Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Third-level Wild Dog Guarding

“Mythology” is very intelligent. Bosses with wisdom are not as rigid as those in traditional online games, and some bosses are very difficult to deal with. But for the player, it is not entirely bad for the boss to have wisdom. With wisdom, the boss may have negative emotions such as fear, panic, and timidity. Unlike the formulaic attacks of traditional online games, it will not make a single mistake.

For example, now, Lu Xiaoqi’s talented skills of Qiyi Qihuasanqing shocked the crazy wild dog so much that it made it forget that he was still in a fighting state. Lu Xiaoqi’s continuous attacks knocked it down by fifty or sixty points. After the blood, the crazy wild dog woke up. Lu Xiaoqi was very innocent, taking advantage of the danger to make him furious, and while doing his best to fight against Lu Xiaoqi, it kept humming and ordering the wild dog elites to move closer to him.

There are a total of four wild dog elites. Mad dog clones have 60% of the body’s ability, blood has 48 points, and physical defense is 6 points, and the attack of Mad dog elites is 8 points, so the damage they cause when attacking Mad dog clones is only 2 points. In order to hold the four wild dog bosses, the mad dog clone constantly harassed the four wild dog elites, and the four wild dog elites without wisdom made the clone the first target of attack.

After the wild dog boss issued another order, the four wild dog elites gave up attacking the clones and desperately approached in the direction of the wild dog boss. Lu Xiaoqi’s main body and clone are exactly like two people. While the main body is constantly attacking the wild dog boss, the clone discovered that the four wild dog elites are approaching the wild dog boss, and begin to block them at all costs.

While continuously attacking the wild dog elites, the clone also endured all the attacks of the four wild dog elites. Knowing that the clone was tight, Lu Xiaoqi’s attack frequency increased even more. In anxious heart, he fought intensively and entered the peak of the previous life battle. State, each attack dodge has played the highest level. Under his violent attack, the stray dog ​​boss rushed down its HP, which made the stray dog ​​boss more and more frightened. While constantly summoning the stray dog ​​elite, the bell on its neck radiated light, and the white light once again destroyed it. The body is shrouded.

The wild dog BOSS let out a low howl, the big move broke out again, Lu Xiaoqi suddenly lost 12 points of vitality, and the remaining vitality was only 12 points. He has been calculating the BOSS’ blood volume silently in his heart, knowing that at most he can kill the wild dog BOSS with three more attacks, and he himself can only withstand two attacks from the BOSS.

At the moment when the wild dog BOSS finished releasing the big move, Lu Xiaoqi slapped his paw accurately on his head, once again knocking out the wild dog BOSS by 18 HP. Both the wild dog boss and Lu Xiaoqi can only withstand two attacks, but Lu Xiaoqi has a higher hit rate and a greater chance of killing the boss, but he has to take a certain risk. If Lu Xiaoqi stays aside and waits for the blood to be recovered, although the BOSS can also recover the blood, because Lu Xiaoqi’s attack is much higher than that of the BOSS, he can kill the BOSS 100%.

It’s safe to fight after hiding next to the blood, but there are also problems. Under the attack of the four wild dogs, the blood volume of the clone has dropped to 8 points, and it may hang up at any time, unable to fight for more time for Lu Xiaoqi. NS. At the moment when Lu Xiaoqi hesitated, the four wild dog elites attacked the clone at the same time, and the clone disappeared into a white light.

This is too bad for heaven-defying! When they attacked at the same time, Lu Xiaoqi was stunned. During the battle with the four wild dog elites, there was almost a 30% chance that the clone could dodge the attack, but the four wild dog elites did not miss the final attack.

Lu Xiaoqi has no time to sigh. After the interception of the breakthrough clone, the four wild dog elites rushed over aggressively. Now Lu Xiaoqi has no time to avoid the boss and regain his blood. Face the boss alone, everyone is about the same speed, Lu Xiaoqi can also use the way of swimming to return blood. Now that there are four more wild dog elites, the BOSS is wise, and will definitely command the four wild dog elites to chase and intercept, Lu Xiaoqi has only his life.

“Damn! Fight, first hang up the BOSS. Even if killed by the wild dog elite, the BOSS will die in front. It depends on how the system decides who becomes the guarding boss.” With no choice, Lu Xiaoqi went crazy and used it. The fastest attacked the wild dog BOSS, and his back was completely reserved for the four wild dog elites.

This time it was Lu Xiaoqi’s character that broke out. His two attacks on the wild dog BOSS did not escape. When the second attack fell on the wild dog BOSS, the wild dog BOSS finally fell to the ground gorgeously. And Lu Xiaoqi didn’t even bother to look at the spoils on the ground. When he turned around, the four wild dog elites had already reached one meter in front of him.

Just when Lu Xiaoqi thought that he was bound to die, the eyes of the four wild dog elites suddenly became soft, and the original upright tails were also clamped. There was even one wild dog elite who stepped forward and licked Lu Xiaoqi’s fur. , The graciousness is undoubtedly revealed.


Just when Lu Xiaoqi was puzzled, two dog barks suddenly heard behind him. He looked back and saw that the wild dog boss had already stood up from the ground. Its eyes were moist and showed a sad look. The bell that was originally worn on his neck had been placed on the ground at this moment, and the sharp fangs in its mouth had disappeared.

“The mad dog, you are stronger than me. Only then can you be qualified to be the leader of the wild dog. You are the real guardian. I am just a pitiful dog relying on my parents. This bell is a token of guardianship. Now it It’s yours.” The wild dog boss dog paw pointed at the bell on the ground, and Wang Wang barked to Lu Xiaoqi. Fortunately, Lu Xiaoqi was originally a dog, and he could understand the message passed by the wild dog boss.

The puppy demon funny raised the bell with his paws, and the attributes of the bell were displayed in front of him:

Golden Bell Collar: Level 3 Wild Dog Town Keeper

Equipment requirements: The position is guarded by wild dogs

Equipment attributes: additional vitality × 10, physical attack power increased by 10%, physical defense power increased by 10%.Incidental skills: sharp canines. After the dog monster is equipped with this item, two sharp canines will grow. Sharp canines: attack +4, attack speed +1;

Incidental skill: Wild Dog’s Wrath. After the item is equipped, this skill can be used when the vitality drops below 10% of the total vitality. Wild Dog’s Wrath: As the guardian of Level 3 Wild Dogs feel that their own dignity is trampled on, they produce anger, which leads to the energy awakening of the golden bell collar. With the help of the golden bell collar, the wild dog guard can release a white light group to attack the surrounding area. The enemy, causing 22 points of damage to the enemy, the attack range of 10 × 10 meters, cooling time, 20 seconds.

Incidental skills: the majesty of the guard. After equipped with this item, the guard can summon the four wild dog elites through the golden bell collar and command the wild dog elites to fight. The effective distance is 20 meters.

The attributes of the golden bell collar make Lu Xiaoqi very satisfied. He has already begun to imagine how he would ravage those players who want to fight the boss after he is equipped with the collar. The wild dog’s fury, a wide-range attack trick, is definitely the ultimate skill for upgrading experience. !

After putting the collar on the dog’s neck, the system prompt reappeared: “Player mad dog, congratulations on completing the mission “Crazy wild dog”. You have become a level 3 wild dog guardian. Your reputation is +3, and you get ‘crazy’ Of the wild dog’ title.”

After the system prompt was completed, the red “Crazy Wild Dog” suddenly appeared on the top of Puppy Monster’s head. It was exactly the same as the previous wild dog BOSS. Lu Xiaoqi officially replaced the crazy wild dog and became the leader of the wild dog. .

“A mad dog, congratulations on becoming a wild dog guard. I am going to leave this trash. I hope you can kill more witches for my monster race.” The failed wild dog BOSS lowered his head and barked listlessly. Now, Lu Xiaoqi could hear the loneliness in his voice.

“No, you are wrong, you are not a waste. As far as I know, in all level 3 guards, your strength can be ranked in the top 100.” Lu Xiaoqi did not lie, the previous life “The Myth” just opened service. Three days later, a player named Bai Xiaosheng posted a post listing all the lowest-level bosses. Among the low-level bosses Bai Xiaosheng thought was the most difficult to fight, there was this “crazy wild dog”. Bai Xiaosheng ranked it forty-third.

There are countless novice villages in “Mythology”, ranking 43rd in the low-level BOSS is already a very powerful category, but it doesn’t appreciate Lu Xiaoqi’s comforting “crazy wild dog”, its pupils suddenly open. He opened his eyes hanging and barked, “Are you taunting me? I know I’m not your opponent, but I also own self-esteem and doggedness. I don’t allow you to insult me.”

Lu Xiaoqi opened his dog’s mouth slightly, showed his teeth, wrinkled his nose, and made a dog’s smiling face as soft as possible. He said, “You are wrong. In fact, your strength is stronger than mine. You lost.” Your pride, if you ordered four elite wild dogs to attack me from the beginning, you will most likely win, isn’t it?”

The wild dog boss barked unconvincedly: “Isn’t that victory without war?”Lu Xiaoqi sneered: “Why did you still summon them afterwards? You must give full play to all your advantages in battle, and don’t despise any enemy. If you still think about it, then next time you become more Strong, you will still lose to enemies weaker than you.”

The wild dog BOSS was absent for a moment, it suddenly prostrated on the ground, its two front legs were closed, and its head was drooping on the ground. After a while it stood up and walked away without looking back. Lu Xiaoqi was very surprised, because the wild dog BOSS just performed the most noble courtesy of the dog demon to him. What Lu Xiaoqi didn’t know was that because of his words, “Mythology” had one more wretchedness. Knock the sap, the dog monster BOSS who can do everything.

The NPC in “The Myth” will also have Ascension strength. When encountering a BOSS, no one knows where he will Ascension. This is why Lu Xiaoqi comforts the wild dog boss. There is no setting of favorability in “Myth”, so after the player has a good relationship with the NPC, the player can only judge by himself how the NPC feels about own. The wild dog boss gives Lu Xiaoqi the most noble gift, according to Lu Xiao Qi’s experience, this wild dog boss’s favorability for him should be in a very high range, but “Myth” is extremely random, and Lu Xiaoqi doesn’t know if he will encounter it in the future.

When Lu Xiaoqi put on a golden bell collar and became a stray dog ​​guard, a beautiful female player respectfully said to the NPC chief in the hut where the head of the bear tribe lived in the human race: “Master, can I help you? ?”

“Oh!” The NPC chief of the bear tribe sighed and said: “The conflict between the two clan of the Lich is becoming more and more frequent. There are more and more demons on the earth. Sooner or later there will be a battle between the Liches. The dispute between the two groups of Lich, our human race was unprovoked. Around our tribe, Life is a group of wild dogs, who often come to the tribe to attack humans and animals. Their leader is called “Crazy Wild Dogs”. Cher, are you willing to help me eliminate it?”

“The task of destroying the boss.” Female player Sunshine Xueer showed excitement on Qiao’s face, and she couldn’t wait to accept it.

At the same time, near the Liwu tribe with the bear tribe, in the Ancestral Witch Hall, a player wearing an animal skin robe walked up to the great witch Xingtian and said: “Xingtian great witch, I have completed the task of killing 100 wild wolves. This is a wild wolf. Skin.”

“The foreigner is very yellow and violent. You passed my test. This is a reward for you. Now I have a more difficult task for you to complete. In the wilderness outside the tribe, a wild dog leader appeared. This It was the spy sent by the demon clan to my witch clan, and now I can’t be cloned, are you willing to help me eliminate that dog demon?”

Like Sunshine Xue’er, her very yellow and violent face also showed a bright smile, and after accepting the task, she strode out of the Ancestral Witch Palace.

PS: I made a low-level mistake. The golden bell collar has the attribute of qi and blood *10. The qi and blood of level 3 monsters are generally around 100 points. The qi and blood of the boss should be 1000 points. Ten thousand points, despise myself, ha ha, it has been revised.

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