One Word Changed, Characters in Chaos

Chapter 149 - 126: This Is the Place

Chapter 149: Chapter 126: This Is the Place

Pei Yue left in a hurry.

Ye Bingtong then turned to Luo Li, her pupils pitch-black, “Are you going out too?”

Luo Li inexplicably felt a bit panicked.

In his eyes, the current Ye Bingtong seemed even more terrifying than Lin Yun when she was ill.

He tried to calm himself and said, “Haven’t you said it yourself? I have nowhere to retreat to. Where could I possibly run?”

He did want to escape, truth be told.

However, if he inadvertently triggered Ye Bingtong into a frenzy, he would be unable to handle it.

There would be plenty of opportunities to leave later on.

Ye Bingtong then emotionlessly shifted her gaze away.

She wasn’t a fool, either.

Pei Yue’s hesitation, Luo Li’s regret—she saw it all crystal clear.

But still.

If they were grasshoppers on the same rope, did they think they could cast her aside?

No way!


When the wrong video was sent out previously, Xuanjia had even called to curse her, but at least they were willing to curse.

This time, with the scandal blowing up, not a single call came from their side.

Did they… also want to give up on her?

Ye Bingtong took a deep breath and called that Manager Chen.

After several attempts, all she got was a busy tone.

Ye Bingtong bit her lip; she had been blocked!

The whole incident this time was planned against Ye Xiao, against Lin Yun, against the ‘Dark Night’.


Everyone wanted to abandon her, to cast her out as the scapegoat?

Unacceptable, she couldn’t just admit defeat like that!

As Ye Xiao watched the plot unfold, his demeanor completely relaxed, and Lin Yun even thoughtfully prepared some sunflower seeds for him; the two cracked seeds and watched the gossip.

Occasionally discussing it.

“Nowadays, netizens are really becoming more talented. Ye Bingtong’s meme video seems to be even more exciting than Chen Yueyue and Bai Shilan’s.”

“It is indeed exciting.”

“Xiaoyun, haven’t you seen those two? Come on, I’ll dig them up for you.”

Ye Xiao had already watched them many times.

Watching them now, he still ended up in stitches with Lin Yun.

Ye Xiao even felt a sense of achievement.

At this point.

Three out of four books’ heroines already had their own meme videos.

Only the last one was left!

Sooner or later, she would arrange for it.

While admiring the netizens’ talents, Ye Xiao also occasionally checked on the book about Ye Bingtong.


He thought he would have to spend quite a few chances to change the text to get through this wave of slander.

After all.

He couldn’t notify his allies in advance and had largely to rely on himself.

Who would have thought!

Though he couldn’t reveal the plans, big brother and the others were powerful enough and reacted so quickly.

Ye Bingtong’s little tricks simply couldn’t stir a wave.

The book described with some enraged tone that the professional who had indisputably verified the authenticity of Ye Bingtong’s video was none other than Gu Yan!

The Gu Family owned a high-tech company, and such trivial tasks were incredibly simple for Gu Yan.

In the description of the book, it seemed as if the Ye Family and Gu Yan were some sort of arch-villains, scheming with all their might just to frame the innocent heroine.

Yet as Ye Xiao read this, he could only think of laughter.

The more hysterical the tone of the book was, the more it proved how terribly the plot had collapsed.

Even the book’s male protagonist had, for the first time, entertained the thought of completely giving up on the female lead.

Ye Xiao flipped to the last page and took a glance.

The final page of the ending.

The writing had already faded quite a bit, even more severe than that of Bai Shilan’s book.

A surge of excitement couldn’t help but rise in Ye Xiao’s heart.

His own fate was written within the book of Ye Bingtong.

If the ending of this book was completely changed, it meant that his ending would also be completely changed.

He would no longer be the supporting character; he would have his own brilliant life.

Next, what he needed to do was to give it his all and completely rewrite the ending.

Just at that moment.

The continuously updating book revealed a new piece of the plot.

Ye Xiao hurriedly read it.

“Ye Bingtong’s eyes were brimming with tears, frail yet resilient. She told herself that this minor setback would not defeat her; even if the whole world abandoned her, she couldn’t abandon herself. Even if cast aside on a cliff, she would still bring flowers to bloom in the precipice.”

“Her hands trembling, she endeavored to ignore the unkind comments and then edited a new post on social media.”

“Ye Bingtong: Everyone has made up their mind that I am not a good person. What use is there in my self-defense? If this is what you all wish for, then I shall accept it—as a way to repay many years of kindness.”

“No sooner had the post gone live than a swarm of people rushed in, attacking this pitiable person like locusts. Ye Bingtong felt like a small boat that simply couldn’t take any more. Apart from a few people who were still trying to speak up for her, the comments section had completely fallen.”

“Ye Bingtong couldn’t bear such malicious slander. She had registered several burner accounts, and now, they finally came into use. Cloaked in anonymity, she engaged in arguments with the netizens. Beneath the disguise, she could retaliate freely, even cursing back just as they cursed her. It was somewhat relieving, and Ye Bingtong even felt a surge of exhilaration. On the other hand, she switched back to her main account intermittently, playing peacemaker in the comments section. Of course, her main persona was always piteous, always innocent and kind; she could only suppress her true nature, striving hard to play the role of Ye Bingtong.”

“After cursing one netizen with a burner account, going back and forth for over a hundred replies, she used her main account to defend the insulted netizen, even chastising her burner account for improper language. The netizen was actually moved, posting a comment saying that Ye Bingtong didn’t seem all that bad after all.”

“Ye Bingtong watched, unable to help but laugh. She couldn’t resist thinking, such a little game seemed quite fun too. This was probably the only amusing thing in her tragic nights. Ye Bingtong also firmly believed that one day, she would prove herself and make everyone recognize the hypocrisy of Ye Xiao and the Ye Family.”

Ye Xiao, reading through a lengthy description that was both melodramatic and bizarre, felt goosebumps all over.

Even now.

She could still be frail and strong?

She could still be gentle and kind?

He now began to doubt the mental state of the book’s author.

It was a desperate search for a loophole.

But the halo of the heroine was indeed quite frightening.

In such a situation with conclusive evidence, Ye Bingtong’s sugar-coated words of comfort on her main account could still win over a bystander?

This wouldn’t do.

Winning over one bystander could all too easily lead to a second and a third.

He didn’t want to give Ye Bingtong any chance to turn the tables.

As Ye Xiao pondered,

The top portion of the storyline began turning grey.

Ye Xiao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Ye Bingtong had already started posting her second pitiful video.

He needed to modify the plot quickly!

Ye Xiao swiftly scanned it once more.


His eyes suddenly lit up.

This passage might seem long-winded, but he only needed to change one word.

All of Ye Bingtong’s logic would collapse on itself!

This was the spot he would decide on.

Ye Xiao quickly altered one word.

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