One Weird Succubus

Chapter 12: Sunshine and Darling~♥

Sunshine and Darling~

Silence came to the room… and it wasn't a comfortable one, the explanation for Kelly’s headaches ensured that neither of them could feel truly at ease… not when at any point of time she could just-

‘No’ Lily shook her head, taking a deep breath and looking at her still embarrassed friend ‘She said it herself, the doctor gave her two years…’ before shaking it again and looking at the bluenette ‘I’m not letting this go past this winter… e-even if I…’

“W-what about the… inheritance?” but she had to look away from her before her mind went to… that… topic. Not realizing what came out of her mouth until she heard Kelly’s wince, making her curse mentally

“I haven't told them…” her now sunken expression felt like a punch in the heart

“G-good…! That means…” and she struggled to think about something to say that was actually good and was related to Kelly’s family… “You can drop from that stupid competition on your terms!” luckily, she managed to think of one thing

But Kelly’s face showed doubts…

“He is not-”

“You. Are. Eighteen…” and Lily crossed her arms, glaring at her “You are the one that has to sign the papers. Not him… not anymore…” Kelly struggled to find something to say, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water “You said it yourself…”

Lily held her face with care, and made sure their eyes met…

“That man is the reason why you couldn’t start the treatment…” she waited until Kelly nodded “With Sophie, there is nothing stopping you from selling all that stuff to a cousin, and then vanishing with the money” as she saw that her friend was about to interrupt her, she used her thumbs to seal her lips “He is going to be running all over the country looking-” she let go of her face and made air quotes “For ‘A boy…’ while you are going to be in New Horn having fun with us…”

She saw the glimmer of hope in her eyes, before said eyes turned teary and she had to fight her own tears from forming. So she knelt in front of her friend and tried to speak of something else while holding her hands…

“So…! What classes are you going to pick?” she just couldn’t figure out where else to take the conversation “I’m guessing that business is a no…” her friend shook her head and sighed

“Do… do you really think… that I…” Kelly gestured to herself, making Lily have a sigh of her own and nod towards the succubus

“She has magic, remember?” she looked at the ‘Sleeping’ pair next to Kelly “If you do this, he gets nothing. If you die, which you won’t, he gets nothing. The only real question to make, is if you are going to end with…” Lily bit her lips, barely catching what she was saying before actually doing it…

But Kelly looked at her with confusion on her face, causing her to blush, before looking at her own chest and back at her friend… that still looked confused…

“Ugh…” so she poked one of her breasts “Size…”

Causing Kelly’s face to ignite before cover it with both of her hands… and take at peek at Sophie’s-

“T-t-t-too…” looking away, even more red than a moment ago “T-too big…?” the doubtful tone in her voice made obvious that she couldn’t see herself having the same size as her friends, but wouldn't mind having them if they became a possibility

“M-make sure you mention that to her…” her own blush indicated that she wasn't going to do that… “A-anyway! What I’m trying to say, is that you need to think about what is best for yourself…” the silence slowly filled the room after Kelly’s nod, so she said the first thing that she could latch on, already forgetting the topic about classes “W-what is taking them so long…?” earning a glance from her still blushing friend “Time inside the Ark is accelerated, minutes here, are hours there…”

That seemed to be a good change of topic, because it got Kelly interested in how she had found that out, and that made Lily explain what had happened the day that Sophie had revealed things to Alexis and her. She got to the point where she was explaining the exercises that Amelia taught them, when Polly suddenly sat up and took a notebook out of her purse

“A One!” saying that while making sharp lines with a pencil

“Forty-five point one…” while a tired sounding Sophie rubbed her eyes

“A Two!”

“Same number…”

The two friends saw the exchange of numbers for a few minutes before both of them leaned to see the drawing: a feminine torso with large breasts, with a lot of measurements all over the place…

“What are you doing…?” Lily asked, and Polly shook as if she was jolted from a dream

“Oh!” she looked at the two friends with embarrassment in her face “Sorry for being so long in there!” she checked her phone “The explanation…! Eh…?” as she saw the time and then out to the morning sunlight coming from the window, she turned towards Sophie, who gave to her the same explanation about the Ark and time “We are going to revolutionize the industry!” making her squeal happily and hug the tall girl

“How tall I look there, is how I’ll be here eventually” who explained tiredly to the confused two “She wants to start making me a corset that’ll fit me once I’m done growing…”

Kelly blinked at that, but after a moment of contemplation she chuckled, before freezing as Sophie pulled her into a hug as she kept saying numbers that Amelia had recorded. The succubus used the time to look around at the paneling some of the walls had, and the soft green color the others walls did, paying attention to the sturdy wooden furniture of the other couches and TV stand, as her head rubbed against Kelly’s hair

Who was doing her best to not cry at the warmth she could feel coming from her, and just hugged her back

Once Sophie had started her hug, Lily smiled and moved to the kitchen. When she came back her friend was still being hugged while looking calmer, and the woman had finished a few sketches of the corset, so, both of them accepted the tea she had made with gratitude, while Sophie looked confused at the juice she had poured for her

“Some teas have caffeine, like coffee. So I don’t want to risk having the one tea that makes you drunk…” the twintailed blonde looked away while saying that, sipping her own tea while blushing lightly

“All right” Polly said after a few seconds of silence and looking at her drawings, before downing her cup “How do we get you full of mana?” igniting the faces of the other two humans in the room

“Y-you were paying attention?” Sophie also looked embarrassed, but her confusion was greater than that “I thought that you just were measuring me and giving Amelia’s clothes a new design?”

“Sophie… I can do many things at the same time…” Polly answered with a deadpan “I need to keep my clients entertained while they are just standing there and I do my work… anyway…” she shook her head “The easiest way of doing that, is hiring a sex worker- but that flinch of yours, just told me that you don’t like the idea…”

She had been right, Sophie’s reaction had been obvious and her discomfort was plain in her face, so, as she was shaking her head she looked at Kelly

“Do you have condoms?” who blanched at the question while Lily’s face burned from her spot on another couch “Right… another face that tells me everything” she had noticed the other blonde’s blush, but considering that she was Calypso’s-

“I… I’ll help…” she, and Sophie, were very surprised by what she said before turning even more red

“Thank you. I really don’t want my niece here to die like that…” doing a small effort to not tease either of the flinching girls, Polly turned to Sophie, who couldn’t meet her eyes “I wish you had told us sooner…”

“It’s… not something easy to talk about…”

And what she wasn't saying, made the situation worse in her mind…

“Maybe…” Polly gave her that point “But we are still telling everyone else when you get back at home” looking confused at what Polly had said, Sophie saw her turning towards Lily- “Would it be a bother to ask for your help today?” and she understood then…

“I… d-don’t want either of them to die…” Lily was having a hard time controlling her blushing face, it was a serious topic… but the method for helping was…

The small amount of lust that Sophie was feeling coming from Lily, was draining her self-control rather quickly…

And Lily was looking painfully cute…


Polly and Kelly had stayed for the lunch that Lily and Sophie made. Surprising Kelly by how well they worked together in the kitchen, but after making Lily blush, while Sophie smiled widely, with her comment, the woman took her to see Nia, just to have a second opinion. Yes, she was a nurse, but barring a few rare things, she knew a lot about medicine. And yes, it was also an excuse to leave the two of them alone…

Still, the seamstress knew better than to leave the sick girl alone. Besides, she could use her help explaining things to her family about Sophie’s magic, doing all that while teaching the girl about makeup and other things that she might not know about? Sounded like an efficient use of her time

Which meant that Lily had panicked and took a shower the moment they were left alone, offering a change of clothes to Sophie once she was done with her own shower. Those clothes ended being her older set of pajamas, that Lily regretted having given to her the moment she saw the slightly exposed midriff as she walked on those, also causing the succubus to get tense at the lust she could feel from the blonde… and by three in the afternoon they were staring at the TV that Lily turn off after trying to find something to watch…

Sex was supposed to happen at night after doing date-like things…! Right…? It worked like that for her mother, not that she asked much about the topic… nor she had asked about her latest date…

“Ah…” Sophie, tried to say something, but the flinch (And the spike of lust), coming from Lily made her hesitate “W-what do we say to Alexis…?” so she changed her question, causing the blonde to freeze “A-about Kelly, I mean…”

“Ugh…” she exhaled loudly while hugging her legs where she sat on the couch “I don’t know…” silence filled the room as she passed her fingers along her air-dried hair, dropping the idea of putting it on her twintails at the moment, and looked at Sophie “H-how… how many times, before you can help Kelly?” finding her voice as she pushed her question forwards

“I don’t know…” the succubus blushed slightly, trying to not pay attention to Lily’s faint scent coming from the clothes she was wearing “I have never done any of this…” she sighed and looked up, her eyes glassing for a moment “Amelia says that I need to increase my reserves, so, if the best case scenario is true, with three different days of…” she shook her head “This, I should be able to do it with the help of the ritual circle I made in the forest…”

Lilith shivered, and did her best to not try think about-

‘S-she doesn’t means three whole days, non-stop, right? Right?!’ she failed, and the succubus blushed a bit more at feeling the lust coming from the girl, that noticed how the (For now) black haired girl’s legs, pressed one against the other…

“H-how can you not know this…? It’s your body…” the blonde tried to distract herself in any way that she could think of, growing frustrated with the anxiety she was feeling…

“It’s…” Sophie’s eyes glassed again, but didn’t lasted long like that “Think of it like… circles?” Lily raised an eyebrow looking slightly amused “I’m not good with words” and Sophie pouted at her, causing a small smile to appear on her face “Anyway, the first circle is full with the magic that I use for things like this” her hair turned blue to white again, after she needlessly changed it to black, to see Polly and Kelly go home. She hadn't bothered with hiding the Ark after taking her shower “I do have a good grasp of the size of this circle, because I train a lot with it, so it has been filled and drained often and grown with time” Lily nodded showing her understanding “Another circle, the one that contains the mana that my body needs to remain healthy… has never been full…”

Lily turned towards her during the silence that followed before talking, unaware of how distracting her pajama clad legs were to the succubus as she extended them to the floor

“Wouldn't that mean that you… you have been like this since we met…? Hungry?” that was a surprisingly fitting word, the succubus had to admit… hungry for her-

“N-not exactly…” Sophie had to take a deep breath, just to shake her head afterwards at the scent that was driving her crazy, before continuing “While my body was being made, that circle got filled with some of the mana on its own, and since it needs to be Lust Mana, it had to be converted into that one, which isn't an efficient thing. All this, made Amelia unable to see the maximum size of this circle, just capable of making guesses about it” the interest in Lily’s face also was making a small mess between her legs

“A baby succubus needs that mana too?” only after seeing the taller girl biting her lip and giving her a lustful stare, is that Lily realized what she had asked and blushed… but Sophie shook her head, hard

“N-no… maybe…?” and looked away, shivering a little as she intertwined her fingers together to keep them from wandering on Lily’s- “A-according to Amelia, the succubi she has registered, give some of that mana to their babies to store during pregnancy, or while breastfeeding them… eventually they have a growth spurt before they need to gather their… own…”

Anastasia came to her mind…


Together with that dream of her having a singular horn…

“What’s wrong…?” Lily asked, having noticed her moment

“Thinking about babies…” which made Lily blush once Sophie said that looking at her directly in the eyes as she leaned forward- “Ah!” before she pulled back and shaking her head again “Ah… o- mine might be… different… since my body is the one of a succubus with extra bits”

Lily was blushing… she was certain that Sophie was about to say ‘Ours’ and she was… scared, that her first reaction had been…

“H-how do you changing someone works…?!” to get happy with the idea…? ‘W-what the fuck?!’

“I don’t know…” and the way Sophie was… staring, at her didn’t wasn't helping… she looked as if she was starving

“W-w-what do you like so much about me…?”

As she hugged her legs again, Sophie shook her head before rubbing her eyes, looking confused and horny as she struggled to speak

“I like you” her simple answer made Lily frown

“But what is the thing you like? Is it my boobs…?” fear was making her get angry to hide-

“I don’t like a thing, I like you” how Sophie being honest was making her feel…

The pain that appeared in Sophie’s face caused her heart to squeeze…

‘This… this is more than her just trying to survive… isn't it?’ and while… confused about what she was feeling, Lily continued “How would you describe me…?” Sophie was very confused by her words…

“Sunshine~” but after a moment she smiled and without realizing it, she extended a hand to touch Lily’s hair “Sometimes harsh, but always warm” While the blonde just gave her a dull stare, trying to not pay attention to the heat that she could feel coming from that hand

“That doesn’t sounds flattering…” which made Sophie stop touching her hair and lean against the couch with closed eyes

“Wasteland is… dead. Toxic clouds cover the whole world, there are no plants, no animals, just stagnation, pain, and suffering as far as you can see” and tried to explain what she meant “When I woke up in the forest, it was the first time I saw anything like it… the first time I saw a sunrise, the color of plants, of healthy dirt. The first time I could feel warm air on my skin, that didn’t came from a machine that could kill me…” she opened her eyes and both pairs of green orbs meet each other “None of that would be possible without the light that hurts a bit when you stare directly at it”

“W-where does it hurt…?” she had no idea that for an answer, Sophie would gesture to her chest…

Making her squirm in place, because she had felt like that with Alexis before…

“I… I was-” whatever she was about to say, was interrupted by energetic knocking coming from the door “K-Kelly?!” and with some panic she ran towards it, just as Sophie moved to grab her phone. A few minutes before the TV was turned off, they had received a picture of said girl with her family (They were around the table looking at clothes, while Nia looked stunned by something), and she was about to call them in fear- “Alexis?!” when Lily’s voice coming from the door made her heart speed up at the idea of having both of them…

“I have questions!” at the same time…

“Ah?!” she could hear the short girl quickly walking inside the apartment and saw her enter the kitchen as she stood up and moved closer, just behind Lily that had needed a moment to lock the door behind the girl “You were making cold brew again?!”

The brunette was walking around the table in the kitchen holding a thermos on one hand and her phone in the other. She looked slightly jittery and had a manic glow on her eyes, which didn’t seemed to help her notice that Sophie was behind Lily by the kitchen’s door

“Y-yes I did! I had to make it to see if Sophie could drink it! Because what if, it’s the differences that come from the process during common brewing, the reason why she became like she did before?” she took a sip from the thermos before placing her phone on the table. Sophie could smell the powerful beverage from where she was standing… “And I had to test it, because what if after twelve hours is too much caffeine for her? So I made a ten hours steep for her too. This is my fifteen hours one. Oh, and mom…”

Then she noticed the succubus… and blushed brightly as her eyes ran over her tall body, from her very large breasts pushing against the fabric, her exposed midriff, her wide hips, and long thick legs. Just to do the same in the opposite direction with Lily, also drinking in her appearance, from her also plump thighs, wide hips and large breasts… whose owner had frozen on the spot, with her mind desperately trying to find a way to explain why Sophie was wearing her clothes-

“Hi~” the bluenette sounding husky didn’t helped…

“Y-yes…” Alexis took another, larger, sip from her now empty thermos before placing it on the table next to her purse (Sophie noticed that the container had a mug of coffee with an ice cube on top of it, designed on the body) “Y-y-yes, t-to b-both of y-you… hi…”

It took moment for the two girls to understand what she meant by that, with Sophie being the one that did so first, because she was able to feel the growing lust coming from her. This caused her to-

“Ah~” moan, and pull the two of them into a hug, which made the two humans gasp at how burning hot, her body felt “Yes~♥” before any of them could say anything about the fever she seemed to be running, Sophie made them squeal by lifting the two of them and easily carrying them to Lily’s room, while the blonde was trying to string together a sentence that could stop her, but was unable to, before Sophie placed the two of them on the somewhat large bed, removed Alexis boots with ease (Letting them drop loudly to the floor), and looking at them from above with a smile on her blushing face “Kiss~♥” before saying that

It wasn't a command, and yet Alexis couldn’t even think of refusing to do that, so, she pulled the stuttering girl’s face closer to her and locked their lips together, making Sophie coo at the lovely sight as she could feel her lower lips getting drenched as Lily moaned into the kiss for a few seconds, before she squealed at the tongue that traced a burning path on her neck, incidentally letting Alexis tongue get inside her mouth, with her mind shutting down at the incomprehensible situation

That kiss only ended when Sophie moved on and found Alexis weakness in her neck

“Hya!” one kiss below her earlobe

“Good girls~” by then, both humans were blushing and staring between them and the succubus, with those words making them shiver and get weak on their knees, even with them laying on bed, letting Sophie easily move Alexis’ head on top of Lily’s chest, before trapping her between their boobs as she claimed the, surprised, blonde’s lips next

Both of them could feel the shivering girl’s hands moving to their breasts, making them squeal and moan into the kiss as she squeezed and rubbed against them, obviously enjoying the position she was in. Lily was just partially aware of this, because the inhumanly long tongue had started to push, pin, and pull her own, as her saliva was flowing freely into her mouth and throat with those lips sending static down the nape of her neck

‘Hya~?!’ that hot liquid was giving her a sensation that remind her of spices, in the flavor sense, not the burning pain one. And yet, she couldn’t focus on that oddity, nor on why she hadn't noticed the taste with their previous kiss: her hands had tried to grab Sophie’s arms, and she had found steel under her skin

Sophie was beautiful, she could openly admit this to herself, even if she (And Sophie herself) considered Alexis as prettier. Still, the powerful muscles that she could feel right under the supple skin, were completely against her common sense, her soft appearance shouldn’t be able of hiding such strength. Sophie was capable of pinning both of them and have her way with their bodies, and neither of them would be able to do anything against her… those slender arms, felt stronger than Lisha’s legs with her current training… there would be no escape if she were to-

‘Aaaahhhh?!!!’ why was she getting horny by that idea?!

Chuckling into the kiss, the succubus pulled back until she was sitting with her eyes sparkling with amusement and lust, while Lily tried to get her breathing back in control, also ignoring the disappointment that she felt now that Sophie wasn't-

Hya?!” but having Alexis pinch her nipples (Because she couldn’t reach Sophie anymore) caused her hips to buckle, and for the no-longer-entranced girl to pull back to sit against Sophie’s chest while gasping for air. The brunette didn’t noticed how her hands moved backwards to hold onto the succubus’ boobs on their own, she was too confused trying to understand the sound her friend… friend…? Girlfriend…? Lover…? Had made…

“We have too many clothes to continue~” Sophie’s voice felt like silk sliding along their backs, with the promise in that phrase, causing both humans to gasp and clutch their hands in front of their chest as they looked at each other. Freezing in place as they heard the sound of clothing coming from behind Alexis

Lily was the first to look at Sophie’s now exposed chest, and she became completely unable to ignore the heat coming from her lower folds, now that she could stare directly at the bountiful breasts, that had taken some of her sleep away the day she had accidentally groped one of them. The knowledge that she could grope those boobs at any point she wanted from now on, started to fight her growing desire to just let Sophie dominate her, with the rest of her mind still struggling to make sense of the insane world she was living in so suddenly

Alexis took one additional second to turn her head at the wonderful sight there, her eyes wide open with her breath stopping as she considered all the things she could do-

“Darling~♥” snapping out of her trance at the teasing tone of the bluenette’s voice with a gasp of air, that turned into a moan once the face she was looking at, got close enough for their lips to meet. Immediately opening her electrified lips to let her long tongue do whatever she wanted inside her mouth, just as her fingers moved forwards to caress and pinch those large nipples that were calling for her, moaning at the same time as Sophie at every feeling they were sharing right there, even if she was too focused on what she was touching to noticed the spice coating her mouth, until Sophie pulled back and smiled at her “Get Sunshine naked~”

And Alexis turned towards the blonde with her eyes immediately focusing on her chest, without realizing that the succubus had smoothly removed her cardigan as she leaned to pull up the pajama top of said blonde, who had the terrifying thought that Sophie could be magically mind-controlling Alexis…

‘No’ but the manic glow in the eyes of the short girl was a familiar one to her, as Alexis stared at her, comparatively, smaller breasts with the same intensity as she had stared at Sophie’s after she unhooked the frontal clasp of her bra… ‘This is hyper-caffeinated Alexis, being completely on board with this-’ “Ah~!” and everything stopped mattering once she could feel those cute lips taking her left nipple inside her mouth, her hands moving to grasp the brunette’s head as the pleasure caused by her, made her toes to curl with every suckle of her lips together with the caresses and pinches from her fingers- “Hya~♥” and her lapping tongue

“Hmm~♥!” hearing her crush moan at the taste of her nipple was doing wonders for her ego, just as feeling Alexis straddle her stomach to keep her under her, was making her wetter

“Ah~?!” with the sensation of something wet against the skin of her stomach, making her look at the succubus as she threw Alexis panties over her shoulder, both cluing her about the origin of the liquid, and causing her some dread at the feeling of those burning fingers grabbing the waistband of her pajamas- “W-wait!” those lustful eyes scared her… “S-s-stop!”

The whine of absolute pain that escaped Sophie’s lips as she froze, made Lily’s heart squeeze painfully, and Alexis concern was obvious as she stared between the two… with the succubus teary eyes screaming ‘Why?’ and…

“N-no…! No babies…!” her reminder started to felt… silly… the moment it escaped her lips…

Especially when Alexis snorted and started to suck her other nipple, making her gasp at the increased intensity of the action. She had annoyed her with her lack of trust towards Sophie. Said girl just blinked her tears away and chuckled

“I know~” smiling at her while slowly pulling both her pants and panties off at the same time “Not yet~♥” before she sighed at the lovely sight that meet her when she lifted her legs by from behind her knees and pulled them open “Beautiful~♥” both girls could feel the intensity of her gaze on their exposed lips, but Alexis own nervousness was being drowned by the enjoyment she was getting from Lily’s breasts, and the gasps and whines she coaxed out of her

Sophie burned that experience in her mind: both of their flowers were partially open by the arousal trickling out of them. Alexis starting to soak her neatly trimmed patch of hair, but not quite yet at the point of mixing with Lily’s. Details, like the two freckles on top of her Sunshine’s smoothly shaven mound, and her Darling’s cute rear, were quickly memorized, as she inhaled the sweet and minty scents coming from those two wonderful liquids, happy that they were starting to clear the fog that was clouding her mind since she got to her stage two

Any further attempts from the blonde to defend what she had said, were turned into a gasp by the hot tongue licking a blazing path from her right knee down that thigh, and her arms just could clutch her crush closer to her as she gasped at the feeling of hot breath near her outer lips. Lily squealed, loudly, upon the sudden contact of Sophie’s lips against them, with her hips buckling again, pushing those lips even harder against her core, but neither Alexis nor Sophie stopped enjoying what they were doing. The brunette was too focused on her boobs to notice, and the succubus was struggling to learn everything about Lily’s sex, slowly making out with her outer lips, before even getting her tongue involved despite how delicious her refreshing elixir was to her senses

“Hmm~♥!” it was difficult to keep herself from just going all out, and yet she knew that by doing a good job with learning what she could, would mean more sex in her future. So, she used one arm to keep one of her Sunshine’s legs under control, while her other hand started to rub one of her Darling’s thighs, who barely shivered under her touch, pushing her desire of going wild away, for the moment

Lily’s heat, taste, scent, and texture were lovely to sense. The cute moans and yelps she was making were enjoyable too, even if she wasn't entirely sure, yet, which were coming from Alexis having fun, and which were happening from her lips against her folds

‘Idea~♥’ so, she split those folds with her tongue, to add to what she was doing to the shaking girl, unaware that Alexis had just taken both nipples inside her mouth


It was such a cute sound, that it made Sophie growl with lust and skip ahead for a moment to tease the quivering entrance. Tasting more of Lily’s arousal directly, and making her lose control of her hand, that moved up along the thigh she was caressing to grope softly at Alexis’ cute butt, making the short girl mewl in surprise both from that and from how the hug that the blonde was giving her had become stronger

Sophie liked that sound too and had that hand move lower to the brunette’s aroused folds, slowly teasing the connecting point, as she barely managed to keep her tongue from entering Lily just yet. Slowly teasing upwards with the tip of her organ, making her Sunshine breath heavily the further up she moved, at the same time she started to tease Alexis’ outer lips with her thumb, hearing her mewls as the brunette shivered against the blonde’s breasts…

‘…?’ but… ‘Am I doing something wrong…?’ it took her a moment of hearing those lovely sounds for her to realize that, no, she wasn't doing anything wrong: Sophie was making them feel good… ‘Idea~♥’ she just could do better than that. So, after giving Lily’s clit a lick-

Ah~!” that made her whole body shake “Ah?!” she pulled back from both of them, making both of them look at her, just in time to blush at seeing the succubus licking her fingers, obviously enjoying how their flavors mixed on her tongue

Delicious~” and she chuckled at the blushes she could see “Both of you~” before leaning back in

““Hya~♥!”” this time her lips meet Alexis’ flower, and two of her fingers pressed against Lily’s core for a moment before spreading them open

This time she ignored the silly protesting words Alexis started to make (She was clean down there), and the confusing things Lily was doing (Her legs kept swapping between spreading further, and trying to squeeze her), in favor of licking and teasing the aroused folds in front of her. Specially the entrance to Lily, it was as if the blonde was trying to figure out, how to suck her fingers inside her, and she was perfectly happy to wait until-

Please! Get inside me!” Sophie almost choked on the sweet elixir coming from her Darling, after the blonde actually stated her desire “Ah!” but her unwillingness to part with the brunette’s folds, didn’t let her see the shook in her girlfriends’ faces at what Lily had say “Ah~!” still, she found no reason to not shove her middle finger all the way inside her in one single motion “Aaahhh~!” action that made her squeeze Sophie’s finger with all her power as her eyes rolled backwards

“Hmm~♥!” which sent a full-body shiver along the succubus, making her moan into Alexis. Who could just stare at Lily’s face while both of them mewled with pleasure, and her own core started to rub against that exploring tongue

“Whaaaa~♥?!” getting her clit stimulated like that, made her grab onto Lily’s arms and in a flash of insight she pulled, so that the two of them could kiss, while Sophie was burning that experience in their minds

The posture wasn't particularly comfortable and she was certain that maintaining it for long would meant waking up to a sore neck, but she didn’t care. Sophie was making Lily twitch with every little movement she made with her trapped finger, every attempt to curl it caused a lustful sound, trying to pull it out was met with a complete muscular contraction from the moist canal, and rubbing her clit with her thumb, was making the blonde’s legs try to crush her…

Which meant that Sophie was enjoying everything, even if she was a little stuck at the moment and couldn’t learn much more despite her continuous attempts

From Alexis she was learning quickly, her hips shook in a lovely way with every flick of her exploring tongue, and she was already making a list of where to use said organ more. Of particular interest were the underside of her clit, and inside her vagina, which made her shake the most, followed by the connection between her outer and inner lips. She just had the problem that Alexis was tight and she couldn’t reach deeper than the tip of her tongue, for the moment. The shorter girl was slowly loosening under her ministrations, so she hoped to explore more soon

“Ah~!” in the meantime, and for the next few minutes, she kept drinking her sweetness while keeping her clit under near constant stimulation from her tongue

Eventually both started to relax to the pleasure while kissing the other, and the blonde started to allow the burning finger inside her to move slightly, letting Sophie twist it a bit, but not pulling it out yet. A small part of Lily was getting frustrated at her submissiveness, she was just laying on her back and taking it. Alexis had taken control of the kiss and her tongue was dominating her own, with motions that felt learned from Sophie, and her hands kept coming back to her boobs making her squirm with pleasure in the same way that damned finger-

“Hya~♥!!!” those damned fingers, she couldn’t believe how sensitive her clit felt, now that Sophie’s finger was curling “NYA~♥!!!” that was her G-spot being touched at the same time her clit was “Yes~!!!” how was she so good at finding what made her feel good? That, and how Alexis kept moaning into their kisses, or against her breasts, were making her feel… inadequate… ‘Ah’ which explained her frustration: she wasn't doing anything

Which made her hands move down from where they were holding to her crush, sliding under her dress and the camisole under it… before freezing. Both due to Alexis reactions not matching what her hands were doing (Even if she was just rubbing her ribs…), and her own indecisiveness about…

What a way of finding out her own preferences…

“Ah~♥!” not that she could dwell on that at the moment, Sophie had managed to slide her finger out until just the tip was inside her “Ah~!” and with a singular fluid motion, got it back inside her before curling it “Hya~♥!” she liked the strength behind that thrust, to the point where she almost asked Sophie to fu- ‘Not yet! Not yet…! Not yet?!’ her desires were betraying her rational mind “Ah~?!” and that somewhat familiar heat gathering on her navel was worrying her ‘I can’t be the first one to cum! I can’t be the first one to cum!’ for, what the other two girls would call, a silly reason:

Since she had done nothing to them, she was scared of losing them…

Said fear went unnoticed by the succubus, who was enjoying the texture and the folds inside Lily now that she was letting her move, before adding another finger after a few seconds. The high pitched sounds she was making her do, were delightful, still, she was there to learn and give them pleasure. So she kept exploring with her fingers as her thumb teased her clit, and her tongue slowly moved deeper and deeper inside Alexis, who was contracting hard against her organ with every millimeter of space she claimed. Hoping to give the two of them, what everyone in the room wanted: Sophie knew how close to their orgasm they were, to her, those felt like bubbles filling with mana inside her girls

Sophie needed to pop those bubbles, they wanted to feel that pleasure

She was going to give it to them

Lily was closer to her peak, the succubus could tell that Alexis enjoying her boobs had helped immensely to that, so she focused her fingers on the spots that she knew were giving her the most pleasure, while adding just a little more strength to her motions, making the wet, lewd, noise coming from the blonde’s opening, intensify. Which had the result of making Lily finally cupping Alexis’ tiny breasts, making both of them gasp out of their current kiss

“Ah~!” making Lily “Ah~!” shiver and moan “Ah~!!!loudly, with every thrust. Starting to make unintelligible sounds, as the brunette became transfixed on her close-to-climaxing face, with her mind equally split between what she was seeing and the tongue burning her way inside her. Barely noticing her small nipples being played with “N-nnnn~!!!” Lily’s legs were shaking non-stop and she had lost control of her vaginal muscles that were twitching like crazy at the assault of those fingers that aimed perfectly at her weak points. She was still trying to not- “AAAHHH~!!!” that…

It hit her like a sledgehammer that made her scream loudly, surprising Alexis with the strong buckle of her hips, both remaining unaware of the euphoria that appeared on Sophie’s face as her hand kept her fingers rubbing against her G-spot while her thumb was messing with her clit, doing her best to prolong the pleasure of the twitching blonde. Pleasure that she could feel flowing inside her, filling her soul in ways that she hadn't been aware yet

AAAHHH~!!!” and then Alexis had her own sudden, crashing and screaming orgasm due to the movements of the tongue inside her. With her own canal squeezing the burning organ hard, and keeping the moaning succubus trapped there, getting completely surprised by the strength of the release that was making her lose control of her body

Sophie was happy as the flow, that she could feel rejuvenating her body and soul, intensified thanks to her Darling, she didn’t even noticed the accidental kick the brunette gave her on a side, because her face was too busy being trapped against her folds and moving with her hips in all directions. She also was still drinking the sweet arousal being made by Alexis, that now she could taste all over her tongue

She didn’t stop, she kept on fucking both of them, despite their moans, gasp, whines, and them asking her to stop. They could receive so much more pleasure

‘Idea~♥’ and despite that, a stray thought did managed to get her to release the two of them, revealing her drenched face to them before sucking on her equally wet fingers “Let me teach you~ Darling~” and moving forwards to hug Alexis from behind, she pulled her back until they were sitting between Lily’s legs, having her right hand being guided to the blonde’s entrance, while Sophie held the still dazed girl

“Ah~” who didn’t hesitated at all before inserting a finger inside Lily

“So wet…” nor realized what came out of her mouth, the boobs against her back were a good distraction from the mewling girl

“She is~” the bluenette licked the weak spot of her neck, causing a shiver on the dazed girl, that Lily could feel inside her “Follow my fingers~” just as with the next one, that she saw happen when Sophie entered Alexis with one “Your fingers are smaller than mine~ so~ use two for each one of mine~♥”

Lily could see the succubus’ hand moving from between the gap of her breasts, and slowly, the gasping girl started to make her sigh as her two fingers started to move, soon reaching a spot that made her bit her lips

“Harder~” and she gasped once Alexis followed that instruction, having a full-body jolt with the contact against her G-spot “See~? She likes it~ we could probably spank her~♥ and she will be moaning after the second one~” just as the blonde was about to try and protest that statement-

“Do you…?” Alexis pressed against her clit with her thumb

“Hya~♥!” hard. And she covered her face at the embarrassment, that she couldn’t deny those words

Sophie chuckled and got Alexis to look at her to share a kiss while their hands kept their motions, in and out. Once the short girl was released for air, she resumed speaking while looking at Lily

“She can stop us at any point~ she just needs to say it~♥” she curled her finger inside Alexis, who moaned as she did her best to copy the motion, adding more strength as she did it to her friend-lover-whatever. Causing her to clamp her legs around the both of them “And here she is~ liking what you are doing to her~♥” her words made the blonde’s fingers to spread open, trying to glare at the girl that was- “Want us to suck on your boobs too~?” reading her like an open book… “Answer us~♥”

Yesh~! Ah~!” and her traitorous mouth couldn’t remain silent at that command, her neglected chest was craving their touch, and she was too much of a coward to do it on her own, not in front of them… she wanted them

She chuckled again, with her large blue wings quickly coming out of her back to help them rest on top of Lily without crashing on top of her. Those wings disappeared back inside her, just as Alexis took one of her nipples inside her mouth, momentarily stopping her finger-fucking to moan at the taste, before resuming it with eagerness

The succubus on the other hand, took a moment to gaze lovingly at the beautiful sight in front of her while her hand kept teaching Alexis where and how to touch Lily, before she let her tongue trace a path around the pink, painfully aroused, tip. That still had the sweet taste of Alexis’ saliva coating it, before taking it inside her mouth

Ah~!” and sucking it, helping with turning Lily into a blabbering mess from the assault of pleasure she was receiving from them. She moaned a little while rolling the tip of the medium size nipple with her tongue, because at that point the blonde had grabbed the back of their heads and tangled her fingers on their hair, which was something that sent shivers along the succubus’ back

‘More~♥’ who also was rubbing her drenched folds against Lily’s thigh. None of them had noticed when Sophie got fully naked, Alexis’ mind only could focus on mimicking the pleasurable movements inside her, and on the breast that she was trying to milk

‘H-hair…?!’ “Ah~♥!” and Lily found Sophie’s sudden shoulder length hair, more intriguing- “Oh~!!!” but after a moan muffled by her boob, her crush added another two fingers inside her pussy “Y~yesh~!!!stretching her just a bit more than how the succubus’ fingers had done before, turning her mind into mush, and causing her hips to move in tandem with Alexis motions

Sophie giggled and released the nipple, but didn’t stopped from enjoying Lily’s body. Nuzzling against the breast before exploring it with kisses and licks, noticing how her under-boob was particular sensitive to her teeth, something that Alexis noticed and tried too, resulting on more screamed moans from the blonde, before the brunette went back to suckle and lick her nipple

Giving to the succubus the idea of feeding the two of them her milk, but she decided to leave that for another day, or asking them first: the not making babies with them, was already taking a lot of her focus

Luckily, Alexis did something to pull her attention from the tempting idea. She released the nipple that had entranced her, and moved to kiss Sophie

“Hmm~!♥” all while making the nipple, that the succubus was pleasuring, part of said messy and sloppy kiss. Making the bluenette giggle at the moan that Lily had at the sight, before pulling back and pressing their foreheads together

“Darling~♥” her burning gaze making Alexis moan in answer “Let’s kiss Sunshine too~♥”

The mentioned girl could only release a gasp before the short one was already on her face and shoving her tongue pass her lips, incidentally pressing hard against her clit. Which made her scream at the jolt of pleasure, letting Sophie enter her mouth too, and starting a, short, fight for dominance, where both humans fell under the succubus’ tempo and whims

A three-way kiss was a messy thing to do, regardless of practice, or supernatural skill level. Which meant that soon the blonde was struggling to swallow the saliva coming from the other two, with some of it escaping her mouth, only to mix with her sweat on her chin and neck

Not that Sophie was going to let the delicious mixture get wasted, as she soon was kissing and licking what had spilled out, and once Alexis was mimicking her, their mutual girlfriend was left panting and groaning loudly while being fingered. Which was a relief for the brunette, who was struggling a bit to maintain Sophie’s relentless pacing during the kiss. Still, hearing the reactions she was causing her childhood friend, made her feel good

And judging by how tired she was getting, she might need to accept Lisha’s offer for training… but that scary thought had no place to be in her current circumstances, so, it would be dealt with later…

“HIII~♥!!!” much later, as Sophie slid a finger along the nape of the blonde’s neck, making her jump in place at the feeling

“So~ that’s your weak-spot~♥” she kissed Alexis’ neck on the spot that caused a similar reaction “Good~ to~ know~” and the brunette shelved that knowledge for later, her free hand was being used to keep her stable, and the other was fingering the lovely, groaning, blushy, mess that Lily had turned into “She is getting close~♥” and her next words caused the blonde to squeak, glaring at the bluenette despite everything

“Ah~?” a small part of Alexis wondered how, she had lost track of time, yes. Still, she was on the receiving end of a pleasurable fingering too, why would Lily be closer? Her own orgasm didn’t felt that close to arriving, even if it was still growing

“Keep going~♥” but Sophie’s words didn’t cleared her doubt “Curl your fingers~♥” she curled her own, making her moan at the contact with that place “And focus on her clit~ destroy~♥ it with your thumb~♥” not that she was going to do anything else other than obey “Make~♥ her~♥ cum~♥”

And the long, throaty, groan of pleasure that her fingers caused, proved that Sophie knew of what she was talking about. To the point where the girl under them could just utter weird noises while seemingly being out of breath, before rolling her eyes backwards and-

Aaaaahhhhh~!” whimper, groan, shake and buckle her next release, pulling the two of them closer to her, while her mind burned white

“You did it~!” Sophie cheered for Alexis as her own thumb kept stimulating both of them “Good girl~” because the brunette was still doing a good job at mimicking what she was enjoying too, despite being transfixed on Lily’s face, on her lovely expression as she lost control of her body, on how warm her unfocused eyes looked, and on how tight she was squeezing her fingers

With a final groan, the blonde collapsed bonelessly on the bed, barely capable of gasping at the still moving fingers. She did shivered once Sophie spoke next…

“Sunshine~♥” who stopped and removed her fingers from the short girl to have an easy time finally removing the clothes still covering her torso “It’s Darling’s turn~♥” both of them squealed once the tall girl easily adjusted their positions on top of the bed, pulling them more to the middle of the bed, before lifting Alexis as if she had no weight, by her spread open thighs “Open wide~” and sitting her on Lily’s face once she had complied with her order, making sure that the gasping brunette held to the head of the bed, before looking at the wide green eyes looking at her from below “I’m going to guide you too~”

Just before moving between the blonde’s legs (That herself spread eagerly, even if Lily didn’t wanted to admit it to herself later), Sophie made sure that Lily’s hands were holding to Alexis’ cute butt, and used those same hands to squeeze the cheeks. Then is that she quickly moved down, before trapping the aroused clit between her lips, hearing Lily’s muffled moaning as she squeezed both of her wet thighs with her hands, keeping them open with a strength that she knew was arousing the girl

“Ah~♥!!!” with Alexis letting her own moan out, just a few moments later after Lily got started. Seeing the short haired girl starting to grind her flower against the blonde’s face, was a thing of beauty from her delightful position

Sophie did made sure of one thing: letting go of the clit to insert her long tongue deep inside Lily, just like she had done for Alexis before. That was the only thing she didn’t expected the shaking blonde to mimic, it was just a selfish moment of indulgence, before she pulled the organ out, and gave her clit a long lick along the underside of it, causing the Lily to growl, just before Alexis started to moan once that was done unto her. Which meant that the succubus could start making out with the pussy in front of her, slowly guiding Lily with her tongue for the noble mission, of getting Alexis to cum again

The way she could see Lily’s hands gripping those cheeks, told her that she was loving the idea of having Alexis on top of her, so, she used her own hands to make sure the blonde was doing what she was supposed to be doing. Increasing the pressure of her fingers on those plump thighs of her, if Alexis’ moans didn’t matched how she should be moaning, and caressing them when she was copying her own tongue and lips

Trying to not get distracted by the refreshing flavor and that wondrous feeling of being filled by the pleasure of her two girls… while also ignoring the ache her drenched pussy was feeling…

‘J~just a bit more~♥ then~ then~ I can be a bit more selfish~♥ right?’ that thought made her groan while pressing against Lily’s G-spot, using a bit more strength than before

“Hya~♥!” causing Alexis to move one of her hands from the headboard and grip Lily’s hair, with her own motions becoming wilder against the tongue inside her, and Sophie took that into account with her own teachings, leaving the blonde struggling to match the fierceness of her lovers. Still, she got so aroused by that treatment, that the succubus thought for a moment that they could make Lily orgasm again, before Alexis- “Aaahhh~!!!” but no

After one more minute of riding her face, Alexis crashed again with her whole body shaking and pressing down on top of Lily’s head. Sophie laughed when it happened, and let go of the twitching pussy to hold the brunette by her thighs again, and lift her from the suffocating girl, letting her breath raggedly, but she just held the twitching girl there, a few centimeters above the panting girl in a way that let a few droplets of Alexis’ arousal fell on her face and open mouth

Just three breaths later, Lily got the hint and moved up to make out with the still twitching vulva of their moaning girlfriend, who groaned loudly while still enjoying the mind-numbing pleasure despite the extremely embarrassing pose she was stuck with

Good girl~” Sophie praised Lily before giggling with glee. Because she was full. The flowing feeling towards inside her had stopped. She. Did. Not. Wanted. More. Inside. Her. She still wanted to have sex with them during the whole week. It was just that now, Sophie knew that having sex with her wasn't a death sentence ‘I need to cum~ I need to cum~ I need to cum~’ and that immeasurable relief ‘Ineedtocum~Ineedtocum~Ineedtocum~Ineedtocum~’ was eroding what little restrain she could muster

Alexis leaned against her bonelessly, still awake and spread open, but her eyes were unfocused in a way that told Sophie, that just a few more orgasms were going to knock her out. So she pulled her away from the licking blonde, who whined from both her own arousal, and from being separated from her crush, at least until she saw how tired she looked, then she smiled with some pride…

Until she saw Sophie’s eyes, and she shivered at the barely contained lust in those

Sophie started to move backwards from her position kneeling on top of her, releasing deep, hot, breaths. Lily couldn’t look away, painfully aware of the succubus’ arousal as it touched her, it almost felt like molten wax. The bluenette stopped briefly to laid Alexis to Lily’s left, the tired girl quickly hugging the blonde before nuzzling against her boob, thing that made the blonde happy, and hugged her back, even if she couldn’t look away…

“Ah~” because Sophie was once more between her legs running her fingers along her thighs with the same expression “Mmm~” biting her lips to hold back from biting them

If she did that, she wouldn't be able to stop until both of them were heavy with their children. But her whole body was screaming with the desire… no, the need… to mark them. She had no idea where that was coming from, and yet… her body knew how to… but…

“Not yet~” she had told them that “Not yet~” she couldn’t break their trust like that “Ah~” but… perhaps, something like a temporary mark? “Sunshine~” Sophie cupped her folds, gathering some of her arousal and she used it to spread it against Lily’s wet folds and the area of her thighs next to them “My~ Turn~ Now~

Lily’s eyes widened, gasping in shock at the movement she saw between her legs, taking her eyes away from the succubus’ own. Sophie’s aroused clit grew. Quickly turning into a club that made her whole body tense with want-

‘Aaaahhhh!!!!’ fear. She didn’t wanted that thing inside her. It would hurt. It was too big! Too thick! “Ah~!” she let its base flop against her clit and it reached her stomach! It was going to break her open! Why was she getting horny?! Again?! And why Alexis was barely reacting to it?! “Oh~?!!!” Sophie slid the whole length of the burning thing against her clit. She was going to die. That thing was going to split her in two!

“Not yet~” just before the clefted head of the pink weapon touched her clit, the succubus stopped and Lily finally paid attention to what she was saying. Then she pressed her wet legs together, squeezing them together with just an arm, making her gasp at how hot the thing felt against her skin and clit, before her other hand lifted her by the butt, holding her like that as if she weight less than Alexis-

Sophie thrust forwards and both of them moaned at the delightful feeling. Lily from the hot rod rubbing against her clit, together with the strong, meaty, slap of their hips hitting each other, and Sophie from the soft, silk-like, pressure enveloping her penis. Both of them could feel their lower lips making contact too, sharing and mixing their arousal as a form of lubricant in a, shiver inducing, vulva-to-vulva kiss. The way Lily’s boobs jiggled from the impact was lovely, and Sophie sighed with euphoria, becoming unaware of everything but two things: the pleasure of being stimulated like that, and that she couldn’t penetrate Lily yet. No matter how much her blushing face, as she stared at her gland moving back and forwards, nor how lovely her moans, were telling her that she would be happy to get filled right there and then

‘Ah…’ Her boobs were also jiggling as she slowly fucked Lily’s thighs, but the only one that truly noticed that was Alexis, whose legs sadly felt like jelly, leaving her unable to move to suck them at the moment ‘Later…’ she decided to complain, loudly, if she wasn't given the chance. Still, at the time she had easy access to the breasts of her moaning friend “Hmm~!” so, she acted on her growing desire and took one of her nipples in her mouth, while groping the other

“Hya~!!!” leaving the blonde feeling powerless… ‘Why does this feels good~?!!!’ it was odd “Ah~!” she never liked men (Not just because her feelings for Alexis), with the very few that hadn't accepted her ‘No’s and had tried to intimidate her into what they wanted, getting a shift strike on the crotch (With her mom hitting them with several lawsuits later). And there she was: getting her thighs, and clit, fucked by the enormous penis of a girl that she hadn't known for long, a girl that could do whatever to her and Alexis… but she still respected her desires, it was too soon for them to become mothers… “Ah~?!”

Then she became Inspired and realized something. Hadn't Amelia or Sophie said something about training daily? With what she knew about the Ark, that meant, that for the girl, they had met a long time ago… this made her heart squeeze painfully. She hated spending a day without even calling Alexis, if Sophie felt for them even half of how she did for Alexis-

AH~?!!!” later “AH~!!!” Sophie started to fuck her faster, and she could feel another orgasm growing inside her as her clit was being ravaged by the continuous fucking “AH~?!!!” Alexis taking both of her nipples inside her mouth, again, and trying to milk her, again, didn’t helped either. So, they could speak about… love, later “Ooohhh~!!!she had to be getting closer, Lily could remember her rubbing against her leg before, and now she was using a penis to fuck her legs… “AH~!!!

She had to be closer than her… right…?


“You feel so good~ Sunshine~


The answer came from deep inside her a few seconds later, with her body seizing violently as another loud groan of pleasure escaped from her throat. But despite how much strength she felt squeezing at Sophie’s weapon, she was still holding her on her steel-like grip, she was still kneading one of her butt cheeks, she was still fucking her clit using the arousal coming from both of them as lubricant, their pussies were still having those weird, wet, kisses-

Aaaahhhh~!!!Lily wanted that meaty rod rearranging her guts…Nya~!!!she wanted her hot load filling her wombYesh~!!!why had she said ‘No’ before?!

Sophie kept pumping and pumping the whole time she had that orgasm and didn’t stopped fucking her thighs and clit, once Lily was recovering from the climax and on her way for the next one. The blonde could feel those steel-like muscles holding her and with every wet thrust, Sophie didn’t seemed tired at all. She could fuck them all night long…

Yesh~!!!” she wanted that, she wanted to get filled full of- “Ah~?!” she was going to cum again! And Sophie still hadn't?! What were succubus made of?!

Lily tried to squeeze her legs more, but her body was tired, from both her current posture and the orgasmic onslaught that Sophie had them under. Only the fact that Sophie was gasping slightly and not saying anything anymore, was the only hint that that-

AAAHHH~!!!” Lily’s mind turned into mush again, leaving her a twitching, groaning, blabbering, mess. Which was a good thing: she had been about to tell the succubus to put a baby in her. If she had lasted nine more seconds she would have done it

As it was, her climax had enthralled Alexis, who turned to look at the penis that caused it, with just a nipple inside her mouth and pinching the other. She didn’t really wanted it touching her body, or inside her, but she found it grinding against Lily arousing, and she knew her possible girlfriend: Lily was liking it

Sophie continued to fuck the blonde for one more minute after that orgasm-

Hya~” and when compared to her girls, her own cry of release was cute and nearly silent, even if her mind was burning white at the pleasure she got from those plump, meaty, and warm pillows. The only things that made obvious what had happened, were the slight increase of pressure from her fingers, a small tenseness in her muscles, and the sudden splash of Pink that burst out of the cleft, mostly because her hips kept pumping at the same speed, without care that that she was having an orgasm all over her girls

Her release first splashed against Lily’s stomach and her breasts, before the continuous flow hit Alexis’ arm, side of her nose, hair, and finished hitting the blonde’s neck and the valley of her breasts

““Hya~?!!!”” not only the color was surprising for them. The strong smell that suddenly invaded their noses was of… spices and honey

“A-Alexis~?!!!” and to Lily’s astonishment, after the brunette took the thick fluid on her nose on a finger

“Hmm~♥” and put it in her mouth, before swallowing it… causing a moan to escape Sophie’s mouth as she kept fucking Lily’s legs “It’s sweet and spicy…”

Hya~?!!!” with that said, the short girl started to lick the cum from the blonde’s boobs, moaning at the taste of the substance gathering in her mouth “Hmm~?!!!” ‘Sweet~?!!!

“Hmm~♥!” and sharing some of it with Lily, before going back to lick more for her, and repeating to give her share

The succubus could only coo at the sight, while pushing down her desire to fill Lily. For some reason, it had increased by a lot, before she had given the blonde her latest climax, to the point where she had almost dropped the girl and fuck-

“Ah~” she shook her head and focused on keeping that need suppressed, all while her penis was grinding against Lily’s wet clit. She had just marked them once with her seed “More~” and at that moment, she was still being selfish “More~” not that a smell mark would last beyond a shower, but it did felt good, in more ways than one

So she kept going, and going. Pass Lily’s next two orgasms, making the blonde’s legs and lower back go numb from that posture… not that she was in any way capable of complaining. Those climaxes had interrupted two other attempts of her at getting pregnant by Sophie, something that, later, she was… ambivalent of… on one hand, she wasn't ready to be a mother… on the other, after her latest orgasm she got the fantasy of Alexis licking the cum out of her pussy stuck in her mind, because Lily wanted to hear her saying, that they together were tasty

Hya~” once more Sophie’s orgasmic cry was barely noticeable, only clearly obvious thanks to the, still pink, emission that hit Lily on the side of her face as she kissed Alexis, before the rest of the fluid splashed against their chests, with some of it getting, sadly, lost on the pajama shirt that she still hadn't removed completely

This second release, made Sophie laugh after a few more seconds of thrusting, before she stopped and gently lowered Lily’s hips. Moving forwards as Alexis licked the cum out of the blonde’s face, before taking one of the brunette’s cum covered nipples in her mouth

Nya~!” making her jump back a bit (Mostly due to the hand that groped her butt), exposing her other nipple to Lily, who licked some more of Sophie’s fluid from her chest and sucked the free tip of the small mound too. Both of them made the short girl mewl for a few seconds before Sophie licked some more and kissed Alexis

Putting some more of her weight on top of Lily, pressing her still hard weapon between them, making the blonde sigh at the heat that she was needing inside her. Then, Sophie did the same to her, licked cum from where it had landed on her boob, and kissing her after she had obediently opened her mouth for her to do so

If she had been capable of talking, or, of at least move her legs around the succubus’ hips. She might have collapsed Sophie’s attempts at not planting a bud in them, as it was, she became aware of the mighty (And insatiable) rod, going away, not becoming flaccid, it was turning back into a clit as their chest pressed together, spreading some pink fluid onto the succubus’ massive boobs

Much to Alexis’ delight, who moaned at the sight once their kiss was over, and sat on the bed to lick and suck at what she could. But she didn’t have much time with her chest

Lily’s gasp made her look up at Sophie’s face, and she saw what surprised the blonde: her pupils now were glowing pink

“More~♥” Sophie lifted Alexis without problems again and laid her back against Lily’s chest, spreading both of their legs to her sides again “More~♥” and both girls had the same shiver-inducing realization the moment that-

““Hya~!!!”” Sophie’s tongue and fingers were inside them once more

It was going to be a long, long~ long~ night~

And the sun hadn't set yet~


At some point of the night of…

‘Ugh…’ a day, of a week, of a year… ‘What…? How… long…?’ Lily woke up after… ‘Ah~?’ right, Sophie fucked her until she was unconscious… ‘Ugh…’ no, both of them, she got both of them knocked out, from the continuous fucking

She could still feel the places where she was certain the bluenette had imprinted her fingers… and a breeze against one of her nipples…

‘Ah~’ they felt so good ‘Ugh…’ that, made the fact that she hadn't been fucked with her penis a bit- ‘Ugh! No! No…! I’m not ready to be a mom…!’ scary… by how easily, and quickly, she had gone into a… baby fever… ‘Ugh… new rule… eating first…’ and now she was realizing that it was really late… or very early… thanks to her stomach

With that thought she opened one of her eyes, and blushed slightly at the sight of Sophie’s face as she peacefully slept away… at the soft, relaxed, smile she had… it didn’t showed any of the… the… lust that she had been showing them who knows how long ago. Then she looked down, at the source of the breeze on her nipple: Alexis was sleeping just as peacefully with their breasts around her head

Lily sighed in contentment, she was in a relationship with Alexis…! And Sophie… not that she could complain about the succubus: her body was still-

‘Ugh…’ completely satisfied sexually, to the point where it was telling her that she needed time, before getting so thoroughly fucked again… Lily sighed again, and with her whole body tingling she-

“Mnmn…” tried to move, but both of her lovers reacted to her movements: Alexis silently latched onto her nipple, freezing her in place. And Sophie groaned before dragging her closer, this made Alexis sigh in contentment too as she released the exhausted tip and nuzzle against their closer chests

‘…?!’ not that Sophie was done, Lily saw one of her wings appear from her back and cover all of them with it ‘…’ it was… ‘Warm…’ making her feel safe ‘Oh…’ no, the wing was making her realize that she had been safe from the beginning. She just had realized it then, and not when Sophie had stopped moving when she had told her to… ‘Just “Excellent” sexual partner…? Did we even managed to make her…’

Her sleepy mind managed to pull the memory of both Alexis and her licking her pussy until she came, with her calling them “Good girls~♥” the whole time, and the half remembered time where Sophie was fucking her boobs, just like she had fucked her legs before, with that one, the brunette had helped her with kneading her boobs to get a load of pink cum in her face, that all three of them had-

‘Ugh…’ getting horny was a bad idea in her still-recovering-state, so, she sighed and cuddle with both of them, doing her best to ignore the sticky feelings on her body ‘There is a… lot… to clean up…’

But that was going to be dealt the next time she woke up… and hopefully her mom was still having a good time with Selene… which would meant that she was coming back after lunch… even if the pleasurable, ghostly fingers on her legs, were making her hope that she didn’t returned until Fortune…

Eventually sleep took her, but not before the thought of: still needing to repeat that two more times at the least. Making her moan softly…


Lily almost delayed what happened in this chapter for two weeks… luckily, I just needed to throw Alexis at them to get things rolling~

Be safe! And I hope things go well for you!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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