One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 83 Trying to overthrow all organizations!


The tornado in Sika began to expand rapidly. Just after the tornado destroyed several nearby buildings, the tornado dissipated suddenly.

The navies on the deck of the dog-headed warship also noticed the strange scene on the island, and they all stopped and looked up. Bogart also stopped nagging, he was startled when he saw the tornado that suddenly formed and then disappeared, and whispered: "That is"

"You guessed it right. It should be Lieutenant General Garp and his son who are having a cordial exchange."

"Although there are few people living in this town, if these two fight without any scruples, it may affect innocent people."

Yuan put his hands on the railing of the deck, narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes became deep.

One is the former vice admiral, who established a revolutionary army in the future, trying to overthrow the dragon ruled by the Tianlong people, and the other is the current vice admiral, the hero Karp who is regarded as the living totem of the navy.

Will the justice in the hearts of these two people treat those innocent islanders as ants?

Such doubts had just arisen from Yuan Yi's heart, and soon there was an answer.

After the tornado suddenly disappeared, there was a deafening loud noise in the dense forest deep in the island. Following the loud noise, a hurricane shot out directly towards the surroundings, and the overflowing black thunder came from Flying out of the dense forest, it flashed across the sky above.

The hurricane passed to the port, and the doghead warship began to shake violently under the influence of the hurricane, causing ripples on the originally calm sea.

The marines standing on the deck suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure at this moment. For unknown reasons, the marines all felt their hearts sink. Some of the weaker marines only felt dizzy for a while, and collapsed on the ground involuntarily. .

The domineering bombardment in the depths of the island has already affected the sea thousands of meters away.

At this time, on the streets of Xijia Town, the residents of Xijia Island were kneeling on both sides of the main road, bowing their heads in respect and fear.

On the bluestone road, surrounded by a group of black-clothed guards, a young man wearing a bubble mask slowly walked past the residents. His St.

St. Coyce raised his chin slightly, tried hard to control the arrogance in his bones, tried to put on an approachable and friendly appearance, looked at the residents of Sijia Island who were kneeling on the ground to welcome him, and then visited the place comfortably. Sika Town.

For St. Cowes, who is used to looking at gorgeous buildings, the slightly "shabby" building in Xijia Town has a different flavor.

His current mentality is exactly the same as that of people going to the zoo to see monkeys.

"Mom, can we go back? My knees hurt so much!"

While St. Cowes was "sightseeing", an untimely voice came to his ears.

Looking intently in the direction of the sound, Saint Coyce saw a plump young woman about thirty years old hugging a five-year-old girl into her arms, comforting the girl in her arms in a low voice.

"We'll be able to go back soon, and we'll go back after the nobles leave."

"He Zi, be patient a little bit, mom knows you are the most obedient child."

The young woman patted the little girl's head and comforted her softly. And just as she finished speaking, she felt a darkness in front of her eyes.

Raising her head, the young woman saw that Saint Coyce standing in front of her, looking down at herself who was prostrate on the ground, her eyes were full of coldness.

"I'm sorry, my lord!"

The young woman hurriedly lowered her head when she saw the cold gaze of St. Cois, and while apologizing in horror, she held her daughter's head with one hand.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. If you are tired, you can take the child back to rest."

"I won't mind."

"This child is your daughter, Madam, right? She is really a cute child with a good personality."

Saint Coyce squatted down slowly, took away the woman's hand holding the child, lifted the little girl up, and said with a gentle face.

The woman raised her head and saw Cowes Sheng's approachable appearance, the panic in her eyes dissipated a little, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and said quickly:

"Not tired!"

"It is an honor in itself to welcome the nobles of the world."

"It's very kind of you to forgive your child's faux pas!"


The woman bowed her head while talking, with some joy in her tone.

Upon seeing this, St. Cois nodded, patted the girl on the head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said suddenly:

"Ma'am, your child is really cute."

"I love so much."

"I think, how about taking her back to the Holy Land Marlene Joa to raise her?"

"Of course, if you are worried, you can also go to the Holy Land together."

While speaking, Saint Cowes licked his lips, and there was a little expectation in his eyes.


"No, no, I."

Before the young woman could finish speaking, Saint Coyce interrupted directly: "I don't like being rejected. All those who reject me are dead."

"Are you trying to reject me?"

The words of St. Cois made the young woman shut her mouth subconsciously. The other kneeling residents also trembled when they heard the words, their heads bowed even lower, and they had no intention of helping.

However, although the young woman did not dare to say anything against it, she subconsciously hugged her daughter into her arms with both hands, her body trembling slightly.

St. Cois stood up and gestured to the guards behind him. Just as he was about to let the guards send the "thing" he liked back to the ship, a loud roar came from the depths of the island.

Not long after, a gust of evil wind suddenly poured into the street, blowing St. Coyce and his guards who were standing upside down.

St. Coyce staggered and was about to fall to the ground. The guards beside him were quick-eyed and quickly supported St. Coyce, and then the other guards around him also reacted and supported Coyce with all their hands and feet. St., surrounded Cowes St. in the center.

"What's going on here?!" St. Cois, who stood firm, looked in the direction of the loud noise and asked in a cold voice.

The guards didn't know the situation and didn't dare to answer. Just when St. Cois was about to send someone to investigate the situation in the center of the island, a magnetic but mocking voice suddenly fell into his ears.

"Look, this is the nobleman of the world guarded by the navy!"

"Old man, you are wrong! The navy is also wrong!"

"The justice I pursue is definitely not this kind of thing!"

"I have found a way to achieve justice, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I will definitely not return to the navy!"

St. Cowes looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a tall young man in a black cloak appearing beside him at some point, with one hand on Cowes' shoulder, he walked towards the empty The street speaks loudly.

Not long after the young man's voice fell, a middle-aged navy man wearing a white suit and a cloak of justice fell directly from the sky, and landed in the middle of the street with a "boom". The moment the middle-aged navy fell, the ground could not bear the pressure at all. , split directly.

After landing, the middle-aged navy raised his head, stared at the young man with tiger eyes, and saw that the other party was pressing a guy with a bubble mask with one hand, his face darkened, and he said in a deep voice:


"Let go of that guy."

"You know, what are you doing?"

The two people who suddenly appeared on the street at this moment were Garp and Long, father and son.

"Of course I know what I'm doing!"

"It's old man, you don't know what you're doing."

"Maintaining a false peace and protecting such aristocrats, it is you who are at fault, not me!"

"Instead of tinkering with this world, it's better to overthrow everything and start over!"

"The Volunteer Army I joined can bring a real future to the world!"

While speaking, the dragon directly grabbed St. Coyce's neck, and his body turned into a gust of wind, engulfing St. Coyce and disappearing into the street.

"Bastard!" Garp cursed in a low voice, and his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

It wasn't until Karp, Long and the others left that the guards of Coyce St. realized that the person they wanted to protect had been taken away. For a while, no one cared about the young woman and girl just now.

The guards were in a mess and chased in the direction Garp left.

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