One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 95 The world is full of evil!

What Kuzan wants to confirm is nothing more than wanting to know the real relationship between Sharon Lily and Sharon Lawrence. Another thing is to confirm whether the other party is a real pirate.

After getting along with Sharon Lily these days, it is of course impossible for the young Kuzan to have no feelings for this beautiful girl. However, Kuzan's reason is also telling him that there is a big problem with Sharon Lily's identity.

Therefore, even though Kuzan heard Sharon Lily call Sharon Lawrence with his own ears, he still had unrealistic expectations in his heart.

Even, Kuzan hoped that the opponent's attack on their navy was a misunderstanding, an understandable misunderstanding.

And after Sharon Lawrence was hit by Ji Guoyuan, his subordinates called Lawrence "King Sharon" and "Your Majesty" which made Kuzan feel hopeful.

"Are you all right? Kuzan."

"I see you were blown away by him, and you thought I had to lead the team to carry out the next mission."

Ji Guoyuan glanced at Lawrence's subordinates on the deck, and slowly put the knife back into the sheath.

Everyone who jumped onto the deck with Sharon Lawrence was overwhelmed by Ji Guoyuan's terrifying strength. After seeing Sharon Lawrence being hit by Ji Guoyuan one by one and knocked into the air, no one dared to act rashly.

When Ji Guoyuan, who successfully controlled the situation, saw that Kuzan had returned to the deck as if nothing had happened, he also joked with Kuzan, not paying attention to these "opponents" at all.

"Kuzan, as a leader, your performance just now was a bit out of control!"

"As your subordinate, I am very worried about you!"

As soon as Ji Guoyuan said it, his tone actually contained a tone of lesson.

If it weren't for others to be able to clearly see that Ji Guoyuanyi's shoulder tassels are the shoulder tassels of the school officer, and Kuzan's shoulder tassels are the shoulder tassels of the general officer. Just listening to Ji Guoyuanyi's words, I thought Ji Guoyuanyi was the leader.


"I won't be happy if you say that, Yuanyi."

Kuzan paced back to the deck, took off his hat casually, dusted off the dust, put it back on, and replied with some helplessness. At the same time, Kuzan looked past Ji Guo Yuanyi and looked at Sharon Lily at the bow of the ship.

There are complex emotions in the eyes under the sunglasses.

"Lily, can you tell me what's going on now?"

Sharon Lily did not answer Kuzan's question immediately, but turned her head to look at the sea. At this time, Sharon Lawrence had been rescued from the sea by his men and was swimming towards a submarine in front of the warship.

After being dragged onto the submarine, Sharon Lawrence regained consciousness after choking out a few mouthfuls of seawater. She wanted to stand up, but she felt the severe pain in her abdomen, and fell powerlessly on the surface of the submarine, mouthing heavily. He took a big breath of air.

Judging by Sharon Lawrence's appearance, it was obvious that he was seriously injured, but at present, his life should not be in danger.

Seeing this scene, Sharon Lily breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head, showed a wry smile at Kuzan, and said:

"They...are not pirates, they are the guards of Sharon Kingdom."

"My father, Sharon Lawrence, is the current king of Sharon Kingdom!"

"And I, Sharon Lily, am my father's second daughter."

As soon as Sharon Lily opened her mouth, she immediately dropped a piece of heavy news. When Kuzan heard this, his expression became serious, and then he looked at Ji Guoyuan.

Just now Ji Guoyuan seems to have directly cut off the arm of that King Sharon? !

Kuzan felt that this matter seemed to be an oolong.

But at this moment, Ji Guoyuan walked to the guardrail, looked at Sharon Lawrence who was rescued on the submarine at this time, and asked aloud: "Miss Lily, I can hear from your father's previous words that He had a deep hatred of the navy."

"why is that?!"

Hearing Ji Guoyuanyi's question, Kuzan also became more sober, and looked at Sharon Lily at the bow of the ship.



When Sharon Lily heard Ji Guoyuan's question, she fell silent for a while.

She didn't answer, but the guards of the Kingdom of Sharon who followed Sharon Lawrence onto the warship roared at Jiguo Yuanyi and Kuzan with righteous indignation at this moment:

"Navy! The lackeys of the Tianlong people hate the navy, shouldn't they?"

"It is because of your navy and your help to the Tianlong people that our Kingdom of Sharon has become what it is now."

"King Sharon's goal is great. Only by destroying the power of your navy in the New World will the Tianlong people's claws not be able to reach the Kingdom of Sharon, and our citizens will be able to live a normal life!"

The guards chattered in a hurry, and with just a few words, Kuzan and Ji Guoyuan fell silent at the same time.

Although the other party's words were not completely clear, but just listening to the general idea, Ji Guoyuan could roughly guess what happened in the Kingdom of Sharon.

Hearing Tianlong people, hearing the words "Tianlong people running dogs", Ji Guoyuan immediately knew where the other party's hatred for the navy came from.

"Are you a Tianlong person?" Ji Guoyuan sighed inwardly as he looked at Sharon Lawrence who was slowly standing up from the submarine.

On the deck, Sharon Lily also told Kuzan about the Kingdom of Sharon.

The Kingdom of Sharon is a kingdom established on the basis of the Jakarta Islands, located in the front of the New World. The industry that the Kingdom of Sharon relies on for its survival is the shipping industry of the port. As one of the bridgeheads in the second half of the great sea route, the ports of the Kingdom of Sharon often need to receive merchants, passengers, and even pirates from all over the world.

This large floating population made it necessary for the Sharon Kingdom to have sufficient military strength to suppress possible "unexpected" situations.

Therefore, a hundred years ago, the former King Sharon joined the world government, and while obtaining the status of a member country of the world government, he also received the protection of the navy.

Of course, the "protection" of the world government cannot be free, and providing heavenly gold to the Tianlong people is the price Sharon Kingdom needs to pay!

A hundred years ago, the trade of the Sharon Kingdom was prosperous and the economy was developed, and at that time, the heavenly gold that had to be paid was not too much.

But after hundreds of years, the appetite of the Tianlong people has increased day by day, and now, the amount of money that Sharon needs to pay is not the same amount as before.

A huge burden is placed on all the citizens of Sharon Kingdom.

And over the past few hundred years, as more and more "free" pirates went to the new world, the new world became more and more chaotic.

For a country dependent on shipping, the chaotic world environment is an economic nightmare.

It became inevitable that the heavenly gold would be cut off.

The navy, as a derivative of the power of the world government, will inevitably participate in the matter of the world government calling for the money in the sky.

While the people of the Kingdom of Sharon hated the Celestial Dragons, they would inevitably spread their hatred to the entire navy.

The Kingdom of Sharon, which intends to get rid of the shackles of the Celestial Dragons, has already started planning to resist the Celestial Dragons. Sharon Lawrence often went to sea for training when she was young, and has developed a powerful force.

This time, the navy sent a large number of warships into the new world, which made Sharon Lawrence smell the smell of war. The keen Sharon Lawrence realized that an opportunity had arisen, so he took the lead in "cleaning up" the navy in the kingdom

As for why Sharon Lily appeared on the sea, it was also because the Kingdom of Sharon encountered resistance from the navy when it was cleaning up the navy on the island.

In the chaos, someone from the Navy Branch successfully took Sharon Lily to sea, but was caught in a shipwreck after sailing in a panic. Sharon Lily, who was lucky enough to catch the ship's plank, survived until she was rescued by Kuzan.

The encounter between Sharon Lily and Kuzan was really just an accident.

As for what Lily told Kuzan before that she was the granddaughter of the contemporary King Sharon, she was actually lying to Kuzan.

The sailors on the deck listened quietly to Sharon Lily talking about the Kingdom of Sharon. The entire deck was surprisingly quiet.

The young Kuzan stood on the deck, his expression changed several times, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

And Ji Guoyuan also stood on the boat, his eyes also shifted to the distant Yajia Islands, and he remained silent for a long time.

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