One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 421 The power that shakes the world, the sigh from the sky! (2-in-1)

Ten Thousand Kingdoms - Cake Island.

"MAMA, those navy are all huddled on Coco Island, and they basically don't come out now."

"That Admiral Aokiji is a frozen man who ate frozen fruit."

"Having eaten the natural devil fruit, he has developed the fruit's abilities to an outstanding degree. He can use his abilities to block the waters around Coco Island in a short period of time."

"It is not easy for us to invade Coco Island."

"If we continue to attack like before, we may make the same mistake again."

"The best way is to defend and wait. The supplies on Coco Island cannot support such a large navy."

"They will definitely show their flaws!"

On a certain lawn on Cake Island, a group of senior members of the Charlotte family gathered on the island and were discussing ways to break into Coco Island.

Big Mom's eldest son Charlotte Perospero analyzed the current situation and expressed her plans.

The battle with the Navy Headquarters has now entered a stalemate stage. Five of the six islands originally captured by the Navy have been taken back by the Big Mom Pirates during this period. Only Coco Island is still under the control of the Navy. , failed to be successfully recycled.

Admiral Kuzan gathered all the troops together, and the defense force on Coco Island was very strong. The Big Mom Pirates, who had been defeated once, did not attack rashly.

Charlotte Katakuri and Charlotte Cracker both fell on the battlefield at that time. Big Mom did not give up on these two capable sons and has been trying to find ways to conquer Coco Island.

If Katakuri and Clark are both dead, then the Navy Headquarters needs to pay the due price.

If these two people are just captured, then they have to find a way to rescue them. If that doesn't work, they can consider capturing some navy prisoners and use them as bargaining chips in exchange for their sons.

In short, Big Mom does not want passive defense. What she wants is a proactive strategy.

After hearing Perospero's suggestion, Big Mom glanced sideways at his eldest son, with a serious face, and it seemed that he was not satisfied.

"Brother, we don't know whether Katakuri-nii and Cracker are alive or dead. How can we, as a family, just wait stupidly like this?"

"MAMA, my ability can help the fleet break through the ice, and with the help of Prometheus, we will definitely be able to land on Coco Island."

"The previous failure was just because we didn't know enough about the navy and we were tricked!"

"This time, we are fully prepared and we will definitely be able to conquer Coco Island in one fell swoop!"

Owen's ideas were obviously different from Perospero's. This young man had a deep relationship with his brothers and made more radical suggestions.

After hearing Owen's suggestion, Big Mom's expression changed slightly, and she glanced sideways at her fourth son, her face brightening slightly.

"It will be very difficult to attack by force."

"And the people in the New Navy disappeared after that battle. I don't think those people will just leave."

"Have you read the newspapers these days? The purpose of the new navy that succeeded Kuni Enichi is unclear."

"I'm afraid they are looking for an opportunity to take action against us, all nations."

"If we force a war with the Navy Headquarters, we will give them a chance!"

Perospero's words silenced the entire venue. Big Mom has not taken action against Coco Island for a long time, not even a tentative attack. It also has this concern.

The eldest son's words accurately guessed her thoughts.


"Is the Navy really going to sit back and wait for death on Coco Island as Brother Perospero thinks?"

"We have received news that the fleet led by Admiral Kizaru is heading towards Ten Thousand Kingdoms. Waiting for them to join forces, aren't we even more passive?"

"Jigoku Enichi's figure is hiding in the darkness."

"If we can't take the initiative to open up the situation, I'm afraid we will face more than just the naval headquarters led by two naval admirals!!!"

Seeing that his MAMA was hesitant, Owen shouted anxiously, and his words caused a commotion in the venue. When the pirates heard the names of Admiral and Enichi Tsukuni, their hearts sank and they felt the pressure was heavy.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

There is no need to say anything more about how strong Tsukuni Enichi and his new navy are. Just mentioning the navy admiral is enough to make these cadres afraid.

These people have seen the strength of General Aokiji with their own eyes, and General Kizaru should not be weaker than Aokiji.

Such strong men are supporting all nations

This time, the navy is basically here for the purpose of destroying all nations!

"MAMA, how about we run away?!"

"Two admirals, and so many marines, our Katakuri-sama and Kricka-sama are both lost on the battlefield."

"What's more, there is a new navy eyeing us. If we can't win, we will definitely not win."

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly interrupted timidly, and his words attracted the attention of everyone in the room.


This is a path that no one in the Big Mom Pirates ever imagined.

"What did you say?"

The middle-aged pirate's words caught Big Mom's attention. He turned his head and Big Mom stared at the person who said these words. He slowly stood up from the "throne" and pushed him away. The people around him walked up to the man and looked at him condescendingly.



Looking up at the menacing Big Mom in front of him, the middle-aged man's legs became weak after saying the words "Escape". He subconsciously took a step back, his lips trembled slightly, and he was speechless for a moment.

"Are you telling me to run away?!"

"Let me, Charlotte Lingling, run away?"

BIGMOM clenched his fists and asked coldly.

"MA", the middle-aged pirate, saw Big Mom's appearance and finally realized that he seemed to have annoyed Big Mom. Just as he was about to explain something, a black shadow instantly enveloped his head.


The furious Big Mom didn't give anyone a chance to explain. She was so furious that she punched the man directly, and there was a loud roar on the cake island.

As Big Mom's fist slowly lifted from the ground, the middle-aged pirate had turned into a ball of flesh, mixed with dirt and gravel, making it difficult to distinguish one from the other.

"I have decided to attack Coco Island!!"

"I want to kill all the navy on the island!!"

Big Mom roared with anger in her eyes, and the order came out. Forced by Big Mom's majesty, the pirates on the island restrained their thoughts, cheered loudly, and supported Big Mom's decision.

That night, the ships of the Big Mom Pirates set sail one after another, heading towards Coco Island.

This time, BIG MOM will really take those opponents seriously and will not give them a chance!

This night, the stars were sparse and the bright moon was looming among the clouds.

The sea breeze is cold and the sea is choppy.

The wind was very strong, and judging from the weather, it seemed like it was going to rain.

In the distant sea of ​​the world, after a day of rest, Jiguoyuan woke up from his sleep at night and came to the deck. With the faint light in the sky, Jiguoyuan looked at the distant sea and gently pressed the long knife on his waist. above.

"Are you dispatched?"

Standing quietly in the wind for a long time, Jiguo Yuanyi, who was outside the sea of ​​​​the world, seemed to sense something. He stretched out his hand to smooth the red hair from his forehead and murmured softly.

"Click." A soft sound came from the direction of the cabin. Sakaski, wearing a red suit, opened the cabin door and slowly walked to the deck.

His eyes glanced at Enichi Jiguo on the side of the ship. After a brief hesitation, he stepped up to Enichi Jiguo's side.

Sensing the arrival, Ji Guoyuan slowly withdrew his gaze and chuckled:

"What? Admiral Sakaski slept uncomfortably on the ship?"

"What are you doing up on the deck so late?"

Ji Kunoyuan returned to the ship this morning. He had been on the road for several days and rested after returning. He had not officially met the admiral who was invited as a guest.

Unexpectedly, he and Sakaski would meet on such an occasion.

Really. Not formal at all.

"Wulao Xing, are you dead?"

Sakaski did not answer Jiguo Enichi's question. His eyes fell on Jiguo Enichi. There was inquiry in his eyes, and there was also an indescribable look of expectation.

I don’t know why, but someone like Sakaski has such a look in his eyes.

"." Ji Guoyuan glanced at Sakaski and noticed the other party's complicated emotions. After a brief pause, he gently shook his head and sighed: "No."

Hearing Tsukuni Enichi's answer, Sakaski's face showed a look of disappointment, but the look was fleeting, and then turned into happiness. Sakaski sneered and said:


"You really failed. I knew you wouldn't succeed!"

"Jigoku Enichi, I know what you are going to do, but there is absolutely no way you can succeed!"

With that said, Sakaski seemed to have settled something on his mind and turned around and walked towards the cabin. He came to the deck, it seemed, specifically to confirm this matter with Jiguo Yuanyi.

"Sure enough, it failed."

"You guy, you know a lot, don't you?"

Ji Guoyuan savored Sakaski's words carefully and turned his head to look at Sakaski.

"I am an admiral and I know a lot of things, isn't it natural?"

"Your failure makes me more convinced that the path I chose is the right one!"

"If even someone like you fails, then no one can succeed!"

"I have never been more convinced than now that this world needs people like me!!!"

The two guys, Sakaski and Jiguo Enichi, seemed to be in a state of silence. Many people in the New Navy who were on duty at night heard the conversation between Jiguo Enichi and Sakaski, but they didn't know. What are the two of them talking about.

Just as Sakaski was about to walk back to the cabin, Enichi Tsukuni, who was standing on the side of the ship, suddenly turned around and said to Sakaski:

"My failure is only temporary."

"My new navy and I will become an important force in changing the world."

"Sakaski, if you can't sleep, just see it with your own eyes."

"How do I change the world!"

As soon as Ji Guoyuan said this, he withdrew his gaze, and then waved to a marine not far away. When the other person approached, Ji Guoyuan said:

"Everyone, enter combat readiness."

"Tell Yixiao to go to Coco Island."

"No naval presence will be allowed outside CocoCay tonight."

As soon as Jiguoyuan said this, he gently held the long knife at his waist, jumped up and stepped on the railing. With the help of his strength, Jiguoyuan's figure immediately jumped into the air and disappeared into the vast night.

"Yes!!" The young sailor saluted in the direction where Ji Guoyuan disappeared, and then hurriedly ran into the cabin.

After a while, the siren on the Dawn warship suddenly sounded loudly. He was dressed neatly and soon came to the deck. With his arrival, the Dawn warship slowly rose from the sea and headed towards Coco Island. The direction flew quickly.


On a certain empty sea area, countless pirate ships were traveling quickly towards Coco Island under the cover of night.

In the cabin of the Queen Mother Anthem, Big Mom lay on her side on the soft big bed and fell into a deep sleep.


Big Mom, who was sleeping, suddenly felt frightened, opened her eyes suddenly, and sat up from the bed.



And at the moment when Big Mom stood up suddenly, a low buzzing sound suddenly came from the sky. This sound was dull and loud, as if it was a sigh coming from the sky.

Along with the buzzing sound, there was also the terrifying sound of thunder.

In the night sky, a golden figure appeared inexplicably above the Big Mom pirate fleet. Under the hazy moonlight, the figure quickly drew out a long knife and pointed directly at the Queen Mother's Anthem in the center of the fleet below. He swung out a slash.

The black slash was inconspicuous under the cover of the night, but the red and black lightning surrounding the slash made the pirates who were watching at night notice something unusual in the sky.

But by the time they discovered it, it was too late.

The terrifying slash shot straight down from the air, landing directly on the Queen Mother's Hymn in the blink of an eye. The slash penetrated the entire hull of the ship and then sank directly into the sea.

The sea that the pirates saw was split into two halves as the slashes fell.

As the Queen Mother Anthem was turned into two halves of wreckage in the terrifying attack, a long trench appeared on the sea.

The water flowed back into the trench, and the bottomless trench swallowed up the wreckage of the Queen Mother's Anthem in the blink of an eye, and the ship fell directly into the deep sea. The sudden appearance of the trench changed the direction of the ocean current at this moment, and all the seawater on the sea surface was poured towards this trench.

In addition to the wreckage of the Queen Mother's Anthem, some other pirate ships that were relatively close could not withstand the effect of the current. They were directly carried by the current, fell into the deep sea, and disappeared without a trace.

In just a few breaths, more than a dozen pirate ships, large and small, have been swept into the deep sea by the currents, and this number is increasing rapidly.

The pirates on the night watch immediately sounded the alarm after a brief period of confusion. For a moment, almost all the pirates were awakened, and the alarms almost became a continuous sound on the entire sea.

Above the night sky, Ji Guoyuan's golden wings were hovering in mid-air, holding a long knife in his right hand and stroking the blade with his left hand. He lowered his head slightly and looked at the sea below with slightly cold eyes.

On the sea surface, under the backflow of sea water, the trench was rapidly narrowing. Under Jiguo Yuanyi's gaze, a "red cloud" suddenly rose in the trench.

The "red cloud" turned into a stream of red light, shooting rapidly from the depths of the trench towards the sea surface. In an instant, the "red cloud" had already arrived on the sea surface.

And Ji Guoyuanyi also saw clearly what this red streamer was.

Several meters high in the air above the sea, Big Mom stood on Prometheus holding a big knife in his hand, looking around the sea below in bewilderment and looking at the scene on the sea in shock.

After a few quick glances, Big Mom suddenly raised his head and looked at the golden figure in the sky. He gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"It's you who will join the country!!!"

Night Attack Big Mom did not expect that her fleet would actually suffer a night attack.

If she hadn't suddenly woke up from her sleep tonight on a whim, she would have fallen into the deep sea at this moment.

After the seawater flows back and the trench is backfilled, a person with abilities like her will probably remain at the bottom of the sea forever!

Thinking of how he almost died, Big Mom couldn't help but feel scared, and this emotion quickly turned into raging rage.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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