissed his chest. She moved down, sliding her breasts down his shaft as she kissed lower and lower.

She made it to his tip, where she pulled her hands from her breasts and placed them on his thighs as she sucked his head into her mouth.

"Fuck!" he hissed, "Just like that..."

Lily moved her head up and down his shaft, she tried to take him down her throat, but she gagged, so she decided to suck the head and lick down his shaft, using her hand for the parts she couldn't fit in her mouth. She moved back down and used her breasts again, then slid down, sucking the head again.

Toki felt the familiar tingling in his loins, "Gods damn, lily... I'm gonna cum soon..."

She kept sucking, pushing herself down his cock, and using her hand to stroke what wouldn't fit.

"Hang on, Lily! I'm about to cum! Fuck!" he said as he unloaded into her mouth. She kept stroking his cock, pressing along the underside, milking every drop she could. When he was done, he sat up and smiled down at her. Her cheeks were puffed out, so she opened her mouth and showed his full load. She closed her mouth, smiled, gulped, and then opened again.

"All gone, my love," she said. She climbed up over him, "Can you go another round?"

Toki chuckled, "What kind of gold ranker would I be if I wore out that easily? Turn around, and I'll help with the next part."

Lily grabbed his hand and guided it to her folds, "No need, babe. I'm already soaked."

Toki smiled, "Oh, I had other ideas..."

Lily rolled her eyes playfully and turned around. He pulled her back to sit on his lap, his cock wedged between her ass cheeks. She lifted and adjusted him to her entrance.

Toki reached up and groped her breasts, causing her to moan and her knees to buckle as she slammed down his throbbing cock, her weight pushing her down as his length pierced her hymen. She gasped and clenched in pain, sitting still for a long moment.

"Just wait a moment, my love... Just wait a moment..." he whispered as he massaged her breasts. He felt her start to relax around his cock as she rocked her hips slightly. She let out a breath, then she pushed up, then back down.

She started to find a rhythm, but her legs kept giving out as she went down. She groaned in frustration, so Toki leaned back, pulling her with him.

With her lying with her back to his chest, he started thrusting up into her, slowly at first but gaining momentum. As he went, he kept playing with her breasts, switching between massaging the entire breast and softly pinching the nipples.

Lily was moaning and squealing in ecstasy, "Oh gods... I love you..."

"I love you too, my sweet Lily. You're doing so well..."

Lily whimpered and looked back at him, "I'm almost there. Don't stop, don't stop..."

Toki was thrusting into her, but he stilled for a moment, "Don't cum yet, darling. It gets better if you stall and hold it off for a few."

"Mmm... hmm..." Lily moaned as she bit her lip, trying to not cum, but desperately wanting to let go.

After a minute or two, she squeaked out a few more words, "Please... Toki... Make me cum, my love... Make me cum on you..."

Toki smiled at her and started thrusting again. Her legs spasmed and her walls clamped down, forcing him deeper and deeper. She kept riding him as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her, causing her to moan and cry out.

She had a look of pure bliss on her face when she finally came back down. He rolled over, placing her on her stomach on her bed, as he kept thrusting into her from behind. He reached around and started rubbing her clit, causing her to buck back into him with her face buried in her pillow, moaning.

"Ooh... Toki... don't stop... Fuck... I'm so close again, my love... Don't stop! Oh for the love of the gods, don't stop!" she screamed into the pillow.

Toki kept rubbing, speeding up his thrusting. She felt herself start to cum again, her walls clamping down. She screamed into the pillow as she was overwhelmed with pleasure for the second time. Toki wanted to keep going, but he felt his orgasm rising. As he neared the peak of his pleasure, he stopped and held off for a brief moment, reveling in the extension of pleasure, before he relaxed and released three thick shots of cum into his lover's womb. He felt his knees starting to buckle, so he lowered himself down onto her, breathing heavily against her neck as he took in her sweat-soaked scent.

"Ah, Ah... I love you, Lily..."

Lily smiled in return, her brain not yet capable of forming words after her first mating.

Toki stayed buried inside her, enjoying the feeling of her muscles clenching around his member as they slowly returned to normal. He felt his cock slowly shrinking and knew it was time.

He sat up, slipping out of her. He looked down to see his seed leaking out of her. He lifted her further onto the bed, laid behind her, and pulled the covers around them to sleep for the night.

Just as he felt sleep starting to take him, he felt her stroking him between her legs. He felt himself growing, so he groaned softly, "You're insatiable..."

Lily smiled back over her shoulder, "I don't want to fuck again, but I love feeling your heat between my legs..."

Toki smiled and nuzzled her shoulder, then relaxed. Before long, he was snoring softly.

Lily looked back as best she could, "Toki... I love you. I forgive everything you've done, as long as you move forward together, with me, as a team."

With that, she snuggled as close against him as she could, and likewise fell asleep in her lover's embrace.

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