One Weird Succubus

Chapter 9: Blue hair

Blue hair

Sleep would have taken an annoying amount of time to arrive for her, if Amelia hadn't help with getting Sophie into the Ark, letting her body go into rest without her worries about the why Alexis hadn't texted back, keeping her awake. Of course, there were many reasons for Amelia to not let her fall asleep like normal

They started to train with what words to use during rituals and contracts, making sure that the succubus became aware of the possibility that other species preferred, or disliked, certain things while talking (Like some fae not liking to be thanked), just to avoid unexpected developments in the future. Sharing an orgasm with the Primal Soul of the planet, counted as a particularly big one… this also caused Amelia to make a list of things that Sophie had to try to find the answers to, a detailed account of the mythology of the world being one of those things

But no matter how much Sophie tried to direct the conversation to ask about what was happening to the Astral Layer, Amelia was adamant to not speak about the topic, or let her go into the layer. Despite herself admitting that it was slightly difficult for her to observe it at the time, even comparing the layer to a storm of activity, unlike how it was before… seeing how that didn’t made her change her mind, she revealed that there seemed to be over one hundred ‘Nodes’ where the activity was particularly unstable, and she declared that there was a high chance of her soul being damaged if she strayed close to one

“I have two questions” eventually, her stubbornness made Amelia start to change the topic herself, not seeing any point into risking Sophie to even look into the layer “Why try to have a date with Alexis, when Ellie already offered one?”

“T-that’s…” and she was good at it… “I just assumed that you would prefer me solving the issue of being in my stage two first… wait, shouldn’t you know that already…? You can read my mind!” or at least better than Sophie was into staying on topic

“I do, but that doesn’t means I’m not going to respect your privacy, or the fact that speaking out loud has changed some of our plans so far” she gestured to the open door of her Palace “Remember that you can always close the door to keep me out” after getting a pout as an answer she continued “What are your plans for the date?”

That question made the succubus blush and cup her face with both hands

“I… I’m not sure… I was thinking about showing her my horns, but then I realized that changing my hair color was easier…” at that Amelia tapped her chin “What’s wrong?”

“I was asking about what activities you planed to do with her during the date. Or are you just going to go directly to mention the existence of magic? Does this includes talking about your need for sex?”

“Ah…” and stun her with those questions… “Ugh…” to the point where she was completely lost about what to do with her idea, because she didn’t wanted to think about Alexis as the fastest way for her to have sex “I’ll have to ask my family tomorrow… I don’t have the money to do some of the things I saw on those movies…”

“And the rest of those were identified as bad ideas by the others” Amelia added before the training continued, because she also was unable to think of ideas for her date


Anastasia gave them another early morning the next day, a bit too early according to the rest, so, once the baby was sleeping again, everyone else went back to try to sleep a bit more. Sophie was certain that she was the only one awake at the time, unwilling to go back to the Ark since her body felt rested enough… and the training felt boring after the days they had poured into the topic thanks to the Ark still being in its extra accelerated time

Which meant that she was using her phone, reading the Tarmac forum page she had found, an announcement to be specific

Mike: The ads from the companies in the list below, were removed from the page due to yesterday’s glitches. Our investigation revealed that those errors came from the ads, and not from the page. If they explain why these bugs happened, and tell us how they fixed these ads at some point, they might reappear

“Thanks Mike~” she whispered happily as her eyes were scanning the long list of company names, glad that the page was now working after suddenly collapsing while she looked at it the day before, and that Amelia was able to use the tips she found there to make the program lighter… ‘This could be a list of local Shitheads…’ it was a very interesting list… and a good distraction from knowing that she was probably going to be the one to update the thing while outside the Ark, without a ritual

[Should I start the next project?] before she answered her, Sophie arrived to the next message in the thread

Gin_Otamegane: It’s just me, or all of those are sub-companies of {BAD COMPANY}? EDIT: I forgot about Chryosalis, my bad. Good thing that this page blocks that name automatically

Following that message there were two deleted post, and while she became curious about the reason for those, she first looked for the meaning that Chryosalis held, discovering that it was a blocked page, and as for the reason the page was blocked…

Chryosalis -vs- Red Butterfly. A complete timeline by Shylt_eduardo

She found it easily. Discovering that the company was run by a Shithead, that perfectly could be compared to any other from Wasteland, who didn’t liked when people exposed his crimes on the Net. He and his companies were being investigated at the time, but he had managed to block the page by making the owner… go to a prison in his home…? (But the article she found, indicated that the owner of Chryosalis was innocent)

“Thanks Gin~” she giggled the more she read “Thanks Shylt~” and she started to look for more information about the Shithead

‘Amelia, don’t worry about an update~ tonight we start the next project~ this is a good target~’ she was grinning at how much she was going to enjoy leave him in the dust…

“Oh…” when she found something that made her hesitate for a moment “He lives in Silvermist…” far to the north, on the other side of the city from where her home was, but he still was the closest she had ever been to a Shithead… “That’s a huge house…” it made her somewhat angry that the house looked bigger than the mall, and that it was just for him and his daughter…

[Are we not going after him, then?]

‘We are…’ Sophie hummed ‘I just wasn't expecting to be this close to one of them… but I can deal with this, I just have to be careful to never be seen by him, which shouldn’t be hard when compared to… to…’ she sighed, and stood up to go to the bathroom

Stopping in front of the mirror once the door was closed…

‘This girl will die’ and pointed at her reflection, trying to think about herself from the perspective of an outsider ‘She will die if she has no sex during this month…’ she rubbed her face for a moment before looking back at the mirror ‘There are two girls, she has a decent chance of having sex with, and she can offer something in exchange to one of them, that the girl really wants…’ Sophie griped the sink and leaned forwards ‘Why is she hesitating…?’

Her eyes dropped with a sigh… to her bandaged hand…


Alexis hadn't answered by the time she was nearly done with breakfast, giving her a sad expression that made everyone wonder what had happened to her, because she had been happy by the time all of them went to try to sleep

“What do you actually do on a date…?” Sophie was aware of this, but started to entertain the idea of taking Ellie’s offer to have that date that day ‘Maybe she is busy…?’ even if she was supposed to interact with more than one of the sisters at the time, just to follow Amelia’s instructions

“Wait. What…?” Nia asked looking very confused “Who asked you in a date?” and sounding suspicious

“Ellie when we met yesterday, and before I entered the forest” that suspicion made Sophie confused too

Selene made a baffled sound, and the rest of the women looked at each other with an expression that matched the sound she made

“Sweetie, do you remember her exact words…?” her mom asked carefully…

“Hmm… she made a joke about the coffee that I drank…” Sophie focused to remember what had happened, figuring out that it could help with the memory structure in the future “After I told her about how it might have been an allergy, she apologized and offered to buy me a juice… but since I wanted to go into the forest, I asked her to do it on another day, and she said that it was a date…”

“Oh, sweetie…” Selene sighed with a smile as the others tried to not laugh “That might… she might not be talking… about a date kind of date, it might have been a… she accepting to pass time with you later, as a friend”


Sophie sunk on her seat, looking down at the nearly empty bowl of cereal… not really feeling embarrassed, it was more of a disappointment in herself from misunderstanding the other girl… but had she actually done that…? How could she explain the lust that came from Ellie? A date-like date was the best explanation to what she felt-

“Can you stand for a moment…?” Polly suddenly asked her, looking at her with critical eye. She stood from the chair with her back straight, letting the shorter woman look at her body, using her hands to measure parts of her and making the others look at Polly with a deadpan expression once she lifted her breasts while looking at, from Sophie’s point of view, to her shoulders “Are you still growing taller…?”

“Eh…?” [Yes] “Ah… maybe…?” the situation made her family look at her with astonishment… mostly

“Good thing I noticed!” Polly was pouting and crossed her arms once she released the boobs “The leather arrives tomorrow, and I was about to start with the corset…” then she turned to “Nia~, when is she going to stop growing?”

“Don't call me that…” the nurse huffed at the grin that she got back “Technically, a few years more…” and looked back at Sophie “The growth period in humans ends at twenty-one years if I remember correctly” her answer made Polly groan and pout back to the succubus

“The moment you stop growing. Tell me…” she said before moving to the baby looking up at them from her carrier “You too cutie~ I prefer to make new clothes, rather than modify old ones~” and grabbing her little hands to clap them

Anastasia didn’t seemed interested in that and instead gripped Polly’s thumbs and pulled, since she wasn't hungry yet, she started to call for her to be carried and try to push her torso up from her seat as she pulled, which Sophie did while asking a few things to Amelia, letting Polly keep trying to play with the baby

[It’s part of one of the species used to make your body, it reacting like this took me by surprise. You should reach 2.5 meters of height eventually]

‘Why? And what species it is?’ while she liked being tall, she glanced at the ceiling becoming slightly worried of hitting her head on things

[You have been in more stressful situations than I had expected so far. To put it simple, this made your body start to prepare for war-]

“You two are going to spoil her…” Theresa pouted “I don’t want her growing up to be a brat” there was no heat in her voice, and seeing how she was trying to not smile, it was obvious that she was going to make a joke out of the situation

But a notification on Sophie’s phone, distracted the girl from everything as she carefully moved to her phone- just to squeak the moment Anastasia tried to suck on one of her breasts. The others laughed at the scene, with Theresa taking her now hungry baby before long, letting her see the messages that arrived while ignoring some of the jokes she got

Big-Xis: My phone ran out of charge!

Big-Xis: Its something wrong?

Big-Xis: You mean in person?

Big-Xis: Is*

She smiled the moment she saw those messages, feeling relief that the reason for her anxiety ended being just a silly thing-

“So~ that’s why you were asking about dates~” her phone was nearly at eye level with Polly, she had that startling realization the moment her face blushed and tried to stammer a response. Everyone’s giggles stopped her from trying to think and went back to the phone

Big-Xis: Hows the baby?

Big-Xis: Lily says she wants to come

Big-Xis: If it is in person

Those lines stunned her for different reasons, first, Anastasia had complained briefly about wanting her weird milk… which was unfortunate because Nia has just made a joke about Sophie’s ‘Milk jugs’ and that was making her blush worse…

Without-the-th: Alexis spends the night in my house every now and then, you have no trouble with me going with her, right?

“Oh…” taking a deep breath she crafted her two responses

Succubus: Yes I want to talk in person, and there is no problem with Lily coming with you. Anastasia is eating right now

Succubus: Feeding? Sucking? Nursing?

“Remember to say good morning to them~” Polly suggested as she still kept reading her phone

Succubus: Good morning!

So she added that before switching from Alexis…

Succubus: Good morning!

Succubus: Of course I have no problems

To Lily… wondering again why that world had no name for anything like her species… yes, she was something that was mixed from different worlds, but-


Succubus: It’s the library a good place to meet?

But that line of thought was forgotten, as she felt really smart about the idea of how to learn more about that world, at the same time she passed time with the girls…

“This world has a name…?” Sophie winced once she heard the groans from the others in the room…


Seleson felt like an odd name to her, and she felt justified when Amelia indicated that the name of the world was supposed to be the name of its Primal Soul, and while neither knew its name, the one they got from her family sounded human made to Amelia: it lacked the power that those names normally had

But whatever feelings they might have with the name, those were pushed to the future. Lily had set the time to meet two hours later, and Sophie quickly accepted, becoming extremely nervous the moment after she agreed with it. The fact that she had no idea of how to explain magic to the two of them at the same time, turned her into a nervous mess

Her family found her state funny, in particular her saying that ‘She just wanted to talk to them…’ and helped her with the clothes for their ‘Talk’ (Black waist-high pants, white fitted top, and a different jacket that covered her arms) while snickering, or outright laughing, the whole time she was getting ready. Still they offered some advice for dates, with Selene also giving her some money just in case

Wanting to get there early, had her focused on the clock of both her phone and the one in her Palace. But she still had some time when in a flash of insight, that made her thank Ellie in her mind, she opened the Tamara’s coven page and looked for the most recent video, hoping that it would be a good way to start the conversation…

Sophie didn’t expected that the video would give her a headache that followed her until she arrived to the library…

It was just a small fragment of a video, two minutes in length that looked minuscule when compared to the many others that lasted over half an hour… in this particular video, the blonde clad in black from the banner, was holding a string that was tied to a transparent crystal. She was letting it swing above a series of cards while her eyes were covered by a strip of black fabric, her lips moved silently while a woman’s voice chuckled softly from somewhere else in the dark room she was

It was like that for a few seconds before… comparing what happened to an explosion was the closest thing that Sophie could think of…

Everything happened in a moment: the sound became filled with static, the colors took a green shade, the crystal floated up, and it launched itself somewhere out of screen, it shattered with a loud sound that almost drowned the yelp of pain from the blonde, caused by the friction of the string against her fingers (She was fine according to the description of the video). Then, the lights of the room suddenly turned on, just to start flickering immediately as someone screamed the name of the girl (Sonia, according to what the terrified voice said)

Before the video ended, she read the time the event happened on the bottom right corner… and it matched with the time where she was doing her own ritual in the forest…


[That might have been caused directly by the Primal Soul, using them to increase the mana the world has available]

‘What do I do…?’ Sophie leaned against the wall next to the door, fifteen minutes earlier than the agreed time

[I don’t understand the question, an abundance of mana in the world is a good thing]

‘I don’t want people getting hurt…’

[You also don’t want your enemies arriving to an unprepared planet, nor finding the Ark]

Sophie sighed and looked at her boots, her anger at the Shitheads, for being the cause of all her problems, increasing quickly… it took her a moment to understand what Amelia said next

[Are you regretting your previous actions?] once she did, Sophie sighed loudly

‘No… I just want… a way for people to not get hurt, I… feel responsible… it’s my fault that this world is changing’

[It’s not] after she blinked in confusion Amelia continued [One of the duties every deity has to fulfill, is making sure that souls cross towards the core of the Multiverse, they have to do anything they can in order to do this, including making deals with other deities. This is how we found this world while we were in the True Void, because I let your soul be visible during the travel while pretending you were stuck, if this Primal Soul hadn't being one of them, then we would have found a different one eventually, leading to the same, or more drastic, changes in the world] she frowned after hearing that [If you want to take the responsibility of protecting this world from your enemies, you can do it, but only do it, if you truly want to do it, not because you regret something]

She had trouble wrapping her mind around what Amelia said… leaving her wondering if she was taking the words of her Creator to the extreme…

‘Can anyone live without any kind of regret…?’ but her name being called out interrupted their conversation

Both Alexis and Lily were walking towards her from the direction of her home, not from the direction where they had gone the last time they met in that place… nor from the general direction where she remembered Lily’s apartment being. Alexis was wearing her favorite kind of dress, this one with pink flowers, and a pink cardigan, fluffier than the ones she had seen before, with Lily wearing black pants like Sophie, hers hugging her lovely hips, but she had a fluffy white turtleneck sweater covering her torso instead

“Hi~!” after a moment of surprise she waved at them, her heart taking that same moment to speed up, while seeing Alexis blushy smile aimed at her as she returned the greeting, together with Lily’s concerned glare

“What’s with the long face?” Sophie was certain that Lily had concern in her mind, but hearing that expression in a neutral voice thoroughly confused her, making her touch her face to see if she had Altered her body somehow, which made Alexis giggle a bit “Ugh… it means: why are you sad?” before the explanation made her own concern for the succubus obvious

“Oh… it’s…” who hesitated “I…” grabbed the strap of her purse… “I…”

And slumped forwards with a sigh

‘This was a mistake…’

“W-what’s wrong…?” as they walked closer, Alexis touched her arm, blushing somewhat, but looking resolute to her “Selene said that y-you wanted to talk with us?” still, her hand was shaking lightly

“I… yes, I want to talk… about…” her mouth closed, with her lips turning into a pout at her own hesitation

“Then let’s talk somewhere else…” Lily said while crossing her arms, with her own purse making the noise of glass clicking against more glass, as she did that “You are supposed to be quiet in a library…” she started to blush and looked away “And there is a cafe nearby, they have private rooms. We just need to order something without coffee for you”

Lily started to walk somewhat quickly, making Alexis pull at Sophie’s arm to catch up with the blonde. While the succubus was trying to think about what was happening

“I…! Also wanted to read about mythology…?” but only was able to think about that

“Why not just use your phone to look for that…?” Lily asked, sounding annoyed by how simple that problem could be solved while glaring over her shoulder

“Oh…” a very simple solution that escaped her mind, her stunned expression made Alexis giggle cutely and Lily looked forwards again while trying to push her blush down “Hmm… where did you two came from?”

“O-oh, we went to your house first to pick you up, Lily’s mom drove us there, but then Selene said that you already had gone out, so we walked here, while your mothers talk” Alexis said “They said something about going out with each other in a while-”

The blonde gasping and turning in place to glare at… the street behind them…? Made both of them stop talking and look at the girl with confusion, and some fear, obvious in their faces…

“It’s…! It’s that why-?!” she turned her glare at Sophie, but just seeing her face made her turn crimson, look away “T-this way!” and resume walking while grumbling about puns. Her lack of an explanation just made the other two even more confused at the outburst…

But the blush that reached Lily’s ears was refreshing to see, to the point where Sophie wanted to hug her from behind and use her tongue to-

‘Awawa!’ she shook her head to dismiss those thoughts, earning a confused look from Alexis, but she quickly returned a smile that made her blush… and gave Sophie the idea of filling both of them at the same time, Alexis with her tail, and Lily with her- ‘Awawawawa!’

“Ugh…” she just got into stage two the day before, how bad her lust was going to get?!

“What…?!” Lily snapped at her with the sound she made, quickly looking guilty once she noticed her grimace as she rubbed her face “I mean…”

“I’ll explain…” Sophie sighed, more than just a little annoyed by how horny she felt “Just… not here” she rubbed her bandaged hand

And seeing that action, made both humans look at each other with… a small amount of dread


The coffee shop was cute, and pink, and full of lace, and ribbons, and flowers, while also playing cutesy music from speakers in the main room. It was almost too much, but the bouncy miniskirts that the waitresses wore, were a very interesting distraction… not because those girls were more attractive that the girls she wanted to f- that she was spending time with…

“How would I look with one of those skirts?” but because she wanted to show them her legs wearing something like that, or just get na-. And judging by how red both of them got at the idea, they wanted to see her like that too… naked too proba- ‘Awawa!’

All three of them were seated in one of the private rooms inside the shop, those were a little less… pink than the rest of the shop and the music was little more than background noise inside it, but just like the rest of the place, it was at a comfortable temperature and the U-shaped seat around the table sunk under them, giving them a cozy feeling… or it would, if the waitress that was attending them hadn't reminded them about not having sex while in the room, and that half an hour (The time they had purchased to use the room after their orders arrived), wasn't enough time for some of the things that couples thought they could do…

Sophie agreed, in her mind, that she would need far more time that that to satisfy the two girls sitting on the other side of the table, right in front of her. But she could taste the lust, coating everything inside that room… she almost could hear moans coming from… what she guessed were, the activities the waitresses liked to do inside those rooms when they didn’t had clients… good thing the place was physically clean, otherwise she would have jumped her girls already…

“So…!” Lily shook her head to change the topic, glancing at the opaque glass door of the room, before looking at… “You are… going to speak about… that…” Sophie’s bandaged hand

“Maybe… it’s related, but not the main thing…” the succubus was mostly looking at the latch they could use to lock the door once their orders arrived instead, wanting the safety of no one suddenly getting in… at least while they had time in the clock to use the room… then she realized what she said, and winced while gesturing with her right hand “Er… well… this is the main thing, but…” feeling herself starting to panic, she quickly tried to change the topic “Ah… yesterday Ellie showed me the coven’s videos-?” starting to talk about magic anyways…

“Today’s video was crazy!!!” which was successful in making Alexis, the one closest to the door, tremble with barely controlled glee “What do you think was that?! Telekinesis?! Scrying? Some kind of magic pull that…” who slowly calmed down as the two other girls looked at her with surprise, and kind smiles on their faces “C-connect to… p-places…”

Sophie sighed at how lovely she looked while her whole face was red, and the way Lily kept smiling at her, while she was trying to send a glare to the succubus, told her that the blonde also found her cute. Still, Lily eventually focused on her, and she had to answer to the glare, that she would explain once they could lock the door, this didn’t took too long to happen, because their orders were simple, a black coffee for Alexis (Extra strong), a chocolate and coffee mix for Lily (With vanilla cookies to the side), plus a chocolate ice cream, large enough to share, ordered by Sophie (She deliberately choose it from the couple’s menu, and got an amused smile from the waitress when she requested three spoons)

With those things on the table, and the door locked

“All right…” she sighed and pushed the ice cream to the middle of the table after tasting a bit of it “It’s good…” she sighed again, not having really tasted the thing before trying to push her nerves away, waiting for them to taste the treat to speak again “Before we continue… can you promise to not…” Alexis looked concerned, and Lily gave her a hate filled glare… likely by the idea that Sophie was asking her to lie “Be scared of me…?” but both blinked in confusion at that… vulnerable tone she used as her shoulders dropped

“Why would we get scared of you?” Lily asked, glaring at her once more and taking a sip of her beverage “What we feel is sympathy at the things that happened to you in Barus, not fear aimed at you…” something must have appeared in her face as she was saying that, because her glare intensified “You are not from Barus… that’s what you want to talk about?” wrath started to bloom inside the blonde “That you are lying to everyone?” and it was obvious in her whole body

“I don’t know the name of the place where I came from” Sophie said while Alexis grabbed her friend’s arm to calm her down “I just know that I call it Wasteland” having the attention of both of them gave her some confidence to keep speaking “It’s a place filled with death and hopelessness, that I almost didn’t managed to escape from” at that point Lily took a deep breath to say something, but Sophie exhaled

And both humans flinched back as her hair exploded with color, turning from black to a gradient of dark blue at the roots, to white at the tips

“Magic is real…”

Sophie did it, she said it…! Now she just needed to tell them about her being a succubus… while Lily looked terrified and her face turned pale… at the same time Alexis trembled with absolute joy shinning in her eyes, while her mouth was stuck between a smile and a squeal trying to escape her lips

Just as she was starting to call what she did a mistake-

“Teach me!” the cute brunette found her words, snapping her friend from her shock

“I-” “No!” and Lily interrupted Sophie’s words “W-we don’t know-! What is she-?! Gah!” she slapped her own cheeks to focus, and glare at-

The shrinking, distressed, girl in front of them…

“This was a mistake…” the tone she was using hurt her heart, so, Sophie grabbed the back of her right hand “I’ll leave-” and just as she turned to run at the door

“No!” Alexis was already standing up and launching herself to hug her, she could have shaken the smaller girl off, but she froze by the idea of accidentally harming her “Nononono!” and didn’t do much to stop her from guiding her back to her seat “Lily!” she still resisted a little to not sit

“W-what do you want me to do?!” she whisper-shouted back at her friend “H-how I’m supposed to react to…?” but her words died in her throat once she saw how… mournful Sophie looked… also, it was clear that Alexis didn’t liked seeing her like that… and neither did she “Sophie… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have… please sit…?”

None of them were breathing normally, so she tried to calm down, for both the blue haired girl sake’s, and so her friend wasn't pushed down if she decided to flee… which was looking like a possibility to her…

‘Uh…?’ unaware that Sophie was surprised by Amelia’s silence, and after a few moments of Alexis trying to get her to sit, she sighed and let her do that, becoming surprised as the brunette kept pushing her deeper into the U-shaped couch to sit at her side, and even more as Lily pouted and moved to sit on Alexis’ other side. Leaving the blushing girl looking between them, looking slightly distracted by their breasts, before she shook her head and looked up at Sophie’s eyes, dispelling the little lust she was making during her distraction

“Can you teach me?” going back to the point, ignoring Lily’s wince at the idea… but the blonde didn’t said anything once Sophie looked at her, she was trying, and failing, to not glare at her… her concern for Alexis was obvious

“I still need to…” she sighed, knowing what she had to do, so she removed the jacket, becoming slightly happy that both girls glanced at her boobs for a moment, before she removed the silver pin holding her bandage, hesitating once more until the silence made her realize that Amelia still wasn't saying anything. So she rolled the cloth off her body “This is…” and revealed the Ark to them, making them gasp at…

“The fuck…?” Lily made Alexis flinch, hard, when she said that. And got a pout aimed at her “S-sorry-! It changes colors…?” but both of them were soon staring at the rainbow crystal that just… existed on the back of her hand

Sophie could feel herself relaxing a bit once she noticed the curiosity on both of their faces, so, with a sigh, she rested her head against her right arm on the table, and extended her right hand to be in front of Alexis and Lily

“The next part should be easier if you do something like this. I’m not sure myself, because I only do this when I’m sleeping so… please touch it”

Why…?” the blonde stopped Alexis immediately by holding her hand

“We will have more time to explain things if you do it” she closed her eyes then


Her question, while important, wasn't enough to stop Alexis’ other hand from reaching to the Ark as she leaned against Lily to be comfortable. Making her gasp the instant both her friend and Sophie just… fell asleep…?

“Alexis?!” with a worried tone she tried to pull her arm away from the crystal, but found the other girl’s hand to be stuck against it, and when she tried to peel her fingers off it, she also touched it. And her body rested on top of her friend’s as she-

“Welcome to the Ark of Knowledge”

“AH?!!!” suddenly was somewhere else…

Only Amelia was partially aware of the pinkish mist that emanated from the whole room they were in, and slowly was absorbed inside the succubus. But none of them were aware of the static noise that their phones were detecting


The sudden appearance of the tall, big breasted, brunette in front of her (That dressed like her mom), made Lily scream

“What took you so long?!” but a red-faced Alexis asking that while pouting at the exact moment she screamed, felt almost insulting “Amelia was waiting for you to arrive to explain magic to us!” of course, she was always intense when the topic of magic was involved, so she understood the why

“W-who…? Wha-AAAHHH?!!!” before she could finish processing that the tall brunette was Amelia, she noticed the gray skinned giant next to them

“Hi…” and the most likely reason why her friend was blushing

Sophie, the giant was Sophie… a Sophie with large bat wings coming out of her back (Blue, for some reason), that touched the wooden floor with the blunt tips of the claws those had, she also had black, blunt horns that curled backwards and above her distracting hair… she almost sighed in relief once she noticed that eyes were the same metallic green color… before getting distracted by her purple, luscious lips…

Then she noticed her… ‘Clothes…’ and her face burned red, just like Alexis’ was doing

She was wearing a singular stripe of black fabric that acted as a choker, with two other stripes of fabric coming down out of it to cover her nipples (Barely, she could see hints of blue skin to each side of the strips…), and then further down, crossing behind her stomach towards her back, before coming back to the front around her hips to cover her crotch (Formfittingly…). Then those strips of cloth moved further down, around her thighs and somehow turned into knee-high boots

To Lily, those clothes almost reminded her of a swimsuit, but after seeing the long, black and gray tail coiling behind the… made her realize that… Sophie looked… afraid…

Of her

“Ugh…” making her aware that she was already thinking of her as somethingsomeone that wasn't human… which was probably the why she had that reaction towards her… “Where are we…?” she decided to apologize for that… later, once… the madness stopped… and she could think clearly

“Amelia says that this is a multiversal library of magic!” Alexis’ words also made her aware that it would take a lot of time before she arrived to normalcy again, and after a groan while rubbing her eyes, she made a gesture for her friend to continue “That’s all she said about that, because you took too long to arrive!”

“Those ten seconds before you touched the Ark, were five minutes here, inside it” Amelia said, explaining why Alexis kept mentioning that “During that time, Sophie and I decided to show to both of you her future appearance. A simple way of explaining what I meant is: Sophie is still growing, and this should be her final height, but I’m going to be regulating it, so she arrives to it with time, instead of instantly, in order to not scare the people around” the short brunette grumbled cutely about injustices, but Lily did her best to not get distracted by her, or by the

“I don’t want to sound rude, or anything like that. I just can’t think of any other way of asking this: what are you?” she looked back at the tallest girl in the place… she was so focused on her, and her friend, that she didn’t looked around yet

Sophie sighed and looked between the two humans, it was clear that Alexis was avoiding looking at her, Lily thought that it was due to the topic of magic, but the succubus knew that it was because she was getting horny by the clothes Amelia made her wear to show off her body. Sadly, the blonde wasn't giving her the same feelings of lust that Alexis did, her expression was one of concern, so she wasn't even half as aroused… there was some lust coming out of her, but it was very little

“Sophie was a human trapped in a terrible place and circumstances, while she was fleeing it, she found this fragment of the Ark and I helped her to arrive here” Amelia took the chance to explain things, seeing how neither of the humans were able to look at the succubus for a long period of time “Since her body wasn't going to survive the trip, I used some of the magical knowledge in the Ark to create one that fit her upon arrival. You might call her species an Ark Succubus Queen, or just succubus, as a general term” Lily sighed, and Alexis looked stunned for a moment before looking at Sophie, blush as her eyes found her breasts again, and turn her face to look at Amelia, unable to speak for the moment

“That’s… a lot to unpack…” the blonde managed to calm down a bit, and organize her ideas from the beginning “Multiversal…? As in… another world?” Amelia confirmed that the two of them were in a different world previously “So, she was lying to us from the beginning…?” trying to get angry in an attempt to ignore how attractive she was… and how much Sophie’s wince hurt her

“From my point of view, Sophie hasn't lied to you. The misunderstanding about Barus came from the four of you” Lily had to admit that she couldn't remember Sophie agreeing with her coming from Barus in front of her… or saying anything that could identify her as a Barusian… and her hair color wasn't that uncommon outside of that place… but still! “And everything she has told to all of you about her previous life, is truthful. Including the egg removal tool, and the other crimes committed against her”

Mentioning that tool made the humans flinch, killing any lust and anger they were feeling at the time, making them look at Sophie with distress

“W-what else can a s-succubus do…?” Alexis suddenly asked, making Lily glad that she tried to change the topic from… that… “J-just… disguise…? As a human and… fly…?” she glanced at the wings behind Sophie with interest

“One of the reasons that I asked her to investigate the mythology of this world today, was to figure out a way of explaining things like that, more easily to her possible allies. The fact that none of you know the meaning of the word Succubus, tells me that we might have difficulties with explaining things now” hearing that, made the two friends flinch and look at each other while realizing where they had read that word for the first time… “Sophie? Do you want to explain this to them?” the succubus sighed, with her face blushing brightly

“I…” for the first time since Lily arrived, her tail uncurled and started to swing behind her, giving to them a nervous energy, making them grow concerned and have a difficult time to realize that the tail was as long as Sophie was tall “I’m strong…” with several deep breaths, the girl continued talking “Stronger than a normal human, faster too… I… I haven't tried to fly yet, too obvious… I can use magic, but I’m just a beginner” she pointed behind Lily, making both humans look

And the blonde gasped once she saw Selene’s house right there, finally noticing the bookshelves surrounding them while giving the building ample space around it, and the rainbow mist far above them. Alexis had already seen the surroundings while waiting for her friend (And trying to ignore the nearly exposed breasts nearby), but after she heard Sophie’s explanation she gasped

“That’s the largest thing I have used my magic for” Sophie explained “It’s a representation of the only place where I have felt safe…” hearing the sound the short girl made, made her wince, but she still continued “It helps my mind with some of my abilities, like disguising me faster and using less mana” at Alexis confused, and distraught, look, she explained that word “Mana is the fuel for magic and…” of course, reaching that topic made her blush “A-and I can use a few varieties of it…” Lily frowned, ignoring her own concerns, while hearing how nervous that topic made her…

“Sophie also needs to have sex to live-”


“While being an excellent sexual partner”

But that revelation made both humans squeak in surprise, seeing the succubus pout cutely at Amelia while blushing furiously, noticing how her tail now aimed at the brunette like a scorpion’s, and how her wings trembled. The two of them looked at each other, and saw how they had turned redder than Sophie

“Wait” still, Lily noticed something that made her slap her cheeks to snap out of the shock, and glare at the tall brunette “What do you mean by ‘Needs…’?” making Alexis visibly worry at her tone

“Exactly that” Sophie groaned and covered her face with both hands as her tail slapped the floor, but didn’t tried to stop her from talking “If she fails to have sex during this month, Sophie runs the risk of dying, or receiving permanent damage to her body”

Both girls froze upon hearing that

“Why did you made her a body like that?!!!” Lily reacted first with anger

“I had, and still have, limited resources available. This is a surviving fragment of the Ark of Knowledge, scattered into the void long ago, if it had been whole then I might have found a better way of creating a body for her, as it is right now, her body is the best thing I could give her” but Amelia didn’t showed any emotion towards her… which helped her fully internalize how… off… she acted, as if she was manually breathing and her body was perfectly still otherwise, every move she did so far (Which were very few) looked deliberate, and her glasses seemed stuck in place, not moving at all no matter what she did

“W-will… can Kelly help…? She is a girl, I know, but…” and Alexis…

“Let me correct you from your misunderstanding” made everyone look at her after saying that while pointing down and blushing “Two women can have sex together without problems, there is no need for penis-in-vagina sex to happen with Sophie, for her to satisfy her sexual needs. In fact, you two are perfect candidates to help her survive” all three girls blushed upon hearing that

And Alexis gasped, turning completely towards Sophie while her face burned red again and her mouth dropped once the succubus looked away with her face also turning redder

What did you do…?” Lily, obviously, noticed, and with a venom filled voice she asked the succubus

“W-we… accidentally discovered that I can… visit people in their dreams…” who winced at her tone as her tail coiled again…

“Ah…” Alexis covered her face with both hands, muffling an embarrassed scream for a few seconds before moving her hands slightly “D-d-d-do y-y-you r-really… m-mean w-what y-you s-s-said…?!” trembling from head to toe

“Yes” there was no hesitation in Sophie’s voice, her tail relaxing and enveloping her stomach a few times “You are beautiful, Darling~” and her soft smile made the humans blush even more-

“Of course she is!” Lily reacted instantly, seemingly angry at whatever had happened, but saying that as if she was used to telling her that… until Alexis turned towards her and hugged her, burying her face on her chest, then she froze slightly before returning the hug while glaring at Sophie, just not with the same intensity as before “It was just a dream… right…?” she got a nod for an answer

“It also didn’t help at all” with Amelia giving more information a moment later “She accidentally used more mana than what she gained during it” then she looked at Sophie “While this is not the reason why you are in your current stage, you should keep this in mind for the future: keep the dreams simple, to both help at maintaining the target unaware of their ability to wake up, and to use little mana”

Lily took a deep breath and rested her head against Alexis’ getting some comfort from her… friend… as she tried to calm her mind… her heart, to do the questions she wanted to ask… becoming more and more embarrassed as she realized a singular thing, that didn’t let her focus in any other question until she had an answer for…

“When Sophie said that about… babies…?” glaring at the two in front of them as she felt the hug she was receiving become tighter

“I… can change my body…” Sophie pointed down, making Lily shiver and fight her growing blush as she understood what she meant, the succubus blushing made it obvious too… “And my tail apparently can do that too…?” she said that while coiling her tail around an arm, getting the tip on her hand and playing with it using her fingers “No idea how…” what she said caused the two friends to tremble… but Lily refused to think about the why she was trembling, while Alexis wondered if she needed to use her whole tail for that…

“Additionally, Sophie will eventually be able to change other people’s bodies to more fitting ones-”

““Can you help Kelly?!”” both girls ended the hug to stare at them, hope clear in their eyes, with the rest of Lily’s expression trying to look angry

Sophie sighed and her shoulders dropped a bit, nervously playing with her tail, feeling that the answer wasn't going to be well received

“Not yet, I want to do it… I just don’t have the mana to do it” she was earnest as she said that, hoping that they believed her

Mana that you earn through sex…” the blonde’s tone made Sophie wince and nod, before looking down, feeling dejected

“It’s the most efficient way she has to regain mana, and it’s also used to keep her alive” Amelia said, noticing how Lily covered Alexis’ mouth as she was about to say something, before continuing “Sophie has other ways of earning the mana required for Kelly’s change, but they would need more than a month’s time to be completed, and wouldn't help with her needs” the succubus didn’t noticed the way both friends looked at each other

With Lily being done with the topic, for the moment, her gestures to Alexis indicated that the two of them needed to talk later. Once the short brunette accepted, she focused in her next question

“Neither of you are humans…?” she had her suspicions about Amelia and wanted to confirm them, even if Alexis’ shocked look, plus Sophie’s obvious pain, hurt her own heart

“Correct, I’m a soulless interface of the Ark of Knowledge and Sophie is a succubus. Do keep in mind that she is both sapient and sentient, so, without taking her body into account, there is very little difference between her and any other human, and that due to my constant interactions with Sophie, I will develop a soul eventually”

“W-what… what else d-do you two being in Silvermist, means for the world?” Alexis asked before Lily could say something, forcing her to meet her eyes so she could understand how much Alexis wanted to trust them

Amelia blinked…

Was that the first time she did that since they got there…?

And after giving a staff to Sophie, that appeared out of nowhere, she started explaining how mana worked in the soul of mortals, about how Seleson was magic-less, and how the world plus those living on it, were going to change unpredictably now that Sophie was there to affect mana by just existing, while helping what little mana the world had, to grow. She also explained that the video they had seen from the coven, matched with the time in which Sophie was doing some of her exercises to become stronger

Why she needs to become stronger…?” Lily asked glaring at Amelia directly in the eyes

“Animals also count among those living in this world” she answered with ease “A giant dog might not be too much trouble to tame, but fire breathing spiders might” that thought, made both girls shiver “Do not worry, those changes will take years to happen, and she already as stated that your protection is her responsibility” she gestured at Sophie, who was focused in her practice of smaller ritual circles to do inside her home

Then Alexis gasped lightly, realizing something as her eyes tracked the movements of Sophie’s breasts

“S-so… Kelly might suddenly wake up tomorrow with the right body…?!” and asked that, her eyes shinning with optimism and interest the whole time, there was also a small push to not think about dangerous things in her mind

“Unlikely, a change like that would need at least another year of optimal mana growth, and it would require some luck from Kelly’s part, for that exact random change to happen” Amelia’s explanation didn’t seemed to discouraged the short girl at all

“I’m guessing that you already answered this…” Lily asked next while crossing her arms, looking slightly resigned “How can we get magic…?” she didn’t sounded very interested in doing that, but it was obvious that she wasn't going to leave Alexis’ protection only on Sophie’s hands… “W-we also should get the others into learning magic…?” nor any of the others she cared about, of course!

“You are correct in both accounts, more people being capable of using magic will be beneficial all around. And as I said to Alexis while waiting for you, the two of you will need to focus for a long time into just gathering mana inside your souls during theoretical training, once a certain amount is achieved, then practical training can begin. Spending time with Sophie should speed up these periods, since she is the source of the mana alteration in the world” she added that, while making the succubus perk up at her name from the spot where she was doing sand circles “There is also another way for this to happen that I didn’t had the time to mention”

With a gesture Sophie quickly moved next to them, ignoring her current attempts at miniaturize the circles and how her staff vanished

“If you two enter a pact with Sophie, then she could directly give some of her mana to both of you. You two could be able to use it as your own, to cast spells for as long as you maintain the pact, but considering how little mana Sophie has available right now, this could hamper her growth”

“And this ‘Pact’ would be sex…” Lily assumed with a glare at the horned girl, who winced and looked away

“Correct, pacts involve things that are needed, or wanted, by both parties involved” Lily kept glaring at Sophie after hearing that “Are you afraid that in this case, Sophie can take that mana away if she becomes displeased with you at any point-?”

“I would never do that!”

Sophie’s shout was loud, making the humans jump a bit, she couldn't accept the idea of them having the mere idea that she would do something like that to either of them. Meeting their eyes made Alexis look away while blushing, that was lovely to see, as always, and Lily looked slightly more calm…

“Wait!” for a moment, before she thought of something that made her pale “You make drones?!” that word made Alexis and Sophie look at her in confusion by how… random it felt

“The Queen in her species’ name, is a reference to her being the first of her species” luckily, Amelia could fix that misunderstanding quickly “Sophie lacks the pheromone emitters, and the brain structures required for the control of drones. She has several natural advantages for taking care of children, but none of those could be applied to drone maintenance. You don’t have to worry about that” after several seconds of silence, in which Lily looked relieved, the succubus spoke

“You… you thought I was a bee…?” giggling after she remembered them from the biology book, and the cute look of embarrassment that came to Lily’s face… “Don't worry~ I’ll take good care of our babies~” made her drop her guard…

And let her inner thoughts escape her mouth unfiltered, with all the lust she was trying to restrain showing briefly in her face. Turning the two humans into two blushing, shivering, and lustful bundles… then she clapped her hand over her mouth as she herself blushed, and stared pleadingly at Amelia while her tail slapped the floor

“Yes, you said that” who had no trouble understanding her muffled groans due to being able to read her mind “Yes, that was due to you being in stage two, and I’m still receiving the information from your body, you still have a month before stage three. I did told you that your instinct to have sex was going to become stronger as time moved on” with a final groan from the succubus Lily finally got her face under control-

“Y-y-you-!” slightly… “You have an idea of how difficult is to raise a baby?!” but she found her voice after a moment

“I’m helping with Anastasia…?” Sophie said after blinking in confusion

“T-that’s not just you! The others are also helping Theresa!” she took a deep breath, ignoring the ‘I know’ that Sophie said “You need a lot of money! And time! And clothes! And food! And more money for schools!” instead she got closer to her and jabbed her finger against her with every new topic that she was saying “And medicines! And toys! And books! And your own house!”

What followed were a pair of hours where an angry, and blushing, Lily screamed everything she knew about family planning to Sophie, with Alexis joining eventually after Sophie mentioned her plan for a program to steal money from Shitheads…

Her mother got money stolen from her, by someone she trusted, so…

The normally shy girl had opinions about stealing… still, her angry face made Sophie very horny…

““Sophie!”” which was obvious…


Eventually, after they made sure Sophie understood the points they were trying to make, and she answered that if the three of them had sex, it could be without the intent to make babies, the two flustered humans learned a few exercises for them to gather mana inside their souls from Amelia, while Sophie was punished by making her sit on the floor with her legs under her, and being ignored by the two of them

Alexis looked sad for a while, but the magic class she was receiving distracted her eventually…

“That went well” Amelia said once the two girls left the Ark and Sophie stood up, glaring at her “I do mean it, they seem to be receptive to your current struggle”

“I hope so…” Sophie sighed mournfully “Are you sure that not mentioning the Primal Soul was a good idea…? What about the Shitheads?”

“We didn’t revealed any information that deities normally don’t want to be known, so, we shouldn’t earn the Primal Soul’s animosity by telling them what we did. Besides, we have fifty years before your enemies become a possibility, they can be explained later”

Sophie had entered the Ark first, which gave Amelia enough time to tell her to play along with what she was saying, and to not reveal anything related to gods, or her enemies… it torn her to keep quiet about that last thing… it felt too important to not mention…

Like the kind of lie that could make Lily hate her forever… and she had done it…

“W-why…?” part of her knew that she was going to regret doing what she did… but she still chose to change the topic “How can the Primal Soul learn what we did?” Amelia lifted two fingers and a silver string appeared tied to both of them

“By using the natural connections caused by faith, these Strings of Inspiration can be used by deities to guide people in certain ways, that’s why Lily asked about Drones when she did. And since they also transmit information to the deities, the Primal Soul is now aware of what we told them today”

“All the more reason to tell them about the Shitheads!” Sophie said growing more frustrated at what she did… “W-what about my family?!”

Amelia blinked, somehow giving to Sophie the feeling that she was surprised

“I told the Primal Soul the truth while talking with them, your mates didn’t noticed, or were affected, by me using the Strings to do that” but she still calmly said that “I also explained to it why I cut any attempts it had to communicate directly with me” Sophie hesitated upon hearing that “We can talk about what she said at night, we don’t want them to realize you are still here”

With a blink Sophie opened her eyes to see the two girls looking surprised by the room where they were, hugging each other without realizing it

“You get used to it~” in their state they looked the cutest she had seen them be together, their small gasps of surprise at her words were also very cute, and she smiled while stretching her body from the posture she had for the last nineteen minutes, according to her Palace. Once both of them had glanced at her boobs for enough time, she lowered her arms to pull their beverages and the ice cream towards them, and started to wrap and secure the Ark

“T-that… actually happened…” Lily had stared at her hand the whole time she was hiding it after taking a glance at her phone to see the time, Alexis, in the meantime, had finished her coffee and took a few deep breaths before smiling… and starting to tremble with excitement- “Alexis…” but before she could said something to Sophie, Lily pulled her closer to her

“Lily…?” and while she looked confused by her friend, Sophie noticed how the blonde looked resolute at the ceiling, before turning into a blushy mess as she turned to the girl between them “Hmm-?!”

“Hmm!” and closed the distance between their lips

Sophie had made a mistake. Now is that they looked the cutest she had ever seen them be, the gorgeous blush they shared made her lick her lips, wishing to join lips with both of them at the time… and yet, she knew that Lily needed to have this moment between the two of them, that she would regret not doing this now, so, Sophie decided to just engrave the beautiful sight in her mind

Specially when the blonde squeaked in surprise when Alexis pushed her tongue pass their lips and into her mouth, with her thin hands pulling Lily’s head closer as their lips pushed and pulled against each other. The lust they were giving around them, made the succubus sigh with happiness, an action that made the kissing girls shiver and moan softly as they remembered she was right there

Their kiss ended with both of them turning towards her, flustered by her happy smile

“Beautiful~♥” the intent in which she was looking at both of them, was obvious. Her leaning towards them with a smile- “Can I~♥?” and whispering that… felt almost unnecessary

“W-w-w-w-w-wait!!!” Lily reacted first and her hand reached to grab her shoulder-

“Ah~♥” her boob

“Hya?!” Lily missed and squeezed her right boob for a moment, just a moment, but that was enough to push the succubus over the edge of her self control

Sophie giggled and trapped Alexis between their breasts while pulling Lily towards her so their lips could meet too. To the succubus, her lips were delightfully soft, and she released a moan as her tongue pushed pass them immediately and pressed against the blonde’s, almost getting drunk on the minty and sweet taste she could feel. Both girls trembled at the entrancing noise she made, eliciting one of them from Lily as her tongue explored briefly, before pulling back with a gasp for air

Lily was the one that needed it, her surprise grope had caught her completely out of guard and her breath now was ragged, and her mind desperately needed to reboot, from both the kiss she had given her crush, and from the… how was Sophie. That. Good at kissing?!!!

Another giggle at that cute expression, was the only warning Alexis had before she was released from the soft, yet firm, prison her head had been for those… she had lost track of time, she just knew that she had enjoyed that, far more than a friend should-

“Hmm~♥” and now Sophie was kissing her… neither of them were doing this, in a friendly way, were they…?

“Hmm~?!” specially because she was being pushed against Lily’s softness, while the pressure of Sophie’s lips against hers, plus her exploring tongue, felt awfully familiar

To Sophie, Alexis’ mouth gave her a sweet taste first and then a minty one, making her happy to confirm that her Darling was as sweet as she believed, and completely enjoying how their tastes mixed so perfectly to her senses, while her tongue explored, pushed and pulled the tongue of the brunette. Briefly letting go of Lily with a hand, so she could let Alexis grope her other breast, because she had felt a bit of envy from the girl when Lily-


“Ah!” just as she was going to let Alexis take a breath and enjoy more of her boobs, while pulling Lily closer for more, Amelia’s voice cut through her lust, and she pulled back with a gasp. Her heart clenching in equal parts frustration, and fear at their possible reactions to her losing control

Her heartbeat was fast and hard, her whole body trembling as she fully let go of Lily’s body and moved away from them, not feeling any relief at how dazed both of them looked… after she…

Just as she was about to drag herself along the whole seat to get to the door, Alexis grabbed her shirt and pulled her back to them. Her face was burning red, and she couldn't look at her in the eyes… but the moment Lily leaned to pull Sophie closer to them, she understood that… at the very least, she shouldn’t run from them…

“A… Alexis…” Lily was the first to speak, not looking at either of the girls “C-can you c-come to my h-house…? W-we need to… talk…” taking a shaky breath, she tried to say an important thing… “Sophie… h-how are you… t-that good at k-kissing…?” and failed to do it…

“Excellent sexual partner…” Sophie’s whisper felt too loud inside the room

“D-do you even l-like us? Or-” Lily failed to say, what she knew she had to say, again…

I do!” and the pained expression Sophie show them, was enough for Lily to call herself an idiot “I really do!” the tears that almost started to fall, were almost making her feel like a monster

So, she did the only thing she could think of, and pulled Sophie closer to them… not realizing that Alexis was trapped once more between their breasts during the hug, she just knew that both of them were hugging her…

“S-sorry…” still, it took her an embarrassing amount of time to to finally apologize for the last thing she said… “I… I wasn't expecting any of this…”

Lily became worried once Sophie pulled back, missing her perfume immediately, before realizing that the girl’s face was red, and she was panting a little. She hugged Alexis while looking at Sophie shake her head hard, and eat a lot of the melting ice cream… to cool off, she realized with a start

“N-neither I…” Sophie sighed, still not looking at them while placing the remaining ice cream near them and playing with her hands

“Y-your body… it’s d-difficult to manage…?” Alexis breathlessly asked, shivering against Lily while still leaning against her

“O-only with you five… I think… ugh, this… feeling is stronger than I thought…” she covered her face with both her hands

““Five…?”” the girls asked at the same time, before looking at each other with wide eyes…

“I… like Ellie too? I think… I… sorry, my heart goes crazy with all of you… I’m… not sure about Log…” something that Sophie didn’t noticed because she was still covering her face

There was a moment were Alexis and Lily perfectly knew, how many things were going to happen if they remained close to Sophie, and everything they would need to do if-

“We have five minutes left” but that moment was cut short as Sophie straightened in place and looked at the door, where a moment later, the silhouette of the waitress appeared… and seemed to lean to heard what was happening inside… “We have five minutes left” Sophie repeated slightly louder, making the silhouette flinch

“C-correct~! Do you wish for anything else~? How about an extension~?” who sounded professional, and was completely ignoring that she was caught

Lily confirmed that they were fine and that they were going to go soon, making the young woman leave them. Then, Sophie spoke again

“Amelia says that she came ten minutes ago, but didn’t said anything, just eavesdropped on us” the two girls huffed at that, and with a shake of her head Alexis changed the topic

“C-can you really help Kelly?”

“Yes” Sophie said without hesitation “I will help her have the body she deserves, even if she likes boys, or something like that…” she did said that with some pain in her voice, that made her look down and miss the look the two girls shared

“All right…” Lily sighed and rubbed her face “We need to talk by ourselves…” unable to hide her blush “O-on… e-either Stars, or, Judgment… we’ll give you an answer…?” she looked at Alexis and the brunette nodded shyly, not looking at either of them “S-so! Let’s finish this quick…” and Lily tried to finish with the topic for now, and gestured to their food

Which… for some reason, gave Sophie some hope that she hadn't pushed them away


This chapter got delayed by problems in the building

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