Online Game: Lord Of Eternal Truth

Chapter 209

209. Musician Stili! Three Main Quests In Dongguo!

Walking into the central area, the eyes are suddenly enlightened.

A clear river separates the two sides from the middle, not only that, but the scenery on both sides is completely different.

On the left side of Zhou Li, there are many high-rise wooden buildings, a magic tower suspended in the void, and a spaceship with engraved magic formations sailing in the air.

But on the right, anti-gravity towers levitate, surrounded by countless tracks.

“Brother, did you just come?”

A strong man patted Zhou Li’s shoulder from the side.

“Well, just here! 99

“Just here!””

The strong man sighed, “At least he won’t get caught in this flashy city.”

Zhou Li looked at each other up and down, this was a man with kinky muscles but very dazzling eyes.

“What do you call a friend?

“Just call me Li Luo.

“Then Brother Li is here…”

“Haha, how could the legendary music master Stili hold a music festival, how could she not come!”

Zhou Li wondered, “Music everyone, Stili?”

“Have you never heard of it? That’s right! 35

“You are a newcomer, you don’t understand normal! 95

“Let’s go, let’s talk as we go!

Li Luo pointed to the square in front of him.

“Don’t worry about my arm being deceived by me, Stili’s music festivals are always held in the central square.”

After speaking, walk ahead and lead the way to Zhou Li.

For the sake of the other party’s words, if he doesn’t go, it will appear that he is not courageous enough.

Follow Li Luo to the right, take the flying bus, and head towards the central square.

On the way, the bus stopped several times, but some magicians came up, and they seemed to be coming from the left side of the river in the central area.

“Are you curious why there are magicians here? 33

“On the one hand, magicians don’t like the smell of technology, and they prefer magic communication tools instead of technology products such as telephones.

“It’s actually a fair balance for Posell.”

“Like a player.”

Li Luo sat beside Zhou Li and talked about each other.

“It has been more than four months since the new batch of players settled in, and it is the fifth month. 55

“Under normal circumstances, most of the players at this stage are already level 10, ready to break through the level shackles. 39

“Once you break through the shackles of the level and move to LV11, what awaits the player will be a choice.

“You can choose to become a magician and go to the magic area to survive and develop, or you can stay in the sci-fi system and study the construction of spaceships.

Zhou Li didn’t interrupt, but waited for the other party to finish speaking before asking.

“Then how do magicians navigate the universe?”

At this time, the old magician next to him pinched his beard and laughed happily.

“For this question, I think I am qualified to answer.”

“Magicians are not stereotypes either!

“Comparing to the short-term space shuttle brought by the Forbidden Magic system, I have to admit that the impulsive warping technology of the technological system is indeed an important force to bring the two sides of the starry sky closer! 35

‘The former magicians were indeed arrogant and contemptuous, but in the battle of magic VS technology again, after being caught off guard by the long-distance expedition, they let go of their arrogance and recognized technology.

“Nowadays, it’s not that magicians don’t like technology, it’s that they restrain themselves and don’t let technology corrupt their firm determination to study magic.

Speaking of this, the old man magician stood up.

“Although I still have a lot to say to you young people, I have to stop.

“We, have reached the central square!”

The air rail bus hovered over the central square, the doors opened, and the NPCs were allowed to leave.

“Brother, it’s time to go!”

“Otherwise you won’t get a good spot!”

Li Luo smiled and jumped down following the old magician.

Zhou Li glanced at the height, well, it’s not a big problem, so he just jumped down.

Soon, the two landed.

But at this time, the surrounding area of ​​the central square was already full of people.

But what’s interesting is that no one is making a fuss, everyone finds a place to sit and wait quietly.

Zhou Li didn’t speak, and found an open space with Li Luo and sat down.

One hour!

Three hours!

Five hours!

Five full hours passed, and Li Luo cast a compliment to Zhou Li.

“Brother is amazing, I came here for the first time, but I was a little impatient in this situation~~. 35

Zhou Li smiled and replied: “As a person, I still have patience.

The former Zhou Li was very patient, otherwise it would be impossible to mine for a month without doing anything.

After experiencing the “ordinary life”, he became more patient.

five hours?

Hehe, brother, I have waited for six thousand years!

“Jingle bell! 99

Suddenly, the sky wanted a crisp and sweet musical note, and then Zhou Li found himself starting to lift off.

Li Luo smiled and said: “Don’t panic, this is the anti-gravity lifting device that comes with the central square. It is usually turned on during speeches and performances, and it is mainly used to stagger the audience so that it will not be crowded.

After a while, a spaceship came from above, and a woman in a white robe slowly descended.

Zhou Li couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw the other person’s face clearly.

“This is Stili, the musician?”

“Yes, she is!”

Li Luo looked at him and said, “How about it? Are you surprised? You don’t think this kind of music should be an extremely ugly woman?”

Zhou Li shook his head.

“I’m just surprised she’s not what I expected.

“Everyone has their own life, beautiful or ugly, after all, it’s just a skin.”

“No matter what others think of her, I can say with a clear conscience that I won’t feel any contempt or disgust because of it.”

“Furthermore, we are not sure if this is a test given to her by some existence. After all, this world has gods. 39

Li Luo was stunned and laughed randomly.

“Brothers are wise and penetrating! 35

“Yes, the world only knows that she is ugly, but who can guarantee that she must be an extremely ugly woman? 35

Zhou Li didn’t change his expression and looked at him lightly.

“Brother Li, you seem to have some resentment. 39

Li Luo’s laughter stopped abruptly, he lowered his head and looked at Zhou Li with a desolate expression.

“You see it?”

“I see it!”

“When was it discovered. 35

“When you pat me on the shoulder!”


“There is only an entrance behind me, so you must have heard my conversation with the guard.

Zhou Li calmly said: “So you know that I am a player. Under such circumstances, you are showing me a tour and introducing me to everyone in music. I don’t believe it, you are not asking for anything. 39

Li Luo grinned and smiled silently.

“It’s not a loss for players who can gain access to the central area before LV10.

“You, the right ID of the Lord of Eternal Truth!”

“You’re right, I do want something, but I don’t want anything at the same time! 35

“The reason why I am looking for you is just to see if there is any shadow of me in you, or if there is anything in common between us.35

“Even, I may just want to find an answer from you.”

Zhou Li could clearly feel his mood changes from Li Luo’s face.

From sadness, happiness, depression, misery, and finally relief.

“Although I don’t know what you are going to do, my intuition tells me that you are not a bad person!

“In my hometown, there is an old saying: If you keep the green hills without fear of running out of firewood, take a step back and draw it slowly!

Li Luo patted Zhou Li on the shoulder.

“Little brother, looking at you, you’re in your early 20s, right?

“It’s really the same as those mature and stable people. 95

“But there are some things that can’t be backed off.”

“Once you step back, your mind will be destroyed and you will be tortured for the rest of your life.55

“Stilly’s song is good, listen carefully. 35

“For players, it seems to have the effect of increasing attributes.

He stood up, nodded to Zhou Li, stopped talking, stared at his feet, and flew towards the sky.


“Someone flew into the sky?”

“I don’t know there is an air ban? Can’t find death?”

“The player is coming soon, and there are so many sbs! 35

Sitina’s extremely ugly face raised, looking at Li Luo in the sky.

“does it worth!

The eyes of the two met, and Stina spoke silently.


Li Luo murmured and laughed.


Suddenly, a sharp and piercing voice sounded from the sky, and a scarlet blood sword suddenly appeared.

With a swipe, the scarlet blood sword was magnified tens of thousands of times, covering the sky, and slashed down towards the highest building in the depths of the technology area.

“Ninger, give me death!

He let out a terrifying roar.


There was a cold hum in the sky.

“The science and technology federal law expressly stipulates that physical destruction and killing of life in the central area are not allowed!”

“Since you begging for death, I will fulfill you!””

At the moment when the scarlet blood sword fell, a huge energy barrier enveloped the building under the sword, deflecting the blow.

At the same time, an incomparably gigantic star cannon appeared in the deepest part of the technology area, gulping out energy with a ferocious mouth.


The terrifying energy tilted, tearing apart the space, and at the moment when it was about to hit Li Luo, it suddenly contracted, condensed, turned into a grain of light, and entered his body.

And then… no more.

The mighty Li Luo was directly decomposed into elementary particles, which disappeared with the wind.


“This is the first one!”

“Why are there so many people looking for death these days?

“Never mind, let him die if he wants to die, let’s just keep listening to our music. 39

“Stilly’s singing is definitely a must in the starry sky. 35

For the NPCs here, Li Luo’s death was just a small episode, and he didn’t even have the qualifications to talk about it after dinner.

Instead, it was Zhou Li, who flicked Li Luo and patted his shoulder.

Some powder visible to the naked eye was transferred to the hand, and gradually turned into a line of small characters, only three words.



【You get one of the three main quests in the East Country:???】

【Contact Stilly for mission information】

The three main missions of the East Country?

Zhou Li’s eyes narrowed and he became serious.

What is the East Country Main Quest?

Poser has officially reminded that each earth country has three major national-level main missions, and the objectives and actions of this mission cover ten areas covered by the country.

It is a task that needs to be done with the strength of the whole country.

According to the official news, such a task requires at least LV20 to be vaguely accessible.

And now, Zhou Li has not yet crossed the LV10 threshold, he has already contacted.

To be honest, when he saw Li Luo, he thought that the other party had a mission, but he never imagined that it was one of the three main lines.

Judging from Poser’s official words, this mission definitely covers the three major star fields, and now he may not have enough qualifications to participate.

However, this did not prevent him from taking the task first and laying the foundation for future tasks.

At this time, Stili begins her musical extravaganza.

The wonderful singing echoed over the square, washing away the NPC and his mind.

This musical event, which lasted for a full 10 hours, just ended.


[Have you heard about Stili Melo, life energy level +1000, spiritual energy level +2000, attack +1000, armor +1000]

What are benefits?

That’s called perks!

Just entered the central area, not only the main quest has come, but also a wave of attribute increases for nothing.

When the crowd basically dispersed, Zhou Li found a beautifully dressed urban beauty looking at him in the distance.

When he looked at the other party, the other party did not evade, looked at him, then turned around and walked in a certain direction.

In this case, as long as you are not a fool, you will know that the other party is telling you “”, come with me”!

Zhou Li kept his distance from each other, and followed each other while pretending to browse the scenery.

In this way, the two walked in the city for a full day, and after seeing some of the main attractions, Zhou Li, led by the woman, came to the end (promised) point.

This end point is a small waterway in the corner of Tech Town.

Of course, the sewers here are not only used for sewage, but also slums.

“This way, my dear guest.”

The urban beauty stood at the corner and paid tribute to Zhou Li.

Zhou Li nodded to her, crossed the corner, and walked forward.

This is a relatively clean sewer without any odor.

Zhou Li kept walking along the sewer, and soon came to the end.

There is nothing here, only two crude and outrageous chairs, and the woman sitting directly opposite Zhou Li – Stili.

She is ugly, but very dignified.

She looked at Zhou Li and made a please gesture.

“Lord of Eternal Truth, sit down!

Zhou Li nodded and sat down.

“For various reasons, I think Poser’s hint should have already been given to you.

“Yes, I got it!”

“So…do you want to take this mission?

Stili looked at Zhou Li without any inferiority complex.

Zhou Li said with a smile: “Yes! Why not? The benefits are always proportional to the risks. What reason do I have for not taking such a large-scale task?

“If I, the current No. 1 Posetan Narko, dare not pick it up, who would dare to pick it up?

Stili laughed.

“You look a lot like him!””

“Li Luo? 99



“He is my brother, he sacrificed himself for me, for the future!

Stili did not feel sad, she took out an electronic component from the slit of the murder and handed it to Zhou Li.

“This is the mission content!”

“Please be sure to turn it on again when you return to Posetan Narco!”

“We, it’s time to run out of fuel!”

“Lord of the eternal truth, 90% of our hope, we can only pin it on you! 35

“Please do your best!” Purchase.

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