Online Game: Lord Of Eternal Truth

Chapter 319

319. Leave Posetan! The God-Base Of Kerndon!

“You… how did you do it?”

Such a huge galaxy was actually silent.

“I don’t know, I only know that the creatures of this galaxy have disappeared within a period of time.

how to say.

It’s all ants, it’s all a joke.

There are priorities, and it is obvious that the affairs of the Fina Empire are more important.

“This is unbelievable! 39

【Number of people accepted for the task: 13w!】

“This is Helenas, and this is Lianling Gulier.”

“Lord of Eternal Truth, please complete my task before this.””


There is no need to worry about Bolong Shenji!

I didn’t say that I wanted to go there myself, so why couldn’t he let his little baby Lan Lianyue help me?

He believed that Stili, who knew the truth here, would definitely give him a surprise.

Then, from the coordinates of the pan-dimensional here, look at Kernden of the table dimension.

“Even if I was only halfway through the lv100 experience, I saw that I had the power of a demigod.

“Her predecessor, but Li Noya, according to her own interpretation, she is the holder of the Lord of Truth.”

Zhou Li frowned.


There is no emptiness, great freedom, great truth!

What kind of low-level and trivial things could he be asking for?

Helena stroked her hair, a little unable to understand Zhou Li.

Three years, hard work, very fast.

“So, then you still have to go to the Fina Empire’s capital galaxy, enter the Imperial Capital Star, and find the treasure house of the gods I left behind.”

“I believe it by seven points.”

Dead silence!

Zhou Li had some vague guesses, but it was not clear whether it was right or not.

“Shenji is implicated in the Vata clan, and it is in the administrative star of Fina, so the Fina Empire must be involved!”

that night.

(Imagine myself)

At this moment, for the first time in his life, he has driven out of the Posetan Narco galaxy and began to travel to the vast starry sky in “Cosmos”.

Having said this, the first prince Bolong suddenly knelt down and said: “Congratulations to the emperor, you have become a god, the kingdom of gods has been elevated, the world is immortal, and the ages are prosperous!

At this time, she turned around and looked at the daughter of heaven and earth.

Work hard!


“At that time, our table dimension…

Two hard work!

Looking up, the huge red pillar seems to be linked to another place.

This galaxy has a radius of 5.7 light-years and a diameter of 11.4 light-years directly.

Her master, Nalinata Meimei, was a terrifying genius from a long, long time ago.

Zhou Li sat on the top of the spaceship, breathing the energy in the starry sky, looking at Kernden wrapped in gray and dead silence.

In such a terrible world system, there is nothing indescribable at all.

“Besides, you big man, you will not be suffocated after going here for three years?”

To say that nothing happened here, Zhou Li would not believe it.

The other subjects knelt down and cheered in unison.

As she spoke, she placed her hands in front of her, condensing an illusory key.

But soon, he frowned.

This force actually acts on the nine truth shells, and there is something.

“What do you guys think about this?”

The next day, Zhou Li went incognito, bought a z-type Iv100 spacecraft, and officially sailed away from the Posetan Narco galaxy.

Ask questions and cast your eyes!

Zhou Li looked at her, “What do you know?”

Zhou Li nodded and said: “We must go! Some things must be figured out, otherwise, once an indescribable existence enters “Universe”, you and I will both die!”

“The Fina Empire has just received a message, and due to special reasons, the Fina Empire civilization rating will be started early in 5 years!

This series of events happened suddenly, and Zhou Li still had some things that he didn’t know.

Helenas said in surprise: “Dead Galaxy Kerndon?

Looking at it, Zhou Li really saw something.

This is what is seen on the map of truth.

‘Those so-called powerful people in the Fina Empire will inevitably speed up the civilization judgment of the Fina Empire. “”

“It seems that Emperor Bolong has a lot of plans!”

Would be surprised if Zhou Li was here.

Nalinata Meimei has the power to cover the entire table dimension at level Iv100max.

“Hey, then trouble the noble Lady Helenas!”

“After you get it, you will naturally understand what it is.”

[You have completed one of the three main quests in Dongguo District, “Destroy the Bolong Empire”]

Zhou Li was stunned, and then showed a smile unique to a man.

Lustina looked shocked.

Zhou Li returned home with Lianling Gulier.

Zhou Li directly began to explore with a diameter of 0.5 light-years, and soon, a map of truth appeared on his retina.

“I’m not going, is Sister Lian Yue going?

Zhou Li glanced at the spaceship probably.

After a while, she raised her head and said, “Lord of Eternal Truth, I believe that you will not deceive people on this kind of thing, I choose to believe in you.”

Typical unreasonable situation!

Lianling Gurier was silent for a while and said, “I suspect that Li Nuoya is the master’s descendant.

One layer of pan-dimensional, one layer of heaven and earth.

Afterwards, Zhou Li confirmed it like Lianling Gurier, and after making sure that there was nothing missing, Zhou Li began to prepare to leave Posetan Narco.

“A whole galaxy of creatures is the Ultimate God Foundation, how big is the foundation stone of the gods to be laid? 99

“This and the pillars run through at least two levels of pan-dimensional dimensions. This is definitely not the means of table dimensions.”

Bolong Empire, deep in the palace.

Soon, Zhou Li got the galaxy about the star goddess from Lianling Gurier.

“I went to take a shower!”

[Task time limit: unknown]

After the crowd dispersed, Emperor Bolong sat alone on the throne with an indifferent expression.

“You don’t leave either, sit down and give me a reference.”

Where do units that have not entered the level of gods go to develop?


Seeing this, Zhou Li hummed a ditty and followed.

Even, she found the dimension core of the table dimension from the unknown, and is about to integrate the table dimension and pull the entire table dimension into the pan-dimensional dimension.

“There is a thing called pure tears in it, you can get rid of the others, but this one must be obtained. 35


If she knew that Zhou Li knew about an inexplicable novel called “Almighty Knight”, she probably wouldn’t say this.

“According to your plan, the God Foundation will be established in five years, which coincides with the assessment of the civilization of the Fina Empire, which is enough to help us attract most of our attention.”

What Ascension Divine Kingdom!

How could anyone in this world be able to resist the power of “Universe”.

【Mission 1: Find Stili and explain what you get from the quest】

That is indescribable, no matter how it sounds like a joke.

But such a result undoubtedly angered the origin of “Cosmos”.

He always felt that this red was a bit familiar, and he always felt that he had seen it before.

As his thoughts surged, nine terrifying fragments surrounded him, exuding an incomparably terrifying aura.

Zhou Li looked at the red giant pillar, his eyes flickered, and he exited the pan-dimensional dimension.

“When I recover and the daughter of heaven and earth appears, there is not much time left for us!”


Is Zhuang Shengxiao a fan of butterflies?

“She also said something inexplicable.

Emperor Bolong sits high on the throne and examines the subjects below.

Saying that, he walked towards Zhou Li’s room.

Later, Zhou Li asked Lianling Gulier about the goddess of the starry sky.

Hearing that one part of the mission was completed, Zhou Li knew that his guess had been completed.

Helenas withdrew her hand and pursed her lips and chuckled.

Zhou Li smiled: “Where is the day? Look outside, how dark it is!

[Mission 2: Find]

“Forget it, when we get there, we will investigate and we should have results. 99

“Once the civilization level is downgraded, the location of the treasure house of the gods will be exposed.

This vast galaxy has been dead for many years. Under such circumstances, there will also be some garbage resources after the impact of foreign meteorites.

The broken wooden sculpture Zhou Li got was just that.

However, there is nothing on the map of truth.

You must know that “Cosmos” is not only what you see in front of you, but also ninety-nine layers of pan-dimensional dimensions.

“Drop by and take a look at the Kerndern system!

As for such stalwart power, it is worthy of the greatness of his Borle Nolesi.

“Then let us witness together, when the Bolong Empire ranks in the kingdom of God. 95

“The master’s original words are: whether I am time, or time is me Nalinata Meimei. Zhuang Shengxiao dreamed of butterflies, that is, I am Zhuang Sheng, or I am a butterfly!””

“. The table dimension can’t be seen, and the pan-dimension can’t be, right?

This huge red giant column gave him the same feeling as the God Ji gave him.

Zhou Li looked at Helenas.

Three months later, the spacecraft sailed into the dead galaxy Kerndon.

Helenas said again: “Are you sure you want to go to the Fina Empire? It was far away before, and it would take at least 3 years.

What immortal!

Zhou Li is doing his best to deduce.

Helena shook her head.

The First Prince Bolong stepped forward and said with a chuckle, “Father, I think our chance has come!

A huge red giant pillar, like a sea-fixing needle, traverses the center of Kerndon, allowing Kerndon to rotate around it at a slow speed.

Furthermore, this matter does not have to be done by him personally, don’t forget, the task of the second ring is to find Stili and explain the income of the first ring.

Helenas’s rare face flushed red, and she gave Zhou Li a white look.

“This time, can we win?”

“Pure tears? What are those?”

Lustina stood up in shock, her petite body moving back and forth.

“According to what you said, your master left a crystal statue, so why is it associated with Lustina?”

Life is too short to have fun.

Zhou Li tried to pass, but unfortunately, could not pass.

“are you going?”

“You believe what that Lustina said~”?35

Lustina looked at the daughter of heaven and earth.

“I have a national task in my hand, and I did it on the way.

Helenas rolled his eyes at him.

“Next, what is your route going to take?” Helenas asked.

Saying that, Zhou Li stepped forward and held Helenas’s hand.

“As for the remaining three, it is up for discussion.”

But unfortunately, Zhou Li didn’t know and didn’t have time to know.

“This is the Dead Galaxy Kerndon?

(Zhao Zhao of) “In this case, this place should have something to do with Fina.”

“What the hell is going on in this world, even with my power, I can’t see or understand it clearly!

“Combining with Lustina’s words, Emperor Bolong is indeed qualified to cross two civilization levels and initiate a cooperation request to the fourth-class civilization Fina Empire.”

What he wanted was to have the entire table dimension in his hands, take the table dimension as the kingdom of God, and upgrade it to the pan-dimensional dimension.

“Back then, when the master was falling, he was obviously very angry at the killing of “Cosmos”, but at the last moment, he seemed to have seen something and calmed down again.

“The assessment document issued by the Bossier Cosmos Company has been submitted to the Fina Empire. 35

Where is the healthy development of “Cosmos” in the future?

“If my guess is true, then this place might have something to do with the Bolong Empire.”

“It should be a three-layer pan-dimensional!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha………

A light flashed in Zhou Li’s eyes.

“Am I real, or is she real?

Hearing this, Emperor Bolong laughed.

“The night is so long, why don’t you go to my room and sit? 35

The origin of the angry “Universe” killed Nalinata Meimei, deprived her of her existence, and caused her legend to disappear in the world.

Lustina stood on the edge of the galaxy and watched Zhou Li go away until the spaceship disappeared in front of her eyes.

“But if the experiment of that year was directed and acted by oneself, then it means that Bolong and the Fina Empire were secretly connected.

“According to the law of time, it is daytime!”

At this time, Zhou Li felt that the change in this place had nothing to do with the Bolong Empire.

“I looked at the star map, let’s go this way!

Zhou Li tore the dimension and moved from the table dimension to the pan dimension.

There is so little information!

It can be said that the two have come to this day, everything has come naturally, without a trace of falsehood.

“If it was before, it is absolutely impossible to have a relationship with Bolong here.

“This is the Nullification Key, the key to unlock the treasure house of God.”

If you pull the table dimension into the pan-dimensional dimension, the term table dimension is gone.

Suddenly, he recalled the identity of Naril Lisi’s god base, and his eyes narrowed sharply.

[The Hidden Dragon Organization discovered the dark side of the Bolong Empire. They slaughtered countless planets through horrific means, but they were well concealed! 】

Zhou Li and Helena Si, although they do not have the kind of passionate love between lovers, have experienced life and death and are bound together.

“Zhuang Shengxiao is a fan of butterflies!””


Zhou Li got his bags ready and looked up at Helenas.

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