Online Game: My Health Point Has No Limits

Chapter 263 - Strong Onion Helmet

Chapter 263: Strong Onion Helmet

At this time, the cooldown of the Holy Light spell had ended.

Li Yi once again used it on Fire. After a while… Fire stood in front of Li Yi, full of vigor and vitality.

Looking at the fallen corpse of the Ancient Tree Demon, Fire and Li Yi Yi long each revealed an evil smile towards the body of the Ancient Tree Demon.

One began to gnaw on the tree branches, while the other began to harvest the spoils of war.

[Devil’s Heart x1]

[Devil’s Resin x10]

[Tree Spirit Essence x10]

Everything gained from this was worth it.

Devil’s Heart could be used to forge equipment. Of course, this was not the correct way to use it. The best way to use it was to embed it into a weapon. This could increase the grade of the weapon. This was the same as using the Dragon Core.

The Devil’s Resin could be added to defensive equipment to increase their defense. It could also be used on magic staffs as well. This could increase the damage of the spells cast.

However, he did not know if it was equally effective on his Firearm. He decided to give it a try later.

Meanwhile, the Tree Spirit Essence could be made into medicine. It could increase attribute values. This could be considered as the icing on the cake for Li Yi.

These items were naturally taken back to the Carefree Station to be carefully studied by his companions, so they could use them to their best effect.

Moreover, the Devil’s Heart had to be forged by Incompetent Pig, so as to increase the grade of the demonic sword.

Of course, this was something that could only happen in ten days. Right now, the most important thing was to check the helmet.

Previously, after learning about this equipment, everyone went crazy over it. Now that it had fallen into Li Yi’s hands, naturally, no one would know about it. Later, he would find a way to hide it like the undead set.

Divine Revelation had an item that could change its appearance. When the time came, he could try to find it. Now, he first looked at the interface.

[Equipment: Ancient Hero’s Helmet]

[Rarity: Epic (can be upgraded)]

[Physical Defense: 100]

[Magic Defense: 100]

[Attribute Enhancement: Attack +50]

[Epic Skill: Hero’s will is an active skill. Summon the ancient hero’s heroic spirit to unleash a strike of the hero’s sword aura, dealing 500% magic damage and physical damage. When the will has accumulated to 100%, it can be used.]

There was no level limit for equipment gained in the wild zone. As long as the player earned it, they could use it. Moreover, they could hand it over to others at any time. There was no binding.

Li Yi put on the helmet. Under the silver helmet, Li Yi’s face was completely covered.

This was a knight-style helmet. In the past, the head looked like an onion, so the players also nicknamed it the onion helmet.

At the same time, under Li Yi’s ID, there was an additional bar.

That was the willpower progress bar.

Ancient equipment also had sets. These sets could only be obtained after killing a wild boss for the first time. Every wild boss was located in a different location. So it was very difficult for someone to gather a set to unlock the effect.

Only when one set was gathered would the set effect be triggered.

In his previous life, someone almost got a complete set… but ended up failing. That person was none other than Misty World.

The will progress bar only accumulates during a battle when a player attacks and receives more damage.

It will not be activated most of the time.

As a player’s HP drops, the progress bar will increase. If a player is close to death, the progress bar will reach 100%.

It was an absolute counter-killing divine skill.

In his previous life, Misty World had relied on this equipment to almost kill a god. It was imaginable that ancient equipment could not be duplicated, and skills could not be transferred.

Ancient equipment was the top of equipment.

One could also improve its quality along with the constant materials.

Many players sought after these types of equipment.

Li Yi had plans on getting it earlier. Originally, he wanted to easily defeat the boss to gain it. However, the recent events had dealt a great blow to Li Yi.

That was why he had come over with a disadvantage. If not for the help of the Fire, he would have long gone cold.

Fortunately, the heavens were kind enough to be on his side in this battle.

In this battle, Li Yi finally understood how far he was from being truly powerful. Since he had obtained the equipment, he might as well follow up and find his next target.

This helmet was quite ugly, and it blocked his vision. If he did not change its appearance, he might not be able to see anything after wearing it.

This was the only thing the onion head had to complain about.

Li Yi wanted to find the Appearance Modifier. After possessing it, he could store the appearance of the equipment he liked, and then use the Appearance Modifier to change his current equipment into the appearance of the equipment he liked.

It sounds very useless, but it was very popular. After all, everyone wanted to look good in the game.

Especially for the equipment that appears later in the game, unfortunately, they only get uglier and uglier.

He did not know what was wrong with the official designer, but as time went on, the appearance of the equipment got uglier and uglier.

The players complained countless times about it. Still, they said that this was to be close to reality, and only the appearance of the equipment could match the ability of the equipment.

Of course, who cared about these things? When playing a game, no one cared about the appearance and ability of the equipment.

Of course, the most important thing was to look good.

It was impossible for every player to walk around like a loser in the later stages of the game.

Moreover, even in ancient times, the knights’ equipment all looked charming.

That was why no one knew where this designer got the inspiration from.

There were even players who complained that the uglier ones’ equipment was, the stronger it should be.

This was the main idea that was stored in the designer’s head.

However, all the players did not agree with it. While one was strong, one had to be handsome at the same time. This was the true voice of the players.

Fire and Li Yi once again soared through the air. This time, their destination was to go to the strangest place.

Their next destination was Waltz Mountain.

Although it was called this name, the players all called it the Bald Mountain. That was because there was nothing other than rocks there. So it made the entire mountain look bald.

There was a prison on the mountain.

The people in the prison were not prisoners. They were tailors. They called themselves fashion designers. They were locked up because they designed a new fit for the City Lord.

The City Lord wanted someone to design a new suit for him, but the designers tricked the City Lord into running naked in the city. Finally, the City Lord came to his senses, caught them and locked them in the prison, isolating them from the world.

Later, the City Lord was murdered and usurped, so the tailors were left alone.

They could have left, but they did not.

There was food and drink every day, and they did not have to work. Where could they find such a comfortable life?

No one was willing to hire them when they knew about their notorious act.

Staying here was their best choice.

The new City Lord did not know what to do with them. He could not execute them all, right?

If that was the case, he would lose the hearts of the people. So, he could only let them fend for themselves in prison.

He gave them tools and seeds. He also gave them a batch of livestock. It was so that they could live as leisurely as they wanted. However, they would still have needs. However, the City Lord would not be able to satisfy those unreasonable needs. Hence, the player’s mission appeared.

It was very troublesome to go to that prison. There was only one way up the mountain, and it was extremely winding.

Fortunately, Li Yi could fly.

After flying for a while, they arrived at this prison.

[Prison That is Not a Prison!]

That was the name of the prison. Whether it was the story of the prison or the name of the prison, they were all extremely interesting.

It was like a joke.

There was only one mission inside. Other than that, there was no other value coming to this place.

Someone wanted to modify his equipment design, but the designer refused. So that person thought of this trick to deal with the designer and it made the designer angry.

Therefore, the designer created such a mission to mock him.

How ridiculous was this mission going to be?

No one could have thought that this mission had instead become the player’s favorite mission?

Many players enjoyed this storyline very much.

If the designer found out, his head would probably explode with anger.

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