One Sword Superman of One Piece World

Chapter 98 Gray people, justice with a clear conscience!

Ten minutes later, a green warship docked on the shore of Dongwu Island.

After stopping, only a few procured crew members came down from the warship, and the rest of the navy had no intention of landing.

Ji Guoyuan stood on the deck, looking at the bustling port, a little lost in thought.

After a while, Ji Guoyuan took out a phone bug from his pocket and picked up the receiver.

"Bolu Bolu~"

"Bolu Bolu~"


After a few busy tones, the other end of the phone bug was picked up, and a moderate voice came from the other side.

"Oh! Yuanyi!"

"I didn't expect you to talk to me so soon!"

"How? Have you figured it out? Are you coming to join us?"

"I knew it, a guy like you."

As soon as Ji Guoyuan heard this familiar voice, he interrupted without waiting for the other party to finish speaking: "New World, Kingdom of Sharon."

After saying this, Ji Guoyuan hung up the phone bug, and put the phone bug in his arms. After taking a few more glances at this bustling port, Ji Guoyuan turned around and walked towards the cab.

In the East China Sea, in a small town on a certain island.

Monkey D. Long was sitting on a bench at the door of a small wooden house, with his legs crossed, looking at the phone bug in his hand that had been caught in the busy tone, with a thoughtful look on his face.

At this moment, the door of the wooden house was pushed open, and a young woman walked out of the wooden house and sat down next to the dragon. Seeing Long's thoughtful expression, the young woman asked softly, "Long, what happened?!"

The woman's voice pulled Long back from his thoughts to reality, and when he saw the woman sitting beside him, a gentle smile appeared on Long's face, he gently hugged her, and whispered in her ear;

"An old, kid's phone call."

"It's the boy I mentioned to you before, the boy who was brought back to the navy by the old man."

"His phone."

While speaking, the woman showed some surprise on her face, and asked, "Is that the 'future of the navy' that father said?"

Long Wenyan nodded, and put the phone bug into his arms.

After gently hugging the young woman, Long said softly, "Sorry, I have to go out for a while."

"I think I'll be back soon."

Saying that, Long stood up and walked towards the wooden house. The young woman followed Long into the wooden house without stopping her.

After a long time, the dragon wore a cloak and walked out of the wooden house. After kissing the young woman at the door, the dragon's figure turned into a breeze and disappeared at the door of the wooden house.

The young woman stood at the door for a long time before turning around and walking back into the wooden house.

New World, Dongwu Island.

The sailors who went to the island to purchase have returned and stored the needed materials in the warehouse of the warship. At the same time, several shipwrights followed the purchased sailors to the warship.

Kuzan's "car" itself can be regarded as being in disrepair for a long time. After the previous war, this ship is already considered to be in danger.

The most severely damaged part of the hull was not the two big holes that Kuzan "chiseled" out with his body, but the slash that Colonel Ji Guoyuan released himself.

The knife he killed Sharon Lawrence not only left a knife mark on the deck, but the knife mark even spread to the hull below the deck.

In fact, in the short period of ten minutes from the sea to the port, the hull has already entered a lot of sea water. If it weren't for the short distance, the ship would have already sunk into the sea.

The navies of the Navy Headquarters basically have two-handed "repair" skills, but they are only limited to two-handed skills.

If it's just to repair the deck and the walls of the cabin, the sailors can still do it by themselves.

But such things as repairing the hull are not something that "non-professional" people like them can handle.

After several shipwrights boarded the ship, they were also surprised that the warship was damaged so badly, but considering that the ship in front of them was a warship, these shipwrights could figure it out.

After all, this is a new world.

Soon, with the help of the navy, the shipwrights began to repair the ships for the navy. While these men were repairing the ships, Ji Guoyuan took time to chat with these shipwrights.

His original intention was to learn about the Kingdom of Sharon through the mouths of the people at the bottom of the Kingdom of Sharon.

And from the answers of these grassroots people, Ji Guoyuan also got the answer he wanted.

"King! King Sharon, don't look at him with a vicious look, but he is actually a very kind person."

"It is thanks to his blessing that the citizens have their current lives."


"Nobility in the world?! Gold in the sky? Colonel, I don't know what you're asking."


"The naval branch here! I heard that closed training started some time ago, and it seems that it hasn't ended yet."


"Taxes? Colonel, I'm not very clear about what you're asking! Please stop asking."

During the chat with the shipbuilder, Ji Guoyuan got some information. Then Ji Guoyuan quietly got off the ship by himself, and secretly went to the naval branch of Sharon Kingdom.

In the evening, when the shipwrights were about to pack up and leave, Ji Guoyuan returned to the deck, and then made an appointment with these shipwrights to go on board and repair the ship tomorrow.

The damage to the warship is quite serious, and it will take three days to complete the intensive repair.

After the shipwrights left, Ji Guoyuan stood on the deck, looking at the sea, feeling inexplicable.

"Yuanyi, don't you think that the King Sharon Lawrence you killed was a good person?!"

"I heard all the conversations between you and the shipwrights. Now, do you feel regretful in your heart? You killed a good king who treated the people well!"

When Ji Guoyuan was standing on the side of the ship watching the sunset, Kuzan had arrived on the deck at some point, walked up to Ji Guoyuan, and asked aloud.

When Ji Guoyuan heard the words, he held onto the cold railing with both hands, and said without turning his head:

"I have no regrets."

"Kuzan, do you know how many people there are in the Naval Branch of the Kingdom of Sharon?"

Kuzan obviously frowned when he heard Ji Guoyuan's answer, and just about to speak, he heard Ji Guoyuan's question.

Hearing this question, Kuzan seemed to have thought of something and fell silent.

"Nearly 700 people, some young trainee sea soldiers, probably not much older than me."

"I won't say whether Lawrence is right or wrong. I only know that if Lawrence is let go, those dead navy will blame me."

As Kuzan listened, he didn't seem to digest Ji Guoyuanyi's words for a while, and asked with a frown, "Then what about the citizens of the Kingdom of Sharon?!"

"For them, you killed their beloved King Sharon, what kind of role are you?!"

"A navy of justice?!"

"If you are called justice, then what is that King Sharon who is thinking of them? Evil?!"

"If those people knew about it, wouldn't they blame you?!"

Kuzan seemed to be a little excited. He was worried about Ji Guoyuan's killing of King Sharon, not only because of Sharon Lily, but also because of the justice in his heart, which was being killed by Ji Guoyuan. behavior impacts.

Kuzan had already regarded Ji Guoyuan as his friend and partner, so when Ji Guoyuan challenged the justice in his heart, Kuzan was inevitably confused.

"Kuzan, you are really naive!"

"Human beings can never be defined by simple black or white!"

"I'm gray!"

"And the King Sharon you mentioned for the people is not a pure white rabbit, he is also gray."

"If I were me and he was him, I wouldn't do anything to him when I met him."

"But when I'm in this suit, I'm white and he has to die!"

Kuzan was silent for a long time after listening to Ji Guoyuanyi's words, and said, "So... you are a navy, so you are justice?!"


"I'm not just because I'm a navy."

"It's because my companion is a navy, so as a navy, I am justice to those who killed my companion!"

"Kuzan, your kindness makes you want to protect more people. This is what I admire about you."

"But before that, you must first be able to protect the people around you, comrades-in-arms, subordinates, and companions."

"In retrospect, Kuzan, in retrospect you were angry when you received a distress call from the branch sailors a week ago!"

"If you forget that feeling, go to the naval branch of Sharon Kingdom!"

"Kuzan, I do this with a clear conscience!"

"This is, my justice!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Guoyuan turned around and left the deck, leaving Kuzan alone, staring at the sea in a daze.

The sun was slowly setting on the western sea. At this time, it was at the moment of the alternation of day and night. At the junction of day and night, the sky was gray.

But on both sides of the junction, there are completely different scenery. On one side, there is a night sky with dots of stars, while on the other side, the afterglow of the sun illuminates the sky red.

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