Online Game Heavenly Dog Swallowing Sun

Chapter 779

Chapter 779: Vulcan’s Gift

Hephaestus, the god of fire, truly explained that I am very ugly but my kind-hearted lord god was imprisoned in The Underworld of Tartalus. This man was born with hunchback and lame, and was put on a green cap by the coquettish Aphrodite, but he has his own self-esteem and built the golden net that binds God of War Ares.

According to myths and legends, this kind-hearted ugly man only exposed the adultery between Ares and Aphrodite after building the golden net, making the two embarrassed in front of the gods. But in the world of “Mythology”, due to the interaction between the aborigines and foreigners, the ugly man lent the golden net to the unscrupulous little dog monster.

In line with the principle of maximizing profit, the dog monster trapped Ares in God of War with a gold net, stripped Ares’s body equipment, and brutally killed Ares.

Only the fifth-order foreigner killed the seventh-order main god, of course Zeus would be suspicious, and finally found the golden net. Hephaestus, as the god of craftsmen, still knows his craft Zeus. After learning that the gold net was created by Hephaestus, Zeus was furious and gave the green-hat male Prometheus the same treatment, but imprisonment. The location is different.

Lu Xiaoqi has been planning for the War of Conferring Gods. Recently, he has not logged into the Western Forum. I don’t know that there is a lot of rumors in the Western Forum. The player of the Olympus god family who believes in Hephaestus, the god of fire and craftsman, cannot find the own god.

There are already many players of cultivation fire divine power, and almost all players who build equipment in Life profession believe in the god of craftsmen. Can’t find the main god of faith, these players are like the players who believe in God of War fell into confusion after Ares disappeared, unable to find their own development direction…

Not long after Ares disappeared, the Olympus god system soon had a new God of War Mars, and the player had a new main god. However, after the disappearance of the god of fire Hephaestus, Olympus did not have a new main god. The player who believed in him was equivalent to no school, and there was no place to learn skills and receive tasks.

Zeus also wanted Olympus to produce a new Vulcan, but he couldn’t do it because Hephaestus refused to hand over the godhead.

After Zeus found out that Hephaestus had made a golden net, and he had a stranger to kill his favorite son, he immediately imprisoned Hephaestus and asked Hephaestus to surrender the god of fire and craftsman. godhead. Although Hephaestus is the son of Zeus, the godhead is an item given to him by the laws of the Western world, and he cannot obtain it even if Zeus kills him if he does not want it.

The reason why Zeus was able to appoint a new God of War at the beginning was because Lu Xiaoqi did not activate his completely autonomous cultivation mode when he killed Ares. After Ares died, God of War automatically flew back to Zeus. Now Hephaestus is totally uncooperative, unwilling to hand over the godhead, and Zeus is helpless to him.

In order to force Hephaestus to surrender his godhead, Zeus tried every means to torture him, but Hephaestus just didn’t bow his head. Even if he has been imprisoned in the abyss, the upright ugly man never compromises. Lord Vulcan has his own self-esteem. As a man, he is wearing a green hat. He doesn’t feel that his revenge is wrong.

Lu Xiaoqi sacrificed all three sets of Magic Treasures, killed Tier 5 Griffins and The Underworld three-headed dogs with the fastest speed, flew to Hephaestus’s shoulder and said: “Your Lord Vulcan, Why are you imprisoned here?”

Hephaestus opened his eyes with difficulty and smiled and said: “The alien mad dog, I didn’t expect to see you again. Your way of concealing your breath is so brilliant that I can’t see through your identity.”

“It was Zeus who imprisoned me here. He asked me to surrender the godhead of the god of fire and craftsman. I don’t want to, so he tried his best to torture me…” Hephaestus told Lu Xiaoqi.

When Lu Xiaoqi asked understood the whole story, he felt ashamed. Hephaestus was tortured and had a lot to do with him. He said sincerely: “Your Excellency Vulcan, what can I do to get you out of suffering?”

Hephaestus shook his head and said: “Your strength is too weak to fight against Zeus, so there is no way to help me.”

Lu Xiaoqi thought for a while and said, “Your Excellency Vulcan, if you go to the Eastern World with me, even Zeus can’t deal with you, right?”

Hephaestus shook his head again and said: “It’s useless, what Zeus uses to bind me is an iron chain forged from the iron of Satan. Without the Supreme God, the Cultivation Base cannot be broken. If you want to help me , Wait until your cultivation reaches the eighth level and come again!”

Lu Xiaoqi could only smile bitterly. Now he is only a sixth-order Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he doesn’t know how many years it will take to cultivate to the quasi-sage. Seeing his frustrated expression, Hephaestus smiled and said: “A mad dog, a completely independent cultivation mode requires opportunities to advance. You don’t need to be pessimistic at all. Now I can help you advance to the seventh stage.””Seventh order?”

Lu Xiaoqi was stunned. Even if he continued to kill the Western Tier 6 players to absorb the Godhead, it would take at least a few years for him to advance to Tier 7. At this time, Hephaestus said that he could immediately advance to Tier 7. It made him feel like a fantasy.

Hephaestus nodded and said: “You heard that right, the seventh rank is the power of the main god in the Western world. As long as you can integrate the main god’s personality, there is no problem in advancing to the seventh rank.”

Lu Xiaoqi finally understood what Hephaestus meant, and he was moved by this ugly man again. Zeus was tortured like that, he didn’t give up his own godhead, but at this time he wanted to give himself the main godhead. How could he not let Lu Xiaoqi be moved?

Although desperate to advance to the seventh stage, Lu Xiaoqi shook his head and said, “Your Excellency, I will save you from Ascension as soon as possible, but I can’t accept your godhood to make you fall. We are friends.”

Hephaestus showed a relieved expression: “Although your behavior is a bit nasty, you are kind by nature, and I really didn’t misunderstand anyone. You don’t have to worry about me. The Godhead is not exactly equal to the life of the God. You got me. The godhead of the main god will only drop my strength by one step. When you advance to the eighth step one day, you can completely reconsolidate the godhead and return it to me. I will not die.”

“Once I don’t have a godhead, Zeus won’t get anything from me. Instead, he won’t rack his brains to torture me, so I can relax.”

Lu Xiaoqi was moved by Hephaestus. He solemnly said: “Your Excellency Vulcan, I swear to God, once I reach the eighth level, I will come to the Western world to rescue you and condense the fire. The Godhead of God and the Godhead of Craftsman will be returned to you.”

After Lu Xiaoqi agreed, Hephaestus let out a loud roar, and two gods flew out of his body. These two gods are the size of a round table. One of them is red and the other is golden. The crimson is the god of fire, and the golden is the god of craftsman.

This kind of inborn godhead is different from the godhead from western player cultivation. The godhead of player cultivation can be condensed again after being lost, but the natural godhead is unique. For example, the godhead of Hephaestus is unique in the Olympus god system, and it will never be possible to produce a second one.

When Lu Xiaoqi was hesitating how to absorb the huge energy of the two gods, Hephaestus shouted: “I will take the gods and leave here, Zeus will come soon. You have a special way to hide, just leave. Tartaros The Underworld mixes into a team of strangers, even Zeus can’t detect you.”

Lu Xiaoqi didn’t dare to neglect, he hurriedly put the two gods into the Sumeru mustard bag, and the broken void left Tartalus The Underworld. Not long after he left, Zeus broke through the space of Tartalus The Underworld and said with a smile of joy: “Hephaestus, are you finally confessing the mistakes you made, are you willing to hand over the godhead?”

Hephaestus said weakly, “Your Excellency God King, I am not wrong. The Godhead is bestowed on me by God. I can choose a new descendant. Fortunately, someone has come here, and it is a descendant that suits my heart. I have passed on the Godhead.”

Zeus roared with anger, and Tartalus The Underworld hundreds of thousands of abyssal demons were all shattered. He said: “Hephaestus, you are really my good son. You will always stay in Tartalus. Underworld! Never think of seeing the sun again.”

It’s no wonder that Zeus was angry. He once told Hephaestus that he wanted to surrender the Godhead after confession, and he could sense it by taking out the Godhead. While he was cultivating in Olympus, he sensed the aura of the god of fire and the god of craftsman, and broke through the space to come to The Underworld for the first time, but it was such a result.

After leaving Tartalus, Zeus launched Divine Sense and frantically explored every space, but he never found the breath of the god of fire and the god of craftsman. Part of the fate in his working body was calculated with supernatural power, but the fate of the people who received the inheritance of Hercules was completely covered up, and no matter how the calculations were made, they could not be calculated.

Zeus was not reconciled. He kept tearing through the space to search, but he could not find the heir to Hephaestus. When he approached the abyss, a humble The Underworld borer was only ten meters away from him, showing a mocking look at him.

Lu Xiaoqi didn’t worry about being detected by Zeus, but he didn’t expect Zeus to look around like a madman. Fortunately, Sage’s talisman worked so well that Zeus didn’t recognize him even face to face.

After Zeus made a round in The Underworld to no avail, he returned angrily to Mount Olympus. Only then did Lu Xiaoqi transform into a human form. Entering the abyss, while fighting the abyss monsters, he flew to the location of Albabara guided by the red line.

Al Barbara is dressed in a purple dress with purple qi all over her body. With the cooperation of Dailin Barbara in a green dress, she is fighting the giant of the abyss. Seeing a Tier 6 player approaching, Albabara showed a vigilant look and said: “Who are you?”

Lu Xiaoqi took out the red thread and shook it and said, “Beauty Albabara, I am here to release the red thread between you and you. Wouldn’t you want to keep being peeped at the secrets of your heart?” (To be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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